7 research outputs found

    Replication origin location might contribute to genetic variability in Trypanosoma cruzi

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    Background: DNA replication in trypanosomatids operates in a uniquely challenging environment, since most of their genomes are constitutively transcribed. Trypanosoma cruzi, the etiological agent of Chagas disease, presents high variability in both chromosomes size and copy number among strains, though the underlying mechanisms are unknown. Results: Here we have mapped sites of DNA replication initiation across the T. cruzi genome using Marker Frequency Analysis, which has previously only been deployed in two related trypanosomatids. The putative origins identified in T. cruzi show a notable enrichment of GC content, a preferential position at subtelomeric regions, coinciding with genes transcribed towards the telomeres, and a pronounced enrichment within coding DNA sequences, most notably in genes from the Dispersed Gene Family 1 (DGF-1). Conclusions: These findings suggest a scenario where collisions between DNA replication and transcription are frequent, leading to increased genetic variability, as seen by the increase SNP levels at chromosome subtelomeres and in DGF-1 genes containing putative origins

    Development of CaneRegNet platform for functional annotation and analysis of sugarcane transcriptome

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    A identificação de genes alvos, vias de sinalização e vias metabólicas para melhoramento de cana-de-açúcar associados a características de interesse, ainda são pouco conhecidos e estudados. Alguns estudos do transcriptoma através de plataformas de microarranjo têm buscado identificar listas de genes, para experimentos tecido- específico ou submetidos a condições de estresse bióticos e abióticos. Estudos pontuais destes dados tem sido associados a vias metabólicas ou vias de sinalização já descritas na literatura, de forma a identificar alterações relacionadas a padrões de expressão gênica. Porém, estas relações em cana-de-açúcar são pouco conhecidas e estudadas. O estudo e entendimento de cana-de-açúcar por meio da diversidade genética e de sua adaptação ao ambiente é um grande desafio, principalmente pela ausência de um genoma sequenciado e por possuir um genoma complexo. Apresentamos nossos resultados para tentar superar tais limitações e desafios para estudos de expressão gênica. Foram desenvolvidas metodologias para anotação funcional do transcriptoma, centradas na transferência de anotação, identificação de vias metabólicas e enzimas pelo método de similaridade bi-direcional, predição de genes full-length, análises de ortologia e desenho de oligonucleotídeos para microarranjos customizados, resultando no ORFeoma de cana-de-açúcar, na identificação e classificação de famílias de fatores de transcrição e identificação de genes ortólogos entre gramíneas. Além disso, desenvolvemos uma plataforma para processamento e análise automatizada de experimentos por microarranjo, para armazenamento, recuperação e integração com a anotação funcional. Adicionalmente desenvolvemos e implementamos métodos para seleção de genes diferencialmente e significativamente expressos, e abordagens para análise de enriquecimento de categorias, e escores de atividade de vias metabólicas. De forma a integrar a anotação funcional do transcriptoma aos estudos por expressão gênica, desenvolvemos a plataforma CaneRegNet e uma interface para integração desta rede de dados biológicos e conhecimentos, composta por aplicativos para consulta e prospecção de dados por análises de agrupamento e correlação entre experimentos de microarranjo, possibilitando a geração de novas hipóteses e predições dentro da organização da regulação celular.The identification of target genes, metabolic and signaling pathways associated with characteristics of interest to the sugarcane improvement are still poorly known and studied. Some transcritptome studies through microarray platforms has tried to identify lists of genes, for tissue-specific experiments or subjected to conditions of biotic and abiotic stress. In the literature specific studies of these data has already been associated with metabolic or signaling pathway, in order to identify changes in these tracks related to patterns of gene expression. However, these relations are still little know and generally defined slightly. The study and understanding of sugarcane by means of genetic diversity and its adaptation to the environment is a major challenge, mainly due to the absence of a sequenced genome and by your complex genome. We present our results to surpass this barrier e challenges for the study of gene expression. Methodologies were developed for the transcriptome functional annotation, focused on the annotation transfer, identification of metabolic pathways and enzymes by the bi- directional method; prediction of full-length genes; ortology analysis and probe design for customized microarrays, resulting in the sugarcane ORFeome, the identification and classification of transcription factor families and identification of ortholog genes between grasses. Besides that, we have developed a plataform for automated processing and analysis for microarray experiments, to store, retrieve and integration with the functional annotation. Additionally, we have developed and implemented methods for identification of differentially and significantly expressed genes, and approaches for over-represented analysis and functional class scoring (FCS). To integrate the functional annotation and the studies by gene expression profile, we have developed the CaneRegNet platform and an interface to integrate this network of biological data and knowledge, composed by searching and data mining tools for clustering and correlations between microarray experiments, enabling the generation of new hypothesis and predictions around the organization of cellular regulation

