10 research outputs found

    UNISAT-7: A Flexible IOD Platform with Orbital Maneuvering Capabilities

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    New Space technology for Small Satellites has greatly advanced in the past five years. These progresses shall match with a swift integration and testing phase, to be readily marketable, therefore IOD missions are essential to expedite project outcomes. GAUSS has started working on Small Satellites since 1990s, with its first satellite, UNISAT, launched in 2000. In 2013, UNISAT-5 was the first platform to accomplish in-orbit-release of third-party satellites, with UNISAT-6 following in less than one year. UNISAT-7 is the latest addition to the UNISAT series: a 32kg microsatellite designed and manufactured by GAUSS Srl (a spin-off company of Scuola di Ingegneria Aerospaziale, Sapienza University of Roma), built from scratch thanks to the extensive experience gained with past missions. Launch is scheduled in in Q1 2021. It is the most complex mission ever flown by GAUSS, and it includes several original GAUSS subsystems developed for Earth Observation, sat-to-ground optical links, navigation, power, RF, and Smallsat in-orbit-deployments. All these subsystems are tested in orbit in specific IOD missions. Moreover, UNISAT-7 integrates a precise ADCS solution and a newly developed low-thrust, electric propulsion system named REGULUS, from Italian Company Technology for Propulsion and Innovation (T4i), which will allow the satellite to modify its final orbit, as well as to execute housekeeping maneuvers for drag compensation. REGULUS is a propulsive unit based on MEPT (Magnetically Enhanced Plasma Thruster) technology developed inside the propulsion laboratory of the University of Padua. T4i, born as a Spin-off of the University of Padua, industrialized this technology in order to make it fly. REGULUS is T4i very first product that has ever flown into space. Its envelope is 1.5 U of volume, it is equipped with solid iodine propellant and its main features are a thrust level of 0.55 mN and Isp of 550 s at 50 W of input power, and wet mass of 2.5 kg at 3000 Ns of Itot. REGULUS is designed to serve nanosatellite platforms from 6U to 24U and CubeSat carriers. The integration took place in GAUSS white chamber in Rome in late 2020 and the launch is scheduled in March 2021 from Baikonur as a secondary payload of Soyuz-2-1a/Fregat. Performances of REGULUS propulsion system are evaluated after the initial commissioning of UNISAT-7. This key IOD mission paves the way to next UNISAT programs, where GAUSS microsatellites will be able to execute orbital maneuvers before any single CubeSat deployment, in order to efficiently shape customized constellations by using UNISATs as autonomous vehicles for in-orbit-deployment. Provide an informative abstract of no more than 500 words. The abstract should stand alone as a summary of the paper, not as an introduction (i.e., no numerical references). Type the abstract across both columns and fully justified

    REGULUS CubeSat Propulsion System: In-Orbit Operations

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    A robust, versatile, and cost-effective propulsion system to provide wide mobility to small satellite platforms and nanosatellite deployers. A Plug&Play propulsion system designed to be easily integrated into different satellite platforms and to match customer\u27s requirements, with minimal customization efforts and costs

    Nanocomposite materials and structures: New perspectives for human life in space

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    The human exploration of non-Earth planets is the Pillars of Hercules of the contemporary era. Indeed, the space agencies around the world have ambitious plans of allowing permanent human bases on Mars and Moon within our lifetime. However, these ambitions face with the limitations of the current technologies. The need to reduce the weight of the spacecraft at launch, to improve the flexibility while maintaining the mechanical strength, and to realize new sustainable structural and non-structural elements of life support for long explorations are just some of the challenges to overcome. Nanocomposite materials and structures seem to be the key to go beyond many technological challenges. Nanocomposites are materials consisting of at least one component in the nanoscale, which gives multi-functional characteristics to the structures where they are embedded. Carbon nanoparticles, such as nanotubes and graphene nanoplatelets, combine mechanical exceptional properties with excellent electrical and thermal properties. These materials can be used for realizing multifunctional structures to achieve lightweight and high performance spacecraft, radiative shields, and create new sensors to monitor the human life in space, as well as highly reliable energy storage systems. In this presentation, we will analyze how nanocomposite materials and structures can be used to promote human space exploration, as extravehicular activities and colonization of non-Earth planets. In particular, we will focus on the design of novel miniaturized nanocomposite sensors that could monitor the interaction of the astronaut with the space environment, and lightweight structural elements for human life protection

