22 research outputs found

    Synchronous primary ovarian endometrioid carcinoma and poorly differentiated endometrial stromal sarcoma

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    Introduction: The presence of two concomitant genital malignant tumours is a rare phenomenon with an incidence of 0.7%. They are typically localised in the uterus and ovary, and approximately 50% are identical endometrioid - endometrioid histological type. In the presence of two different histological types of tumours, diagnosis is easier, but because of the small number of reported cases, there are no precise data on their clinical course. Generally, women with synchronous endometrial and ovarian tumours have a better prognosis and are more frequently younger, obese, multiparous and in menopause compared with women who have metastatic ovarian cancer or endometrial cancer. Case Report: In this work, we present a 53-year-old woman who contacted a gynaecologist because of irregular uterine haemorrhaging. The gynaecological exam revealed a tumour protruding through the cervical canal. The biopsy with initial histopathological diagnosis and additional ECHO and CT evaluations indicated the presence of a cervical tumour spreading over the uterus and both uterine adnexa. After surgical intervention, macroscopic and microscopic analyses of the postoperative material showed the simultaneous presence of two different malignancies, ovarian endometrioid carcinoma and poorly differentiated endometrial stromal sarcoma, which infiltrated all layers of the uterus, cervix and both fallopian tubes. Conclusion: The prognosis of synchronous tumours of the ovary and the uterus is primarily dependent on the stage and histological type of each tumour. Because of the rather small number of reported cases, a large part of this phenomenon remains unknown. Our report is the first description of the synchronous occurrence of endometrial ovarian carcinoma and uterine stromal sarcoma

    Disulfiram moderately restores impaired hepatic redox status of rats subchronically exposed to cadmium

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    Examination of cadmium (Cd) toxicity and disulfiram (DSF) effect on liver was focused on oxidative stress (OS), bioelements status, morphological and functional changes. Male Wistar rats were intraperitoneally treated with 1mg CdCl2/kg BW/day; orally with 178.5 mg DSF/kg BW/day for 1, 3, 10 and 21 days; and co-exposed from 22nd to 42nd day. The co-exposure nearly restored previously suppressed total superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase (CAT) and increased glutathione peroxidase (GPx) activities; increased previously reduced glutathione reductase (GR) and total glutathione-S-transferase (GST) activities; reduced previously increased superoxide anion radical (O-2(center dot-)) and malondialdehyde (MDA) levels; increased zinc (Zn) and iron (Fe), and decreased copper (Cu) (yet above control value), while magnesium (Mg) was not affected; and decreased serum alanine aminotransferases (ALT) levels. Histopathological examination showed signs of inflammation process as previously demonstrated by exposure to Cd. Overall, we ascertained partial liver redox status improvement, compared with the formerly Cd-induced impact

    Impact of geo-environmental factors on landslide susceptibility using an AHP method: A case study of Fruska Gora Mt., Serbia

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    The paper considers the outcome of multi-criteria analysis of landslide susceptibility on the NW outskirts of Fruška Gora Mountain, Serbia. The area of the interest is known for landslide occurrences, and to focus on the most affected areas, it was necessary to consider some principal factors (lithology, slope inclination, rainfall, erosion, vegetation, altitude and slope aspect) and sort them by their importance to the phenomena. Prior to any criteria assessment, available data records had been assembled and refashioned as raster datasets. Thereafter, the criteria arising from an analytical hierarchy process (AHP) provided their weights of preference in the final model. In addition, the model was analysed for the information gain and classified in accordance to the optimal informativeness. Being tailored in the context of raster modelling, aided by the GIS spatial tools, our result gained substantial correlation to the control reference map (a digital photo-geological interpretation map of active and potential landslides).U radu su prikazani rezultati više-kriterijumske analize sklonosti ka pojavi klizipšta na SZ padinama Fruške gore. Područje je inače poznato po pojavama klizišta i u cilju da se naznače najugroženija područja bilo je neophodno razmotriti uticaj najznačajnijih faktora koji utiču na pojavu klizišta (litološke jedinice, nagib padina, količina padavina, uticaj erozije, uticaj vegetacije, visina i ekspozicija padina) i sortirati ih na osnovu značaja njihovog uticaja na proces kliženja. Pre same analize kriterijuma za sortiranje faktora, dostupni podaci su prikupljeni i pripremljeni u formi rasterskih setova podataka. Kriterijum za sortiranje dobijen je pomoću Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) analize, koja je dala težinske faktore za svaki od pojedinih faktora, neophodnih za konačni model. Takođe je sam konačni model dodatno ispitan sa stanovišta informativnosti (Information Gain) i klasifikovan u skladu sa optimalnom informativnošću. Konačni model, koji predstavlja rasterski model i koji je izveden u GIS okruženju, dao je dobre rezultate, koji su u korelaciji sa postojećim katastrom klizišta (digitalnom foto-geološkom interpretacijom na kojoj su prikazana klizišta sa aktivnim i privremeno umirenim procesom)

