7 research outputs found

    COVID-19 pandemijos poveikis aukštojo mokslo plėtrai

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    The main research directions of the situation in European higher education and Ukraine such as emergency transition to distance learning and teaching; problems related to internationalization and academic mobility; the impact of COVID-19 pandemic on research; the importance of cooperation with various organizations; strengthening of European higher education at the international level; and consequences of the crisis and prospects for higher education have been defined. The threats and potential emergence of destabilizing natural circumstances for the development of educational systems in a society, in particular higher education, have been described in global, European and national dimensions.Four groups of teachers that have been formed in forced transition to distance education. The groups have included the teachers of the subjects that required a significant amount of practical and laboratory work; teachers who actively used digital technology before the pandemic; teachers familiar with digital technologies; teachers who failed to master new tools for organizing learning, teamwork and expanded use of digital resources. The problems of the lack of professionally developed programs for online learning, insufficient funding, the need for methodological training of teachers to work with students online, which are common to most universities, have been identified.Tyrime apibrėžiamos pagrindinės Europos aukštojo mokslo ir Ukrainos situacijos tyrimų kryptys, pavyzdžiui, skubus perėjimas prie nuotolinio mokymosi ir mokymo; su internacionalizacija ir akademiniu mobilumu susijusios problemos; COVID-19 pandemijos poveikis tyrimams; bendradarbiavimo su įvairiomis organizacijomis svarba; Europos aukštojo mokslo stiprinimas tarptautiniu lygmeniu bei krizės padariniai ir aukštojo mokslo perspektyvos. Pasauliniu, europiniu ir nacionaliniu mastu aprašomos destabilizuojančių gamtinių aplinkybių grėsmės švietimo sistemų, ypač aukštojo mokslo, plėtrai.Tyrime dalyvavo keturios grupės mokytojų, turėjusių priverstinai pereiti prie nuotolinio ugdymo  – mokytojai tų dalykų, kurių mokant yra nemažai praktinių ir laboratorinių darbų; mokytojai, kurie prieš pandemiją aktyviai naudojo skaitmenines technologijas; mokytojai, kurie buvo susipažinę su skaitmeninėmis technologijomis; mokytojai, kuriems nepavyko įvaldyti naujų mokymosi organizavimo, komandinio darbo ir išplėsto skaitmeninių išteklių naudojimo priemonių. Tyrimas atskleidė daugumai universitetų būdingas problemas – profesionaliai sukurtų nuotolinio mokymosi programų trūkumas, nepakankamas finansavimas ir dėstytojų metodinio rengimo nuotoliniam darbui su studentais poreikis

    Потенціал веб-служби Google Classroom для викладачів вищих навчальних закладів під час пандемії

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    Researches and publications on using Google Classroom web service for lecturers of higher educational establishments under pandemic conditions are analysed. The current state of higher education under pandemic conditions is characterised. Features of Google Classroom web service have been identified. The methodical development for lecturers of higher educational establishments “Potential of using Google Classroom web service” is described. Criteria and levels of using Google Classroom web service are defined. Initial diagnostic of the levels of using Google Classroom web service was conducted. During the diagnostic was revealed that most respondents have insufficient levels of theoretical knowledge and practical skills. In order to increase the level of using Google Classroom web service, the methodological development was implemented. As a result, positive dynamics in the levels of theoretical knowledge and practical skills of using Google Classroom web service was revealed. The effectiveness of the obtained results was confirmed by Fisher’s criterion.У публікації досліджується використання веб-сервісу Google Classroom для викладачів вищих закладів освіти в умовах пандемії. Характеризується сучасний стан вищої освіти під час пандемії. Визначено особливості веб-служби Google Classroom. Розроблено методику для викладачів вищих закладів освіти "Потенціал використання Веб-сервіс Google Classroom". Визначено критерії та рівні використання веб-сервісу Google Classroom. Проведена первинна діагностика рівнів використання веб-сервісу Google Classroom. За результатами діагностики виявлено, що більшість респондентів мають недостатній рівень теоретичних знань і практичних навичок. З метою підвищення рівня використання веб-сервісу Google Classroom була реалізована методична розробка. Як результат, була отримана позитивна динаміка на рівні теоретичних знань і було виявлено практичні навички користування веб-сервісом Google Classroom. Ефективність отриманих результатів були підтверджені критерієм Фішера

