34 research outputs found

    Quantum confined peptide assemblies with tunable visible to near-infrared spectral range

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    Quantum confined materials have been extensively studied for photoluminescent applications. Due to intrinsic limitations of low biocompatibility and challenging modulation, the utilization of conventional inorganic quantum confined photoluminescent materials in bio-imaging and bio-machine interface faces critical restrictions. Here, we present aromatic cyclo-dipeptides that dimerize into quantum dots, which serve as building blocks to further self-assemble into quantum confined supramolecular structures with diverse morphologies and photoluminescence properties. Especially, the emission can be tuned from the visible region to the near-infrared region (420 nm to 820 nm) by modulating the self-assembly process. Moreover, no obvious cytotoxic effect is observed for these nanostructures, and their utilization for in vivo imaging and as phosphors for light-emitting diodes is demonstrated. The data reveal that the morphologies and optical properties of the aromatic cyclo-dipeptide self-assemblies can be tuned, making them potential candidates for supramolecular quantum confined materials providing biocompatible alternatives for broad biomedical and opto-electric applications

    Evaluation and Comprehensive Comparison of H-Bridge-Based Bidirectional Rectifier and Unidirectional Rectifiers

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    This paper presents an evaluation and comprehensive comparison for the topologies which are applied to the front stage of transformer-less cascaded multilevel converter (TCMC). The topologies investigated are targeted at the bidirectional cascaded H-bridge rectifier and three unidirectional rectifiers, including the diode H-bridge cascaded boost rectifier, cascaded bridgeless rectifier and cascaded VIENNA rectifier. First, the operation principles of the unidirectional rectifiers are discussed. Then the performances of these topologies such as power losses, efficiency, device current stress, cost, and total harmonic distortions are analyzed and evaluated respectively. Finally, advantages and disadvantages for each topology are discussed and highlighted. The evaluation and comparison methods presented in this paper and their results are feasible and effective for selecting the appropriate topology in practical applications under different operating conditions

    Triglycerides as Biomarker for Predicting Systemic Lupus Erythematosus Related Kidney Injury of Negative Proteinuria

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    Fewer biomarkers can be used to predict systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) related kidney injury. This paper presents an apriori algorithm of association rules to mine the predictive biomarkers for SLE-related kidney injury of negative proteinuria. An apriori algorithm of association rules was employed to identify biomarkers, and logistic regression analysis and spearman correlation analysis were used to evaluate the correlation between triglycerides and SLE-related kidney injury of negative proteinuria. Triglycerides were mined out by the apriori algorithm of association rules. The level of triglycerides was significantly higher, and it was an independent risk factor for SLE-related kidney injury. In the high-triglycerides group, the number of patients with SLE-related kidney injury, SLEDAI-2K, urine P-CAST, the level of blood urea nitrogen, serum creatinine, and proteinuria were increased. Triglycerides level was positively correlated with proteinuria and P-CAST and negatively correlated with albumin and IgG. The area under the ROC curve of triglycerides and triglycerides combined proteinuria was 0.72 and 0.82, respectively. Significantly, 50% of SLE-related kidney injuries of negative proteinuria could be identified by high triglycerides levels. High triglycerides level was found at the time of onset of kidney injury, and it was opposite to glomerular filtration rate. Triglycerides may be a potential marker for predicting SLE-related kidney injury, especially in SLE-related kidney injury of negative proteinuria. Triglycerides combined proteinuria could predict SLE-related kidney injury effectively

    Enhanced electrocatalytic activity for water splitting on NiO/Ni/carbon fiber paper

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    Large-scale growth of low-cost, efficient, and durable non-noble metal-based electrocatalysts for water splitting is crucial for future renewable energy systems. Atomic layer deposition (ALD) provides a promising route for depositing uniform thin coatings of electrocatalysts, which are useful in many technologies, including the splitting of water. In this communication, we report the growth of a NiO/Ni catalyst directly on carbon fiber paper by atomic layer deposition and report subsequent reduction and oxidation annealing treatments. The 10–20 nm NiO/Ni nanoparticle catalysts can reach a current density of 10 mA·cm−2 at an overpotential of 189 mV for hydrogen evolution reactions and 257 mV for oxygen evolution reactions with high stability. We further successfully achieved a water splitting current density of 10 mA·cm−2 at 1.78 V using a typical NiO/Ni coated carbon fiber paper two-electrode setup. The results suggest that nanoparticulate NiO/Ni is an active, stable, and noble-metal-free electrocatalyst, which facilitates a method for future water splitting applications

    Analysis of the Glycoside Hydrolase Family 1 from Wild Jujube Reveals Genes Involved in the Degradation of Jujuboside A

