54 research outputs found
About hidden influence of predictor variables: Suppressor and mediator variables
In this paper procedure for researching hidden influence of predictor variables in regression models and depicting suppressor variables and mediator variables is shown. It is also shown that detection of suppressor variables and mediator variables could provide refined information about the research problem. As an example for applying this procedure, relation between Atlantic atmospheric centers and air temperature and precipitation amount in Serbia is chosen. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. 47007
Književni tekstovi sa hrišćanskom tematikom u čitankama za mlađe razrede u funkciji estetskog i verskog obrazovanja
In der heutigen Zeit bemerken wir Aktivitäten einer neuen historisch - methodisch –
pädagogischen Bewegung, die sowohl auf Ideen des personifizierten, individualisierten und
differenzierten Unterrichts basiert ist, als auch auf die subjektivistische Vorgehensweise, die den
Schüler in die Mitte des Unterrichts- und Erziehungsprozesses setzt. Diese Ideen und dieses Streben
sind jedes Lobes wert, falls wir sie in Bezug auf unser vernachlässigtes Schulwesen betrachten. Aber
man muss sich auch all der Gefahren bewusst sein, die das Wirken der oben Genannten Bewegung
begleiten. Die Gefahren bestehen meistens in der einseitigen und vereinfachten Art und Weise, wie
man die Probleme angeht (die meistens unnötig geschaffen und danach theoretisch definiert werden),
dann in den modellartigen und nicht kreativen Schulplänen und – programmen, in der Gleichstellung
von Begriffen Information und Wissen . Die Gefahren bestehen auch darin, dass der Vorrang dem
formalen gegeben wird, anstatt dem wesentlichen, und sie bestehen auch darin, dass die literarischen
Meisterwerke, die unserem Kulturerbe und auch dem Weltkulturerbe angehören, "neubewertet
werden". Aus dem Schüler, dem "kleinen Menschen" soll man nicht versuchen, weder Nietzsches
Übermenschen noch einen atheistischen Unmenschen zu machen, sondern man sollte ihm ermöglichen,
dass er seine Persönlichkeit voll realisiert und, dass er Vortschritte machen kann, und dass alles auf
seinem Weg Mensch zu werden. Das Ziel der Bildung und der Erziehung als einer Gesamtkategorie
kann nur eines sein – das Kreieren einer freien und kompletten Persönlichkeit. In diesem Sinne ist die
Bedeutung literarischer Werke mit christlichen Thematik unentbehrlich.
Mit der Problem Vorgehensweise, haben wir untersucht, wie die literarischen Texte
mit christlicher Thematik, in den Lesebüchern für die Unterstufe der Grundschule, vertreten sind, und
wie groß deren Funktion in der religiösen und ästhetischen Bildung ist. Wir sind zu den Erkenntnissen
bezüglich der Ansichten von Lehrern gekommen, aber auch bezüglich der Ähnlichkeiten und der
Unterschiede in Ansichten, die abhängig von deren Geschlecht sind, und auch davon abhängig sind wie
lange sie schon unterrichten, in welcher Gegend sie arbeiten aber auch davon welche Klassen sie
unterrichten. Dabei haben wir den Gegenstand unserer Forschung in weiterem Sinne aufgestellt
(wissenschaftliches, theoretisches und praktisches Erforschen und Untersuchen von Einflüssen der
literarischen Meisterwerke in der Erziehung und in der Bildung von Schülern in der Unterstufe der
Grundschule), aber auch im engeren Sinne (komparativ - kritische Analyse der Ansichten der Lehrer
über das Niveau der Vorhandenheit der literarischen Texte mit christlicher Thematik in den
Lesebüchern für die Unterstufe der Grundschule und über deren Beitrag für die religiöse und
ästhetische Erziehung der Schüler). Hiermit ist unzertrennlich auch das Ziel der Forschung
verbunden, das als Erforschen und Identifizieren von Ansichten und Meinungen der Lehrer über die
Vorhandenheit der literarischen Texte mit christlicher Thematik und deren Beitrag für die religiöse und
ästhetische Bildung der Schüler, festgesetzt ist. Daraus folgten unmittelbare Aufgaben der
Forschung, die man in zwei Gruppen sublimieren kann: 1) Ermittlung von Ansichten der Lehrer über
den Beitrag der literarischen Texte mit christlicher Thematik, abhängig vom Bereich und vom Aspekt;
2) Ermittlung von Ansichten der Lehrer über die Vorhandenheit der literarischen Texte mit christlicher
Thematik, vom Aspekt der religiösen und und ästhetischen Erziehung. Mit der Untersuchung wurde der
erste Teil der allgemeinen Hypothese bestätigt: Die meisten Lehrer bewerten die Texte mit
christlicher Thematik wie folgt: sie sind der Meinung, dass die literarischen Texte mit christlicher
Thematik einen großen Beitrag in der religiösen und ästhetischen Erziehung der Schüler in der
Unterstufe der Grundschule leisten, aber, dass sie nicht genügen in den Leserbüchern für die Unterstufe
der Grundschule vorhanden sind
