77 research outputs found

    Cerebellum to motor cortex paired associative stimulation induces bidirectional STDP-like plasticity in human motor cortex

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    The cerebellum is crucially important for motor control and adaptation. Recent non-invasive brain stimulation studies have indicated the possibility to alter the excitability of the cerebellum and its projections to the contralateral motor cortex, with behavioral consequences on motor control and adaptation. Here we sought to induce bidirectional spike-timing dependent plasticity (STDP)-like modifications of motor cortex (M1) excitability by application of paired associative stimulation (PAS) in healthy subjects. Conditioning stimulation over the right lateral cerebellum (CB) preceded focal transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) of the left M1 hand area at an interstimulus interval of 2 ms (CB→M1 PAS(2 ms)), 6 ms (CB→M1 PAS(6 ms)) or 10 ms (CB→M1 PAS(10 ms)) or randomly alternating intervals of 2 and 10 ms (CB→M1 PAS(Control)). Effects of PAS on M1 excitability were assessed by the motor-evoked potential (MEP) amplitude, short-interval intracortical inhibition (SICI), intracortical facilitation (ICF) and cerebellar-motor cortex inhibition (CBI) in the first dorsal interosseous muscle of the right hand. CB→M1 PAS(2 ms) resulted in MEP potentiation, CB→M1 PAS(6 ms) and CB→M1 PAS(10 ms) in MEP depression, and CB→M1 PAS(Control) in no change. The MEP changes lasted for 30-60 min after PAS. SICI and CBI decreased non-specifically after all PAS protocols, while ICF remained unaltered. The physiological mechanisms underlying these MEP changes are carefully discussed. Findings support the notion of bidirectional STDP-like plasticity in M1 mediated by associative stimulation of the cerebello-dentato-thalamo-cortical pathway and M1. Future studies may investigate the behavioral significance of this plasticity

    Paired Associative Electroacupuncture and Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation in Humans

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    Pairing transcutaneous electric nerve stimulation (TENS) and transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) with specific stimulus-intervals induces associative motor plasticity at the primary motor cortex (M1). Electroacupuncture (EA) is an established medical technique in the eastern countries. This study investigates whether EA paired with TMS induces distinct M1 motor plasticity. Fifteen healthy, right-handed subjects (aged 23.6 ± 2.0 years, eight women) were studied. Two-hundred and twenty-five pairs of TMS of the left M1 preceded by right EA at acupoint “Neiguan” [Pericardium 6 (PC6), located 2 decimeters proximal from the wrist wrinkle] were respectively applied with the interstimulus interval (ISI) of individual somatosensory evoked potential (SSEP) N20 latency plus 2 ms (N20+2) and minus 5 ms (N20-5) with at least 1-week interval. The paired stimulation was delivered at a rate of 0.25 Hz. Sham TMS with a sham coil was adopted to examine the low-frequency EA influence on M1 in eleven subjects. M1 excitability was assessed by motor-evoked potential (MEP) recruitment curve with five TMS intensity levels, short-interval intracortical inhibition (SICI), intracortical facilitation (ICF) and cerebellar inhibition (CBI) at the abductor pollicis brevis (APB) muscle of the right hand before and after the EA-M1 paired associative stimulation (PAS). In addition, median nerve SSEPs and H-reflex were respectively measured to monitor somatosensory and spinal excitability. The MEP showed significantly facilitated after the sham EA-M1 PAS while tested with 80% of the TMS intensity producing on average 1 mV amplitude (i.e., MEP1 mV) in the resting APB muscle. It was also facilitated while tested with 90% MEP1 mV irrespective of the stimulation conditions. The SSEP showed a higher amplitude from the real EA-M1 PAS compared to that from the sham EA-M1 PAS. No significant change was found on SICI, ICF, CBI and H-reflex. Findings suggest that repetitive low frequency EA paired with real TMS did not induce spike-timing dependent motor plasticity but EA paired with sham TMS induced specific M1 excitability change. Complex sensory afferents with dispersed time locked to the sensorimotor cortical area could hamper instead of enhancing the induction of the spike-timing dependent plasticity (STDP) in M1