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    Jujubosides are the major medicinal ingredients of Ziziphi Spinosae Semen (the seed of wild jujube). To date, a complete understanding of jujuboside’s metabolic pathways has not been attained. This study has systematically identified 35 β-glucosidase genes belonging to the glycoside hydrolase family 1 (GH1) using bioinformatic methods based on the wild jujube genome. The conserved domains and motifs of the 35 putative β-glucosidases, along with the genome locations and exon–intron structures of 35 β-glucosidase genes were revealed. The potential functions of the putative proteins encoded by the 35 β-glucosidase genes are suggested based on their phylogenetic relationships with Arabidopsis homologs. Two wild jujube β-glucosidase genes were heterologously expressed in Escherichia coli, and the recombinant proteins were able to convert jujuboside A (JuA) into jujuboside B (JuB). Since it has been previously reported that JuA catabolites, including JuB and other rare jujubosides, may play crucial roles in the jujuboside’s pharmacological activity, it is suggested that these two proteins can be used to enhance the utilization potential of jujubosides. This study provides new insight into the metabolism of jujubosides in wild jujube. Furthermore, the characterization of β-glucosidase genes is expected to facilitate investigations involving the cultivation and breeding of wild jujube

    Near Infrared Light-Powered Janus Mesoporous Silica Nanoparticle Motors

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    We describe fuel-free, near-infrared (NIR)-driven Janus mesoporous silica nanoparticle motors (JMSNMs) with diameters of 50, 80, and 120 nm. The Janus structure of the JMSNMs is generated by vacuum sputtering of a 10 nm Au layer on one side of the MSNMs. Upon exposure to an NIR laser, a localized photothermal effect on the Au half-shells results in the formation of thermal gradients across the JMSNMs; thus, the generated self-thermophoresis can actively drive the nanomotors to move at an ultrafast speed, for instance, up to 950 body lengths/s for 50 nm JMSNMs under an NIR laser power of 70.3 W/cm<sup>2</sup>. The reversible “on/off” motion of the JMSNMs and their directed movement along the light gradient can be conveniently modulated by a remote NIR laser. Moreover, dynamic light scattering measurements are performed to investigate the coexisting translational and rotational motion of the JMSNMs in the presence of both self-thermophoretic forces and strong Brownian forces. These NIR-powered nanomotors demonstrate a novel strategy for overcoming the necessity of chemical fuels and exhibit a significant improvement in the maneuverability of nanomotors while providing potential cargo transportation in a biofriendly manner

    Identification of the CONSTANS-like family in Cymbidium sinense, and their functional characterization

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    Abstract Background Cymbidium sinense is an orchid that is typically used as a potted plant, given its high-grade ornamental characteristics, and is most frequently distributed in China and SE Asia. The inability to strictly regulate flowering in this economically important potted and cut-flower orchid is a bottleneck that limits its industrial development. Studies on C. sinense flowering time genes would help to elucidate the mechanism regulating flowering. There are very few studies on the genetic regulation of flowering pathways in C. sinense. Photoperiod significantly affects the flowering of C. sinense, but it was unknown how the CONSTANS gene family is involved in regulating flowering. Results In this study, eight CONSTANS-like genes were identified and cloned. They were divided into three groups based on a phylogenetic analysis. Five representative CsCOL genes (CsCOL3/4/6/8/9) were selected from the three groups to perform expression characterization and functional study. CsCOL3/4/6/8/9 are nucleus-localized proteins, and all five CsCOL genes were expressed in all organs, mainly in leaves followed by sepals. The expression levels of CsCOL3/4 (group I) were higher in all organs than other CsCOL genes. Developmental stage specific expression revealed that the expression of CsCOL3/4/9 peaked at the initial flowering stage. In contrast, the transcript level of CsCOL6/8 was highest at the pedicel development stage. Photoperiodic experiments demonstrated that the transcripts of the five CsCOL genes exhibited distinct diurnal rhythms. Under LD conditions, the overexpression of CsCOL3/4 promoted early flowering, and CsCOL6 had little effect on flowering time, whereas CsCOL8 delayed flowering of Arabidopsis thaliana. However, under SD conditions, overexpression of CsCOL4/6/8 promoted early flowering and the rosette leaves growth, and CsCOL3 induced flower bud formation in transgenic Arabidopsis. Conclusion The phylogenetic analysis, temporal and spatial expression patterns, photoperiodic rhythms and functional study indicate that CsCOL family members in C. sinense were involved in growth, development and flowering regulation through different photoperiodic pathway. The results will be useful for future research on mechanisms pertaining to photoperiod-dependent flowering, and will also facilitate genetic engineering-based research that uses Cymbidium flowering time genes

    Aerodynamic levitated laser annealing method to defective titanium dioxide with enhanced photocatalytic performance

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    Defective TiO2 has attracted increasing attention for use in photocatalytic and electrochemical materials because of its narrowed band-gap and improved visible-light photocatalytic activity. However, a facile and efficient approach for obtaining defect-rich TiO2 still remains a challenge. Herein, we demonstrate such an approach to narrow its bandgap and improve visible-light absorption through implanting abundant defects by aerodynamic levitated laser annealing (ALLA) treatment. Note that the ALLA method not only provides rapid annealing, solidifying and cooling process, but also exhibits high efficiency for homogeneous and defective TiO2 nanoparticles. The laser-annealed TiO2 achieves a high hydrogen evolution rate of 8.54 mmol center dot h(-1)center dot g(-1), excellent decomposition properties within 60 min, and outstanding recyclability and stability, all of which are superior to the corresponding properties of commercial P25.</p