    Fostering critical thinking skills among future teachers

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    Today, a person who thinks critically is able to conduct a dialogue, determine the nature of any problem and find alternative solutions, and distinguish fact from assumption. This person is not afraid to question established opinions and judgments. That is why such kind of people are considered to be competitive and in demand on the labor market. The article, based on modern scientific positions, reveals the meaning of “critical thinking”. The development of critical thinking is based on observation skills; on the ability to ask questions and find the necessary resources; on the ability to check beliefs, assumptions and opinions, contrary to the evidence; on the ability to distinguish and identify a problem; on the ability to assess the validity of statements and arguments; and on the ability to find and make smart decisions, and understand the logic and logical arguments. The authors of the article found that the process of solving pedagogical problems was the basic unit of critical thinking skills among future teachers. The availability of critical thinking skills among future teachers is determined by using a critical thinking test, developed by Lauren Starkey, an American author (Starkey, 2004). The analysis of the survey results shows that the majority of respondents have an average level of critical thinking skills. The average level of critical thinking skills indicates that an average future teacher’s forms of thinking are unevenly developed. That is why it is difficult for a future teacher to make important decisions. We propose to foster critical thinking skills by solving pedagogical problems, which involves the use of modern interactive forms, methods and techniques of teaching

    Innovative Pedagogical Activity as the Highest Level of Pedagogical Trade of Teacher

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    Стаття присвячена теоретичному аналізу педагогічної майстерності та інноваційної педагогічної діяльності як вищому рівню професійної майстерності вчителя. Педагогічна майстерність розглядається як прояв найвищої форми активності особистості вчителя, що базується на гуманізмі й розкривається в ефективному використанні методів і засобів педагогічної взаємодії в конкретній педагогічній ситуації, створенні вчителем індивідуального педагогічного стилю та власної професійної «Я-концепції» і тісно пов’язана з інноваційної діяльністю і творчістю вчителя.The article deals with the theoretical analysis of pedagogical trade and innovative pedagogical activity as the highest level of professional trade of a teacher. Pedagogical trade is examined as a display of the greatest form of teacher is activity, that is based on humanism and opens up in effective realization of methods and techniques of pedagogical co-operation in a concrete pedagogical situation and is closely related to innovative activity and pedagogical work of a teacher. Therefore professional preparation of a future teacher to innovative pedagogical activity must be directed at forming his willingness to accept pedagogical innovations and capture innovative pedagogical technologies. An innovative pedagogical activity is examined as purposeful professional activity of a teacher, basis of that is a comprehension of own pedagogical experience with the purpose of achievement of high professional results, pedagogical trade and introduction of new innovation technologies. Readiness of a teacher to the pedagogical innovations presents a personality innovative orientation and active pedagogical teacher actions that show up in his pedagogical trade, pedagogical work and formed professional self-identification. Readiness of a teacher to innovative activity requires the special psychological and pedagogical preparation, because a teacher uses not only knowledge of the art of teaching in the process of professional activity but also modern knowledge from pedagogic and psychology, pedagogical technologies of studies and education, on the basis of that his readiness is formed to perception, estimation and realization of pedagogical innovations. The increase of efficiency of educational process in higher educational pedagogical establishments envisages innovative development of bases of pedagogical trade of a student that plugs forming of readiness of a future teacher in innovative pedagogical activity and is the highest level of his professional development. Pedagogical innovation is an innovation in pedagogical activity, changes in maintenance of studies and education with the aim of increase of their efficiency. The essence of innovative processes in education is a study, generalization and distribution of front-rank pedagogical experience and introduction of new achievements of psychological and pedagogical science in teacher’s working practice

    The Role of the Main Pedagogical Institute in the Developing Pedagogical Skills of the Future Teacher

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    У статті розкрито вплив Головного педагогічного інституту на розвиток ідей педагогічної майстерності вчителя, схарактеризовано особливості науково-педагогічної діяльності професорів інституту; творчого внеску окремих викладачів у процес науково-теоретичного пошуку професіограми вчителя-майстра та впровадження педагогічної техніки в процес педагогічної підготовки майбутнього вчителя. У дослідженні використовувалися такі методи: пошуково-бібліографічний; хронологічний; просопографічний (описання біографій і професійної діяльності професорів); метод порівняльно-історичного аналізу; ретроспективний логіко-системний аналіз; історико-структурного узагальнення, прогностичний.So, the genesis of pedagogical skills development should be considered taking into account the real experience of higher education institutions activity; analysis of documents regulating the educational process, which reveals the rights and responsibilities of the teaching staff; the level of development of psychological and pedagogical science; concrete contribution of the best teachers to the development of ideas of pedagogical skills. Retrospective, logical-system analysis of the creative heritage professors allowed stating that scientific and pedagogical activity of the professors harmoniously combined a scientist, philosopher, artist, educator and a man with diversified knowledge. The unity of the methodological, educational, research and general culture of the teacher provided a successful general teacher training of the future teacher. It should be noted that besides the brilliant professional qualities, the professors had psychological knowledge and special professional skills that allowed them to be not only teachers but also teacher educators. The personality traits that were inherent in most of the professors can include pronounced tolerance, patience, the ability to sincerely rejoice at the success of the students, the desire to help them find their own path in science and life, and deep respect for the personality of the students. It is necessary to draw attention to the fact that the system of teaching (expanding the content of pedagogical education, the creation of new forms of learning, the formation of a system of methodological requirements) in the Main Pedagogical Institute allowed to create an effective system of training of both professional researchers and practicing teachers. A characteristic feature of the teaching skills of the professors of the Institute was the combination of functions of research activity with pedagogical skills. The important criteria of teaching professors of that historical period were considered to be the depth of scientific knowledge, the breadth of horizons and literary skills. The appeal to the research of the scientific and pedagogical activity of the professors of pre-revolutionary Russia makes it possible to find out the peculiarities of the development of the pedagogical skills of the teacher of higher education at a certain historical stage, to update the valuable scientific and pedagogical experience of modernization processes in the system of higher education

