21 research outputs found

    Fundamentalna i tehnička analiza u funkciji efikasnog upravljanja portfoliom HoV

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    The subject of the research is to analyze the methods of fundamental and technical analysis of HoV on the companies quoted in the Belex index 15. The aim of the research is to create a pool of specific information, tested in practice, on the possibilities of improving efficient portfolio management with a special focus on optimal selection of techniques and the method of fundamental and technical analysis of HoV. The fundamental analysis of securities is a method of examining economic, political and social indicators of national economy in an attempt to forecast the future trends on the financial market. Differently from the fundamental method, the technical analysis examines historical and actual data on prices and the volume aimed at forecasting the market activities in the future period. Therefore, historical data on prices make the basis and are most frequently used in technical analysis. There are numerous methods of both fundamental analysis and technical analysis and this paper suggests that the use of solely one technique cannot provide results that are satisfactory and sufficient for managing a portfolio of securities efficiently. Methodology used in the research comprises methods of analysis, synthesis, explorative and inductive- deductive techniques. Due to numerous information that could be obtained by using all of the methods and techniques, this paper presents an optimal combination of indicators of technical and fundamental analysis, as a means to efficient portfolio management. In order to apply an optimal set of fundamental and technical analysis indicators, in this paper we have used a sample of companies extracted from the Index basket that comprises 15 most liquid shares traded on the Belgrade Stock Exchange (BSE) in addition to the Belex15 Index, which describes price movements of the most liquid Serbian shares, and which is positioned as the leading index of the Belgrade Stock Exchange and calculated in real time. The research results will be useful to the academic community for further research in the field, as well as to institutional and individual investors in the function of creating a set of instruments geared towards efficient trading with HoV.Predmet istraživanja u radu je analiziranje metoda fundamentalne i tehničke analize HoV na primeru kompanija koje se kotiraju u okviru indeksa Belex 15. Cilj istraživanja jeste dolaženje do niza konkretnih informacija, u praksi testiranih, o mogućnostima unapređenja efikasnog upravljanja portfoliom sa posebnim fokusom na optimalni odabir tehnika i metoda fundamentalne i tehničke analize HoV. Fundamentalna analiza HoV bavi se u osnovi izučavanjem ekonomskih, političkih i socijalnih pokazatelja nacionalne ekonomije sa ciljem da se predvide kretanja na finansijskom tržiÅ”tu u budućnosti. Za razliku od fundamentalne, tehnička analiza proučava istorijske i aktuelne podatke o cenama i obimu sa namerom da se predvide aktivnosti na tržiÅ”tu u budućem periodu. Dakle, istorijski podaci o cenama su osnova i najčeŔće koriŔćeni podaci tehničke analize. Metodologija koriŔćena u istraživanju obuhvata metode analize, sinteze, eksplorativne i induktivno-deduktivne tehnike. Zbog velikog broja informacija koje se mogu dobiti koriŔćenjem svih metoda i tehnika, u radu ćemo prikazati najoptimalniju kombinaciju pokazatelja fundamentalne i tehničke analize koji će biti u funkciji efikasnog upravljanja portfoliom. Kao uzorak za primenu optimalne grupe pokazatelja fundamentalne i tehničke analize koristićemo korpu od 15 najlikvidnijih akcija na Beogradskoj berzi i indeks Belex 15 pozicioniran kao vodeći indeks Beogradske berze koji opisuje kretanja cena najlikvidnijih srpskih akcija i koji se računa u realnom vremenu. Rezultati istraživanja biće korisni kako akademskoj zajednici za dalja istraživanja u oblasti, tako i institucionalnim i individualnim investitorima u funkciji kreiranja seta instrumenata usmerenih ka efikasnom trgovanju sa HoV

    Povezanost uspeÅ”nosti savladavanja osnovne obuke u skijanju sa dimenzijama izometrijske miÅ”ićne sile opružača nogu kod studenata Policijske akademije

