152,823 research outputs found

    Parameterized Streaming Algorithms for Min-Ones d-SAT

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    In this work, we initiate the study of the Min-Ones d-SAT problem in the parameterized streaming model. An instance of the problem consists of a d-CNF formula F and an integer k, and the objective is to determine if F has a satisfying assignment which sets at most k variables to 1. In the parameterized streaming model, input is provided as a stream, just as in the usual streaming model. A key difference is that the bound on the read-write memory available to the algorithm is O(f(k) log n) (f: N -> N, a computable function) as opposed to the O(log n) bound of the usual streaming model. The other important difference is that the number of passes the algorithm makes over its input must be a (preferably small) function of k. We design a (k + 1)-pass parameterized streaming algorithm that solves Min-Ones d-SAT (d >= 2) using space O((kd^(ck) + k^d)log n) (c > 0, a constant) and a (d + 1)^k-pass algorithm that uses space O(k log n). We also design a streaming kernelization for Min-Ones 2-SAT that makes (k + 2) passes and uses space O(k^6 log n) to produce a kernel with O(k^6) clauses. To complement these positive results, we show that any k-pass algorithm for or Min-Ones d-SAT (d >= 2) requires space Omega(max{n^(1/k) / 2^k, log(n / k)}) on instances (F, k). This is achieved via a reduction from the streaming problem POT Pointer Chasing (Guha and McGregor [ICALP 2008]), which might be of independent interest. Given this, our (k + 1)-pass parameterized streaming algorithm is the best possible, inasmuch as the number of passes is concerned. In contrast to the results of Fafianie and Kratsch [MFCS 2014] and Chitnis et al. [SODA 2015], who independently showed that there are 1-pass parameterized streaming algorithms for Vertex Cover (a restriction of Min-Ones 2-SAT), we show using lower bounds from Communication Complexity that for any d >= 1, a 1-pass streaming algorithm for Min-Ones d-SAT requires space Omega(n). This excludes the possibility of a 1-pass parameterized streaming algorithm for the problem. Additionally, we show that any p-pass algorithm for the problem requires space Omega(n/p)

    Three-Source Extractors for Polylogarithmic Min-Entropy

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    We continue the study of constructing explicit extractors for independent general weak random sources. The ultimate goal is to give a construction that matches what is given by the probabilistic method --- an extractor for two independent nn-bit weak random sources with min-entropy as small as log⁥n+O(1)\log n+O(1). Previously, the best known result in the two-source case is an extractor by Bourgain \cite{Bourgain05}, which works for min-entropy 0.49n0.49n; and the best known result in the general case is an earlier work of the author \cite{Li13b}, which gives an extractor for a constant number of independent sources with min-entropy polylog(n)\mathsf{polylog(n)}. However, the constant in the construction of \cite{Li13b} depends on the hidden constant in the best known seeded extractor, and can be large; moreover the error in that construction is only 1/poly(n)1/\mathsf{poly(n)}. In this paper, we make two important improvements over the result in \cite{Li13b}. First, we construct an explicit extractor for \emph{three} independent sources on nn bits with min-entropy k≄polylog(n)k \geq \mathsf{polylog(n)}. In fact, our extractor works for one independent source with poly-logarithmic min-entropy and another independent block source with two blocks each having poly-logarithmic min-entropy. Thus, our result is nearly optimal, and the next step would be to break the 0.49n0.49n barrier in two-source extractors. Second, we improve the error of the extractor from 1/poly(n)1/\mathsf{poly(n)} to 2−kΩ(1)2^{-k^{\Omega(1)}}, which is almost optimal and crucial for cryptographic applications. Some of the techniques developed here may be of independent interests

    Crucial and bicrucial permutations with respect to arithmetic monotone patterns

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    A pattern τ\tau is a permutation, and an arithmetic occurrence of τ\tau in (another) permutation π=π1π2...πn\pi=\pi_1\pi_2...\pi_n is a subsequence πi1πi2...πim\pi_{i_1}\pi_{i_2}...\pi_{i_m} of π\pi that is order isomorphic to τ\tau where the numbers i1<i2<...<imi_1<i_2<...<i_m form an arithmetic progression. A permutation is (k,ℓ)(k,\ell)-crucial if it avoids arithmetically the patterns 12...k12... k and ℓ(ℓ−1)...1\ell(\ell-1)... 1 but its extension to the right by any element does not avoid arithmetically these patterns. A (k,ℓ)(k,\ell)-crucial permutation that cannot be extended to the left without creating an arithmetic occurrence of 12...k12... k or ℓ(ℓ−1)...1\ell(\ell-1)... 1 is called (k,ℓ)(k,\ell)-bicrucial. In this paper we prove that arbitrary long (k,ℓ)(k,\ell)-crucial and (k,ℓ)(k,\ell)-bicrucial permutations exist for any k,ℓ≄3k,\ell\geq 3. Moreover, we show that the minimal length of a (k,ℓ)(k,\ell)-crucial permutation is max⁥(k,ℓ)(min⁥(k,ℓ)−1)\max(k,\ell)(\min(k,\ell)-1), while the minimal length of a (k,ℓ)(k,\ell)-bicrucial permutation is at most 2max⁥(k,ℓ)(min⁥(k,ℓ)−1)2\max(k,\ell)(\min(k,\ell)-1), again for k,ℓ≄3k,\ell\geq3

    Analytical modelling of hot-spot traffic in deterministically-routed k-ary n-cubes

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    Many research studies have proposed analytical models to evaluate the performance of k-ary n-cubes with deterministic wormhole routing. Such models however have so far been confined to uniform traffic distributions. There has been hardly any model proposed that deal with non-uniform traffic distributions that could arise due to, for instance, the presence of hot-spots in the network. This paper proposes the first analytical model to predict message latency in k-ary n-cubes with deterministic routing in the presence of hot-spots. The validity of the model is demonstrated by comparing analytical results with those obtained through extensive simulation experiments

    Offshore Web-based Gambling Accounts are Subject to FBAR

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