    Scientific Fundamentals of Pedagogical Mastery in the Theory and Practice of Russian Education at the End of the XIX and Early XX Centuries

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    У статті подаються результати історико-педагогічного аналізу творчої спадщини прогресивних педагогів, соратників і послідовників К. Ушинського, які заклали наукові основи педагогічної майстерності та зробили вагомий внесок в оновлення професійної підготовки вчителя. З’ясовано, що вчені пов’язували педагогічну майстерність зі знаннями вчителем суміжних із педагогікою наук (психології, фізіології, антропології, етики та ін.); педагогічна майстерність визначалася як індивідуальна творчість, заснована на знанні закономірностей і механізмів педагогічного процесу. Для отримання об’єктивних даних із обраної проблеми дослідження використовувався комплекс взаємопов’язаних методів: загальнонаукові (історико-педагогічний аналіз, синтез, узагальнення, порівняння), що стали основою для вивчення процесуально-змістових аспектів розвитку ідей педагогічної майстерності вчителя в теорії і практиці освіти Росії в досліджуваний період.The article presents the results of historical-pedagogical analysis of the creative heritage of progressive educators, associates and followers of K. Ushinsky, who laid the scientific foundations of pedagogical mastery and made a significant contribution to updating the teacher's professional training. In order to obtain objective data on the selected problem of research, a set of interrelated methods was used: general scientific (historical-pedagogical analysis, synthesis, generalization, comparison), which became the basis for the study of procedural-content aspects of the development of ideas of teacher’s pedagogical mastery in the theory and practice of education in the investigated period. It was found out that the teachers of the late XIX and early XX centuries. with their scientific works laid the fundamental theoretical foundations of the development of ideas of pedagogical mastery; scientifically substantiated the ways of improving the teacher’s professional training; interpreting professional skills as a pedagogical phenomenon, elevated to the level of art and science. Pedagogical mastery was defined as individual creativity, based on knowledge of patterns and mechanisms of pedagogical process, which allows analyzing independently pedagogical phenomena, to find new teaching ideas, conclusions, principles in the theory and practice of teaching. The main feature of pedagogical mastery the teachers considered pedagogical culture and humanistic orientation of the teacher. Scientists have identified a number of criteria for assessing pedagogical mastery: the ability of the teacher to have the pedagogical technique necessary for the effective use of the system of methods of pedagogical influence; knowledge of a teacher related to the pedagogy of sciences (psychology, physiology, anthropology, ethics, etc.), which help the teacher to develop attention, memory, imagination, will, and other qualities in their pupils. Instructors, scientists distinguished the features of the teacher-master: the sincere love for children, the steadfastness of attention, patience, perseverance, diligent work, love for work, the gift of words, pedagogical tact, constant professional self-improvement, the desire to find the perfect methods of work. An important prerequisite for the achievement of pedagogical mastery was the pedagogical abilities and pedagogical vocation of man

    The potential of Google Classroom web service for lecturers of higher educational establishments under pandemic conditions

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    Researches and publications on using Google Classroom web service for lecturers of higher educational establishments under pandemic conditions are analysed. The current state of higher education under pandemic conditions is characterised. Features of Google Classroom web service have been identified. The methodical development for lecturers of higher educational establishments “Potential of using Google Classroom web service” is described. Criteria and levels of using Google Classroom web service are defined. Initial diagnostic of the levels of using Google Classroom web service was conducted. During the diagnostic was revealed that most respondents have insufficient levels of theoretical knowledge and practical skills. In order to increase the level of using Google Classroom web service, the methodological development was implemented. As a result, positive dynamics in the levels of theoretical knowledge and practical skills of using Google Classroom web service was revealed. The effectiveness of the obtained results was confirmed by Fisher’s criterion