143 research outputs found

    Staphylococcal enterotoxin sensitization in a community-based population : a potential role in adult-onset asthma

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    Background: Recent studies suggest that Staphylococcus aureus enterotoxin sensitization is a risk factor for asthma. However, there is a paucity of epidemiologic evidence on adult-onset asthma in community-based populations. Objective: We sought to evaluate the epidemiology and the clinical significance of staphylococcal enterotoxin sensitization in community-based adult populations. Methods: The present analyses were performed using the baseline data set of Korean adult population surveys, consisting of 1080 adults (mean age=60.2years) recruited from an urban and a rural community. Questionnaires, methacholine challenge tests, and allergen skin tests were performed for defining clinical phenotypes. Sera were analysed for total IgE and enterotoxin-specific IgE using ImmunoCAP. Results: Staphylococcal enterotoxin sensitization (0.35kU/L) had a prevalence of 27.0%. Risk factors were identified as male sex, current smoking, advanced age (61years), and inhalant allergen sensitization. Current asthma was mostly adult onset (18years old) and showed independent associations with high enterotoxin-specific IgE levels in multivariate logistic regression tests. In multivariate linear regressions, staphylococcal enterotoxin-specific IgE level was identified as the major determinant factor for total IgE level. Conclusions and Clinical Relevance: Staphylococcal enterotoxin sensitization was independently associated with adult-onset asthma in adult community populations. Strong correlations between the enterotoxin-specific IgE and total IgE levels support the clinical significance. The present findings warrant further studies for the precise roles of staphylococcal enterotoxin sensitization in the asthma pathogenesis

    Allergic diseases of the skin and drug allergies – 2010. Intradermal skin testing with cefazolin regardless of the history of hypersensitivity to antibiotics

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    Background There have been no standard methods to predict the hypersensitivity to cephalosporin. The relationship between cephalosporin hypersensitivity and history of beta-lactam hypersensitivity is not clear. This retrospective study is to evaluate the reliability of routine prophylactic skin test with cefazolin in general population and the relationship between results of cefazolin skin testing and the history of beta-lactam hypersensitivity. Methods The medical records of patientswho underwent skin testing to cefazolinfrom January 2010 to January 2011 at Bundang Seoul National University Hospital, South Korea were evaluated. Cefazolin was injected intradermaly with the concentration of 0.3 mg/ml without negative control. Skin testing to negative control was done for some of the patients who showed the positive results in cefazolin skin testing. History of beta-lactam hypersensitivity is taken from the statements of patients. Immediate adverse reactions after cefazolin injection were evaluated by searching key words including urticaria, itching, hypersensitivity, or anaphylaxis within 3 days after start of cefazolin in electronic chart and searching the consultations to allergy specialists or dermatologists after cefazolin injection. And then the medical records of searched patients were reviewed by an allergist. Results There were 13,153 cases of skin testing with cefazolin during 13 months. Positive rate of cefazolin skin tests without negative and positive controls was 1.4%. Among 81 patients with history of suspicious beta-lactam hypersensitivity, 7 patients (9.9%) had positive results, as compared with 176 patients (1.3%) of patients without suchhistory (9.9% vs 1.3%, P < 0.0001). Among 19 patients who showed positive skin testing to cefazolin and then tested with negative control, 14 (73.4%) patients were proved as false positive with reactivity to normal saline. Among 1,152 patientsexamined for skin testing to cefazolin more than twice during 13 months, 21 patients (1.8%) showed different results in serial skin tests to cefazolin. Conclusions This study suggests that routine prophylactic skin testing to cefazolin without negative control for all patients seems unreliable but prophylactic testing for patients with the history of beta-lactam hypersensitivity could be helpful, although the large prospective study is needed

    A Case of Recurrent Toxocariasis Presenting With Urticaria

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    Human toxocariasis is the most prevalent helminthiasis in Korea and other industrialized countries. The clinical features of toxocariasis are diverse, according to the involved organ. Typically, Toxocara spp. infection is easily treated with 400 mg albendazole twice a day for 5 days. However, we experienced a case of recurrent toxocariasis that was refractory to this standard therapy and presented with urticaria, an uncommon symptom in toxocariasis. A 35-year-old male visited our emergency room because of abdominal pain. He had recently consumed raw cow liver (3 weeks prior to presentation). Laboratory analyses revealed eosinophilia (1,612 cells/µL) and increased total IgE (3,060 IU/mL). Chest X-ray showed multiple lung nodules in both lungs, and computed tomography revealed multiple ground-glass opacities in both lungs and multiple tiny liver abscesses. Liver biopsy revealed an eosinophilic abscess. Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay findings for Toxocara antigens were positive (optical density, 2.140), leading to a diagnosis of toxocariasis. We initiated a 5-day treatment with albendazole and prednisolone; however, 6 days after completing the treatment, the patient again experienced urticaria and severe itching that could not be controlled by antihistamines or hydrocortisone cream. A second bout of eosinophilia suggested recurring toxocariasis, for which we prescribed a second round of albendazole. Despite an initial improvement in his symptoms, the patient returned after 6 weeks complaining of abdominal pain for 6 hours, which was reminiscent of his first attack; he also exhibited eosinophilia. Accordingly, albendazole was administered once more for an additional 3 weeks, and his symptoms resolved