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    The aim of the research was to define the relationship between success in teaching basic skiing skills to students of Police Academy and the dimensions of isometric knee extensor muscle force. The sample consisted of 183 students of Police Academy (Age = 20.100.50 years, VH = 1.8140.005 cm, BM = 78.427.29 kg) who had no previous experience in skiing. The mark that the students got at the final skiing test was used as the criterion variable, where the system of 29 predictor variables was represented by the characteristics of isometric knee extensor muscle force, which were used to assess the level of maximal isometric force at 10% from 10 to 100% of Fmax (NogeF10% - NogeF100%), absolute rate of force development (explosibility index) at 10% from 10 to 100% of Fmax (NogeRFD10% -NogeRFD100%), and muscle unit involvement velocity assessment index at every 10% of the force realised (NogeC10%-NogeC90%). The predictors gave a statistically significant description of the criterion with 10.30% describing common variance (R2=0.103, Fratio=3.114, pvalue=0.0037). As for the individual variables, the criterion was significantly described by two variables that were used to assess the level of maximal force at 20 and 30% of Fmax (NogeF20% and NogeF20%), muscle unit involvement velocity at 50 and 60% of Fmax (NogeC50% and NogeC60%), and rate of force development at 60 and 70% of Fmax (NogeRFD60% and NogeRFD70%). The results were used to define the equation of criterion prediction (success in skiing instruction) with the assessment error of 0.82 of the mark. The formula we obtained for the equation of model prediction has the following form: Mark = 8.03238 - 0.301976*NogeF20% + 0.198425*NogeF30% + 0.161689*NogeC50% - 0.564403*NogeC60% + 0.00319422*NogeRFD60% - 0.00232235*NogeRFD70%.Predmet istraživanja je definisanje povezanosti između uspeÅ”nosti savladavanja osnovne obuke u skijanju kod studenata Policijske akademije i dimenzija izometrijske miÅ”ićne sile miÅ”ića opružača nogu. Uzorak ispitanika se sastojao od 183 studenta Policijske akademije (Uzrast = 20.100.50 godina, TV = 1.8140.005 cm, TM = 78.427.29 kg) bez prethodnog znanja skijanja. Kriterijsku varijablu je predstavljala ocena studenta dobijena na zavrÅ”nom ispitu iz skijanja, dok su sistem od 29 prediktorskih varijabli predstavljale karakteristike izometrijske sile miÅ”ića opružača nogu kojima je procenjivan nivo maksimalne sile na 10% od 10 do 100% od Fmax (NogeF10% - NogeF100%), intenzitet ispoljavanja sile na 10% od 10 do 100% od Fmax (NogeRFD10% - NogeRFD100%) i indeks procene brzine uključenja motornih jedinica na svakih 10% realizovane sile (NogeC10% - NogeC90%). Prediktori su statistički značajno opisali kriterijum sa 10.30% objaÅ”njenja zajedničke varijanse (R2=0.103, Fratio=3.114, pvalue=0.0037). Od pojedinačnih varijabli kriterijum su statistički značajno opisale po dve varijable kojima je procenjivan nivo maksimalne sile na 20 i 30% od Fmax (NogeF20% i NogeF20%), brzina uključenja motornih jedinica na 50 i 60% od Fmax (NogeC50% i NogeC60%) i intenzitet ispoljavanja sile na 60 i 70% od Fmax (NogeRFD60% i NogeRFD70%). Na osnovu dobijenih rezultata definisana je jednačina predikcije kriterija (uspeÅ”nost obuke skijanja) sa greÅ”kom procene od 0.82 ocene. Dobijena formula jednačine predikcije modela ima sledeći oblik: Ocena = 8.03238 - 0.301976*NogeF20% + 0.198425*NogeF30% + 0.161689*NogeC50% - 0.564403*NogeC60% + 0.00319422*NogeRFD60% - 0.00232235*NogeRFD70%

    Povezanost uspeÅ”nosti savladavanja osnovne obuke u skijanju sa dimenzijama izometrijske miÅ”ićne sile opružača nogu kod studenata Policijske akademije

