29 research outputs found


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    The criterion of effect on trade between Member States has served, for more than half a century, as the dividing criterion for the application of national and EU competition law, respectively. This criterion, which has gone through both expansion and contraction and then further expansion in terms of its scope of application, is gaining importance with time, due to the ever-greater substantive and procedural consequences of the applicability or inapplicability of EU competition law. The only way in which this crucial question will be placed under a solid framework is if the relationship between national and EU competition law were determined beforehand, something which, to some extent, the new Directive on Damages Actions, currently in the final phase of adoption, aims to do.Критеријум утицаја на трговину између Држава чланица служи, већ више од пола века, као критеријум за поделу у примени између националног права конкуренције Држава чланица ЕУ и европског права конкуренције. Овај критеријум, који је претрпео како експанзију тако и контракцију, па затим поновну експанзију у свом обиму примене, временом добија на значају услед све већих материјално и процесноправних последица примене односно непримене европског права конкуренције. Упркос том све већем значају, критеријум остаје крајње флексибилан и отворен. Једини начин да се дâ чвршћи оквир овом суштинском питању јесте да се претходно прецизније утврди однос између националног и европског права конкуренције, чему, у одређеној мери, тежи нова Директива о накнади штете, која је тренутно у финалној фази усвајања. &nbsp


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    One of the most potent instruments in the expansion of the scope of EU law is that of effect utile of the European legal order. The topic of this article is the development and meaning of this legal institute, as well as its practical implications, in particular its capacity to generate new legal norms, which have no direct basis in the Treaties or secondary EU legislation. Through a critique of effect utile and a review of some important recent judgments of the EU Court of Justice, an attempt is made to find the limits of this legal institute.Један од најјачих инструмената у ширењу домета права ЕУ судским путем јесте институт корисног дејства (effet utile) овог правног правног поретка. Тема чланка јесте развој и значење овог института, као и његове практичне последице, а посебно појава корисног дејства као извора нових правних норми, које немају директно упориште како у Уговорима ЕУ тако ни у законодавству ЕУ. Кроз критику овог института и осврт на важне новије пресуде Суда правде ЕУ, траже се његове границе

    Art terapija kao suportivno-ekspresivna terapija u liječenju karcinoma dojke

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    Art terapija dobiva sve veće značenje u psihoonkologiji. Cilj ovog rada je opisati iskustvo pacijentice na kojoj se provodila art terapija te napraviti pregled literature o učinkovitosti art terapije u pacijentica s karcinomom dojke. Metode: Pacijentica koja se liječila od raka dojke liječena je i kod psihijatra u Klinici za psihološku medicine Kliničkog bolničkog centra Zagreb. Analizirani su prikupljeni podatci o pacijentici prije, tijekom i nakon terapije. Napravljen je pregled literature u području psihoonkologije s posebnim naglaskom na primjenu art terapije kod onkoloških bolesnika. Rezultati: Istraživanja su pokazala kako rak dojke značajno utječe na emocionalno, kognitivno i socijalno funkcioniranje žena. Također rezultati pokazuju kako je važno poticati mehanizme obrane kod pacijentica koje boluju od karcinoma kako bi uspjele pokazati osjećaje koji su potisnuti. Glavni ciljevi ove suportivno-ekspresivne terapije su proraditi žalovanje za gubitcima koje donosi teška bolest kao i prilagodba na promijenjenu sliku tijela. Ekspresija u umjetnosti daje simptomima formu I boju te se oni više ne moraju konvertirati u fizičke ili psihološke tegobe. Zaključak: Literaturni podatci i analiza slučaja pokazali su kako art terapija ima dugodjelujući učinak na veliki spektar simptoma vezanima uz rak dojke i njegove posljedice. Također, uočen je pozitivan utjecaj na samospoznaju i samoaktualizaciju pacijenata. Zbog toga se art terapiju može koristiti kao visoko učinkovit pristup u pružanju psihološke pomoći pacijenticama oboljelima od raka dojke, koji omogućava ekspresiju emocija i bolju kvalitetu života.Aims: Art therapy as supportive-expressive therapy is gaining increasing importance in psycho-oncology. The aim of this paper is to describe the experience of participating in art therapy of a patient with breast cancer and to review the literature regarding the effectiveness of art therapy during breast cancer treatment. Methods: The participant undergoing medical treatment for breast cancer was treated at the Clinical Hospital Centre Zagreb, at the Department of Psychological Medicine. A therapeutic approach was used to analyze the patient’s data. Review of the literature in the field of art therapy in psycho-oncology was done, with a particular focus on the approach to patients with breast cancer. Results: Studies have found that breast cancer diagnosis has a large impact on the emotional, cognitive and social functioning of women. It is important to develop strategies to strengthen coping mechanisms in women with breast cancer and help them express often-repressed emotions. The main point of supportive-expressive therapy includes mourning the losses that cancer brings and adapting to a changed body image. Expression in art gives emotions a form and a color instead of just the physical or psychological symptoms. Conclusion: The literature and this case show that art therapy has a lasting effect on a large spectrum of symptoms related to breast cancer and its consequences as well as on self-knowledge and self-realization of the patient. Therefore, art therapy can be used as a highly effective approach to provide breast cancer patients with better quality of life and psychological support while giving them freedom to express themselves and add meaning to their days

