273 research outputs found
The World Made Meme: Discourse and Identity in Participatory Media
This project explores internet memes as public discourse. `Meme' is a term coined by biologist Richard Dawkins to describe the flow, flux, mutation, and evolution of culture, a cultural counter to the gene. But the term has evolved within many online collectives, and is shifting in public discourse. In this emerging sense, `memes' are amateur media artifacts, extensively remixed and recirculated by different participants on social media networks. But there is reason to doubt how broad and inclusive this amateur participation is. If the networks producing memes are truly participatory, they will definitionally facilitate diverse discourses and represent diverse identities. Therefore, we need detailed empirical work on specific participatory sites in order to clarify questions of mediated cultural participation. My goal was a better understanding of discourse and identity in participatory media through an investigation of memes and the collectives producing them. To answer this question of mediated cultural participation, I used a critical discourse analytic method and focused on three criteria indicative of cultural participation: processes, identities, and politics. The results were mixed. First, while the formal processes necessary for making memes were open, they required literacy to engage. Second, while meme collectives were readily and broadly accessible by diverse identities and perspectives, they were gatekept by subcultural insiders who privileged some and marginalized others. Third, while diverse political commentary did occur, it happened in a relatively narrow frame of perspectives. However, these inequalities did not mean polyvocal public participation was absent in meme collectives. Memes were a means to transform established cultural texts into new ones, to negotiate the worth of diverse identities, and to engage in unconventional arguments about public policy and current events. Memes were a mix of old inequalities and new participation
Fallout fans: Negotiations over text integrity in the age of the active audience
This study investigated how fans and producers of media texts negotiate text integrity, which is defined as an ideal about the validity, wholeness, and truth of the text. An evaluation of previous research in fan studies revealed four essential issues underlying fan-producer interaction. These four issues led to the study's four research questions, which centered on fan perceptions of ownership of a text, construction of status-relationship between fans and producers, construction of status-relationship among fans, and how fans envisioned their labor contribution to the game development process. Research questions were addressed using a discourse analysis of the forum interactions of fans of the digital-game series Fallout. The investigation focused on fan and producer interaction surrounding the release of the controversial next installment in the Fallout series, Fallout 3. Using previous literature and data gathered, the study proposed a model for fan-producer negotiation over text integrity that can be applied to fan-producer interaction in multiple contexts
Higher physical fitness levels are associated with less language decline in healthy ageing
Healthy ageing is associated with decline in cognitive abilities such as
language. Aerobic fitness has been shown to ameliorate decline in some
cognitive domains, but the potential benefits for language have not been
examined. In a cross-sectional sample, we investigated the relationship between
aerobic fitness and tip-of-the-tongue states. These are among the most frequent
cognitive failures in healthy older adults and occur when a speaker knows a
word but is unable to produce it. We found that healthy older adults indeed
experience more tip-of-the-tongue states than young adults. Importantly, higher
aerobic fitness levels decrease the probability of experiencing
tip-of-the-tongue states in healthy older adults. Fitness-related differences
in word finding abilities are observed over and above effects of age. This is
the first demonstration of a link between aerobic fitness and language
functioning in healthy older adults
Higher physical fitness levels are associated with less language decline in healthy ageing
Probabilistic Anonymity
The concept of anonymity comes into play in
a wide range of situations, varying from voting
and anonymous donations to postings on bulletin
boards and sending mails. A formal definition of
this concept has been given in literature in
terms of nondeterminism. In this paper, we
investigate a notion of anonymity based on
probability theory, and we we discuss the relation
with the nondeterministic one. We then formulate
this definition in terms of observables for
processes in the probabilistic -calculus, and
propose a method to verify automatically the
anonymity property. We illustrate the method by
using the example of the dining cryptographers
Å fôra eller ikkje? Ei litteraturoversikt om fôring av storvilt
Ettersom storviltbestandane i Europa og Nord-Amerika har auka, ser folk ogso ulemper med tette bestandar. For å minska ulempene utan å redusera viltbestandane, har mange byrja å fôra.
2. Me har gått gjennom all tilgjengeleg litteratur for å sjå om forvaltarane nådde måla med fôringa og om fôringa hadde andre, ikkje planlagde fylgjer.