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    The aim of the research was to define the relationship between success in teaching basic skiing skills to students of Police Academy and the dimensions of isometric knee extensor muscle force. The sample consisted of 183 students of Police Academy (Age = 20.100.50 years, VH = 1.8140.005 cm, BM = 78.427.29 kg) who had no previous experience in skiing. The mark that the students got at the final skiing test was used as the criterion variable, where the system of 29 predictor variables was represented by the characteristics of isometric knee extensor muscle force, which were used to assess the level of maximal isometric force at 10% from 10 to 100% of Fmax (NogeF10% - NogeF100%), absolute rate of force development (explosibility index) at 10% from 10 to 100% of Fmax (NogeRFD10% -NogeRFD100%), and muscle unit involvement velocity assessment index at every 10% of the force realised (NogeC10%-NogeC90%). The predictors gave a statistically significant description of the criterion with 10.30% describing common variance (R2=0.103, Fratio=3.114, pvalue=0.0037). As for the individual variables, the criterion was significantly described by two variables that were used to assess the level of maximal force at 20 and 30% of Fmax (NogeF20% and NogeF20%), muscle unit involvement velocity at 50 and 60% of Fmax (NogeC50% and NogeC60%), and rate of force development at 60 and 70% of Fmax (NogeRFD60% and NogeRFD70%). The results were used to define the equation of criterion prediction (success in skiing instruction) with the assessment error of 0.82 of the mark. The formula we obtained for the equation of model prediction has the following form: Mark = 8.03238 - 0.301976*NogeF20% + 0.198425*NogeF30% + 0.161689*NogeC50% - 0.564403*NogeC60% + 0.00319422*NogeRFD60% - 0.00232235*NogeRFD70%.Predmet istraživanja je definisanje povezanosti između uspeÅ”nosti savladavanja osnovne obuke u skijanju kod studenata Policijske akademije i dimenzija izometrijske miÅ”ićne sile miÅ”ića opružača nogu. Uzorak ispitanika se sastojao od 183 studenta Policijske akademije (Uzrast = 20.100.50 godina, TV = 1.8140.005 cm, TM = 78.427.29 kg) bez prethodnog znanja skijanja. Kriterijsku varijablu je predstavljala ocena studenta dobijena na zavrÅ”nom ispitu iz skijanja, dok su sistem od 29 prediktorskih varijabli predstavljale karakteristike izometrijske sile miÅ”ića opružača nogu kojima je procenjivan nivo maksimalne sile na 10% od 10 do 100% od Fmax (NogeF10% - NogeF100%), intenzitet ispoljavanja sile na 10% od 10 do 100% od Fmax (NogeRFD10% - NogeRFD100%) i indeks procene brzine uključenja motornih jedinica na svakih 10% realizovane sile (NogeC10% - NogeC90%). Prediktori su statistički značajno opisali kriterijum sa 10.30% objaÅ”njenja zajedničke varijanse (R2=0.103, Fratio=3.114, pvalue=0.0037). Od pojedinačnih varijabli kriterijum su statistički značajno opisale po dve varijable kojima je procenjivan nivo maksimalne sile na 20 i 30% od Fmax (NogeF20% i NogeF20%), brzina uključenja motornih jedinica na 50 i 60% od Fmax (NogeC50% i NogeC60%) i intenzitet ispoljavanja sile na 60 i 70% od Fmax (NogeRFD60% i NogeRFD70%). Na osnovu dobijenih rezultata definisana je jednačina predikcije kriterija (uspeÅ”nost obuke skijanja) sa greÅ”kom procene od 0.82 ocene. Dobijena formula jednačine predikcije modela ima sledeći oblik: Ocena = 8.03238 - 0.301976*NogeF20% + 0.198425*NogeF30% + 0.161689*NogeC50% - 0.564403*NogeC60% + 0.00319422*NogeRFD60% - 0.00232235*NogeRFD70%

    The effect of different collectors on the quality of basic copper concentrate of the ore body Tenka