    Space-grade polyethylene/carbon nanocomposites fabricated by 3D-printing

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    In additive manufacturing (3D printing) processes, polyethylene (PE) filaments can be taken into consideration build and recycle components in space, thus reducing costs, risks, and logistics issues that can occur during a long-term mission beyond Low Earth Orbits. In fact, the excellent radiation shielding properties of polyethylene, which are due to its high content of hydrogen, have found consensus among the scientific community. On the other hand, PE shows poor mechanical, electrical, and thermal properties. Adding carbon nanoparticles, such as graphene or carbon nanotubes (CNT), to polyethylene results in nanocomposites with enhanced properties and multifunctional features. In this paper, we studied the process of filament extrusion of polyethylene loaded with different weight percentages of multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs) and graphene nanoplatelets (GNPs). In the initial phase, key parameters, such as extrusion rate, nozzle temperature, as well as nanoparticles loading, were optimized to obtain a smooth extrusion and a good uniformity of the filament diameter. Next, PE-based nanocomposite specimens with different nanofiller loadings were fabricated using a 3D printer based on fused deposition modeling (FDM). We investigated the morphology of the extruded filaments and that of the printed nanocomposites using scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The thermal and the electrical properties, as measured by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) and electrical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) respectively, were analyzed and compared to those of the neat polyethylene polymer. Results from our investigation demonstrated the capability of 3D printers based on fused deposition modeling to successfully manufacture components made of multifunctional polyethylene/carbon nanocomposites starting from extruded filaments with tailored properties

    Addressing key psychological and physiological factors in preparation for Long Duration manned missions - suggested Adaptation of current Astronaut training

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    Long-duration human space flight missions (longer than 6 months) create new challenges in space exploration. Maintaining crew well-being and performance is critical for the success of these missions. In addition to physiological effects (e.g. due to microgravity or radiation), experiments have demonstrated that in this extreme environment, long-term spaceflight can have adverse psychological and sociological 1 Paper ID: 44485effects on the crew. The Space Exploration Working Group of the 2nd and 3rd \European - Space Generation Workshops" (E-SGW) organized by the Space Generation Advisory Council (SGAC) in Paris, France in March 2017 and in Bucharest, Romania in March 2018 set out the following topics that will be addressed in this paper: 1) Identify physiological and psychosocial risks for long-duration manned missions; 2) Propose mitigation measures against these detrimental health effects and impact they could have; 3) Consider if the astronaut selection process and training could be adapted to the needs of future missions. Physiological risks are dominated by the effects of radiation and microgravity causing a myriad of potential short and long term health issues for astronauts. Medical challenges need to be addressed not only with technical countermeasures, but also considering crucial factors such as team composition and training. Potential psychological disorders include a wide range of mental health problems (for example chronic stress, sleep disorders, anxiety, psychosis, psychosomatic illness, mood disorders) that are not only detrimental to the astronaut, but also reduce productivity. Interpersonal challenges that could develop in such conditions include a tendency to avoid social contact, as well as tension and conflicts arising within the team, which increase with the duration of the mission and distance from Earth, as the Crew becomes more isolated. The breadth of the identified psychological problems needs the implementation of countermeasures to minimize the effects of this stress-inducing environment. Suggested evidence-based and applied psychological approaches in contextual behavioural science could successfully reduce the stress imposed and increase psychological well-being, team cohesion and performance of the crew. A range of potential changes to current selection and training techniques for long-term missions is discussed focusing on selection criteria, to ensure a complementary interpersonal mix within teams, and training to Support both the physical and psychological demands and endurance required for long-term space travel. The presented topic will be examined interdisciplinarily, and will aim to identify a practical and pragmatic approach to enable human spaceflight, balancing risk acceptance versus risk mitigation


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    The EARS project, funded under the Horizon Europe programme, aims at the development of an affordable, flexible platform that can be reused and easily produced in large numbers, targeting the lowcost SmallSat market. The EARS spacecraft is conceived to be launched in Low Earth Orbit to support microgravity manufacturing and a variety of small experiments. Then the spacecraft is planned to deorbit, to perform a controlled re-entry and to be recovered to deliver its products and results back to the Earth. The concept of operations of EARS involves a controlled re-entry and therefore calls for an advanced heatshield, maximizing the reusability of the platform. For that purpose, an inflatable concept has been considered. Differently from state-of-the-art rigid heatshields, an inflatable heat shield enjoys several advantages, like a lower ballistic coefficient that reduces thermal loads. The envisioned inflatable heatshield is made of two main parts: a rigid nose, and a flexible thermal protection system (FTPS), which will be inflated during the re-entry. The latter is a multilayer structure made by an outer layer, which is exposed to the highest temperatures, an insulation layer, which prevents the diffusion of the heat to the internal structure of the system, and eventually a gas barrier, to prevent any hot gas from reaching and damaging the underlying inflatable structure. The current material candidates include IsiComp Ceramic Matrix Composite (CMC) for the rigid nose, woven Refrex 1420 for the FTPS outer layer, Sigratherm GFA5 soft graphite for the FTPS insulative layer, and Kapton for the gas barrier. Preliminary numerical analyses performed in FreeFEM++ show this combination of materials maintains the underlying structure below 70◦C considering a constant heat flux of 275 kW/m2 for 80 s, representing the trajectory heat load. To advance heat-shield-related technologies, specific test procedures have been designed to characterize the selected materials. The test strategy consists of Simultaneous Thermal Analysis (STA) for specific heat capacity determination, and high-enthalpy Plasmatron tests for material characterization in a representative Earth re-entry environment. Stagnation point experiments will provide the material performance at high temperature, and flat plate experiments the material response with aeromechanical load. Results of the test campaign will be shown in the paper, demonstrating that an innovative inflatable TPS can be used in future reusable small satellite missions