    Antisense Transcription in Plants: A Systematic Review and an Update on cis-NATs of Sugarcane

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    Initially, natural antisense transcripts (NATs, natRNAs, or asRNAs) were considered repressors; however, their functions in gene regulation are diverse. Positive, negative, or neutral correlations to the cognate gene expression have been noted. Although the first studies were published about 50 years ago, there is still much to be investigated regarding antisense transcripts in plants. A systematic review of scientific publications available in the Web of Science databases was conducted to contextualize how the studying of antisense transcripts has been addressed. Studies were classified considering three categories: “Natural antisense” (208), artificial antisense used in “Genetic Engineering” (797), or “Natural antisense and Genetic Engineering”-related publications (96). A similar string was used for a systematic search in the NCBI Gene database. Of the 1132 antisense sequences found for plants, only 0.8% were cited in PubMed and had antisense information confirmed. This value was the lowest when compared to fungi (2.9%), bacteria (2.3%), and mice (54.1%). Finally, we present an update for the cis-NATs identified in Saccharum spp. Of the 1413 antisense transcripts found in different experiments, 25 showed concordant expressions, 22 were discordant, 1264 did not correlate with the cognate genes, and 102 presented variable results depending on the experiment

    Elevated CO2 increases photosynthesis, biomass and productivity, and modifies gene expression in sugarcane

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    Because of the economical relevance of sugarcane and its high potential as a source of biofuel, it is important to understand how this crop will respond to the foreseen increase in atmospheric [CO2]. The effects of increased [CO2] on photosynthesis, development and carbohydrate metabolism were studied in sugarcane (Saccharum ssp.). Plants were grown at ambient (similar to 370 ppm) and elevated (similar to 720 ppm) [CO2] during 50 weeks in open-top chambers. The plants grown under elevated CO2 showed, at the end of such period, an increase of about 30% in photosynthesis and 17% in height, and accumulated 40% more biomass in comparison with the plants grown at ambient [CO2]. These plants also had lower stomatal conductance and transpiration rates (-37 and -32%, respectively), and higher water-use efficiency (c.a. 62%). cDNA microarray analyses revealed a differential expression of 35 genes on the leaves (14 repressed and 22 induced) by elevated CO2. The latter are mainly related to photosynthesis and development. Industrial productivity analysis showed an increase of about 29% in sucrose content. These data suggest that sugarcane crops increase productivity in higher [CO2], and that this might be related, as previously observed for maize and sorghum, to transient drought stress3181116112

    Mice Placental ECM Components May Provide A Three-Dimensional Placental Microenvironment

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    Bioethical limitations impair deeper studies in human placental physiology, then most studies use human term placentas or murine models. To overcome these challenges, new models have been proposed to mimetize the placental three-dimensional microenvironment. The placental extracellular matrix plays an essential role in several processes, being a part of the establishment of materno-fetal interaction. Regarding these aspects, this study aimed to investigate term mice placental ECM components, highlighting its collagenous and non-collagenous content, and proposing a potential three-dimensional model to mimetize the placental microenvironment. For that, 18.5-day-old mice placenta, both control and decellularized (n = 3 per group) were analyzed on Orbitrap Fusion Lumos spectrometer (ThermoScientific) and LFQ intensity generated on MaxQuant software. Proteomic analysis identified 2317 proteins. Using ECM and cell junction-related ontologies, 118 (5.1%) proteins were filtered. Control and decellularized conditions had no significant differential expression on 76 (64.4%) ECM and cell junction-related proteins. Enriched ontologies in the cellular component domain were related to cell junction, collagen and lipoprotein particles, biological process domain, cell adhesion, vasculature, proteolysis, ECM organization, and molecular function. Enriched pathways were clustered in cell adhesion and invasion, and labyrinthine vasculature regulation. These preserved ECM proteins are responsible for tissue stiffness and could support cell anchoring, modeling a three-dimensional structure that may allow placental microenvironment reconstruction

