660 research outputs found

    A Broadband Scalar Vortex Coronagraph

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    Broadband coronagraphy with deep nulling and small inner working angle has the potential of delivering images and spectra of exoplanets and other faint objects. In recent years, many coronagraphic schemes have been proposed, the most promising being the optical vortex phase mask coronagraphs. In this paper, a new scheme of broadband optical scalar vortex coronagraph is proposed and characterized experimentally in the laboratory. Our setup employs a pair of computer generated phase gratings (one of them containing a singularity) to control the chromatic dispersion of phase plates and achieves a constant peak-to-peak attenuation below 11031\cdot 10^{-3} over a bandwidth of 120 nm centered at 700 nm. An inner working angle of ~\lambda/D is demonstrated along with a raw contrast of 11.5 magnitudes at 2\lambda/D.Comment: Accepted, 6 pages, 6 image

    Integrated optics prototype beam combiner for long baseline interferometry in the L and M bands

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    In the last few years, integrated optics (IO) beam combiners have facilitated the emergence of 4-telescope interferometers such as PIONIER or GRAVITY, boosting the imaging capabilities of the VLTI. However, the spectral range beyond 2.2microns is not ideally covered by the conventional silica based IO. Here, we propose to consider new laser-written IO prototypes made of GLS glasses, a material that permits access to the mid-infrared spectral regime. Our goal is to conduct a full characterization of our mid-IR IO 2-telescope coupler in order to measure the performance levels directly relevant for long-baseline interferometry. We focus in particular on the exploitation of the L and M astronomical bands. We use a dedicated Michelson-interferometer setup to perform Fourier Transform spectroscopy on the coupler and measure its broadband interferometric performance. We also analyze the polarization properties of the coupler, the differential dispersion and phase degradation as well as the modal behavior and the total throughput. We measure broadband interferometric contrasts of 94.9% and 92.1% for unpolarized light in the L and M bands. Spectrally integrated splitting ratios are close to 50% but show chromatic dependence over the considered bandwidths. Additionally, the phase variation due to the combiner is measured and does not exceed 0.04rad and 0.07rad across the band L and M band, respectively. The total throughput of the coupler including Fresnel and injection losses from free-space is 25.4%. The laser-written IO GLS prototype combiners prove to be a reliable technological solution with promising performance for mid-infrared long-baseline interferometry. In the next steps, we will consider more advanced optical functions as well as a fiber-fed input and revise the optical design parameters in order the further enhance the total throughput and achromatic behavior

    Adaptive optics testbed for pre- and post-compensation of earth-to-geo optical communication: downlink results

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    Optical communication between optical ground stations (OGS) and geostationary (GEO) satellites is a promising technology for future high-speed data transfer between Earth and space. However, such optical communication links suffer from distortions caused by atmospheric turbulence. To explore adaptive optics mitigation of this effect both in the uplink and the downlink beam, we have developed an adaptive optics testbed. In an earlier publication [1], we reported on the results of uplink compensation. In this contribution, we wish to elaborate more on the efficiency of downlink compensation. Further, we will highlight the differences between uplink and downlink compensation

    Production of short-chain fatty acid from CO2 through mixed and pure culture in a microbial electrosynthesis cell

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    The continuous accumulation of atmospheric CO2 requires the development of new technologies for its mitigation. Carbon capture and utilization (CCU) technologies aim to convert CO2 into precious compounds like chemicals and fuels. Biological fixation is an attractive CCU strategy in terms of cost, sustainability and variety of products. Chemoautotrophic microorganisms such as methanogens and acetogens are able to reduce CO2 into acetate and methane, respectively. Acetogens bacteria are able to use CO2 for cell growth through the Wood Liujhundal pathway, moreover, the final precursor (i.e. Acetyl-CoA) of the autotrophic metabolism, is also used in energy metabolism with acetate production as a waste product. Furthermore, it is possible to obtain multicarbon products of autotrophic origin starting from acetyl-CoA and acetate. The biotechnological use of these microorganisms requires the presence of H2 as substrate, which is used as an electron donor in the pathway. This reaction can be sustained by a biocathode in a microbial electrosynthesis cell, in which the reducing power is generated by a polarized electrode. This study proposes the use of a microbial electrosynthesis cell for conversion to acetate in H-cells by either a mixed culture enriched with Acetobacterium woodii or a pure culture of Acetobacterium woodii, to observe the difference in terms of acetate production and reducing power consumption efficiency. The mixed culture was obtained from a mixture of activated sludge and anaerobic digestate, treated by a protocol capable to select acetogenic microorganisms without the use of specific chemical inhibitors (2-Bromoethanesulfonate). Both inoculums were tested at room temperature (25°C) in the cathodic chamber of the H-cell at potentials in the range of -0.7 to -1.1 V vs SHE. The obtained results showed that the enriched mixed culture produced at -0.7 vs SHE a mixture of volatile fatty acids including C4 and C5 molecules with an overall coulombic efficiency of 50%, while at the potential of -0.9 vs SHE methane constituted the main product of the biocathode. The pure culture, on the other hand, showed a specific production of acetate with a coulombic efficiency of 44% at -0.9 vs SHE and 63% at -1.1 vs SHE. Furthermore, a drastic decrease in biocathode biomass was observed in pure culture, suggesting a higher tendency to form biofilms on the electrode unlike the mixed culture, which showed a standard growth profile in the bulk

    Quantum Breathing of an Impurity in a One-dimensional Bath of Interacting Bosons

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    By means of time-dependent density-matrix renormalization-group (TDMRG) we are able to follow the real-time dynamics of a single impurity embedded in a one-dimensional bath of interacting bosons. We focus on the impurity breathing mode, which is found to be well-described by a single oscillation frequency and a damping rate. If the impurity is very weakly coupled to the bath, a Luttinger-liquid description is valid and the impurity suffers an Abraham-Lorentz radiation-reaction friction. For a large portion of the explored parameter space, the TDMRG results fall well beyond the Luttinger-liquid paradigm.Comment: 10 pages, 7 figures, main text and supplementary material merged in a single PRB style documen

    Quantum dynamics of impurities in a 1D Bose gas

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    Using a species-selective dipole potential, we create initially localized impurities and investigate their interactions with a majority species of bosonic atoms in a one-dimensional configuration during expansion. We find an interaction-dependent amplitude reduction of the oscillation of the impurities' size with no measurable frequency shift, and study it as a function of the interaction strength. We discuss possible theoretical interpretations of the data. We compare, in particular, with a polaronic mass shift model derived following Feynman variational approach.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figure