    Entrepreneurial and innovation ecosystem for space: A handbook on how to start your own space company

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    This is a great time to start a space company. A revolution is underway and the commercial space industry is taking off. Less dependence on government business means that aerospace companies can attract new customers to emerging space markets. This dynamic global context promises of opening the new frontier to exploration and development in ways not anticipated by the established industry. Investments from venture capitalists along with new approaches to raise capital-such as crowdsourcing-are providing opportunities for small entrepreneurial space companies to gain a foothold in the sector. Between 2005 and 2012, investments were estimated at around 12 billion USD and this support is expected to continue as the new industry develops. This paper presents the results of an International Space University team project focused on helping new companies get started and take advantage of the new opportunities. The first of two outputs of this project is “The Galactic Guide to Space Entrepreneurship”, a handbook designed to be an easy-to-read guide for current and future space entrepreneurs-also referred to as astropreneurs. Alongside the handbook, we developed astropreneurs.space. This dynamic web resource features relevant and up-to-date content that will provide astropreneurs with the tools and insights needed to build and manage a successful space business. This article summarizes the creative process and the major findings of the team project including: a review of the market opportunities; the basics required knowledge in the areas of finance, business modelling, and the minimum viable product process; suggestions for effective branding; and the different stages of the fundraising journey. We also study the relevant legal aspects-for incorporating and running a space enterprise-and the currently available government sponsorships, university and incubation programs

    Entrepreneurial and innovation ecosystem for space: A handbook on how to start your own space company

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    This is a great time to start a space company. A revolution is underway and the commercial space industry is taking off. Less dependence on government business means that aerospace companies can attract new customers to emerging space markets. This dynamic global context promises of opening the new frontier to exploration and development in ways not anticipated by the established industry. Investments from venture capitalists along with new approaches to raise capital-such as crowdsourcing-are providing opportunities for small entrepreneurial space companies to gain a foothold in the sector. Between 2005 and 2012, investments were estimated at around 12 billion USD and this support is expected to continue as the new industry develops. This paper presents the results of an International Space University team project focused on helping new companies get started and take advantage of the new opportunities. The first of two outputs of this project is “The Galactic Guide to Space Entrepreneurship”, a handbook designed to be an easy-to-read guide for current and future space entrepreneurs-also referred to as astropreneurs. Alongside the handbook, we developed astropreneurs.space. This dynamic web resource features relevant and up-to-date content that will provide astropreneurs with the tools and insights needed to build and manage a successful space business. This article summarizes the creative process and the major findings of the team project including: a review of the market opportunities; the basics required knowledge in the areas of finance, business modelling, and the minimum viable product process; suggestions for effective branding; and the different stages of the fundraising journey. We also study the relevant legal aspects-for incorporating and running a space enterprise-and the currently available government sponsorships, university and incubation programs

    Neotropical freshwater fisheries : A dataset of occurrence and abundance of freshwater fishes in the Neotropics

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    The Neotropical region hosts 4225 freshwater fish species, ranking first among the world's most diverse regions for freshwater fishes. Our NEOTROPICAL FRESHWATER FISHES data set is the first to produce a large-scale Neotropical freshwater fish inventory, covering the entire Neotropical region from Mexico and the Caribbean in the north to the southern limits in Argentina, Paraguay, Chile, and Uruguay. We compiled 185,787 distribution records, with unique georeferenced coordinates, for the 4225 species, represented by occurrence and abundance data. The number of species for the most numerous orders are as follows: Characiformes (1289), Siluriformes (1384), Cichliformes (354), Cyprinodontiformes (245), and Gymnotiformes (135). The most recorded species was the characid Astyanax fasciatus (4696 records). We registered 116,802 distribution records for native species, compared to 1802 distribution records for nonnative species. The main aim of the NEOTROPICAL FRESHWATER FISHES data set was to make these occurrence and abundance data accessible for international researchers to develop ecological and macroecological studies, from local to regional scales, with focal fish species, families, or orders. We anticipate that the NEOTROPICAL FRESHWATER FISHES data set will be valuable for studies on a wide range of ecological processes, such as trophic cascades, fishery pressure, the effects of habitat loss and fragmentation, and the impacts of species invasion and climate change. There are no copyright restrictions on the data, and please cite this data paper when using the data in publications