10 research outputs found

    La simulazione ad alta fedeltà per la formazione degli studenti di infermieristica: una scoping review della letteratura

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    human performance in a protected environment, and thanks to the innovation of technologies it has been possible to obtain increasingly realistic performances. The aim of this study is to map and describe the effects of training through a high-fidelity simulation method on the technical and non-technical skills of nursing students in an emergency setting.  METHODS: A scoping review was chosen as research methodology within some main databases of biomedical interest: MEDLINE, Scopus, CINAHL, PsycINFO, Academic Search Index, Science Citation Index and ERIC.  RESULTS: 530 articles were selected. Of these, 21 met the inclusion criteria and underwent the review process. Participants undergoing the intervention demonstrated better skills than the control group when subjected to a simulation based on realistic scenarios. The selected articles can be divided into two categories: those that focus essentially on non-technical skills and those that study only technical skills.  CONCLUSION: Evidence suggests that HFS should include feedback, briefing and debriefing; it should be applied in every area of nursing education; student self-efficacy, confidence and competence are key principles to consider when measuring the effect of a simulation environment. BACKGROUND: La simulazione ad alta fedeltà può essere definita come una tecnica per affinare specifiche prestazioni umane in un ambiente protetto e, grazie all'innovazione delle tecnologie simulative è stato possibile ottenere prestazioni sempre più realistiche. Lo scopo di questo studio è quello di mappare e descrivere gli effetti della simulazione ad alta fedeltà nella formazione universitaria infermieristica sulle abilità tecniche e non tecniche degli studenti in un contesto di emergenza/area critica.  METODO: La metodologia di revisione scelta è stata una scoping review all’interno dei più importanti database di interesse biomedico: MEDLINE, Scopus, CINAHL, PsycINFO, Academic Search Index, Science Citation Index and ERIC.  RISULTATI: Sono stati selezionati 530 articoli. Di questi, 21 hanno soddisfatto I criteri di inclusione e sono stati sottoposti al processo di revisione. I partecipanti che hanno ricevuto l'intervento hanno dimostrato abilità migliori rispetto al gruppo di controllo quando sottoposti ad una simulazione basata su scenari realistici. Gli articoli selezionati, inoltre, possono essere suddivisi in due categorie: quelli che si concentrano essenzialmente sulle non-technical skills e quelli che studiano solo le technical skills.  CONCLUSIONI: I risultati suggeriscono che l’HFS (High-Fidelity Simulation) dovrebbe includere feedback, briefing e debriefing degli scenari; dovrebbe essere applicato in ogni area della formazione infermieristica; l'autoefficacia, la fiducia e le conoscenze dello studente sono principi chiave da considerare quando si vuole misurare l'effetto di un ambiente di simulazione.&nbsp

    Knowledge and attitudes of nurses, midwives and students on voluntary termination of pregnancy. A national survey

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    Introduzione. Gli infermieri e le ostetriche sono gli operatori sa- nitari che svolgono un ruolo fondamentale nell'interruzione vo- lontaria della gravidanza (IVG) in tutto il mondo. Come descritto in letteratura, gli studenti di infermieristica e di ostetricia si sono rivelati avere poche conoscenze sull'argomento. Per questo motivo, dovrebbero essere adeguatamente formati per svolgere il loro ruolo. È stato creato un questionario per in- dagare, in tutta Italia, le conoscenze e gli atteggiamenti di infer- mieri, ostetriche e studenti sull'interruzione volontaria di gravi- danza (IVG). Materiali e Metodi. È stata condotta un’indagine attraverso un questionario autosomministrato, ed è stata rivol- ta a 48 operatori sanitari e 27 studenti universitari (N=75; tasso di risposta 93,7%) che rispettivamente lavorano e studiano nel Sud, Centro e Nord Italia (59% di età inferiore ai 30 anni; 96% donne). Il questionario è composto da 26 item suddivisi in 4 se- zioni. Risultati. Lo studio ha evidenziato l'importanza del ruolo, degli atteggiamenti e delle conoscenze degli operatori sanitari e degli studenti riguardo alla IVG. I risultati di questa indagine nazionale mostrano che ancora troppo poco spazio è dato all'in- terno dei curricula universitari per l'apprendimento di tutto ciò che riguarda la salute riproduttiva delle donne, in particolare per quanto riguarda l'aborto. Questo porta ad una disinformazione dei professionisti della salute e ad ostacoli nell'accesso ai servizi per le donne. Conclusioni. Sono state trovate differenze negli atteggiamenti e nelle conoscenze tra gli studenti e gli operatori sanitari nei confronti dell'interruzione volontaria della gravidanza. Pertanto, si consiglia di aumentare il livello di conoscenza prima della laurea, includendo i corsi pertinenti all'università

