33 research outputs found

    La representació de la memòria històrica. Anàlisi dels programes televisius que tracten la Guerra Civil i el franquisme a Catalunya

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    El present treball estudia la representació de la memòria històrica a través del mitjà televisiu a Catalunya. En concret, se centra en la representació dels esdeveniments més traumàtics de la història contemporània d'Espanya, la Guerra Civil i el franquisme. A partir de l'anàlisi de cinc productes recents de característiques diferents s'estableixen els punts en comú i les variants en el discurs sobre la memòria històrica transmès per la televisió.El presente trabajo estudia la representación de la memoria histórica a través del medio televisivo en Cataluña. En concreto, se centra en la representación de los acontecimientos más traumáticos de la historia contemporánea de España, la Guerra Civil y el franquismo. A partir del análisis de cinco productos recientes de características diferentes se establecen los puntos en común y las variantes en el discurso sobre la memoria histórica transmitido por la televisión.This study examines the representation of historical memory on television in Catalonia. In particular, it focuses on the representation of the most traumatic events in the contemporary history of Spain, the Civil War and the Francoist Spain. It is based on the analysis of five recent products with different characteristics, in order to define the points in common and the differences of the discourse on the historical memory broadcasted by television

    Dry deposition and canopy uptake in Mediterranean holm-oak forests estimated with a canopy budget model : a focus on N estimations

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    Bulk/wet and throughfall fluxes of major compounds were measured from June 2011 to June 2013 at four Mediterranean holm-oak (Quercus ilex) forests in the Iberian Peninsula. Regression analysis between net throughfall fluxes and precipitation indicated that the best defined canopy process was leaching for K⁺ and uptake for NH₄⁺ at all sites. A more variable response between sites was found for Na⁺, Ca²⁺, SO₄²⁻ and Cl⁻, which suggests that the interplay of dry deposition, leaching and uptake at the canopy was different depending on site climate and air quality characteristics. A canopy budget model (CBM) was used to try to discriminate between the canopy processes and enable to estimate dry deposition and uptake fluxes at three of the sites that complied with the model specifications. To derive N uptake, an efficiency factor of NH₄⁺ vs. NO₃⁻ uptake (xNH₄) corresponding to moles of NH₄⁺ taken up for each NO₃⁻ mol, has to be determined. Up to now, a value of 6 has been proposed for temperate forests, but we lack information for Mediterranean forests. Experimental determination of N absorption on Quercus ilex seedlings in Spain suggests efficiency factors from 1 to 6. Based on these values, a sensitivity analysis for xNH₄ was performed and the NH₄N and NO₃N modeled dry deposition was compared with dry deposition estimated with independent methods (inferential modeling and washing of branches). At two sites in NE Spain under a milder Mediterranean climate, the best match was obtained for xNH4 = 6, corroborating results from European temperate forests. Based on this value, total DIN deposition was 12-13 kg N ha−1 y−1 at these sites. However, for a site in central Spain under drier conditions, variation of the NH4+ efficiency factor had little effect on DD estimates (which ranged from 2 to 2.6 kg N ha⁻¹ y⁻¹ with varying xNH₄); when added to wet deposition, this produced a total N deposition in the range 2.6-3.4 kg N ha⁻¹ y⁻¹. Dry deposition was the predominant pathway for N, accounting for 60-80% of total deposition, while for base cations wet deposition dominated (55-65%). Nitrogen deposition values at the northwestern sites were close to the empirical critical load proposed for evergreen sclerophyllous Mediterranean forests (15-17 kg N ha⁻¹ y⁻¹). When organic N deposition at these forests is added (3 kg N ha⁻¹ y⁻¹), the total N input to the sites in NE Spain are close to the critical loads for Mediterranean evergreen oak forests

    Replicability of Inclusion and Exclusion criteria, by disease.

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    <p>Replicability of Inclusion and Exclusion criteria, by disease.</p

    Proportion of diabetes trials where patients with specific comorbidities were excluded.

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    <p>Proportion of diabetes trials where patients with specific comorbidities were excluded.</p

    Proportion of heart failure trials where patients with specific comorbidities were excluded.

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    <p>Proportion of heart failure trials where patients with specific comorbidities were excluded.</p

    Proportion of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) trials where patients with specific comorbidities were excluded.

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    <p>Proportion of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) trials where patients with specific comorbidities were excluded.</p

    Proportion of stroke trials where patients with specific comorbidities were excluded.

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    <p>Proportion of stroke trials where patients with specific comorbidities were excluded.</p

    Data for benefit-harm assessment.

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    <p>* No reliable data was available from the Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities Study for men in age category 75–84 years. To estimate the incidence rate we assumed a 50 percent increase from age category 65–74 years based on similar increases in incidences in age category 65–74 to 75–84 in the Framingham Heart Study and the Cardiovascular Health Study.</p><p>Treatment effects and outcome risks.</p

    Benefit-harms comparison index for primary prevention of cardiovascular events and cancer with low dose aspirin over 10 years per 1,000 persons (95% CI and probability that index is positive based on recalculating the index in simulations).

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    <p><sup>1</sup>Positive values = aspirin beneficial; Negative values = aspirin harmful</p><p>Benefit-harms comparison index for primary prevention of cardiovascular events and cancer with low dose aspirin over 10 years per 1,000 persons (95% CI and probability that index is positive based on recalculating the index in simulations).</p