1,370 research outputs found

    The Lived Experiences of Korean Employees Identified as Talent

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    Talented individuals are those who are identified as talent and participate in talent management initiatives provided by their organizations. Despite the apparent popularity of talent management, talented individuals have received little attention in the literature and a small number of talent management studies have placed them as the primary interest of research.. Talented employees’ acceptance of talent management is critical because their perceptions of talent management are likely to have an impact on their attitudes and behaviors that are important for the success of the organization. Therefore, it is important to acquire a solid understanding of the perceptions and experiences of talented employees prior to considering how to effectively execute individual talent management initiatives. This dissertation sought to gain a deep understanding of talented employees’ perspectives on and experiences with talent management in Korean corporations. Within the qualitative inquiry paradigm, this study utilized a phenomenological approach. I adopted the purposive criterion sampling strategy and recruited ten talented employees in South Korea. And I used semi-structured, open-ended questions to interview the participants. For data analysis, I employed Moustakas’ Modification of the Stevick-Colaizzi-Keen Method of Analysis of Phenomenological Data. Analysis of the data resulted in four main themes, which represented how participants perceived and experienced talent management. In this study, talented iii employees’ experiences with talent management could be described in terms of (a) an immediate but temporary effect on attitude, (b) a lack of understanding of the goals, processes, and initiatives of talent management and expected roles as talent, (c) minimal influence on roles, responsibilities, and careers, and (d) concerns about the effectiveness of talent management. This study also revealed the talented employees’ desire for frequent transparent communication and continuing support, which have been seldom explored in the literature. This study concludes by providing implications for practices and suggestions for additional studies for those who are interested in this line of research

    Magnetic-field- and pressure-tuned phases in LaxPryCa1−x−yMnO3 and Mn3O4: inelastic light scattering studies and single crystal growth

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    In this dissertation, I present our studies on two distinct strongly correlated materials: the manganese perovskites LaxPryCa1−x−yMnO3; and the manganese-based spinel Mn3O4. For this study, Raman (inelastic light) scattering spectroscopy was used as a main experimental technique because Raman scattering can provide detailed information—such as energy, symmetry, and lifetime information—about all the important electronic, magnetic, and lattice degrees of freedom involved in the complex phases and phenomena observed in strongly correlated materials. Also, for the studies presented in this thesis on the magnetodielectric material Mn3O4, the single crystal sample measured was grown using a floating zone technique. High quality single crystals play a key role in the detailed studies on the mechanisms responsible for the complex phases and intriguing phenomena—which, particularly, show the strong dependence on the crystallographic orientation—of strongly correlated materials Therefore, the development of a single crystal growth capability to get good single crystals was a major component of this thesis work. In LaxPryCa1−x−yMnO3 studies, I present field- and temperature-dependent Raman scattering studies of La0.5Ca0.5MnO3 and La0.25Pr0.375Ca0.375MnO3, which provide the microscopic details about the thermal and field-induced melting of charge- and orbital-order (COO) in the (La,Pr,Ca)MnO3 system—including the role of disorder in the COO melting—and, furthermore, enable us to map out the structural and COO phases of these systems as functions of temperature and magnetic field. These studies demonstrate how magnetic-field-dependent Raman scattering can be used to identify the structural phases of materials under conditions—such as high magnetic field and high pressure—that aren’t easily accessible using other techniques. In Mn4O4 studies, I present our temperature-, field-, and pressure-dependent Raman scattering studies on single-crystal Mn3O4, which reveal the rich and novel magnetostructural phases of this material. Our results provide microscopic details regarding the magnetostructural changes responsible for the diverse phase behavior and interesting phenomena observed in the spinels, which are essential to understanding the complex interplay between strong spin-orbital coupling, geometric frustration, and applied magnetic field in these materials. In the thesis study, not only do I elucidate the rich phases and phase transitions sensitively tunable with doping, magnetic field, and/or pressure, but also demonstrate that Raman scattering spectroscopy is a powerful method to microscopically investigate the complex phases in the strongly correlated materials as functions of temperature, magnetic field, and pressure—in fact, I demonstrate the capabilities of the simultaneous low temperature, high magnetic field, and high pressure measurements using Raman scattering. Also, I demonstrate the importance of using good single crystal samples for more detailed studies on the material properties

    What image features guide lightness perception?

