24 research outputs found

    The influence of apparatus competence, leadership style, tri hita karana culture and society participation on the effectiveness of village fund management

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    This study aims to determine the effect of the apparatus competence, leadership style, Tri Hita Karana culture and society participation on the effectiveness of village fund management. The sample of this study were taken from 100 villages in Tabanan Regency with the number of respondents as many as 300 respondents.   The method for determining the sample were the proportionate stratified random sampling and data collection using a questionnaire. Data were analyzed using multiple linear regression analysis. This study shows that the apparatus competence, leadership style, and society participation have a positive effect on the effectiveness of village fund management. Meanwhile the Tri Hita Karana culture not significantly affect the effectiveness of village fund management. This indicate that the better the apparatus competence, leadership style, and society participation, the better the effectiveness of village fund management.

    Effect of task complexity and time pressure on auditor performance with compensation and organizational citizenship behavior (OCB) as moderation

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    This study aims to examine the effect of task complexity and time pressure on auditor performance at the Public Accounting Firm (KAP) in Bali Province with compensation and organizational citizenship behavior (OCB) as moderating. The population in this study were all KAP auditors in Bali Province registered in the Directory published by the Indonesian Institute of Certified Public Accountants (IAPI) in 2017. The sampling technique used was purposive sampling. The criteria are: the auditor works in a KAP throughout the Province of Bali who is still actively operating and has a minimum work period or audit experience of 1 year. 61 questionnaire data were processed. The results of this study found that: task complexity has a negative effect on auditor performance, time pressure has a negative effect on auditor performance. The results also show that compensation is not able to moderate the influence of task complexity and time pressure on auditor performance. Organizational citizenship behavior (OCB) is not able to moderate the influence of task complexity on auditor performance but is able to moderate the influence of time pressure on auditor performance

    The Influence of Asimetry Information, Budget Emphasis, Self Esteem on Budgetary Slack with Unbelievable Career as Moderate

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    This study aims to obtain empirical evidence of career uncertainty as a moderator of the relationship between information asymmetry, budget emphasis, self esteem with budget slack on OPD in Gianyar regency with the number of 40 agencies, the sample used for 67 respondents. The research was conducted in Gianyar with survey method using questionnaire. The results show that career uncertainty weakens the positive relationship between information asymmetry and budget slack. The career uncertainty weakens the positive relationship between budget emphasis and budget slack. The career uncertainty strengthens the negative relationship between self esteem and budgetary slack. Keywords: Asymmetric information, Budget Emphasis, Self Esteem, Unbelievable Career, Budget Slac

    The Effect of Attitude Toward the Behavior, Subjective Norm and Perceived Behavioral Control on Whistleblowing Intention

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    The purpose of this study is to examine the influencing factors of whistleblowing intention among Government Internal Control Staffs in Inspektorat Provinsi Bali, by using three factors that affect intention based on theory planned of behavior such as attitude toward the behavior, subjective norm and perceived behavioral control. The population of this study are The Government Internal Control Staffs in Inspektorat Provinsi Bali, which using purposive sampling method to specify the sample. Total 57 questionnaires distributed to Inspektorat Provinsi Bali, 54 questionnaires were back and 49 questionnaires were filled out completely by respondent, that used as the sample for this research. The questionnaires distributed directly to Inspektorat Provinsi Bali’s Office. The data were analyzed by using multiple linear regressions. The analysis shows that subjective norm and perceived behavioral control have positive effect on whistleblowing intention among Government Internal Control Staffs. While no effect on the attitude toward the behavior to whistleblowing intention among Government Internal Control Staffs. Keywords: Theory Planned Of Behavior, Whisteblowin