    Use of Chinese Herbal Medicine Was Related to Lower Risk of Osteoporotic Fracture in Sarcopenia Patients: Evidence from Population-Based Health Claims

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    Introduction: With population aging, sarcopenia and its accompanying risk of osteoporotic fracture has drawn increased attention. Nowadays, while Chinese herbal medicine (CHM) is often used as complementary therapy for many medical conditions, its effect against likelihood of osteoporotic fracture among sarcopenia subjects was not fully elucidated yet. We therefore conducted a population-level study to compare osteoporotic fracture risk for sarcopenia persons with or without CHM use. Methods: Using the patient record from a nationwide insurance database, we recruited persons with newly diagnosed sarcopenia and simultaneously free of osteoporotic fracture between 2000 and 2010. Propensity score matching was then applied to randomly select sets of CHM users and non-CHM users. All of them were tracked until end of 2013 to measure the incidence and adjusted hazard ratios (HRs) for new new-onset fracture in multivariable Cox proportional hazards model. Results: Compared to non-CHM users, the CHM users indeed had a lower incidence of osteoporotic fracture (121.22 vs 156.61 per 1000 person-years). Use of CHM correlated significantly with a lower fracture likelihood after adjusting for potential covariates, and those receiving CHM treatment for more than two years experienced a remarkably lower risk by 73%. Uses of several herbal formulae were correlated to reduced risk of osteoporotic fracture, such as Caulis Spatholobi, Xuduan, Duzhong, Danshen, Shu-Jing-Huo-Xue- Tang, Du-Huo-Ji-Sheng-Tang, Shao-Yao-Gan-Cao-Tang, and Shen-Tong-Zhu-Yu -Tang. Conclusion: Our study depicted that cumulative CHM exposure was inversely associated with osteoporotic fracture risk in a duration-dependent manner, implying that CHM treatment may be embraced as routine care in preventing incident osteoporotic fracture

    The PRC in the WTO: Impact on Trade and Investment in the SEACEN Countries

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    This study aims to analyse the impact on trade and investment in the SEACEN countries following China¡¯s entry into the WTO. The study finds that there is an increasingly urgent need for the SEACEN countries to build their own niches and make full use of China¡¯s business opportunities and huge export market especially in light of China¡¯s accelerating economic growth, growing role in the world¡¯s supply base of manufactured goods, magnetic appeal to international technology and capital, and aggressive expansion of export. Only by raising their competitiveness and becoming an integral part of the global division of labour can the SEACEN countries avoid being left out of the global supply chain. The study also points out that each SEACEN country has its own unique competitive advantage while closely related to and complementing each other in economy and trade. Regional economic cooperation should be promoted to minimise possible negative impact from China¡¯s entry into the WTO.

    Ciprofloxacin-resistant Salmonella enterica Typhimurium and Choleraesuis from Pigs to Humans, Taiwan

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    We evaluated the disk susceptibility data of 671 nontyphoid Salmonella isolates collected from different parts of Taiwan from March 2001 to August 2001 and 1,261 nontyphoid Salmonella isolates from the National Taiwan University Hospital from 1996 to 2001. Overall, ciprofloxacn resistance was found in 2.7% (18/671) of all nontyphoid Salmonella isolates, in 1.4% (5/347) of Salmonella enterica serotype Typhimurium and in 7.5% (8/107) in S. enterica serotype Choleraesuis nationwide. MICs of six newer fluoroquinolones were determined for the following isolates: 37 isolates of ciprofloxacin-resistant (human) S. enterica Typhimurium (N = 26) and Choleraesuis (N = 11), 10 isolates of ciprofloxacin-susceptible (MIC <1 μg/mL) (human) isolates of these two serotypes, and 15 swine isolates from S. enterica Choleraesuis (N = 13) and Typhmurium (N = 2) with reduced susceptibility to ciprofloxacin (MIC >0.12 μg/mL). Sequence analysis of the gryA, gyrB, parC, parE, and acrR genes, ciprofloxacin accumulation; and genotypes generated by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis with three restriction enzymes (SpeI, XbaI, and BlnI) were performed. All 26 S. enterica Typhimurium isolates from humans and pigs belonged to genotype I. For S. enterica Choleraesuis isolates, 91% (10/11) of human isolates and 54% (7/13) of swine isolates belonged to genotype B. These two genotypes isolates from humans all exhibited a high-level of resistance to ciprofloxacin (MIC 16–64 μg/mL). They had two-base substitutions in the gyrA gene at codons 83 (Ser83Phe) and 87 (Asp87Gly or Asp87Asn) and in the parC gene at codon 80 (Ser80Arg, Ser80Ile, or Ser84Lys). Our investigation documented that not only did these two S. enterica isolates have a high prevalence of ciprofloxacin resistance nationwide but also that some closely related ciprofloxacin-resistant strains are disseminated from pigs to humans

