447 research outputs found

    A liquidity-adjusted capital asset pricing model (CAPM) for Norwegian stocks market

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    Masteroppgave i bedriftsøkonomi - Nord universitet, 201

    Long-term dynamics of photosynthetic pigments in plankton of a large plains reservoir

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    Long-term observations are necessary to analyze and predict changes occurring in biological communities under global and regional climatic changes. The data on seasonal and long-term dynamics of chlorophyll in plankton of the Rybinsk Reservoir (Upper Volga, Russia) obtained in May – October 2009–2019 at six standard stations using the fluorescence method are presented. In the years with contrasting hydroclimatic conditions and water regime, the chlorophyll content varied from 1–3 to >100 μg/L. The significant variability of mean seasonal values (7.9 ± 0.5 μg/L in 2009 to 27.6 ± 1.7 μg/L in 2013 with variation coefficients of 52–134%) indicates the low resistance of the community. The total chlorophyll content is associated with the development of three main phytoplankton divisions i.e., diatoms, cyanoprokaryots, and green algae. The trophic status of the reservoir was characterized as mesotrophic in 2009 and 2017, eutrophic in 2011–2014, and moderately eutrophic in other years. In the long-term seasonal cycle of phytoplankton, there are five periods with stable temperature conditions and transparency, but variable chlorophyll content. A moderate positive relationship was found between the seasonal dynamics of chlorophyll and water temperature, but a moderate negative relationship with transparency. The priority factors regulating the long-term dynamics of chlorophyll include the NAO indices, Wolf numbers, temperature, and underwater light conditions, as well as the inflow volume and water level. Water regime limits the development of phytoplankton

    Проблемы китайско-африканского сотрудничества в области образования в первой половине 1960-х гг. (по материалам дневника "Африканский студент в Китае")

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    The article analyses the notes of the «African Student in China» using it as a source of data on Chinese-African cooperation in the field of education in the first half of the 1960s. The article contains a review of the main issues outlined by the author: the structure of the Chinese higher education system; the living standards of the students (both foreigners and natives); mutual perceptions; personal opinions of the foreigners on the «Great Leap Forward» policy. The article also provides for some statistics on the number of African students in PRC. Based on that data the conclusion is made, describing the readiness of the parties for cooperation in the named field in the beginning of the 60s.Статья посвящена рассмотрению воспоминаний «Африканского студента в Китае» как источника по изучению китайско-африканского сотрудничества в области образования в первой половине 1960-х гг. Дается обзор основных вопросов, затронутых автором воспоминаний: организация системы китайского высшего образования, уровень жизни студентов (как иностранцев, так и китайцев), взаимное восприятие китайцев и африканцев, личные впечатления иностранцев от последствий политики «Большого скачка». Также приводятся статистические данные о количестве студентов в КНР из африканских стран. На основе этого делается вывод о готовности сторон к сотрудничеству в указанной сфере в начале 1960-х гг

    Feminitives with Suffix ‘-shits(a ) /-chits(a)’

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    The feminitives (nouns denoting women) of the modern Russian language, formed with the help of the productive suffixal morpheme ‘-shits(a) /-chits(a)’ are considered. The views of scientists of the 19th-21st centuries on the process of derivation of feminine nouns are characterized. The relevance of the study is due to the stable productivity of the suffix formant and the insufficient development of the theory of word formation of feminitives. Structural-semantic and corpuscular methods are used. The novelty and scientific significance of the work is determined primarily by the research material: neologisms, which are included in the dictionaries of new words of 1971-2014, the Russian National Corpus (main and newspaper corps) used in media texts, are analyzed. The specifics of correlates of male and female gender fixing in the explanatory dictionaries of the last years of publication are shown. Particular attention is paid to the semantics of neoplasms, a classification of new feminitives by semantic properties is proposed. Motivating words, morphological features of the compound of the formant with the motivating basis are revealed. The author dwells on potential neologisms. The conclusion is made that the formation of feminitives with suffixes ‘-shits(a ) /-chits(a)’, as well as masculine nouns with value of a person, is carried out using verbs and deverbatives, nouns and adjectives


