3,021 research outputs found

    Sub-Hopf algebras of the Steenrod algebra and the Singer transfer

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    The Singer transfer provides an interesting connection between modular representation theory and the cohomology of the Steenrod algebra. We discuss a version of `Quillen stratification' theorem for the Singer transfer and its consequences.Comment: This is the version published by Geometry & Topology Monographs on 14 November 200

    Necessities and problems of coupling climate and socioeconomic models for integrated assessments studies from an economist's point of view

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    This presentation has two parts. The first part is more theoretical. We will examine the definition of Integrated Assessment Models of Climate Change and identify their main aims. We will also have look at the differences between climate and socioeconomic models. The second part will be applied. We present the Dynamics of Inertia and Adaptability Model (DIAM). That model will be used to study some of the fundamentals economic parameters of IAMs: the discount rate, the technical progress rate, the flexibility of energy systems, uncertainty and the final concentration target. We won\'t try to be exhaustive, see Weyant1 leading author of the corresponding IPCC chapter for that. Our goal is simply to convince the reader that these non realistic models can profitably be used to analyse real issues.climate change, integrated assessment

    Transparency and control in engineering integrated assessment models.

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    Better software engineering such as archiving releases with version control, writing portable code, publishing documentation and results closely tied to the code improves integrated assessment models' transparency and control. A case study of four climate change policy analysis models found that source code and data was generally available, but for largermodels licenses were more restrictive with respect to modification and redistribution. It is suggested that Free software licenses such as the GNU GPL would improve transparency and control. Moreover, opening the source allows opening the development process, a potentially important tool to improve collaboration, data sharing and models integration.

    Scenarios, probability and possible futures

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    This paper provides an introduction to the mathematical theory of possibility, and examines how this tool can contribute to the analysis of far distant futures. The degree of mathematical possibility of a future is a number between O and 1. It quantifies the extend to which a future event is implausible or surprising, without implying that it has to happen somehow. Intuitively, a degree of possibility can be seen as the upper bound of a range of admissible probability levels which goes all the way down to zero. Thus, the proposition `The possibility of X is Pi(X) can be read as `The probability of X is not greater than Pi(X).Possibility levels offers a measure to quantify the degree of unlikelihood of far distant futures. It offers an alternative between forecasts and scenarios, which are both problematic. Long range planning using forecasts with precise probabilities is problematic because it tends to suggests a false degree of precision. Using scenarios without any quantified uncertainty levels is problematic because it may lead to unjustified attention to the extreme scenarios.This paper further deals with the question of extreme cases. It examines how experts should build a set of two to four well contrasted and precisely described futures that summarizes in a simple way their knowledge. Like scenario makers, these experts face multiple objectives: they have to anchor their analysis in credible expertise; depict though-provoking possible futures; but not so provocative as to be dismissed out-of-hand. The first objective can be achieved by describing a future of possibility level 1. The second and third objective, however, balance each other. We find that a satisfying balance can be achieved by selecting extreme cases that do not rule out equiprobability. For example, if there are three cases, the possibility level of extremes should be about 1/3.Futures, futurible, scenarios, possibility, imprecise probabilities, uncertainty, fuzzy logic

    Quasi-option value and climate policy choices

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    In the climate change issue, the environmental irreversibility (risk of an acceleration of mitigation policies if the worse happen) has to be balanced with the investment irreversibility (risk of over-cautious policies). To explore this balance, we define an option value for a precautionary climate policy. Using the simplest decision-making model, we expose how option value relates to the expected value of future information. Using quantitative data from an integrated as sessment model, we find that most of the times the environmental irreversibility dominates the investment irreversibility. For all cases explored here, the order of magnitude of the option value was significant, about 50% of the opportunity cost.Option value, Climate change, Irreversibility