    Fluctuations of the number of adsorbed micro/nanoparticles in sensors for measurement of particle concentration in air and liquid environments

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    A theoretical model of fluctuations of the number of adsorbed micro/nanoparticles in environmental sensors operating in air and liquids is presented, taking into account the effects of the mass transfer processes of the target particles in a sensor reaction chamber. The expressions for the total power of the corresponding adsorption-desorption noise, and for the corresponding signal-to-noise ratio are also derived. The presented analysis shows that the transfer processes can have a significant influence on the sensors limiting performance. The influence on both the fluctuations spectrum and the signal-to-noise ratio is estimated at different values of target particles concentration, functionalization sites surface density, and adsorption and desorption rate constants (the values are chosen from the ranges corresponding to real conditions). The analysis provides the guidelines for optimization of sensor design and operating conditions for the given target substance and sensor functionalization, in order to decrease the influence of the mass transfer, thus improving the ultimate performance (e.g., minimal detectable signal, signal-to-noise ratio) of sensors for particle detection. The calculations we performed show that it is possible to increase the signal-to-noise ratio for as much as two orders of magnitude by using optimization that eliminates the mass transfer influence.Prikazan je teorijski model fluktuacija broja adsorbovanih mikro/nanočestica kod senzora za merenje parametara životne sredine, koji rade u vazduhu ili u tečnoj sredini. Model uzima u obzir uticaj procesa prenosa mase ciljnih čestica u reakcionoj komori senzora. Izvedeni su izrazi za snagu odgovarajućeg adsorpciono-desorpcionog šuma, kao i za odgovarajući odnos signal/šum. Prikazana analiza pokazuje da procesi prenosa mase mogu značajno da utiču na granične performanse senzora. Procenjen je uticaj prenosa mase na spektar fluktuacija i na odnos signal/šum pri različitim vrednostima koncentracije ciljnih čestica, površinske gustine funkcionalizujućih mesta i konstanti adsorpcije i desorpcije (izabrane vrednosti parametara su iz opsega koji odgovaraju realnim uslovima). Analiza omogućuje da se donesu zaključci potrebni za optimizaciju dizajna senzora i radnih uslova u smislu smanjenja uticaja prenosa mase, i da se time postigne poboljšanje graničnih performansi (npr. smanjenje minimalnog detektabilnog signala) senzora za detekciju čestica

    Effect of temperature on a free energy and equilibrium constants during dry flue gas desulphurisation chemical reactions

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    During dry flue gas desulphurisation (FGD) dry particles of reagents are inserted (injected) in the stream of flue gas, where they bond SO2. As reagents, the most often are used compounds of calcium (CaCO3, CaO or Ca(OH)2). Knowledge of free energy and equilibrium constants of chemical reactions during dry FGD is necessary for understanding of influence of flue gas temperature to course of these chemical reactions as well as to SO2 bonding from flue gases


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    Effectiveness evaluation is one of basic components in engineering asset management. It is overall concept and represents measurement of quality of service level for selected engineering system. Effectiveness contains series of partial indicators related to time in operation and time for maintenance activities, as well as to functional properties of the system. This article describes analysis and structuring of partial indicators, as well as development of model for their synthesis to the level of effectiveness. Indicators have hybrid character (measured values and experts judgments), and the fuzzy inference model is suggested for their processing and integration into the effectiveness. This approach provided possibility for evaluation of a technical system in sense of decision making about remaining capabilities and optimization of life cycle costs. To demonstrate the opportunities of developed model for effectiveness evaluation, case study related to bulldozers is presented. Bulldozers are machines operating at difficult conditions, usually under pressure to achieve required performance with low stoppages and minimal costs during overall operational life. Case study included two approaches. First one is based on data collected by experts’ judgments, while the other one is based on measurement and statistical processing of dat