    Two Cases of H2-Receptor Antagonist Hypersensitivity and Cross-Reactivity

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    H2-receptor antagonists, such as cimetidine, ranitidine and famotidine, are some of the most commonly prescribed medications for gastric acid-related disorders. These compounds are generally well-tolerated and anaphylactic reactions to them are rare. Here, we report two cases of H2-receptor antagonist-induced anaphylactic reactions: the first presented with sudden dyspnea, sneezing, urticaria, and swelling of the eyelids after ranitidine intake. The second presented with sudden severe urticaria, facial swelling, chest discomfort, dizziness, and hypotension. Possible cross-reactivity with other H2-receptor antagonists was assessed by oral challenge and skin tests. To date, only a few reports addressing cross-reactivity among H2-receptor antagonists have been published. We review the literature and summarize the data available on drug cross-reactivity in H2-receptor antagonist hypersensitivity

    Occupational Asthma and Rhinitis Induced by a Herbal Medicine, Wonji (Polygala tenuifolia)

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    Occupational asthma is induced by many agents, including herbal materials, that are exposed in working places. Although there are a few case reports for occupational allergy induced by herbal materials, there is none for that induced by Wonji (Polygala tenuifolia). This study was conducted to evaluate clinical characteristics and immunologic mechanism of Wonji-induced asthma in a exposed-worker. A patient who complained of asthma and rhinitis symptoms, and who had worked in a herbal manufacturing factory for 8 yr, underwent a skin prick test with crude extract of Wonji under the impression of occupational asthma induced by the agent. The patient had a strong positive response to the extract on the skin prick test. Allergen bronchial challenge to the extract demonstrated a typical dual response. Serum specific IgE level to the extract was higher in the patient than in healthy controls, and ELISA inhibition test revealed complete inhibition of IgE binding with the extract, but no inhibition with Der p 2 or mugwort extracts. Six IgE binding components to the extract (10, 25, 28, 36, 50, and 90 kDa) were detected using SDS-PAGE and immunoblot analysis. These findings suggest that Polygala tenuifolia, a herbal material, can induce IgE-mediated bronchoconstriction in exposed workers

    Korean Ginseng-Induced Occupational Asthma and Determination of IgE Binding Components

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    A number of case reports on occupational asthma caused by herbal medicines have been issued, for example, on Sanyak, Chunkung, Banha, and Brazilian ginseng. Recently, cases of occupational asthma induced by Sanyak and Korean ginseng have been reported, but the pathogenic mechanisms involved are unknown. This study was carried out to evaluate the immunologic mechanism underlying Korean ginseng-induced occupational asthma. A patient engaged in Korean ginseng wholesale was referred for recurrent dyspnea, wheezing, and nasal symptoms, which were aggravated at work. Allergen bronchial provocation testing to Korean ginseng extract showed a typical immediate response, and skin prick testing to Korean ginseng extract also showed a strong positive response. Moreover, serum-specific IgE levels to Korean ginseng extract were significantly higher than in controls. Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) inhibition tests showed a dose-dependent inhibition by Korean ginseng, but not by Dermatophagoides farinae, wheat flour, or Chinese balloon flower. Sodium dodecylsulfate-poly-acrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) and immunoblotting revealed four specific Immunoglobulin E (IgE) binding components at 26, 30, 47, and 60 kDa, which were not bound by control sera. These results strongly suggest that occupation asthma induced by Korean ginseng is induced via an IgE-mediated mechanism

    A Case of Hypersensitivity Syndrome to Both Vancomycin and Teicoplanin

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    Drug hypersensitivity syndrome to both vancomycin and teicoplanin has not been previously reported. We describe here a 50-yr-old male patient with vertebral osteomyelitis and epidural abscess who developed hypersensitivity syndrome to both vancomycin and teicoplanin. Skin rash, fever, eosinophilia, interstitial pneumonitis, and interstitial nephritis developed following the administration of each drug, and resolved after withdrawing the drugs and treating with high dose corticosteroids. The vertebral osteomyelitis was successfully treated with 6-week course of linezolid without further complications. Skin patch tests for vancomycin and teicoplanin was done 2 months after the recovery; a weak positive result for vancomycin (10% aq.,+at D2 and +at D4 with erythema and vesicles; ICDRG scale), and a doubtful result for teicoplanin (4% aq.-at D2 and±at D4 with macular erythema; ICDRG scale). We present this case to alert clinicians to the hypersensitivity syndrome that can result from vancomycin and teicoplanin, with possible cross-reactivity, which could potentially be life-threatening

    Hypereosinophilia Presenting as Eosinophilic Vasculitis and Multiple Peripheral Artery Occlusions without Organ Involvement

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    We report here a case with hypereosinophilia and peripheral artery occlusion. A 32-yr-old Korean woman presented to us with lower extremity swelling and pain. Angiography revealed that multiple lower extremity arteries were occlusive. The biopsy specimen showed perivascular and periadnexal dense eosinophilic infiltration in dermis and subcutaneous adipose tissue. Laboratory investigations revealed a persistent hypereosinophilia. She was prescribed prednisolone 60 mg daily. Her skin lesion and pain were improved and the eosinophil count was dramatically decreased. After discharge, eosinophil count gradually increased again. Cyanosis and pain of her fingers recurred. She had been treated with cyclophosphamide pulse therapy. Her eosinophilia was decreased, but the cyanosis and tingling sense were progressive. The extremity arterial stenoses were slightly progressed. Skin biopsy showed perivascular eosinophilic infiltration in the dermis and CD40 ligand (CD40L) positive eosinophilic infiltration. The serum TNF-α was markedly increased. These results suggest that CD40L (a member of TNF-α superfamily) could play a role in the inflammatory processes when eosinophil infiltration and activation are observed. We prescribed prednisolone, cyclophosphamide, clopidogrel, cilostazol, beraprost and nifedipine, and she was discharged