114 research outputs found

    The Behavior of Some Sweet Cherry Cultivars on Mazzard Rootstock on Heavy and Acidic Soil

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    Over 60% Serbian soils are heavy, shallow and acidic, especially in west part of this country. Basically, Serbian fruit production is mainly represented in these conditions which are not favorable for intensive fruit growing. However, repair of these soils is a long and very expensive process. Regarding to this, one of the real ways to overcome this problem faster and cheaper is to grow tolerant fruit genotypes on adequate rootstock in order to sustainable and economically justified production. Therefore, from 2008 to 2015, we investigated behavior of eight sweet cherry cultivars on Mazzard rootstock on heavy and acidic soil, i.e. their tree vigor, productivity and fruit quality attributes under high density planting system (1,250 tree ha‒1). Results showed that ‘New Star’ generally had the highest tree vigor, yield per tree and hectare, fruit thickness, sphericity, flesh rate and ripening index values. ‘Sunburst’ had the lowest tree vigor alongside with ‘Stark Hardy Giant’ (‘SHG’), and the highest cumulative yield and yield efficiency. ‘Summit’ had the highest fruit width and the poorest yield per tree, cumulative yield and yield efficiency, whereas ‘Lapins’ had the lowest fruit weight and all three fruit dimensions. The highest fruit weight and fruit width was found in ‘June Early’, and soluble solids content (SSC) and titratable acidity (TA) in ‘Hedelfinger’. The lowest SSC was observed in ‘June Early’ and TA in ‘Stark Hardy Giant’. The best financial result was shown by ‘New Star’ and the poorest by ‘Summit’

    Impact of rootstock on fruit physical properties of 'Pink Lady' apple

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    During 2018 and 2019, we evaluated the main fruit physical properties [weight (FW), length (L), diameter (D), geometric mean diameter (Dg), length/diameter ratio (L/D ratio), sphericity (φ), surface area (S), fruit volume (V) and solid density (ρ)] of ‘Pink Lady’ apple grafted on dwarf M.9 Т337, semi-dwarf M.26 and semi-vigour MM.106 rootstocks. Results showed that rootstocks significantly changed the properties evaluated with the exception of L/D ratio, φ and ρ. Among rootstocks, M.9 Т33 7 produced the best properties, whereas lower and statistically similar values were obtained from M.26 and MM.106 rootstocks. All rootstocks promoted D higher than 66 mm, whereas only M.9 Т337 induced D ≥70 mm. The rootstocks did not have the capacity to change the fruit shape of the ‘Pink Lady’ club cultivar.Publishe

    Energy Performance Certificate

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    Tato bakalářská práce má za úkol vytvoření PENB podle aktuální úpravy zá-kona č. 406/2000 Sb. První část práce je věnována legislativě a normám s uvedenými postupy pro vypracování průkazu energetické náročnosti budovy. Druhá část se věnuje aplikování první části na skutečnou budovu a naprogramování výpočetního kódu v softwaru Wolfram Mathematica, kde je v závěru určena hodnota energetické náročnosti budovy.This bachelor thesis aims to create PENB by the current regulations of the Law no.406/2000 Coll. The first part is devoted to legislation and standards with spe-cified procedures for drawing up the energy performance certificate of the building. The second part is devoted to applying the first part of the actual building and com-puting programming code in the software Wolfram Mathematica, which is at the end determined by the value of the energy performance of the building

    Early tree performances, precocity and fruit quality attributes of newly introduced apricot cultivars grown under western Serbian conditions