    Knowledge and attitudes between nurses, midwives and students about voluntary termination of pregnancy. A scoping review of the literature

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    Background: Voluntary termination of pregnancy (VTP) is influenced by ethical convictions, religious orientations and knowledge of the law. The latter is essential for students to be improved in University curricula, in order to develop attitudes among future nurses and midwives with the objective to reduce stigma and reluctance in providing VTP. Previous research has shown that nursing and midwifery students' attitudes and knowledge can be improved. Aim: The aim of this study is to describe literature regarding knowledge and perception about abortion and voluntary termination of pregnancy in several countries of the world among nurses, midwives and university students. Methods: This is a scoping review of the literature conducted by following the recommendations of the PRISMA-ScR Statement. The authors selected studies in MEDLINE, Scopus, CINAHL, PsycINFO, Academic Search Index, Science Citation Index and ERIC, published in English and Italian in the last decade. Quality assessment was performed using the Jadad scale. Results: Initially, 434 studies were selected. A total of 11 articles met the inclusion criteria. The articles included in the scoping review deal with the issue of abortion from different perspectives. From the analysis it emerged that the barriers for VTP are the lack or inadequate knowledge of the legislation and of the practical / technical phases of the procedure. Conclusions: Health professionals and students have different perspectives and attitudes toward VTP. Nurses and midwives have inadequate knowledge of procedures and legislation. Therefore, it is recommended to implement university curricula on the topic

    L’impatto della prima e seconda ondata di covid-19 sul personale sanitario coinvolto – una survey nazionale

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    BACKGROUND. La pandemia da COVID-19 in Italia ha avuto un impatto importante sulla salute mentale del personale sanitario. Questo studio ha voluto indagare, attraverso la somministrazione del medesimo questionario in entrambe le ondate (aprile-maggio e novembre-dicembre 2020), diversi aspetti riguardanti l'associazione tra benessere psicologico e condizioni lavorative degli operatori direttamente coinvolti.  METODI. I questionari autosomministrati sono stati distribuiti online agli operatori sanitari direttamente coinvolti nei servizi COVID-19 (N = 398) su tutto il territorio nazionale dal 29 aprile al 17 dicembre 2020. Il questionario ha misurato il disagio psicologico, le esperienze personali di lavoro, le variabili demografiche, l'utilizzo di DPI, orario di lavoro, stile di vita e percezione del rischio di infezione tra gli operatori sanitari italiani.  RISULTATI. Gli infermieri sono stati i più vulnerabili durante la prima e la seconda ondata di COVID-19. Lo stress e la paura di essere contagiati e l'infettività sono stati i principali problemi emersi dall'analisi, associati a una maggiore inadeguatezza e personale insufficiente per gestire il carico di lavoro (β = 0,28; p = 0,000), nonché all'aumento della paura di mettere a rischio la propria salute (β = 0,24; p = 0,023) e influenza negativa sul proprio stile di vita (β = 0,31; p = 0,001).  CONCLUSIONI. Monitorare e preservare la salute mentale e psicologica degli operatori sanitari è necessario per un'assistenza ottimale ed il benessere del lavoratore. Lo sviluppo di servizi di supporto da parte delle organizzazioni può aiutare il personale coinvolto ad affrontare le proprie difficoltà.  PAROLE CHIAVE: COVID-19; Pandemia; Infermieri; Benessere psicologico; Questionario. BACKGROUND. The COVID-19 pandemic in Italy had a major impact on the mental health of healthcare personnel. This study wanted to investigate, through the administration of the same questionnaire in both waves (April-May and November-December 2020), different aspects regarding the association between psychological well-being and working conditions of the healthcare personnel directly involved.  METHODS. Self-administered questionnaires were distributed online to healthcare professionals directly involved in COVID-19 services (N = 398) on the entire national territory from April 29th to December 17th, 2020. The questionnaire measured psychological distress, working conditions, demographic variables, use of PPE, working hours, lifestyle and infection risk perception among Italian healthcare workers.  RESULTS. Nurses were the most vulnerable during the first and second waves of COVID-19. Stress and fear of being infected and infectiousness were the main problems that emerged from the analysis, associated with increased inadequacy and insufficient staff to manage the workload (β = 0.28; p = 0.000), as well as increased fear of putting their health at risk (β = 0.24; p = 0.023) and negative influence on one's lifestyle (β = 0.31; p = 0.001).  CONCLUSION. Monitoring and preserving the mental and psychological health of healthcare workers is necessary for optimal care and personal well-being. The development of support services from the organizations can help the staff involved in facing and coping with their difficulties.  KEYWORDS: COVID-19; Pandemic; Healthcare workers; Psychological distress; Survey.&nbsp

