38 research outputs found

    Self-Reported and Objectively Measured Physical Activity of Elderly Mans from Bar

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    We did a research with a sample of 100 male respondents from Bar. A standardized IPAQ questionnaire was used as the instrument of the research, in order to find out the amount of physical activity for people aged between 50 and 69 years. From that number of respondents, 63 respondents was between 50 and 59 years, and 37 respondents between 60 and 69 years. The questionnaire consists questions about physical activity on work, in transport, at home, and during free time. The research results have shown that respondents of both groups have a low level of physical activity in transport, by the younger group 429,81MET, and by the older group 571,38MET. The same level of activity is present for free time activity by the younger group 546,2MET. A moderate physical activity are represented for free time activities by the older group 927,3MET. All the other aspects of physical activities are represented on a high level, by both groups. By comparing these two subsamples with a t-test (level of significance 0,01), it has been established that there is a statistically significant difference between these results, except for the total moderate intensity activities

    Understanding the diffuse gamma ray emission of the milky way - from supernova remnants to dark matter

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    Diffuse gamma ray emission from the Galactic center at 2-3 GeV, as well as the 12 TeV gamma ray excess in the Galactic disk, remain open for debate and represent the missing puzzles in the complete picture of the high-energy Milky Way sky. Our papers emphasize the importance of understanding all of the populations that contribute to the diffuse gamma background in order to discriminate between the astrophysical sources such as supernova remnants and pulsars, and something that is expected to be seen in gamma rays and is much more exotic - dark matter. We analyze two separate data sets that have been measured in different energy ranges from the ?Fermi-LAT? and ?Milagro? telescopes, using these as a powerful tool to limit and test our analytical source population models. We model supernova remnants and pulsars, estimating the number of still undetected ones that contribute to the diffuse background, trying to explain both the Galactic center and the 12 TeV excess. Furthermore, we aim to predict the number of soon to be detected sources with new telescopes, such as the ?HAWC?

    Uticaj aplikacije Niacina u peripartalnom periodu krava na proizvodnju mleka do postizanja pika laktacije

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    The aim of this study is to determine whether the use of niacin in the peripartum affects milk production in cows in the initial niacin early laktaciji.15 cows and 15 cows were presented a negative control. Niacin is managed through food orally. We used a preparation in a dose that allows access to the intestine, about 6-12g niacin / day. The application of niacin tendency towards positive action on the production of milk for 30 days of lactation (p <0.1), but this trend is lost if we look at a longer period from birth to 60.dana lactation. Although there were no statistically significant differences in milk production, from a practical point of view, it is important to determine the percentage of cows in the group who received niacin that had statistically significant higher milk production than in a group that did not get niacin. The analysis of frequency allocation, beta fixes and statistical power of the test is calculated that 60% of the cows showed significantly higher production of milk cows in the group who received niacin compared to control, but with the progress of lactation, this percentage decreases, and 60 days of lactation have only 26 , 6% of cows that are significantly higher milk production compared to the control. The use of niacin can improve milk production in cows in early lactation.Cilj ovog rada je da se utvrdi da li aplikacija niacina u peripartalnom periodu utiče na proizvodnju mleka kod krava u ranoj laktaciji.15 krava je primal niacin, a 15 krava su predstavljane negativnu kontrolu. Niacin je aplikovan putem hrane per os. Korišćen je preparat u dozi koja omogućuje dostupnost u crevima oko 6-12g niacina/dan. Aplikacija niacina pokazuje tendenciju pozitivnog delovanja na proizvodnju mleka do 30. dana laktacije (p<0,1), ali se ova tendencija gubi ako posmatramo širi period od partusa do 60.dana laktacije. Iako nije bilo statistički značajne razlike u proizvodnji mleka, sa praktičnog aspekta je značajno odrediti koji je to procenat krava u grupi koja je primala niacin koji je imao statistički značajno veću proizvodnju mleka u odnosu na grupu krava koja nije primala niacin. Analizom distribucija frekvencije, beta greške i statističke snage testa izračunato je da je 60% krava pokazalo statistički značajno veću proizvodnju mleka u grupi krava koja je primala niacin u odnosu na kontrolu, ali se sa napredovanjem laktacije taj procenat smanjuje, pa 60. dana laktacije imamo samo 26,6% krava koje su pokazale značajno veću proizvodnju mleka u odnosu na kontrolu. Upotreba niacina može poboljšati proizvodnju mleka kod krava u ranoj laktaciji