The influence of the solar flux at 2.8 GHz on outbreaks of gypsy moth (Lymantria dispar L.) (Lepidoptera: Lymantriidae) in Serbia
The connection between the solar flux at 2.8 GHz (based on mean monthly values) and the outbreaks of gypsy moths (Lymantria dispar L.) in Serbia was investigated. The researches included six outbreaks from 1952 to 2007. The average values of the solar flux ranged between 83.8 and 101.8 sfu during the outbreaks, whereas they were between 147.9 and 188.3 sfu for the periods without outbreaks. The results of the research showed that the increase in the number of gypsy moths appears when the values of the solar flux at 2.8 GHz range from 70 to 120 sfu
Termičke specifičnosti Deliblatske (banatske) peščare
In this paper we analyzed temperature characteristics of Deliblato sand. Average and extreme values of air temperature are shown. According to air temperature and its yearly duration, it is concluded that this area is a colder island among wider surrounding. Especially we discussed phenomena of frosty places inside the Deliblato sand and also we gave explanation of their genesis.U radu su obrađene osnovne temperaturne karakteristike Deliblatske peščare. Prikazana su srednje i ekstremne vrednosti temperature vazduha. Zaključeno je da ova oblast predstavlja hladnije ostrvo u odnosu na okolinu, kako po vrednostima temperature, tako i po dužini trajanja u toku godine. Posebno je razmatran fenomen mrazišta i objašnjeni su uzroci njihovog nastanka
The paper presents a concise overview of the theoretical framework on which climate classifications are based. Beside short review of climate classifications, namely climatic regionalization for Serbia (or wider area including Serbia), main deficiency of these research was ascertained (which primarily relate to the period on the basis of which climate regionalization was carried out). The criteria of the Köppen climate classification are presented, on the basis of which the climate regionalization of Serbia has been carried out. The methodology of making maps of air temperatures and precipitation amounts has been described, on the basis of which a map of the climate regions of Serbia has been created. Spatial distribution of the types and subtypes of the climates in Serbia has been briefly described. It has been pointed to the constraints of the climate regionalization that arise from the theoretical bases of the climate classifications, but also from nature of the collected data and the applied methodology
Udvojeni sistem okean-atmosfera - povezanost temperature vode subpolarnog atlantika, islandskog minimuma i temperature vazduha u Srbiji
In the presented paper correlation between the northern part of the Atlantic ocean (belt between 50-65°N) and the atmospheric pressure is examined. Connection between the ocean temperature and atmospheric pressure is the most obvious in the El Nino southern oscillation mechanism. Thus, so far it is not known that such a mechanism exist in the Atlantic ocean. The main accent in the presented paper is focused on the connection between Iceland low and the sea surface temperature (SST) in the subpolar part of the Atlantic ocean (used data are in grid 5x5°). By hierarchical cluster analysis five relatively unified clusters of sea surface temperatures grid cells are defined. By multiple linear regression, we examined the correlation between each of the depicted clusters with position and intensity of Iceland low, and identified the most important grid cells inside every cluster. The analysis of the relation between Iceland low and air temperature in Serbia and Belgrade has shown the strongest correlation for the longitude of this centre of action. .U radu je ispitivana veza između temperature vode severnog dela Atlantskog okeana (pojas od 50-65°N) i atmosferskog pritiska. Povezanost okeana i atmosfere se najočiglednije manifestuje u mehanizmu El Ninjo južne oscilacije. Međutim, koliko je poznato, u Atlantskom okeanu ne postoji ekvivalent El Ninja, niti ovako jasno izražena povezanost između temperature okeana i atmosfere. Težište istraživanja je stavljeno na ispitivanje povezanosti Islandskog minimuma sa promenama temperature vode u subpolarnom pojasu Atlantika (datim u mreži 5x5°). Hijerarhijskom klasterskom analizom je izdvojeno pet relativno ujednačenih klastera temperature vode subpolarnog dela Atlantskog okeana. Njihova povezanost sa položajem i intenzitetom Islandskog minimuma ispitana je višestrukom linearnom regresijom. Ustanovljeno je koji od klastera najviše utiče na geografsku širinu, geografsku dužinu i intenzitet Islandskog minimuma i koja od gridnih ćelija u okviru svakog od klastera predstavlja najznačajnije prediktore. Ispitivanjem odnosa između položaja i intenziteta Islandskog minimuma sa temperaturom vazduha u Srbiji i Beogradu, ustanovljeno je da je najsnažnija povezanost sa geografskom dužinom ovog akcionog centra.
