25 research outputs found

    Bat community data for 15 landscapes in southeastern Brazil

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    All information on bats was collected in the field by Renata Muylaert. Metadata is described on file

    Germination speed of two plant species dispersed by muriquis (<i>Brachyteles arachnoides</i>) or tapirs (<i>Tapirus terrestris</i>) <i>vs</i>. control treatments: <i>Cryptocarya mandioccana</i> (a) and <i>Hieronyma alchorneoides</i> (b).

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    <p>Germination speed of two plant species dispersed by muriquis (<i>Brachyteles arachnoides</i>) or tapirs (<i>Tapirus terrestris</i>) <i>vs</i>. control treatments: <i>Cryptocarya mandioccana</i> (a) and <i>Hieronyma alchorneoides</i> (b).</p

    Comparative seed size selection by muriquis (<i>Brachyteles arachnoides</i>) and tapirs (<i>Tapirus terrestris</i>) <i>vs</i>. control (seeds collected from trees) in Carlos Botelho State Park, Atlantic Forest, Brazil (n.s non significant, * P<0.05, ** P<0.01, *** P<0.001).

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    <p>Comparative seed size selection by muriquis (<i>Brachyteles arachnoides</i>) and tapirs (<i>Tapirus terrestris</i>) <i>vs</i>. control (seeds collected from trees) in Carlos Botelho State Park, Atlantic Forest, Brazil (n.s non significant, * P<0.05, ** P<0.01, *** P<0.001).</p

    Characteristics and seed dispersal effectiveness of tapirs (<i>Tapirus terrestris</i>) and muriquis (<i>Brachyteles arachnoides</i>) in the Brazilian Atlantic Forest.

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    *<p>A. Sanches, unpublished data;</p>**<p><a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0056252#pone.0056252-Mdici1" target="_blank">[65]</a>.</p

    Diet Overlap and Foraging Activity between Feral Pigs and Native Peccaries in the Pantanal

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    <div><p>Inter-specific competition is considered one of the main selective pressures affecting species distribution and coexistence. Different species vary in the way they forage in order to minimize encounters with their competitors and with their predators. However, it is still poorly known whether and how native species change their foraging behavior in the presence of exotic species, particularly in South America. Here we compare diet overlap of fruits and foraging activity period of two sympatric native ungulates (the white-lipped peccary, <i>Tayassu pecari</i>, and the collared peccary, <i>Pecari tajacu</i>) with the invasive feral pig (<i>Sus scrofa</i>) in the Brazilian Pantanal. We found high diet overlap between white-lipped peccaries and feral pigs, but low overlap between collared peccaries and feral pigs. Furthermore, we found that feral pigs may influence the foraging period of both native peccaries, but in different ways. In the absence of feral pigs, collared peccary activity peaks in the early evening, possibly allowing them to avoid white-lipped peccary activity peaks, which occur in the morning. In the presence of feral pigs, collared peccaries forage mostly in early morning, while white-lipped peccaries forage throughout the day. Our results indicate that collared peccaries may avoid foraging at the same time as white-lipped peccaries. However, they forage during the same periods as feral pigs, with whom they have lower diet overlap. Our study highlights how an exotic species may alter interactions between native species by interfering in their foraging periods.</p></div