3. Me fann klare bevis for at fôring i periodar med lite anna fôr førde til større bestandar der kvart individ reproduserte betre. Haustvektene vart ikkje høgare ved fôring, haustvektene vart bestemt av sumarfôret. Me fann ikkje bevis for at forvaltarane klarte ved hjelp av fôring å trekkja beitinga bort frå innmark, ung furuskog eller andre attraktive matkjelder, truleg fordi det tilførde fôret ikkje tilfredsstilte nærings- og oppførselsbehova til viltet og fordi fôringa førde til tettare bestandar. Undersøkjingar viser at fôring har minska talet på påkøyrsler, men fleire undersøkjingar trengst for å få full visse.
4. Samling av mykje storvilt rundt fôringsplassar påverkar omgjevnadene. Effektane kan vera komplekse endringar i vegetasjonssamansetning og struktur. Dette kan påverka andre arter i systemet. Nokre sjukdomar vert lettare overførte når dyr samlar seg som rundt fôringsplassar. Ikkje planlagde fylgjer av fôring er lite studert, noko som gjer det vanskeleg å føreseia fylgjene.
5. Det er vanskeleg å rekna på økonomien for den einskilde jaktrettshavar då storviltbestandar gjerne kryssar eigedomsgrenser frå jakttid til fôringstid og ein ofte ikkje kjenner alle fylgjene. Fôringa fører gjerne til høgare og meir reproduktive bestandar og det kan vera vanskeleg å skilja negative verknader av det å fôra og det å ha tette bestandar. Tette bestandar kan ha langtidsverknader som folk kan oppfatta som bra eller dårlege. Før nokon set i gang større program med fôring av storvilt, bør dei grundig vurdera alle sider ved fôring og ha solid stønad frå grunneigarane i viltbestanden sitt heiltårsleveområde. Dersom dei vil slutta fôringa, må dei fyrst redusera viltbestanden.
6. Me har laga ei liste (kapittel 4.3) med punkt som forvaltarar bør gå gjennom og drøfta om dei vurderer å byrja fôra vilt.English: There are costs and benefits associated with large herbivore populations. As populations have grown, conflicts have arisen between stakeholders who benefit from high numbers and those faced with the costs. Feeding may potentially mitigate conflicts while maintaining harvest yields.
2. We created a series of hypotheses associated with the intended management goals of large herbivore feeding programmes and the commonly perceived unintended consequences. We quantified the empirical evidence in support of each hypothesis and established which factors determined the effectiveness of feeding and under what conditions unintended effects may occur.
3. We found clear and consistent evidence of demographic consequences of supplementary feeding. Reproduction and population size were enhanced in food-limited populations, where a high proportion of females had access to feed throughout the limiting season. By contrast, we found limited evidence of the effectiveness of diversionary feeding to protect crops, forestry and natural habitats, largely because any positive effects were undermined by high herbivore densities. The use of diversionary feeding to reduce traffic collisions requires further investigation.
4. Evidence indicates that unintended effects of feeding are likely when feeding causes aggregation and high densities, and when feed type does not match the foraging strategy of the target species. Unintended effects can be complex, involving habitat impacts, such as changes to vegetation composition and structure, with consequent cascading effects through the trophic levels. Disease transmission risks are also often increased. Unintended effects are generally less well studied, making clear predictions difficult.
5. The economic costs and benefits of feeding are typically borne by different stakeholder groups and may occur over different time-frames. Ethical views of feeding also vary between groups, ranging from obligation to undesirable step towards domestication. The risks of unintended consequences are likely to increase with longevity of feeding and should be considered at the outset.
6. We have written a list (chapter 4.3) with points that managers should discuss if they consider feeding wildlife
To feed or not to feed? Evidence of the intended and unintended effects of feeding wild ungulates
Ungulate populations are important natural resources, associated with both costs and benefits. Conflicts have arisen between stakeholders who benefit from high ungulate numbers and those faced with the costs. Supplementary or diversionary feeding may potentially mitigate conflicts while maintaining harvest yields but can have conservation implications. We quantified the empirical evidence for whether the intended effects, and hence management goals, of feeding are met. We also examined whether any potential unintended consequences of feeding occur and under what conditions. We found clear evidence that supplementary feeding enhanced reproduction and population growth under certain conditions. By contrast, we found limited evidence of the effectiveness of diversionary feeding to protect crops, forestry, and natural habitats, with positive effects often undermined by increases in ungulate density. However, the use of diversionary feeding to reduce traffic collisions seems promising but requires further investigation. The unintended effects of feeding are typically complex, involving changes to demography, behavior, and vegetation with consequent cascading effects on other trophic levels, as well as exacerbated risks of disease transmission. Increased ungulate density is the primary driver behind these unintended effects, the consequences of which tend to increase with longevity of feeding and affect a range of stakeholders. We urge managers to take seriously the risks as well as the economic and ethical issues before deciding to feed ungulate
Development and implementation of “handshake rounds”: An antibiotic stewardship intervention for hospitalized adult patients with hematologic malignancies
To design and implement “handshake rounds” as an antibiotic stewardship intervention to reduce inpatient intravenous (IV) antibiotic use in patients with hematologic malignancies.