Udvojeni sistem okean-atmosfera - povezanost temperature vode subpolarnog atlantika, islandskog minimuma i temperature vazduha u Srbiji
In the presented paper correlation between the northern part of the Atlantic ocean (belt between 50-65°N) and the atmospheric pressure is examined. Connection between the ocean temperature and atmospheric pressure is the most obvious in the El Nino southern oscillation mechanism. Thus, so far it is not known that such a mechanism exist in the Atlantic ocean. The main accent in the presented paper is focused on the connection between Iceland low and the sea surface temperature (SST) in the subpolar part of the Atlantic ocean (used data are in grid 5x5°). By hierarchical cluster analysis five relatively unified clusters of sea surface temperatures grid cells are defined. By multiple linear regression, we examined the correlation between each of the depicted clusters with position and intensity of Iceland low, and identified the most important grid cells inside every cluster. The analysis of the relation between Iceland low and air temperature in Serbia and Belgrade has shown the strongest correlation for the longitude of this centre of action. .U radu je ispitivana veza između temperature vode severnog dela Atlantskog okeana (pojas od 50-65°N) i atmosferskog pritiska. Povezanost okeana i atmosfere se najočiglednije manifestuje u mehanizmu El Ninjo južne oscilacije. Međutim, koliko je poznato, u Atlantskom okeanu ne postoji ekvivalent El Ninja, niti ovako jasno izražena povezanost između temperature okeana i atmosfere. Težište istraživanja je stavljeno na ispitivanje povezanosti Islandskog minimuma sa promenama temperature vode u subpolarnom pojasu Atlantika (datim u mreži 5x5°). Hijerarhijskom klasterskom analizom je izdvojeno pet relativno ujednačenih klastera temperature vode subpolarnog dela Atlantskog okeana. Njihova povezanost sa položajem i intenzitetom Islandskog minimuma ispitana je višestrukom linearnom regresijom. Ustanovljeno je koji od klastera najviše utiče na geografsku širinu, geografsku dužinu i intenzitet Islandskog minimuma i koja od gridnih ćelija u okviru svakog od klastera predstavlja najznačajnije prediktore. Ispitivanjem odnosa između položaja i intenziteta Islandskog minimuma sa temperaturom vazduha u Srbiji i Beogradu, ustanovljeno je da je najsnažnija povezanost sa geografskom dužinom ovog akcionog centra.