    Art terapija kao suportivno-ekspresivna terapija u liječenju karcinoma dojke

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    Art terapija dobiva sve veće značenje u psihoonkologiji. Cilj ovog rada je opisati iskustvo pacijentice na kojoj se provodila art terapija te napraviti pregled literature o učinkovitosti art terapije u pacijentica s karcinomom dojke. Metode: Pacijentica koja se liječila od raka dojke liječena je i kod psihijatra u Klinici za psihološku medicine Kliničkog bolničkog centra Zagreb. Analizirani su prikupljeni podatci o pacijentici prije, tijekom i nakon terapije. Napravljen je pregled literature u području psihoonkologije s posebnim naglaskom na primjenu art terapije kod onkoloških bolesnika. Rezultati: Istraživanja su pokazala kako rak dojke značajno utječe na emocionalno, kognitivno i socijalno funkcioniranje žena. Također rezultati pokazuju kako je važno poticati mehanizme obrane kod pacijentica koje boluju od karcinoma kako bi uspjele pokazati osjećaje koji su potisnuti. Glavni ciljevi ove suportivno-ekspresivne terapije su proraditi žalovanje za gubitcima koje donosi teška bolest kao i prilagodba na promijenjenu sliku tijela. Ekspresija u umjetnosti daje simptomima formu I boju te se oni više ne moraju konvertirati u fizičke ili psihološke tegobe. Zaključak: Literaturni podatci i analiza slučaja pokazali su kako art terapija ima dugodjelujući učinak na veliki spektar simptoma vezanima uz rak dojke i njegove posljedice. Također, uočen je pozitivan utjecaj na samospoznaju i samoaktualizaciju pacijenata. Zbog toga se art terapiju može koristiti kao visoko učinkovit pristup u pružanju psihološke pomoći pacijenticama oboljelima od raka dojke, koji omogućava ekspresiju emocija i bolju kvalitetu života.Aims: Art therapy as supportive-expressive therapy is gaining increasing importance in psycho-oncology. The aim of this paper is to describe the experience of participating in art therapy of a patient with breast cancer and to review the literature regarding the effectiveness of art therapy during breast cancer treatment. Methods: The participant undergoing medical treatment for breast cancer was treated at the Clinical Hospital Centre Zagreb, at the Department of Psychological Medicine. A therapeutic approach was used to analyze the patient’s data. Review of the literature in the field of art therapy in psycho-oncology was done, with a particular focus on the approach to patients with breast cancer. Results: Studies have found that breast cancer diagnosis has a large impact on the emotional, cognitive and social functioning of women. It is important to develop strategies to strengthen coping mechanisms in women with breast cancer and help them express often-repressed emotions. The main point of supportive-expressive therapy includes mourning the losses that cancer brings and adapting to a changed body image. Expression in art gives emotions a form and a color instead of just the physical or psychological symptoms. Conclusion: The literature and this case show that art therapy has a lasting effect on a large spectrum of symptoms related to breast cancer and its consequences as well as on self-knowledge and self-realization of the patient. Therefore, art therapy can be used as a highly effective approach to provide breast cancer patients with better quality of life and psychological support while giving them freedom to express themselves and add meaning to their days

    Chapter One – An Overview of Architecture-Level Power- and Energy-Efficient Design Techniques

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    Power dissipation and energy consumption became the primary design constraint for almost all computer systems in the last 15 years. Both computer architects and circuit designers intent to reduce power and energy (without a performance degradation) at all design levels, as it is currently the main obstacle to continue with further scaling according to Moore's law. The aim of this survey is to provide a comprehensive overview of power- and energy-efficient “state-of-the-art” techniques. We classify techniques by component where they apply to, which is the most natural way from a designer point of view. We further divide the techniques by the component of power/energy they optimize (static or dynamic), covering in that way complete low-power design flow at the architectural level. At the end, we conclude that only a holistic approach that assumes optimizations at all design levels can lead to significant savings.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    MC Sensor—A Novel Method for Measurement of Muscle Tension

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    This paper presents a new muscle contraction (MC) sensor. This MC sensor is based on a novel principle whereby muscle tension is measured during muscle contractions. During the measurement, the sensor is fixed on the skin surface above the muscle, while the sensor tip applies pressure and causes an indentation of the skin and intermediate layer directly above the muscle and muscle itself. The force on the sensor tip is then measured. This force is roughly proportional to the tension of the muscle. The measurement is non-invasive and selective. Selectivity of MC measurement refers to the specific muscle or part of the muscle that is being measured and is limited by the size of the sensor tip. The sensor is relatively small and light so that the measurements can be performed while the measured subject performs different activities. Test measurements with this MC sensor on the biceps brachii muscle under isometric conditions (elbow angle 90°) showed a high individual linear correlation between the isometric force and MC signal amplitudes (0.97 ≤ r ≤ 1). The measurements also revealed a strong correlation between the MC and electromyogram (EMG) signals as well as good dynamic behaviour by the MC sensor. We believe that this MC sensor, when fully tested, will be a useful device for muscle mechanic diagnostics and that it will be complementary to existing methods

    STRIP -- a strip-based neural-network growth algorithm for learning multiple-valued functions

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    We consider the problem of synthesizing multiple-valued logic functions by neural networks. A genetic algorithm (GA) which finds the longest strip in is described. A strip contains points located between two parallel hyperplanes. Repeated application of GA partitions the space into certain number of strips, each of them corresponding to a hidden unit. We construct two neural networks based on these hidden units and show that they correctly compute the given but arbitrary multiple-valued function. Preliminary experimental results are presented and discussed

    Message from the chairs and editors

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