17 research outputs found

    Magnetic Fluids’ Heating Power Exposed to a High-Frequency Rotating Magnetic Field

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    Magnetic fluids are superparamagnetic materials that have recently been the subject of extensive research because of their unique properties. Among them is the heating effect when exposed to an alternating magnetic field, wherein the objective is to use this property in medicine as an alternative method for the treatment of tumors in the body. The heating effect characterization for the alternating magnetic field (AMF) has been studied widely, whilst for the rotational magnetic field (RMF), no systematic study has been done yet. In this article, we present the characterization of the heating power of magnetic fluids in a high-frequency rotational magnetic field. The results show similar behavior of heating power or specific absorption rate characteristics as in AMF

    Assessment of magnetic fluid losses out of magnetic properties measurement

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    In this paper an improved measurement system for experimental assessment of magnetic fluid losses is presented. When fluid is exposed to AC magnetic field, three different losses mechanisms are activerelaxation, hysteresis and resonance mechanism. In this paper not individual contributions where studied but combine acting which can be determine as specific power losses (SPL). SPL of the sample is obtained for a variety of amplitudes and frequencies of magnetic field with presented method of measurement of field parameters where results revealed f H2 dependence for fixed temperature of the sample. Temperature dependence of SPL is examined with calorimetrical measurements, where heating of magnetic fluid at fixed value of applied field and various frequencies is examined and results revealed linearly decreasing temperature dependence