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    In this work, 19 newly introduced and some traditional apricot cultivars were evaluated by 20 phenological and agronomical traits and fruit quality attributes. The results showed a wide variation in phenological data, tree vigour (TCSA), productivity [yield per tree, cumulative yield (CY) and yield efficiency (YE)], and fruit quality attributes such as fruit and stone weight, flesh/stone ratio, fruit dimensions, size, shape index, soluble solids content (SSC), titratable acidity (TA) and ripening index (RI). The average onset of blossoming varied from 16 March to 20 March, whereas harvest was between 1 June and 12 September. The most vigorous trees were ‘Ketch Pshar’. The best productivity was observed in ‘Fardao’ and the poorest in ‘Farbaly’. More apricots were relatively small to medium in fruit size, whereas ‘Candela’ had very large fruits. Most cultivars tended towards a round shape, whereas some had round/ flat and/or ovoid-shaped fruits. The highest values for SSC were observed in ‘Ketch Pshar’, ‘Candela’ and ‘Fardao’, TA in ‘Candela’ and RI in ‘Hungarian Best’. There was a medium to high correlation between yield properties, fruit and stone size and flesh/seed ratio, also between SSC versus acidity and RI. As observed by PCA, the first three components represented 74.3% of total variance (38.3%, 22.1% and 19.8% for PC1, PC2 and PC3, respectively)

    Degree of fertilization and biological traits of new plum cultivars (Prunus domestica L.)

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    Код три новије сорте шљиве (‘Jojo’, ‘Hanita’ и ‘Katinka’), толерантне или отпорне на вирус Шарке (Plum Pox Virus), испитиванe су најзначајније биолошке особине и квантитативни раст поленових цевчица in vivo и in vitro у условима самоопрашивања, слободног опрашивања и страног опрашивања при различитим температурама (20°C, 23°C и 26°C). Такође, у овим условима испитивани су бујност стабла, компоненте приноса и физичко-хемијске карактеристике плода шљиве. Истраживања су обављена од 2008. до 2010. године у засаду шљиве у тзв. густој садњи у агроеколошким условима Чачка (западна Србија) коришћењем стандардне методологије. Сорта ‘Hanita’ је имала најпозније цветање током све три године, а најмање варирање ове особине је утврђено код сорте ‘Jojo’. Највећа клијавост полена је установљена у сорте ‘Hanita’, средња у сорте ‘Jojo’, а најмања у сорте ‘Katinka’. Најмањи број поленових цевчица у горњој трећини стубића код свих испитиваних сорти је утврђен при самоопрашивању. У погледу ове особине, најбољи опрашивач за сорту ‘Jojo’ била је сорта ‘Hanitа’, за сорту ‘Katinka’ сорта ‘Jojo’, док је сорта ‘Hanita’ највећи број поленових цевчица имала при слободном опрашивању. Када је у питању заступљеност поленових цевчица у појединим регионима тучка, сорта ‘Katinka’ се показала као најбољи опрашивач сорти ‘Jojo’ и ‘Hanita’, док је сорта ‘Hanita’ била најбољи опрашивач сорте ‘Katinka’. Највеће иницијално и финално заметање плодова код сорти ‘Hanita’ и ‘Katinka’ утврђено је приликом слободног опрашивања, а код сорте ‘Jojo’ у комбинацији опрашивања поленом сорте ‘Katinka’, односно при самоопрашивању. На константним температурама (20°C, 23°C и 26°C), сорта ‘Hanita’ је била најбољи опрашивач сорте ‘Jojo’, сорта ‘Jojo’ је била најбољи опрашивач сорте ‘Hanita’, док су ове две сорте биле подједнако добри опрашивачи сорте ‘Katinka’. Код сорти ‘Jojo’ и ‘Hanita’, најбољи раст поленових цевчица је утврђен на константној температури од 23°C, а код сорте ‘Katinka’ на температури од 26°C. Највећи принос по стаблу и јединици површине је утврђен код сорте ‘Hanita’, а најмањи код сорте ‘Katinka’, међутим највећи коефицијент родности је утврђен код сорте ‘Jojo’ која је имала најмању бујност стабла...Three recently developed plum cultivars (‘Jojo’, ‘Hanita’ and ‘Katinka’), tolerant or resistant to Plum Pox Virus, were evaluated for major biological traits and pollen tubes growth in vivo and in vitro under self-, open- and cross-pollination at different temperatures. Tree vigour, yield components, physical and chemical attributes of the fruit were also analysed under these conditions. Research was conducted during 2008-2010 in a high density planting system under the environmental conditions of Cacak (Western Serbia) using standard methods. The latest flowering was observed in ‘Hanita’ during the three years, whereas ‘Jojo’ showed lowest variations in flowering date. Fruit maturity date was earliest in ‘Katinka’ and latest in ‘Jojo’. Pollen germination was highest in ‘Hanita’, medium in ‘Jojo’, and lowest in ‘Katinka’. The lowest number of pollen tubes in the upper part of the style in all cultivars was found under self-pollination. As regards this trait, ‘Hanita’ and ‘Jojo’ were the best pollenizers for ‘Jojo’ and ‘Katinka’, respectively, whereas ‘Hanita’ developed the highest number of pollen tubes under open-pollination. As regards the percentage of pollen tubes in different parts of the pistil, ‘Katinka’ proved to make the best pollenizer for ‘Jojo’ and ‘Hanita’, and ‘Hanita’ for ‘Katinka’. The highest initial and final fruit set in cultivars ‘Hanita’ and ‘Katinka’ was observed under open-pollination and in ‘Jojo’ under cross-pollination by pollen of ‘Katinka’ and self-pollination. At constant temperatures (20°C, 23°C and 26°C), ‘Hanita’ and ‘Jojo’ made the best pollenizers for ‘Jojo’ and ‘Hanita’, respectively, and equally good pollenizers for ‘Katinka’. The rate of pollen tubes growth was highest at a constant temperature of 23°C in ‘Jojo’ and ‘Hanita’, and at 26°C in ‘Katinka’. Yield per tree and yield per unit area were highest in ‘Hanita’ and lowest in ‘Katinka’. However, the highest yield efficiency was observed in ‘Jojo’ which exhibited the lowest tree vigour. As regards physical characteristics, in general, ‘Jojo’ showed the best performance when open-pollinated or pollinated by pollen of ‘Hanita’, ‘Hanita’ under pollination by pollen of ‘Katinka’ and ‘Katinka’ under self-pollination or pollination by pollen of ‘Hanita’..