Quasi-experimental analysis of antibiotic use (AU) and secondary outcomes before and and after handshake rounds were implemented.
Quaternary-care, academic medical center.
Hospitalized adults with hematologic malignancies receiving IV antibiotics.
We performed a retrospective review of a preintervention cohort prior to the intervention. A multidisciplinary team developed criteria for de-escalation of antibiotics, logistics of handshake rounds, and outcome metrics. Eligible patients were discussed during scheduled handshake rounds between a hematology–oncology pharmacist and transplant–infectious diseases (TID) physician. Prospective data were collected over 30 days in the postintervention cohort. Due to small sample size, 2:1 matching was used to compare pre- to and postintervention AU. Total AU in days of therapy per 1,000 patient days (DOT/1,000 PD) was reported. Mean AU per patient was analyzed using Wilcoxon rank-sum test. A descriptive analysis of secondary outcomes of pre- and postintervention cohorts was performed.
Total AU was substantially lower after the intervention, with 517 DOT/1,000 PD compared to 865 DOT/1,000 PD before the intervention. There was no statistically significant difference in the mean AU per patient between the 2 cohorts. There was a lower rate of 30-day mortality in the postintervention cohort and rates of ICU admissions were similar.
Conducting handshake rounds is a safe and effective way to implement an antibiotic stewardship intervention among high-risk patient population such as those with hematologic malignancies
Geographically touring the eastern bloc: British geography, travel cultures and the Cold War
This paper considers the role of travel in the generation of geographical knowledge of the eastern bloc by British geographers. Based on oral history and surveys of published work, the paper examines the roles of three kinds of travel experience: individual private travels, tours via state tourist agencies, and tours by academic delegations. Examples are drawn from across the eastern bloc, including the USSR, Poland, Romania, East Germany and Albania. The relationship between travel and publication is addressed, notably within textbooks, and in the Geographical Magazine. The study argues for the extension of accounts of cultures of geographical travel, and seeks to supplement the existing historiography of Cold War geography
p53 Amino-Terminus Region (1–125) Stabilizes and Restores Heat Denatured p53 Wild Phenotype
BACKGROUND:The intrinsically disordered N-ter domain (NTD) of p53 encompasses approximately hundred amino acids that contain a transactivation domain (1-73) and a proline-rich domain (64-92) and is responsible for transactivation function and apoptosis. It also possesses an auto-inhibitory function as its removal results in remarkable reduction in dissociation of p53 from DNA. PRINCIPAL FINDINGS/METHODOLOGY:In this report, we have discovered that p53-NTD spanning amino acid residues 1-125 (NTD125) interacted with WT p53 and stabilized its wild type conformation under physiological and elevated temperatures, both in vitro and in cellular systems. NTD125 prevented irreversible thermal aggregation of heat denatured p53, enhanced p21-5'-DBS binding and further restored DBS binding activity of heat-denatured p53, in vitro, in a dose-dependent manner. In vivo ELISA and immunoprecipitation analysis of NTD125-transfected cells revealed that NTD125 shifted equilibrium from p53 mutant to wild type under heat stress conditions. Further, NTD125 initiated nuclear translocation of cytoplasmic p53 in transcriptionally active state in order to activate p53 downstream genes such as p21, Bax, PUMA, Noxa and SUMO. CONCLUSION/SIGNIFICANCE:Here, we showed that a novel chaperone-like activity resides in p53-N-ter region. This study might have significance in understanding the role of p53-NTD in p53 stabilization, conformational activation and apoptosis under heat-stress conditions
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