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    Magnetne tekočine sodijo v kategorijo nano-materialov in so po definiciji stabilne koloidne disperzije magnetnih nanodelcev, trajno suspendiranih v nosilni tekočini. Kot takšne imajo določene specifične lastnosti, ki jih s pridom izkoriščajo na različnih področjih, kot na primer v mehaniki za rotacijsko tesnjenje, mehansko blaženje, odvajanje toplote in tudi v biomedicini za ciljno doziranje zdravilnih učinkovin, kontrastni agenti pri slikanju z magnetno resonanco, hipertermiji, itd. Ne glede na aplikacijo pa je za varno in učinkovito rabo potrebno dobro poznavanje fizikalnih lastnosti materiala. V doktorski disertaciji smo obravnavali nekatere lastnosti magnetnih tekočin s poudarkom na obnašanju v izmeničnem magnetnem polju. V tem primeru se magnetni delci oziroma vektor magnetizacije delcev poravnajo s smerjo magnetnega polja, kar opisujeta pojava Brownove in Néelove relaksacije. Obračanje magnetnih domen znotraj materiala opisujemo kot magnetne izgube, katerih posledica je povišanje temperature tekočine. Z višanjem amplitude in frekvence magnetnega polja so izgube intenzivnejše. Ravno ta pojav, ki ga imenujemo hipertermija, se izkorišča v medicini in predstavlja alternativno metodo zdravljenja rakavih tkiv, kjer z vbrizganjem magnetne tekočine v tkivo in njeni izpostavitvi visokofrekvenčnemu magnetnemu polju dosežemo njihovo termično uničenje. Za uspešno izvajanje takšnega zdravljenja pa je bistvenega pomena karakterizacija magnetnih izgub magnetne tekočine. Glavni namen doktorske disertacije je izgradnja merilnega sistema, ki omogoča merjenje parametrov za določitev magnetnih izgub magnetih tekočin. Merilni sistem je zasnovan tako, da z uporabo kalorimetrične metode na osnovi povišane temperature tekočine določi parameter izgub SAR (specific absorption rate). V tem primeru gre za izboljšanje uveljavljene metode, kjer je poudarek na homogenosti magnetnega polja ter na boljši toplotni izolaciji vzorca in okolice. Druga metoda za določitev magnetnih izgub pa je metoda magnetnega merjenja, kjer lahko na osnovi površine histerezne zanke določimo specifične moči izgub SPL (specific power loss). Bistvo metode sta dve merilni tuljavici okoli merjenega vzorca, ki sta bili predhodno umerjeni v magnetni normali in merita inducirani napetosti, na osnovi katerih lahko izračunamo magnetno poljsko jakost v sistemu ter gostoto magnetnega pretoka vzorca. Ta dva signala definirata histerezno zanko, katere površina je proporcionalna magnetnim izgubam. Za komercialno dostopen vzorec magnetne tekočine je izvedena karakterizacija izgub po obeh metodah, kjer so izgube podane v odvisnosti od amplitude in frekvence magnetne poljske jakosti, določena pa je tudi njihova temperaturna odvisnost. V disertaciji je predstavljena tudi analiza magnetnega polja merilnega sistema s pomočjo metode končnih elementov (MKE), v istem sistemu pa je izvedena še termična analiza, kjer temperaturno odvisne izgube povzročijo časovno spremembo temperature vzorca, rezultati obeh analiz pa so skladni z meritvami.fluids fall into the category of nano-materials and are, by definition, a stable colloidal dispersion of magnetic nanoparticles permanently suspended in a carrier liquid. As such, they are distinguished by certain specific characteristics which are effectively utilized in various fields such as mechanics as rotary seals, mechanical dampers, heat conductors and in biomedicine to target the dosage of medicinal substances, contrast agents for magnetic resonance imaging, magnetic fluid hyperthermia, etc. For safe and effective use of the material a good knowledge of its physical properties is required, regardless of the applications. In this thesis, some properties of magnetic fluids with an emphasis on its behavior in the alternating magnetic field are discussed. In this case, the magnetic particles or its magnetization vector align with the direction of magnetic field, which describes the Brownian and Neel’s relaxation. Rotating magnetic domains, within the material, are recognized as magnetic losses that among others result in an increase of fluids’ temperature that intensify with increasing amplitude and frequency of magnetic field. This exact property is used in the application of medical hyperthermia, which represents an alternative method for cancer treatment, where the magnetic fluid is injected into the tumor tissue and heated by means of magnetic field to achieve thermal destruction of tumor. For successful implementation of such treatment the characterization of magnetic losses of magnetic fluids represents the essential role. The main purpose of this dissertation is to build a measurement system that enables the measurement of crucial parameters for determining the losses of magnetic fluid. The measurement system is designed in a way that allows the determination of loss parameter SAR (Specific Absorption Rate) using a calorimetric method. In this case, we deal with the improvement of established method, where the emphasis is on the homogeneity of the magnetic field and a better thermal insulation of the sample and its surroundings. Second method for determining the magnetic losses that is tackled in this dissertation is method of magnetic measurement. It is based on determination of the hysteresis loops area for determination of the parameter of SPL (specific power loss). The essential parts of this method are two pickup coils wound around the measured sample. They are calibrated in the magnetic normal and therefore enable the calculation of magnetic field strength in the system and the magnetic flux density of the measured sample out of measured induced voltages. These two variables define the hysteresis loop whose area is proportional to magnetic losses. Characterization of magnetic losses is carried out by both methods for commercially available sample of magnetic fluid, where the results are given as a function of amplitude and frequency magnetic field. This thesis also presents a magnetic field analysis of the measurement system using the finite element method (FEM) and thermal field analysisresults of both analyses are consistent with measurements

    Empowering Active Users: A Case Study with Economic Analysis of the Electric Energy Cost Calculation Post-Net-Metering Abolition in Slovenia

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    This paper addresses the issue of the abolition of annual net metering in Slovenia and compares the electric energy costs for the studied active user after the abolition. The article also provides an exploration of the role played by an aggregator, which serves as a central entity that enables individuals to participate in the electric energy market. An analysis of the case study of an active user was made, where an analysis was made of the measurements of household consumption and photovoltaic plant production for the year 2022. This article presents an economic analysis with and without net metering and an analysis of the aggregator involvement strategies. In addition, a battery energy storage system was also considered in the analysis. An important part of the article is the identification of the flexibility potential for shiftable loads, which enable an aggregator to acquire insight into the energy consumption profile and energy production profile of active users. The following indicators were used to compare the strategies: annual electric energy cost and the indicators including self-sufficiency, self-consumption, and grid dependency. The findings indicate that, even in the absence of annual net metering, the active user can lower their costs for electric energy with the help of an aggregator