    Quality of life in patients with allergic and immunologic skin diseases: in the eye of the beholder

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    Allergic and immunologic skin diseases negatively impact the quality of life (QoL) of affected patients with detrimental consequences. Nonetheless, in everyday clinical practice the evaluation of QoL is often overlooked. Considering the increasing prevalence of atopic dermatitis, allergic contact dermatitis, hereditary angioedema, cutaneous mastocytosis, and urticaria, it is essential to determine the effects of allergic and immunologic skin diseases on QoL. A joint meeting (GET TOGETHER 2021) of the Italian Society of Allergology, Asthma and Clinical Immunology (SIAAIC) and the Italian Society of Allergological, Occupational and Environmental Dermatology (SIDAPA) aimed to summarize the features of the main QoL tools used in these diseases and to describe the extent of QoL impairment as well as the impact of treatments on QoL, particularly biologic therapies. The assessment of QoL in patients with allergic and immunologic skin diseases relies on generic, organ-specific and disease-specific questionnaires. While generic and organ-specific questionnaires allow comparison between different diseases, disease-specific questionnaires are designed and validated for specific cohorts: the QoL Index for Atopic Dermatitis (QoLIAD) and the Childhood Atopic Dermatitis Impact Scale (CADIS) in atopic dermatitis, the ACD-11 in allergic contact dermatitis, the Angioedema QoL Questionnaire (AE-QoL) and the Hereditary Angioedema QoL questionnaire (HAE-QoL) in hereditary angioedema, the Mastocytosis QoL Questionnaires (MCQoL e MQLQ) in cutaneous mastocytosis, and the Chronic Urticaria QoL questionnaire (CU-Q2oL) in urticaria. Among the many factors that variably contribute to QoL impairment, pruritus can represent the leading cause of patient discomfort. Biologic therapies significantly ameliorate QoL in atopic dermatitis, hereditary angioedema, mastocytosis and chronic urticaria. In general, adequate management strategies are essential for improving QoL in patients with allergic and immunologic skin diseases

    Effectiveness and safety of dupilumab in patients with chronic rhinosinusitis with nasal polyps and associated comorbidities: a multicentric prospective study in real life