    Nesreće sa vozačima traktora u javnom saobraćaju republike Srbije

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    Agricultural tractors have high risk factor in causing occurrence of accidents and injuries in public transport. Large number of tractor drivers perished in Serbin public transport in ten year period (1999-2009.), and average per year 62 tractor drivers accidentally died in public traffic accidents in Serbia. Considerable number of hard injured tractor drivers (144, per year), is established with permanent disability. Material damage is huge. Different and dangerous accidents and injuries in public transport with tractor drivers in Republic of Serbia are still reality. Basic and special additional training evidently lacking as well as professional and technical courses for machine operators for the safe and proper use of tractors and other agricultural machines.Poljoprivredni traktori imaju visok faktor rizika u izazivanju pojava nesreća i različitog stepena povređivanja učesnika u javnom saobraćaju. U periodu od 1999. do 2009. godine, u javnom saobraćaju Srbije, tragično je nastradalo, u proseku godišnje, 62 traktorista. Utvrđen je broj od 144 teško povređenih (trajna invalidnost) vozača traktora, godišnje. Materijalna šteta je ogromna. Različite i opasne nesreće i povrede u javnom saobraćaju koje izazivaju vozači traktora u Republici Srbiji, i dalje su realnost. Evidentno nedostaje osnovna, i posebno dodatna stručna obuka rukovaoca mašinama, i stručno-tehnički kursevi za sigurno i pravilno korišćenje traktora

    Uređenje, korišćenje i zaštita poljoprivrednog zemljišta opštine UB

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    The Ub municipality is located in the north-east end of the Podrinjsko- Kolubarski region. The total area of the Ub municipality is 45670 ha or 456.7 km2. The agricultural area takes 35471.55 ha or, approximately, 77.67% of the municipality’s territory. Cultivable agricultural land takes 32955.18 ha, or 71.16%, which is distinguished by relatively large amounts of arable areas, where fields and gardens take 29470.05 ha, or 89.42% of the cultivable areas, which is an indicator that the most common activity in the Ub municipality is grain cultivation (corn and wheat). Fruitgardens and wineyards take an area of 1953.55 ha, or 4.65%. Meadows are on an area of 5.93%. Soils of the Ub municipality, according to existing data, are distinguished by unfavorable physical and mechanical characteristics, with needs for repairs by means of different types of soil reclamation techniques. Analysis of the usable structure of the agricultural lands shows that the estates are small, and the average area of a demesne is 3.4 ha per household. The average parcel size is 0.40 ha per each cultivated crop. There are no commasative areas and no arranged irrigation and drainage systems, according to data gathered by the Regional Unit of Ub, inclusive 31st of April, 2007. Possible positive results of arrangement, exploitation and protections of the agricultural land of the Ub municipality are many, of which the most important are: Switching from a traditional extensive agricultural production to an intense agricultural production; Increase of the number of registered and educated agriculturists, organizing of the business connecting of family households; agricultural products in compliance with high quality and safety standards; a skilled and developed consultative and informative agricultural service, which monitors agriculturist’s work; intensified sustainable development of the rural regions with the development of organic production; a reduced negative trend of the country-side to city migration; a created consciousness about the need for the protection of the environment from harmful effects of the agricultural production.Opština Ub se nalazi na severoistočnim delu Podrinjsko - Kolubarskog regiona. Ukupna površina opštine Ub je 45670 ha ili 456,7 km2. Poljoprivredne površine zauzimaju 35.471,55 ha ili, približno 77,67% teritorije opštine. Obradivog poljoprivrednog zemljišta ima 32955,18 ha ili 72,16%, koje se odlikuje relativno visokom zastupljenošću oraničnih površina, gde njive i vrtovi zauzimaju 29470,05 ha ili 89,42% obradivih površina, što ukazuje da je najzastupljenija delatnost u opštini Ub, ipak gajenje žitarica (kukuruz, pšenica). Voćnjaci i vinogradi su na površini od 1953,55 ha ili 4,65%. Livade se nalaze na površini 5,93%. Zemljišta opštine Ub prema postojećim podacima, odlikuju nepovoljne fizičko-mehaničke osobine, sa velikim potrebama za popravku sa primenom različitih pedo-meliorativnih mera. Analiza upotrebne strukture poljoprivrednog zemljišta daje karakteristike da su zemljišni posedi malih površina, gde je prosečna veličina poseda 3,4 ha po domaćinstvu. Prosečna veličina parcele je 0,40 ha po gajenoj poljoprivrednoj kulturi. Nema komasacionih površina, kao ni uređenih sistema za navodnjavanje i odvodnjavanje, prema podacima Područne jedinice Ub, zaključno sa 31. aprilom. 2007. godine. Mogući pozitivni rezultati uređenja, korišćenja i zaštite poljoprivrednog zemljišta Opštine Ub su mnogobrojni, od kojih su najvažniji: Prelazak sa tradicionalne ekstenzivne poljoprivredne proizvodnje, na intenzivnu poljoprivrednu proizvodnju; povećanje broja registrovanih i edukovanih poljoprivrednika, organizovanje odgovarajućih načina poslovnog povezivanja porodičnih gazdinstava; poljoprivredni proizvodi u skladu sa visokim standardima kvaliteta i bezbednosti; stručna i razvijena savetodavna i informaciona poljoprivredna služba koja prati rad poljoprivrednika; intenziviran održivi razvoj sela sa razvojem organske poljoprivredne proizvodnje; usporen negativni trend migracije selo – grad; i stvorena svest o potrebi zaštite životne sredine od štetnih efekata poljoprivredne proizvodnje

