7,118 research outputs found

    Inelastic collisions of relativistic electrons with atomic targets assisted by a laser field

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    We consider inelastic collisions between relativistic electrons and atomic targets assisted by a low-frequency laser field in the case when this field is still much weaker than the typical internal fields in the target. Concentrating on target transitions we show that they can be substantially affected by the presence of the laser field. This may occur either via strong modifications in the motion of the relativistic electrons caused by the electron-laser interaction or via the Compton effect when the incident electrons convert laser photon(s) into photons with frequencies equal to target transition frequencies.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure

    Urban climate and monitoring network system in European cities

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    Harmonic generation by atoms in circularly polarized two-color laser fields with coplanar polarizations and commensurate frequencies

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    The generation of harmonics by atoms or ions in a two-color, coplanar field configuration with commensurate frequencies is investigated through both, an analytical calculation based on the Lewenstein model and the numerical ab initio solution of the time-dependent Schroedinger equation of a two-dimensional model ion. Through the analytical model, selection rules for the harmonic orders in this field configuration, a generalized cut-off for the harmonic spectra, and an integral expression for the harmonic dipole strength is provided. The numerical results are employed to test the predictions of the analytical model. The scaling of the cut-off as a function of both, one of the laser intensities and frequency ratio η\eta, as well as entire spectra for different η\eta and laser intensities are presented and analyzed. The theoretical cut-off is found to be an upper limit for the numerical results. Other discrepancies between analytical model and numerical results are clarified by taking into account the probabilities of the absorption processes involved.Comment: 8 figure

    Irreducible Representations of Diperiodic Groups

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    The irreducible representations of all of the 80 diperiodic groups, being the symmetries of the systems translationally periodical in two directions, are calculated. To this end, each of these groups is factorized as the product of a generalized translational group and an axial point group. The results are presented in the form of the tables, containing the matrices of the irreducible representations of the generators of the groups. General properties and some physical applications (degeneracy and topology of the energy bands, selection rules, etc.) are discussed.Comment: 30 pages, 5 figures, 28 tables, 18 refs, LaTex2.0

    A Formal Analysis of a Business Contract Language

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    This paper presents a formal system for reasoning about violations of obligations in contracts. The system is based on the formalism for the representation of contrary-to-duty obligations. These are the obligations that take place when other obligations are violated as typically applied to penalties in contracts. The paper shows how this formalism can be mapped onto the key policy concepts of a contract specification language, called Business Contract Language (BCL), previously developed to express contract conditions for run time contract monitoring. The aim of this mapping is to establish a formal underpinning for this key subset of BCL

    Topological energy barrier for skyrmion lattice formation in MnSi

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    We report the direct measurement of the topological skyrmion energy barrier through a hysteresis of the skyrmion lattice in the chiral magnet MnSi. Measurements were made using small-angle neutron scattering with a custom-built resistive coil to allow for high-precision minor hysteresis loops. The experimental data was analyzed using an adapted Preisach model to quantify the energy barrier for skyrmion formation and corroborated by the minimum-energy path analysis based on atomistic spin simulations. We reveal that the skyrmion lattice in MnSi forms from the conical phase progressively in small domains, each of which consisting of hundreds of skyrmions, and with an activation barrier of several eV.Comment: Final accepted versio

    Effects of Imperfect Reference Signal Recovery on Performance of SC and SSC Receivers over Generalized Fading Channels

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    This paper presents the study of the effects of imperfect reference signal recovery on the bit error rate (BER) performance of dual-branch switch-and-stay combining (SSC) and multibranch selection combining (SC) receivers in a generalized - fading channel. The average BER of binary and quaternary phase shift keying (BPSK and QPSK) is derived under the assumption that the reference carrier signal is extracted from the received modulated signal. For SSC receiver the optimal switching threshold (in a minimum BER sense) is numerically evaluated. Hereby we determine and discuss the simultaneous influence of the average signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) per bit, fading severity, product phase-locked loop (PLL) bandwidthbit duration (B_LT_b), switching threshold of SSC and diversity order of SC on BER performance. The influence of B_LT_b in different channel conditions and modulation formats is pointed out. The numerical results are confirmed by computer simulations

    Linseed Oil as a Source of Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids in Broiler Chicken Nutrition

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    The aim of the paper was to examine the effect of polyunsaturated fatty acids from linseed oil on productive performances and fatty acid composition of lipids of broiler chicken abdominal fat, as well as correlation and regression between consumed amount of oil and possibilities of their incorporation in the tissues. For the need of experimental research, three groups of 40 day old chicken, hybrid line Cobb 500 were formed. Every group had five replicates, in total amount of 200 chickens per treatment. Control group were fed with diet in addition of 4% soybean oil, while the experimental groups were fed with addition of 4 and 8% of linseed oil in the diet. Addition of linseed oil had a statistically high (P<0.01) influence on chicken body weight reduction in treatments T2 and T3, compared to the body weights of chicken in control group T1. Feed conversion ratio in chicken in experimental groups T2 and T3 was 1.84 and 1.82 kg of feed/kg of gain. Introduction of linseed oil in amounts of 4 and 8% in chicken nutrition led to statistically high (P<0.01) differences in content of linoleic acid (C18:2) in treatments T2 and T3, compared to control group T1, which leads to a conclusion that linseed oil significantly reduces linoleic acid in tissue. Compared to linoleic acid, content of α-linolenic acid (C18:3) was statistically significantly increased (P<0.05) in treatment T2 and highly significantly (P<0.01) in treatment T3, compared to control. Negative values of regression (b) and correlation (r) also confirm the fact that introduction of linseed oil in the diet significantly reduces content of linoleic acid in fat tissue of chickens (b=-0.551; r=-0.79), while the same coefficients show positive dependence between added linseed oil in the diet and deposited linolenic acid in tissues (b=1.081 and r=0.87). Based on the gained results it can be concluded that addition of linseed oil in the amount of 4 and 8% could be successfully used in chicken nutrition for fatty acid composition improvement and for lowering the ratio between n-6/n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acid in tissues of broilers
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