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    Background: Biologics are currently one of the main treatment options for a number of diseases. The IgG4 monoclonal antibody dupilumab targets the Interleukin-4 receptor alpha chain, thus preventing the biological effects of the cytokines IL-4 and IL-13, that are essential for the Th2 response. Several controlled trials showed that dupilumab is effective and safe in patients with atopic dermatitis (AD), severe asthma and chronic rhinosinusitis with nasal polyps (CRSwNP), thus resulting in approval by regulatory agencies. Aim of the study was to evaluate the efficacy and safety of dupilumab in adult patients with CRSwNP stratified by common overlapping comorbid conditions. Methods: We performed a multicenter, observational, prospective study enrolling adult patients with severe CRSwNP who had started dupilumab treatment in the context of standard care from January 2021 to October 2021. Data were collected from twentynine Italian secondary care centers for allergy and clinical immunology, all of which were part of the Italian Society of Allergy, Asthma and Clinical Immunology (SIAAIC). A number of efficacy parameters were used. Patient data were compared using the Wilcoxon test for paired data. All statistical analyses were performed with SPSS version 20 (IBM, Armonk, NY, USA). Results: In total, 82 patients with nasal polyposis were identified. A significant improvement was detected for all the applied efficacy parameters, i.e. 22-item Sino-Nasal Outcome Test (SNOT-22) and bilateral endoscopic nasal polyp score (NPS) scores for CRSwNP, Rhinitis Control Scoring System (RCSS) and Rhinoconjunctivitis Quality of Life Questionnaire (RQLQ) scores for allergic perennial rhinitis, Forced Expiratory Volume in the 1st second (FEV1) and Asthma Quality of Life Questionnaire (AQLQ) scores for asthma, Eczema Area and Severity Index (EASI) and Dermatology Life Quality Index (DLQI) scores for AD. A non-significant improvement was also obtained in the Urticaria Activity Score over 7 days (UAS7) for chronic spontaneous urticaria. Treatment with dupilumab was well tolerated. Conclusions: These data suggest that dupilumab treatment in patients suffering from CRSwNP and associated comorbidities may be suitable. Such outcome, although confirmation by trials is warranted, suggests the possibility to treat different disorders with a single therapy, with favorable effects especially under the cost-effectiveness aspect

    Effectiveness and safety of dupilumab in patients with chronic rhinosinusitis with nasal polyps and associated comorbidities: a multicentric prospective study in real life

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    Biologics are currently one of the main treatment options for a number of diseases. The IgG4 monoclonal antibody dupilumab targets the Interleukin-4 receptor alpha chain, thus preventing the biological effects of the cytokines IL-4 and IL-13, that are essential for the Th2 response. Several controlled trials showed that dupilumab is effective and safe in patients with atopic dermatitis (AD), severe asthma and chronic rhinosinusitis with nasal polyps (CRSwNP), thus resulting in approval by regulatory agencies. Aim of the study was to evaluate the efficacy and safety of dupilumab in adult patients with CRSwNP stratified by common overlapping comorbid conditions

    Effectiveness and safety of dupilumab in patients with chronic rhinosinusitis with nasal polyps and associated comorbidities: a multicentric prospective study in real life

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    Biologics are currently one of the main treatment options for a number of diseases. The IgG4 monoclonal antibody dupilumab targets the Interleukin-4 receptor alpha chain, thus preventing the biological effects of the cytokines IL-4 and IL-13, that are essential for the Th2 response. Several controlled trials showed that dupilumab is effective and safe in patients with atopic dermatitis (AD), severe asthma and chronic rhinosinusitis with nasal polyps (CRSwNP), thus resulting in approval by regulatory agencies. Aim of the study was to evaluate the efficacy and safety of dupilumab in adult patients with CRSwNP stratified by common overlapping comorbid conditions

    Inflammaging and Anti-Inflammaging: The Role of Cytokines in Extreme Longevity

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    Longevity and aging are two sides of the same coin, as they both derive from the interaction between genetic and environmental factors. Aging is a complex, dynamic biological process characterized by continuous remodeling. One of the most recent theories on aging focuses on immune response, and takes into consideration the activation of subclinical, chronic low-grade inflammation which occurs with aging, named “inflammaging”. Long-lived people, especially centenarians, seem to cope with chronic subclinical inflammation through an anti-inflammatory response, called therefore “anti-inflammaging”. In the present review, we have focused our attention on the contrast between inflammaging and anti-inflammaging systems, by evaluating the role of cytokines and their impact on extreme longevity. Cytokines are the expression of a network involving genes, polymorphisms and environment, and are involved both in inflammation and anti-inflammation. We have described the role of IL-1, IL-2, IL-6, IL-12, IL-15, IL-18, IL-22, IL-23, TNF-α, IFN-γ as pro-inflammatory cytokines, of IL-1Ra, IL-4, IL-10, TGF-β1 as anti-inflammatory cytokines, and of lipoxin A4 and heat shock proteins as mediators of cytokines. We believe that if inflammaging is a key to understand aging, anti-inflammaging may be one of the secrets of longevity.</p