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    This paper presents the results of a part of technological tests, whose aim was to determine the optimum techno-economic conditions for the flotation concentration of ore from the deposit Tenka-3 - North Mining District, Copper Mine Majdanpek. The given view refers to testing the effects of collectors NaIPX, 3418 A and 5500 AP, as well as the pulp pH value on the quality of concentrate from the primary flotation process. It was found that the majority of copper, gold and silver in the primary concentrate is obtained using the collector AP 5500. In addition, a better quality of primary concentrate was obtained at higher pH values of pulp in the tested pH range (10.0 - 11.5)

    Fluoksetin ne remeti motornu funkciju kod bolesnika sa Parkinsonovom boleŔću - korelacija raspoloženja i motorne funkcije sa koncentracijom fluoksetina/norfluoksetina u plazmi

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    Background/Aim. Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors are the most commonly chosen antidepressants in patients with Parkinson's disease (PD). The aim of our study was to assess the influence of fluoxetine (Flu) on motor functions in patients with PD. Methods. In this prospective, controlled, open-label study, 18 patients with PD and mild depression [(10 ā‰¤ Hamilton Rating Scale for Depression (HDRS) ā‰¤ 23)] without dementia [(25 ā‰¤ Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE)] were treated with Flu. Both single and repeated dose effects of Flu were assessed on days 1-80. Plasma concentrations of Flu and norfluoxetine (NORFlu) were correlated with the results of selected motor function performance scores: The Unified Parkinsons Disease Rating Score (UPDRS), Finger Tapping Test (FTT) and Purdue Pegboard Test (PPT). Severity of PD, depression and dementia were evaluated using standard tests [(Hoehn and Yahr stages (HY), activity of daily living (ADL), UPDRS, HDRS, MMSE)]. Results. Steady-state for Flu/NORFlu was reached after 18 days of treatment. Such a plateau correlated with significant improvements in both scores of depression and Parkinson's disability (HDRS, UPDRS and ADL, respectively). In addition, FTT and PPT scores also increased until day 18, with further slight fluctuations around the plateau. Optimal motor performances correlated with Flu concentrations of approximately 60-110 Ī¼g/L. Conclusion. Flu (20 mg/day) significantly reduced depression in PD patients while it did not impair their motor performances. Because substantial placebo effects may arise in studies of PD and depression, large, prospective, randomized, placebo-controlled clinical trials are warranted.Uvod/Cilj. Selektivni inhibitori ponovnog preuzimanja serotonina su antidepresivi koji se najčeŔće koriste u lečenju obolelih od Parkinsonove bolesti (PB). Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je da se proceni uticaj fluoksetina (Flu) na motorne funkcije bolesnika sa PB. Metode. U ovom prospektivnom, kontrolisanom, otvorenom kliničkom ispitivanju, 18 bolesnika sa PB i blagom depresijom [10 ā‰¤ Hamiltonova skala za depresiju (10 ā‰¤ HDRS) ā‰¤ 23)], bez demencije [(25 ā‰¤ Mini mental test (MMSE)] lečeni su primenom Flu. Procenjivana su dejstva kako pojedinačne, tako i ponovljene doze Flu od prvog do osamdesetog dana. Plazma koncentracije Flu i norfluoksetina (NORFlu) korelisane su sa rezultatima odeđenih testova za motorne funkcije: skala za procenu težine PB (UPDRS), test spretnosti kucanja (FTT) i Purdue pegboard Test PPT). Izraženost PD, depresije i demencije procenjivane su koriŔćenjem standardnih testova [(test dnevnih aktivnosti (ADL), Hoehn.-Yahr. stadijumi (HJ), HDRS, MMSE)]. Rezultati. Ravnotežno stanje za Flu/NORFlu postignuto je 18. dana lečenja. Takav plato u koncentraciji Flu/NORFlu bio je praćen značajnim poboljÅ”anjem rezultata, kako testova za depresiju, tako i za izraženost PB (HDRS, UPDRS i ADL, sledstveno). Dodatno, rezultati FTT-a i PPT-a bili su u porastu do 18. dana, sa blagim fluktuacijama oko platoa. Optimalna motorna postignuća zabeležena su pri koncentraciji Flu od oko 60-110 Ī¼g/L. Zaključak. Flu (20 mg/dan) značajno redukuje depresiju kod bolesnika sa PB i ne remeti motorne funkcije. S obzirom na mogući placebo efekat u istraživanjima sa PB i depresijom, neophodna su obimnija, prospektivna, randomizovana, placebo- kontrolisana klinička ispitivanja