    Uređenje, korišćenje i mere zaštite poljoprivrednog zemljišta opštine Kosjerić

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    The Kosjerić municipality is located in the north of the Zlatiborski region and total land area is 456.7 km2 Lower quality soils types and subtypes take the biggest area in the municipality. Loamy sand and sandy loam soils prevail in highland area of municipality. There are vertisol and eutric cambisol on lower terrain. Alluvial soils are under maize, vegetable and meadows, while slight slopes are under cereals, orchards and pastures. On the hilly part of terrain fruit production is traditionally developed. Analysis of the agricultural lands shows that plum orchards are ruined and old, so that renewal is needed. Higher mountainous parts are under forests where beech and oak prevails. Forest area takes 23878 ha (2/3 of total municipality area). Properties and varieties of soils on the Kosjeric municipality territory demand application of complex reclamation measures. These measures should solve range of complex problems, but it takes time and capital goods. Possible positive results of arrangement, agricultural soil usage and protection in Kosjeric municipality are multiple: soil conversion from agricultural to other can not be hold up, but it can be realised with carefully chosen restrictive practices. In western and eastern part of municipality should take up sustainable development principles. To establish forests as much as possible for the purpose of increasing environmental value, economic benefit and protection from erosion and strong current on slopes. Unfortunatelly Titan cement factory is not possible relocate, altought it`s position is upstream from town Kosjeric. There is possibility to apply range of suitable protective measures thus considerably improve existing properties of soils and environment.Opština Kosjerić je najsevernija opština Zlatiborskog okruga, u zapadnom delu Srbije, i ima 359 km². Najveće površine u opštini zauzimaju manje kvalitetni tipovi i poditopovi zemljišta. U brdsko-planinskom delu opštine preovlađuju zemljišta koja prema mehaničkom sastavu predstavljaju ilovaste peskuše i peskovite ilovače. Na nižim terenima se nalaze smonice i gajnjače. Aluvijalne zaravni su pod kukuruzom, povrćem i livadama, a blage padine su pod kulturama žita, voćnjaka i sa pašnjacima. Na brežuljkastom delu je tradicionalno razvijeno voćarstvo. Istraživanja na terenu ukazuju da su šljivici, uglavnom, propali i stari, i da ih treba postepeno obnoviti. Viši planinski delovi su pod šumom u kojoj preovađuju bukva i hrast. Površine pod šumama iznose 23878 ha (2/3 od ukupne površine opštine). Osobine i raznovrsnost zemljišta na prostoru opštine Kosjerić zahtevaju primenu kompleksnih melirativnih mera, koje treba da reše niz složenih, postojećih problema, ali zašto je potrebno vreme i znatna materijalna sredstva. Mogući pozitivni rezultati uređenja, korišćenja i zaštite poljoprivrednog zemljišta Opštine Kosjerić su mnogobrojni, od kojih su najvažniji: Konverzija namene poljoprivrednog u drugo zemljište se ne može zaustaviti, ali se može realizovati uz pažljive restriktivne mere . U zapadnom i istočnom delu Opštine, treba sprovoditi aktivno principe održivog razvoja, u pogledu korišćenja zemljišta zasnivati što više šume, zbog ambijentalnih i ekoloških vrednosti, ekonomske koristi i zaštite od erozije i bujica usled nepovoljnih nagiba terena; Nažalost, cementaru -Titan nije moguće izmestiti, iako se nalazi uzvodno od gradskog naselja Kosjerić, ali je moguće primeniti niz adekvatnih zaštitnih mera i znatno poboljšati postojeću situaciju, prema zemljištu i okolini