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    Lightness constancy is the ability to perceive black and white surface colors under a wide range of lighting conditions. This fundamental visual ability is not well understood, and current theories differ greatly on what image features are important for lightness perception. Here we measured classification images for human observers and four models of lightness perception to determine which image regions influenced lightness judgments. The models were a high-pass-filter model, an oriented difference-of-Gaussians model, an anchoring model, and an atmospheric-link-function model. Human and model observers viewed three variants of the argyle illusion (Adelson, 1993) and judged which of two test patches appeared lighter. Classification images showed that human lightness judgments were based on local, anisotropic stimulus regions that were bounded by regions of uniform lighting. The atmospheric-link-function and anchoring models predicted the lightness illusion perceived by human observers, but the high-pass-filter and oriented-difference-of-Gaussians models did not. Furthermore, all four models produced classification images that were qualitatively different from those of human observers, meaning that the model lightness judgments were guided by different image regions than human lightness judgments. These experiments provide a new test of models of lightness perception, and show that human observers' lightness computations can be highly local, as in low-level models, and nevertheless depend strongly on lighting boundaries, as suggested by midlevel models.York University Librarie

    A holistic view on a targeted intervention on exclusionary discipline using generalized additive models for location, scale, and shape

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    The use of Generalized Linear Models (GLMs) to analyze count data has become a common practice in social work research. However, most applications of GLMs to count data fail to test for various distributions, which can result in inaccurate estimates. An alternative approach that provides more flexibility is the Generalized Additive Models for Location, Scale, and Shape (GAMLSS). GAMLSS is an innovative statistical approach that tests over 30 different count distributions by comparing each model and selects the best fitted models for the data. Despite its advantages, a preliminary search of the social work literature yielded no published papers utilizing this approach. This raises questions about the accuracy of current analyses of models using count data. The purpose of this dissertation is to demonstrate the use of GAMLSS in analyzing the effectiveness of the Self-Monitoring and Regulation Training Strategy (SMARTS), a school-based behavioral intervention, on in-school suspension (ISS), out-of-school suspension (OSS), and exclusionary discipline (ED) in elementary schools. Overall, this study provides evidence that GAMLSS is a powerful and flexible tool that can be used to analyze social work data. GAMLSS can be applied to important social work areas, such as addiction studies, health disparities, crime, aging-related outcomes, and homelessness, making it a tremendous utility for social work research.Includes bibliographical references

    EP2P-Loc: End-to-End 3D Point to 2D Pixel Localization for Large-Scale Visual Localization

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    Visual localization is the task of estimating a 6-DoF camera pose of a query image within a provided 3D reference map. Thanks to recent advances in various 3D sensors, 3D point clouds are becoming a more accurate and affordable option for building the reference map, but research to match the points of 3D point clouds with pixels in 2D images for visual localization remains challenging. Existing approaches that jointly learn 2D-3D feature matching suffer from low inliers due to representational differences between the two modalities, and the methods that bypass this problem into classification have an issue of poor refinement. In this work, we propose EP2P-Loc, a novel large-scale visual localization method that mitigates such appearance discrepancy and enables end-to-end training for pose estimation. To increase the number of inliers, we propose a simple algorithm to remove invisible 3D points in the image, and find all 2D-3D correspondences without keypoint detection. To reduce memory usage and search complexity, we take a coarse-to-fine approach where we extract patch-level features from 2D images, then perform 2D patch classification on each 3D point, and obtain the exact corresponding 2D pixel coordinates through positional encoding. Finally, for the first time in this task, we employ a differentiable PnP for end-to-end training. In the experiments on newly curated large-scale indoor and outdoor benchmarks based on 2D-3D-S and KITTI, we show that our method achieves the state-of-the-art performance compared to existing visual localization and image-to-point cloud registration methods.Comment: Accepted to ICCV 202

    A new intrinsically knotted graph with 22 edges

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    A graph is called intrinsically knotted if every embedding of the graph contains a knotted cycle. Johnson, Kidwell and Michael showed that intrinsically knotted graphs have at least 21 edges. Recently Lee, Kim, Lee and Oh, and, independently, Barsotti and Mattman, showed that K7K_7 and the 13 graphs obtained from K7K_7 by ∇Y\nabla Y moves are the only intrinsically knotted graphs with 21 edges. In this paper we present the following results: there are exactly three triangle-free intrinsically knotted graphs with 22 edges having at least two vertices of degree 5. Two are the cousins 94 and 110 of the E9+eE_9+e family and the third is a previously unknown graph named M11M_{11}. These graphs are shown in Figure 3 and 4. Furthermore, there is no triangle-free intrinsically knotted graph with 22 edges that has a vertex with degree larger than 5

    The Joint Effect of Self-Monitoring and Self-Ideal Discrepancy on Consumer Attitude toward Luxury Fashion Brands

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    The purpose of this study was to investigate the joint effect of self-monitoring and self-ideal discrepancy on consumer attitude toward luxury fashion brands. Participants (n = 316) who have purchased a luxury fashion brand within the past three years were recruited from a marketing research company and completed an online questionnaire. The results of this study provide empirical evidence that high self-monitors have more positive attitude toward luxury fashion brands when their actual self is close to ideal self in terms of self-efficacy, economic well-being, and experiential well-being. For managers to effectively design and implement luxury fashion branding strategies for high self-monitors who are inherently conspicuous, our findings suggest that they should convey such messages as self-efficacy, economic well-being, and experiential well-being