    Control of muscle force development in arm extensors during isometric tension

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    The aim of this study is to determine the patterns of force development regulation in arm extensors during isometric tension using the standardized Bench Press test. An evaluation of control for each subject has been made based on the level of force achieved (30%, 50%, 70% and 90%), the rate of force development (RFD), the speed of inclusion of motor units (k), the time necessary to achieve the given level (t) and the differences recorded in the first (initial) and repeated measurements. The experiment was carried out on a sample of 130 respondents. Descriptive and comparative statistics was used along with nonlinear mathematical modeling methods for the analysis of experimental results and for establishing the patterns of control. The results of the analysis indicate that there are statistically significant differences (p lt 0.01) between the mean values of generated force, generating time, the rate of force development, the speed of inclusion of motor units in a given unit of time and the mean values of the same parameters in repeated measurement at all levels except at the levels of force F-70% (p = 0.02), and F-90% (p = 0.52). The models of force control have a high predictive value, ranging from 90% to 99.88% and a small prediction error, which is in the range from 0.12% to 10%. All analyses indicate high reliability of the results of this research and are therefore recommended for use in research and educational practice

    Control of muscle force development in arm extensors during isometric tension

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    The aim of this study is to determine the patterns of force development regulation in arm extensors during isometric tension using the standardized Bench Press test. An evaluation of control for each subject has been made based on the level of force achieved (30%, 50%, 70% and 90%), the rate of force development (RFD), the speed of inclusion of motor units (k), the time necessary to achieve the given level (t) and the differences recorded in the first (initial) and repeated measurements. The experiment was carried out on a sample of 130 respondents. Descriptive and comparative statistics was used along with nonlinear mathematical modeling methods for the analysis of experimental results and for establishing the patterns of control. The results of the analysis indicate that there are statistically significant differences (p lt 0.01) between the mean values of generated force, generating time, the rate of force development, the speed of inclusion of motor units in a given unit of time and the mean values of the same parameters in repeated measurement at all levels except at the levels of force F-70% (p = 0.02), and F-90% (p = 0.52). The models of force control have a high predictive value, ranging from 90% to 99.88% and a small prediction error, which is in the range from 0.12% to 10%. All analyses indicate high reliability of the results of this research and are therefore recommended for use in research and educational practice


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    The aim of this paper is to use a training methodology that we believe to be a powerful incentive for cardiovascular and metabolic adaptation via individually programmed aerobic running directly through the consumption of oxygen. The experiment was carried out on a top judo team of 9 competitors in a 4-week training period. The distribution of training loads ranged between the anaerobic threshold and maximum oxygen consumption. In four weeks of training, the judokas significantly improved their results for maximum oxygen consumption (VO2max) from 2% to 15%, maximum relative oxygen consumption (VO2rel) from 2% to 16%, the Cooper test (K) from 2% to 15% and the speed at which the maximum amount of oxygen (vVO2max) is expended, from 2% to 15%. The judokas started from 64% to 83% of their genetic capacity in maximal oxygen consumption (VO2max), from 64% to 83% in maximum relative oxygen consumption (VO2rel) and 70% to 85% of the capacity at which they consumed the maximum amount of oxygen (vVO2max). After 4 weeks of training, 72% to 91% of the genetic capacity of maximum oxygen consumption (VO2max) ranged from 74% to 92% of the maximum relative oxygen consumption (VO2rel) and from 78% to 93% of the genetically projected capacity at the maximum amount of oxygen rate (vVO2max). In order to achieve these results, the judokas had to expend 943.80 to 1887.71 liters of oxygen ((āˆ‘VO2) to cross a distance ((āˆ‘ DT) from 67523.0 m to 102386.0 m and consume from 4719 to 9438.55 kilocalories ((āˆ‘ kcal)