    Differential baseline and response profile to IFN-γ gene transduction of IL-6/IL-6 receptor-α secretion discriminate primary tumors versus bone marrow metastases of nasopharyngeal carcinomas in culture

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Understanding of immunobiology of bone marrow metastases (designated BM-NPC) <it>versus </it>primary tumors (P-NPC) of the nasopharynx is far from complete. The aim of this study was to determine if there would be differences between cultured P-NPCs and BM-NPCs with respect to (i) constitutive IL-6 and the IL-6 receptor gp80 subunit (IL-6Rα) levels in the spent media of nontransduced cells, and (ii) IL-6 and IL-6Rα levels in the spent media of cells transduced with a retroviral vector containing the <it>IFN-γ </it>gene.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>A panel of NPC cell lines were transduced with the <it>IFN-γ </it>gene through a retroviral vector. Four clonal sublines were isolated <it>via </it>limiting dilution methods. Cytofluorometric analysis was performed for the detection of cell surface antigens of HLA class I, HLA class II and ICAM-1. ELISA was used to assay for IFN-γ, IL-6 and IL-6Rα in the spent media of cultured cell lines.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Our results showed that in day 3 culture supernatants, low levels of soluble IL-6 were detected in 5/5 cultured tumors derived from P-NPCs, while much higher constitutive levels of IL-6 were detected in 3/3 metastasis-derived NPC cell lines including one originated from ascites; the difference was significant (<it>p </it>= 0.025). An inverse relationship was found between IL-6Rα and IL-6 in their release levels in cultured P-NPCs and metastasis-derived NPCs. In <it>IFN-γ</it>-transduced-P-NPCs, IL-6 production increased and yet IL-6Rα decreased substantially, as compared to nontransduced counterparts. At variance with P-NPC cells, the respective ongoing IL-6 and IL-6Rα release patterns of BM-NPC cells were not impeded as much following <it>IFN-γ </it>transduction. These observations were confirmed by extended kinetic studies with representative NPC cell lines and clonal sublines. The latter observation with the clonal sublines also indicates that selection for high IL-6 or low IL-6Rα producing subpopulations did not occur as a result of <it>IFN-γ</it>-transduction process. P-NPCs, which secreted constitutively only marginal levels of IFN-γ (8.4 ~ 10.5 pg/ml), could be enhanced to produce higher levels of IFN-γ (6.8- to 10.3-fold increase) after <it>IFN-γ </it>transduction. Unlike P-NPCs, BM-NPCs spontaneously released IFN-γ at moderate levels (83.8 ~ 100.7 pg/ml), which were enhanced by 1.3- to 2.2-fold in the spent media of their <it>IFN-γ</it>-transduced counterparts.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Our results showed that cultured P-NPCs and BM-NPCs could be distinguished from one another on the basis of their differential baseline secretion pattern of IFN-γ, IL-6 and IL-6Rα, and their differential response profiles to <it>IFN-γ </it>gene transfer of the production of these three soluble molecules. These results suggest that the IL-6 and IFN-γ pathways in a background of genetic instability be involved in the acquisition of metastatic behaviour in BM-NPCs.</p