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    The article analyses the institutional base of the Chinese policy towards Africa: its establishing and managing process during the period from 60s to 90s of 20 century. The article contains a review of the main formal and informal organizations, engaged in developing the Chinese policy towards Africa and its realization. The article also provides for some statistics on the process of establishing the institutional base of the Chinese policy towards Africa, detail information on the aims of the organizations on different levels. Based on that data the conclusion is made, describing the coherence between this institutional organization and the needs of the Chinese strategy towards Africa.В статье рассматривается процесс формирования институциональной основы проведения внешнеполитического курса КНР в отношении стран Африки и ее развитие в течение 1960-1990-х гг. По итогам изучения истории формирования ряда организаций, участвовавших в разработке и проведении «африканской» политики Китая, а также обзора целей их деятельности автор делает вывод о тесной связи между процессом формирования самой институциональной базы и потребностями актуальной политической конъюнктуры, на фоне которой реализовывался внешнеполитический курс КНР в отношении стран Африки

    Contribution of the Missionary Historic and Ethnographical Museum of the Kazan Spiritual Academy

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    The urgency of the problem under study is conditioned by the increased interest of contemporary researchers in the problems of interethnic and interconfessional interaction. In the second half of the XIXth - early XXth centuries a major religious and educational, missionary and ethnic-political institution in Russia, the Kazan Theological Academy was one of the leading centers for studying the history, culture, ethnography and the languages of Turkic, Finno-Ugric and Mongolian peoples. The purpose of the study is to present objectively the contribution of the Missionary Historical Ethnographic Museum of the Kazan Theological Academy to the study and the preservation of the historical and cultural heritage of the Russian state peoples. The museum extensive collections became the basis for modern museums. During the study, the experience of the creation and the functioning of the only missionary historical and ethnographic museum in Russia was analyzed, its contribution to the preservation of spiritual and material culture, written and printed sources, the informative base about the life and work of the multinational and multi-confessional people of the Volga, Urals, Siberia and the Far East was determined. Based on archival materials, the authors revealed the features of the museum activity at the Kazan Theological Academy. In the course of the topic research, the authors succeeded to identify and collect a huge amount of diverse materials (historical, linguistic, ethnographic ones) about the peoples of Russia, which are of great practical importance for the study of modern interethnic and interfaith relations origins in the Republic of Tatarstan and Russian Federation. The materials of the article can be useful to anyone who is interested in missionary politics and modern ethnic-political processes in Russian Federation.peer-reviewe

    Characteristic of Balneologically Active Components and Microflora under Extreme Conditions of Mineral Waters of the Mongolian People\u27s Republic