    Role of rootstock and apple fruit tissue in antioxidant activity

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    During two consecutive years (2018 and 2019) we investigated the effect of two clonal rootstocks on fruit weight, contents of some non-nutrients and total antioxidant capacity (TAC) in the flesh and peel of CV. 'Hapke' apple. Results showed that fruit weight was significantly higher on M.9 T337 than on M.26 rootstock and similar in both 2018 and 2019. M.26 rootstock significantly improved titratable acidity (TA), vitamin C content, total phenolic content (TPC), total flavonoid content (TFC) and TAC in comparison with M.9 T337. As regards fruit tissue, the peel was a significantly better source of acids, vitamin C and phenolic compounds, and had higher antioxidant capacity than the flesh. However, the rootstock × fruit tissue interaction for the content of phenolic compounds indicated the complex nature of accumulation and distribution of acidity, vitamin C and phenolic compounds in apples.Publishe

    Microscopic images of the human dentate nucleus border neurons: Parameters of the nonlinear quantitative analysis and examination of age distribution

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    Introduction: Dentate nucleus represents a cluster of neurons located deep in white matter of cerebellum. Neurons from dentate nucleus, as the biggest and the most lateral from deep cerebellar nuclei, are classified into two groups by its morphology and function. The group of large neurons are further classified into four subgroups and one of them are border neurons. Aim: This study investigates possibility to discriminate inner and outer neurons from small sample of border neurons, using quantitative and nonlinear parameters of the image analysis. In addition, this study investigates relations between nonlinear parameters and the age of neurons. Material and methods: The small sample of 2D images of dentate nucleus border neurons have been used for this study: 16 images of inner and 12 images of outer neurons. Their morphology was quantified by 7 parameters which investigate the neuron area, dendritic length, number of primary dendrites, space-filling property, shape, dendritic complexity/tortuosity and neurons inhomogeneity/rotational invariance. Results: The results have showed that means of three quantitative parameters, as well as the mean of one nonlinear parameter, are statistically equal for inner and outer border neurons. In contrast to this, three parameters of fractal analysis are statistically different between two types of border neurons. In addition, means of four nonlinear parameters does not change when the age of neurons increases. Conclusion: Our results corroborate previous findings and conclusions: border neurons of the dentate nuclei can be classified into inner and outer type. Moreover, our study promotes hypothesis that morphology of neurons from the human dentate nucleus does not change with the age