    The sugarcane signal transduction (SUCAST) catalogue: prospecting signal transduction in sugarcane

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    EST sequencing has enabled the discovery of many new genes in a vast array of organisms, and the utility of this approach to the scientific community is greatly increased by the establishment of fully annotated databases. The present study aimed to identify sugarcane ESTs sequenced in the sugarcane expressed sequence tag (SUCEST) project (<A HREF="http://sucest.lad.ic.unicamp.br/">http://sucest.lad.ic.unicamp.br</A>) that corresponded to signal transduction components. We also produced a sugarcane signal transduction (SUCAST) catalogue (<A HREF="http://sucest.lad.ic.unicamp.br/private/mining-reports/QG/QG-mining.htm">http://sucest.lad.ic.unicamp.br/private/mining-reports/QG/QG-mining.htm</A>) that covered the main categories and pathways. Expressed sequence tags (ESTs) encoding enzymes for hormone (gibberellins, ethylene, auxins, abscisic acid and jasmonic acid) biosynthetic pathways were found and tissue specificity was inferred from their relative frequency of occurrence in the different libraries. Whenever possible, transducers of hormones and plant peptide signaling were catalogued to the respective pathway. Over 100 receptors were found in sugarcane, which contains a large family of Ser/Thr kinase receptors and also photoreceptors, histidine kinase receptors and their response regulators. G-protein and small GTPases were analyzed and compared to known members of these families found in mammalian and plant systems. Major kinase and phosphatase pathways were mapped, with special attention being given to the MAP kinase and the inositol pathway, both of which are well known in plants.<br>O sequenciamento de ESTs (etiquetas de sequencias transcritas) tem possibilitado a descoberta de muitos novos genes em uma ampla variedade de organismos. Um aumento do aproveitamento desta informação pela comunidade científica tem sido possível graças ao desenvolvimento de base de dados contendo seqüências completamente anotadas. O trabalho aqui relatado teve como objetivo a identificação de ESTs de cana de açúcar seqüenciadas através do projeto SUCEST (<A HREF="http://sucest.lad.ic.%20unicamp.br/">http://sucest.lad.ic. unicamp.br</A>) que codificam para proteínas envolvidas em mecanismos de transdução de sinal. Nós também preparamos um catálogo dos componentes de transdução de sinal da cana de açúcar (SUCAST) englobando as principais categorias e vias conhecidas (<A HREF="http://sucest.lad.ic.unicamp.%20br/private/mining-reports/QG/QG-mining.htm">http://sucest.lad.ic.unicamp. br/private/mining-reports/QG/QG-mining.htm</A>). ESTs codificadoras de enzimas envolvidas nas rotas de biossíntese de hormônios (giberelinas, etileno, auxinas, ácido abscíssico, ácido jasmônico) foram encontradas e sua expressão específica nos tecidos foi inferida a partir de seu enriquecimento nas diferentes bibliotecas. Quando possível, transmissores do sinal hormonal e da resposta a peptídeos produzidos pela planta foram associados a suas respectivas vias. Mais de 100 receptores foram encontrados na cana de açúcar, entre os quais uma grande família de receptores Ser/Thr quinase e também de fotoreceptores, receptores do tipo histidina quinase e seus respectivos reguladores da resposta. Proteínas G e GTPases pequenas foram também analisadas e comparadas com membros destas famílias já conhecidos em mamíferos e plantas. As vias principais que envolvem a participação de proteínas quinases e fosfatases foram mapeadas, em especial as vias da quinase MAP quinase e do inositol que são bem estudadas em plantas