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    The distribution of amino acids is irregular in mineral waters. Their content is minimum in cold carbonate waters of hydrocarbonate composition, the highest amino acid concentration does not exceed 0.640 mg N/l. Hydrothermal solutions are enriched with amino-acids to the greatest extent, the amino contents coming up to 0.780 mg N/l in hydrotherms of sulfate-sodic composition. In thermal waters enriched with hydrosulfides. amino acids are present in quantities up to 1.710 mg N/l. Mineralwässer wichtige Bestandteile der Biogeosphäre. Die darin enthaltenen spezifischen Komponenten bedingen ihre Wirksamkeit in biologischen Prozessen. die die Entstehung und Lebenstätigkeit von der Mikroflora bis zu den höheren Organismen beeinflussen. Von den Autoren sind praktisch alle Lagerstätten und Erscheinungen der Mineralwässer der MVR untersucht worden. Gemeinsam mit weiteren charakteristischen Parametern und Komponenten wurden die wichtigsten biologisch aktiven Bestandteile Eisen, Silizium, organische Stoffe, Schwefelwasserstoff, Fluor, Brom, Jod, Arsen, Bor u. a. bestimmt und die Mikroflora studiert. Die vorhandenen Kriterien zum Gehalt von biologisch aktiven Komponenten in den Mineralgewässern stützen sich auf ihre physiologische Beeinflussung. Zur Vereinfachung ist die Charakteristik der obenerwähnten Komponenten für kohlensaures kaltes Wasser und Stickstoff-Hydrothermalwasser angegeben. Kohlensaures Mineralwasser: Die Mikroflora besteht aus einer geringen Menge von Saprophyten, phenoloxidierenden und dinitrifizierenden Bakterien. Das Wasser des Chalzan-uul-Brunnens weist einen gesteigerten Gehalt an sulphatreduzierenden Bakterien auf. Der Gehalt von biologisch aktiven Komponenten im kohlensauren Wasser liegt niedriger als die in der UdSSR bekannten Werte. Die mittlere Konzentration in mg/l beträgt: Bor -0,3-0,4; (im Chalzan- uul -136), Brom -0.4, Jod -0.08, Arsen -:0,01. Die gesteigerten und hohen Konzentrationen von Eisen -30 mg/l, Fluor -bis 2,2 mg/l. gelöster Kieselerde -bis 90 mg/I. verdienen besondere Aufmerksamkeit. Die hohen Konzentrationen von Eisen und Silizium erlauben es, eine gro6e Zahl der kohlensauren Wässer als eisenhaltig und kiEJselhaltig zu bezeichnen, wobei dieses Wasser höchst günstig ist bei der Heilung einer Reihe von inneren Erkrankungen. Nach dem Gehalt an biologisch aktiven Komponenten unterscheidet sich das stickstoffhaltige Thermalwasser stark von kohlensaurem Wasser. Es weist meistens Hydrosulphide bis zu 17 mg/I auf. der Borgehalt ist auf 1,5 mg/I gesteigert. Keine Quelle hat Jod aufgewiesen; die Bromkonzentration ist niedriger als in kohlensaurem Wasser. Nach der Kationenzusammensetzung des Thermalwassel\u27s ist der Kalziumionengehalt nicht 9r06. Die Anwesenheit von fluorhaItigen Gesteinsschichten, die hohe Wassertemperatur und die Abwesenheit antagonistischer Elemente begün\u27s tigen das Auftreten von Fluoriden, deren Konzentration 23 mg/l erreicht. Eine charakteristische Besonderheit der Thermalwässer ist der hohe Gehalt an gelöster Kieselerde (über 150 mg/l H4Si04). Die Mikroflora dieses Wassers ist reich an Saprophyten, phenoloxidierenden und zellulosezersetzenden Anaerobiern. Eine wichtige physiologische Wirkung auf den Organismus erfolgt durch gelöste organische Stoffe, insbesondere organische und freie Aminosäuren. Besonders reich an organischen Säuren sind kohlensaure Mineralwässer von einer Hydrokarbonat-Natrium·Zusammensetzung, stickstoffhaltige Sulphat-Natrium-und Chlorid-Natrium-Thermalwässer, aber auch schwefelwasserstoffhaltige Wässer. Die Verteilung von freien Aminosäuren in den Mineralwässern ist ungleichmä6ig. Im kohlensauren Hydrokarbonat-Magnesium-haltigen Wasser ist deren Gehalt minimal. im Hydrokarbonat- Natrium-haltigen maximal (durchschnittlich 0,640 mg N/l). Hydrothermalwässer enthalten auch bedeutende Konzentrationen freier Aminosäuren. die in Sulphat-Natrium-haltigen Wässern 0,780 mg N/l erreichen. In hydrosulphidhaltigen Wässern erreicht ihr Gehalt 1,710 mg N/l

    Topos “Karjala” in Bilingual Poetry by A. Volkov

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    The observations on the specifics of the Karjala topos in the works of the bilingual poet A. Volkov is for the first time presented in the article. It has been proved that in his mind “Karjala” is associated with “native land”, the memory of ancestors, native language, Livvik’s happiness itself. In Russian and Karelian-language poems, the recreated spaces of “Karjala” are semantically similar. This locus is open (the center of the universe) and closed  (the outskirts of Russia) at the same time. Like an archeologist, the author turns to the understanding of the mythological genealogy of “Karjala”, its ancestral homeland, proto-language, archetypes of national consciousness, totem signs. The authors found that the bilingual view of the universe allowed the poet to conceptualize in a new  way and reveal, in the context of world history and culture, the main concepts in the life of Livvik Karelians: native dialect, memory of tradition, Karelian genotype, Livvik happiness. Particular attention is paid to the analysis of the  socalled semantic “transitions” from one ethnic picture of the world to another (remembering is transformed into crying, the genesis of the native language as a gift from God — into the path to God). In the poetic reconstruction of the Karjala topos by A. Volkov, the Karelian worldview is fundamental, the Russian language and literature is a guide in the formation of an original poetic tradition. For the first time, the original poems of A. Volkov and their auto-translations were introduced into scientific circulation