    What can we learn from GRBs?

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    We review our recent results on the classification of long and short gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) in different subclasses. We provide observational evidences for the binary nature of GRB progenitors. For long bursts the induced gravitational collapse (IGC) paradigm proposes as progenitor a tight binary system composed of a carbon-oxygen core (COcore) and a neutron star (NS) companion; the supernova (SN) explosion of the COcore triggers a hypercritical accretion process onto the companion NS. For short bursts a NS–NS merger is traditionally adopted as the progenitor. We also indicate additional sub-classes originating from different progenitors: (COcore)–black hole (BH), BH–NS, and white dwarf–NS binaries. We also show how the outcomes of the further evolution of some of these sub-classes may become the progenitor systems of other sub-classes

    Content Analyses of Scientific Articles from Issues Published in Sport Mont Journal in 2011

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    Sport Mont is scientific journal which uses contemporary methods with aim to present scientific knowledge to sport-conscious individuals. It is easily accessible with its printed and electronic edition, published three times a year by the Montenegrin Sport Academy (MSA), in February, June and October. Sport Mont functions as an open discussion forum on significant issues of current interest in fields of Sports Science and Medicine. It publishes original scientific papers, review papers, editorials, short reports, peer review - fair review, as well as invited papers and award papers. Sport Mont Journal covers wide range and Sport Science and Medicine. It includes all clinical aspects of exercise, health, and sport; exercise physiology and biophysical investigation of sports performance; sport biomechanics; sports nutrition; rehabilitation, physiotherapy; sports psychology; sport pedagogy, sport history, sport philosophy, sport sociology, sport management; and all aspects of scientific support of the sports coaches from the natural, social and humanistic side. This paper work it is about A Content Analysis of Published Articles in Sport Mont Journal in 2011. This paper work presents the table with titles of the scientific fields according to which the works were sorted and their exact number. In the subtitle, the results are all assigned to all the works that have been processed and, in the end, the subheading entitled discussion gives a brief overview of the results obtained. The aim of this paper work is to analyze the papers published in Sport Mont Journal in 2011. In such a way that all works will be selected according to the respective scientific fields to which they belong. This will allow easier search of the given source for all authors who, for some reason, serve the works published during this time period in Sport Mont

    Searching For Web Information More Efficiently Using Presentational Layout Analysis

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    Extracting and processing information from web pages is an important task in many areas like constructing search engines, information retrieval, and data mining from the web. A common approach in the extraction process is to represent a page as a bag of words and then to perform additional processing on such a flat representation. In this paper we propose a new, hierarchical representation that includes browser screen coordinates for every HTML object on a page. Using visual information one is able to define heuristics for recognition of common page areas such as a header, left and right menu, footer and the centre of a page. Initial experiments have shown that, using our heuristics, defined areas are recognised properly in 73% of cases. Finally, we introduce a classification system which, taking into account the proposed document layout analysis clearly outperforms standard systems by 10% or more. Keywords: Web page classification; focused search engines; page layout; common areas; recognition heuristics; Nave Bayes classifier. Reference to this paper should be made as follows: Kova#evi#, M., Diligenti, M., Gori, M. and Milutinovi#, V. (2003) Searching for web information more efficiently using presentational layout analysis, Int. J. Electronic Business, Vol. 1, No. 3, pp.310-326. Biographical notes: Milo Kova#evi# received his BS and MS degrees in Belgrade, Yugoslavia in 1995 and 2001 respectively. He is currently a PhD student in the computer science department at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University of Belgrade. He works as a system engineer at the Faculty of Civil Engineering, University of Belgrade and his research interests are machine learning and computer networks. Michelangelo Diligenti received..