    Box-Counting Method of 2D Neuronal Image: Method Modification and Quantitative Analysis Demonstrated on Images from the Monkey and Human Brain

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    This study calls attention to the difference between traditional box-counting method and its modification. The appropriate scaling factor, influence on image size and resolution, and image rotation, as well as different image presentation, are showed on the sample of asymmetrical neurons from the monkey dentate nucleus. The standard BC method and its modification were evaluated on the sample of 2D neuronal images from the human neostriatum. In addition, three box dimensions (which estimate the space-filling property, the shape, complexity, and the irregularity of dendritic tree) were used to evaluate differences in the morphology of type III aspiny neurons between two parts of the neostriatum

    A study of aerodynamic noise in air duct systems with turning vanes

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    Buka je jedan od problema u mnogim industrijama. U ovom radu prikazana je analiza aerodinamički nastale buke koja se javlja pri strujanjima vazduha preko usmerivača vazduha oblika aeroprofila u vazdušnim kanalima. Na osnovu Proudmanove jednačine i Lajthilove akustične analogije širokopojasni nivo buke u vazdušnom kanalu može biti izračunat. Za modeliranje turbulentnog modela, k - e turbulentni model je korišćen a potrebne konstante su eksperimentalno određene merenjem u aerotunelu za podzvučne brzine, nakon kojih su vršena merenja buke za u neposrednoj blizini usmerivača vazduha oblika aeroprofila. Nekoliko rešenja je analizirano, kanal sa unutrašnjim aeroprofilom, kanal sa centralnim aeroprofilom, kanal sa spoljašnjim aeroprofilom kao i kombinacija prethodnih slučajeva. Analizom dobijenih rezultata, a u cilju ispunjavanja svih zakonskih propisa koji se tiču industrijske buke, koji postaju sve striktniji, akustična analiza i projektovanje moraju biti primenjeni u većini industrijskih sistema jer buka predstavlja opasnost po zdravlje radnika u radnom okruženju.Noise is becoming one of the problems in many industrial applications. In this paper the aerodynamic noise in air duct system that arises from air flow passing over a surface of turning vanes is investigated. Based on Proudman's formula using Lighthill's acoustic analogy broadband acoustic noise model can be predicted. To model the turbulent flow in an air duct k - e turbulent model is used and required constants are obtained experimentally in a low speed wind tunnel followed by noise measurement in the vicinity of deflected airfoil. Several designs are investigated: Inner airfoil in the duct elbow, center positioned air foil, outer positioned and the overall combination of all previous cases. It was found that in order to satisfy all noise requirements and regulation, which are becoming more strict nowadays, the acoustic analysis and design must be performed in most industrial systems since the noise levels arising from the operating industrial equipment may represent occupational and health hazard

    Design of PtSnZn Nanocatalysts for Anodic Reactions in Fuel Cells

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    In order to achieve widespread application of fuel cell technology, the development of an efficient and economical catalyst is a crucial step. Reducing the diameter of catalyst particles, producing particles with a specific orientation surface, and alloying noble metals with less expensive metals are possible approaches to improve catalyst performance. This study will be focused on novel ways for creating PtSnZn catalysts that are more effective for the anodic reactions in fuel cell such are methanol, ethanol and formic acid oxidation reactions. PtZn and PtSnZn nanoparticles were produced using the microwave assisted polyol method and were supported on high surface area carbon Vulcan XC-72R material. The electrochemical behavior of synthesized catalysts was investigated utilizing the cyclic voltammetry, chronoamperometric technique, and electro-oxidation of adsorbed CO. To determine the catalyst's physicochemical characteristics, X-ray diffraction (XRD), transmission electron microscopy analysis (TEM), and thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) were used. High catalytic activity of the PtSnZn/C catalysts was achieved thanks to the benefits of microwave synthesis and carefully adjusted metal alloying