    Venture capital: Generator of growth of SME investment activities

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    The aim of the paper is to point out the importance and role of venture capital in creation of new values based on the knowledge economy. By reviewing relevant literature about venture capital, this paper presents the importance of the venture capital investments in innovative activities of SMEs that have an impact on economic growth. Pointing to the importance and quantifying the overall effects of venture capital investments, will be used the overview and trends in venture capital investments in the sectors of economy in Europe which generate a larger number of patents. According to data during the period of 2007 - 2015 will be defined venture capital investments and number of registered patents in the sectors of the knowledge economy. Empirical analysis indicated that the venture investments in the sectors of the knowledge economy generated more patents in those sectors. In addition, the paper analyzes the venture capital investment and innovation activities of SMEs, which are reflected in patent activities, where the result is a correlation between these activities in the European economies

    MetroloŔke vrednosti indikatora za procenu osnovnih plivačkih sposobnosti policajaca - matematički model

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    The area of Special Physical Education (SPE) that covers the subsystem of General Fitness Level (GFL) in police officers also considers the issues of surmounting water obstacles, mainly aimed at mastering swimming skills. The subject of this research was to establish the metrological characteristics that assess basic swimming characteristics in policemen, while the aim was to define the indicators most informative to that purpose. The research was conducted on the randomly chosen sample of 51 students of the first year of Police Academy. They were tested four times, at the beginning and the end of both winter and summer terms, at the distances of 25 m, 50 m, 100 m, and 200 m - The data was fitted by the least square method in the linear function of the distance-time and velocity-distance dependence that yielded: critical velocity and energetic efficiency coefficient of swimming at 50 m, 100 m, and 200 m, as well as the coefficients of intensity, capacity and power of individual energetic systems realized while swimming. The results showed that the metroĀ­logical values of the indicators used (reliability, adequacy, inter-correlation and validity) were significant at p lt 0.000. The highest percentage of the explained measurement variance was found in the indicators achieved in the second test, while the highest validity was observed in the indicators of critical velocity at the distance of 200 m (Vcrit200), the energetic efficiency coefficient of swimming (Eefik200), and the indicator that assesses the power of the energetic processes (abintegr). Therefore, these indicators bear the most information on basic swimming skills in policemen and are recommended for further research and practical use.Oblast izučavanja Specijalnog fizičkog obrazovanja (SFO) u delu koji se bavi podsistemom Bazičnog motoričkog statusa (VMS) pripadnika službe, izučava i problematiku savlađivanja vodenog prostora, sa osnovom usmerenom na veÅ”tinu plivanja. Predmet istraživanja rada je utvrđivanje metroloÅ”kih karakteristika a cilj definisanje najinformativnijih indikatora za procenu nivoa osnovnih plivačkih sposobnosti policajaca. U istraživanju su učestvovali studenti Policijske akademije (N = 51) koji su metodom slučajnog uzorka izabrani iz populacije prve godine studija. Studenti su testirani četiri puta, na početku i kraju zimskog i letnjeg semestra, na deonicama od 25 m, 50 m 100 m i 200 m. Postupkom fitovanja koriŔćenjem metode najmanjih kvadrata podaci su stavljeni u linearnu funkciju zavisnosti distanca-vreme i brzina-distanca iz kojih je izračunato: kritične brzine plivanja i koeficijenti energetske efikasnosti plivanja na 50 m, 100 m i 200 m, kao i koeficijenti intenziteta, kapaciteta i moći (snage) energetskih procesa pojedinca realizovanih plivanjem. Rezultati pokazuju da su metroloÅ”ke vrednosti koriŔćenih indikatora (pouzdanost, adekvatnost, interkorelacija i valjanost) visoko statistički pouzdane na nivou p lt 0.000. NajveĆi procenat objaÅ”njene varijanse merenja poseduju indikatori postignuta na drugom testiranju, a najveĆu valjanost imaju indikatori kritične brzine na deonici od 200 m (Vcrit200), koeficijent energetske efikasnosti plivanja na 200 m (Eefik200) i indikator za procenu moći (snage) energetskih procesa (abintegr), pa se oni i preporučuju kao najinformativniji za upotrebu u daljim istraživanjima i praksi