The frequency of allele CCR5Δ32 in a Serbian population
Uvod: Nosioci alela CCR5Δ32 su relativno rezistentni na infekciju HIV-om. Postoji nekoliko hipoteza o poreklu i održanju ovog alela u ljudskoj populaciji. Pretpostavlja se da je mutacija Δ32 nastala u populaciji severne ili istočne Evrope i da se potom proširila ka jugu. Iako je učestalost CCR5Δ32 određena u mnogim evropskim populacijama, dodatni podaci su neophodni za formiranje sveobuhvatne slike o distribuciji CCR5Δ32 u Evropi. Zbog toga smo u našoj studiji odredili učestalost CCR5Δ32 u srpskoj populaciji, za koju do ovog rada nisu postojali takvi podaci. Metode: DNK je izolovana iz periferne krvi 352 osobe. U reakciji lančanog umnožavanja korišćeni su prajmeri specifični za gen CCR5. Dobijen je proizvod od 263 bp na osnovu matrice 'wild type', sekvence CCR5 gena, a proizvod od 231 bp na osnovu okrnjene sekvence gena CCR5 (CCR5Δ32). Ukupna učestalost alela CCR5Δ32 u srpskoj populaciji iznosi 4,55%. Rezultati: Od ukupnog broja analiziranih osoba, identifikovano je 8,52% heterozigotnih i 0,57% homozigotnih nosilaca za ovaj alel. Zaključak: Utvrđena učestalost alela CCR5Δ32 u srpskoj populaciji je neočekivano niska, u poređenju sa učestalošću u ostalim slovenskim populacijama.Background: The mutant CCR5Δ32 allele confers resistance to HIV infection. Several hypotheses regarding its origin and persistence in the human population have been proposed. It is assumed that the Δ32 mutation was introduced in Northern or Eastern Europe and that it spread to the south. Although the frequency of CCR5Δ32 was determined in numerous European nations and regions, further data are needed to complete the puzzle of CCR5Δ32 distribution within the continent. Methods: To this end, CCR5Δ32 frequency was determined in a Serbian population (sample size 352). DNA was extracted from peripheral whole blood and polymerase chain reaction specific for CCR5 gene was performed. A reaction product of 263 bp was obtained from the wildtype CCR5 sequence and a product of 231 bp was obtained from the truncated CCR5Δ32 sequence. Results: Overall allele frequency of CCR5Δ32 is 4.55%; 0.57% of individuals in the examined population are homozygous and 8.52% are heterozygous for CCR5Δ32. Conclusions: The determined frequency of the CCR5Δ32 allele in a Serbian population is unexpectedly low, considering ethnically related populations
The frequency of allele CCR5Δ32 in a Serbian population
Background: The mutant CCR5Δ32 allele confers resistance to HIV infection. Several hypotheses regarding its origin and persistence in the human population have been proposed. It is assumed that the Δ32 mutation was introduced in Northern or Eastern Europe and that it spread to the south. Although the frequency of CCR5Δ32 was determined in numerous European nations and regions, further data are needed to complete the puzzle of CCR5Δ32 distribution within the continent. Methods: To this end, CCR5Δ32 frequency was determined in a Serbian population (sample size 352). DNA was extracted from peripheral whole blood and polymerase chain reaction specific for CCR5 gene was performed. A reaction product of 263 bp was obtained from the wildtype CCR5 sequence and a product of 231 bp was obtained from the truncated CCR5Δ32 sequence. Results: Overall allele frequency of CCR5Δ32 is 4.55%; 0.57% of individuals in the examined population are homozygous and 8.52% are heterozygous for CCR5Δ32. Conclusions: The determined frequency of the CCR5Δ32 allele in a Serbian population is unexpectedly low, considering ethnically related populations.Uvod: Nosioci alela CCR5Δ32 su relativno rezistentni na infekciju HIV-om. Postoji nekoliko hipoteza o poreklu i održanju ovog alela u ljudskoj populaciji. Pretpostavlja se da je mutacija Δ32 nastala u populaciji severne ili istočne Evrope i da se potom proširila ka jugu. Iako je učestalost CCR5Δ32 određena u mnogim evropskim populacijama, dodatni podaci su neophodni za formiranje sveobuhvatne slike o distribuciji CCR5Δ32 u Evropi. Zbog toga smo u našoj studiji odredili učestalost CCR5Δ32 u srpskoj populaciji, za koju do ovog rada nisu postojali takvi podaci. Metode: DNK je izolovana iz periferne krvi 352 osobe. U reakciji lančanog umnožavanja korišćeni su prajmeri specifični za gen CCR5. Dobijen je proizvod od 263 bp na osnovu matrice 'wild type', sekvence CCR5 gena, a proizvod od 231 bp na osnovu okrnjene sekvence gena CCR5 (CCR5Δ32). Ukupna učestalost alela CCR5Δ32 u srpskoj populaciji iznosi 4,55%. Rezultati: Od ukupnog broja analiziranih osoba, identifikovano je 8,52% heterozigotnih i 0,57% homozigotnih nosilaca za ovaj alel. Zaključak: Utvrđena učestalost alela CCR5Δ32 u srpskoj populaciji je neočekivano niska, u poređenju sa učestalošću u ostalim slovenskim populacijama.Projekat ministarstva br. 173005, br. 173008, br. 173013, br. 173035 i br. III4700
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