88 research outputs found

    Sustained Id2 regulation of E proteins is required for terminal differentiation of effector CD8+ T cells.

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    CD8+ T cells responding to infection differentiate into a heterogeneous population composed of progeny that are short-lived and participate in the immediate, acute response and those that provide long-lasting host protection. Although it is appreciated that distinct functional and phenotypic CD8+ T cell subsets persist, it is unclear whether there is plasticity among subsets and what mechanisms maintain subset-specific differences. Here, we show that continued Id2 regulation of E-protein activity is required to maintain the KLRG1hi CD8+ T cell population after lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus infection. Induced deletion of Id2 phenotypically and transcriptionally transformed the KLRG1hi "terminal" effector/effector-memory CD8+ T cell population into a KLRG1lo memory-like population, promoting a gene-expression program that resembled that of central memory T cells. Our results question the idea that KLRG1hi CD8+ T cells are necessarily terminally programmed and suggest that sustained regulation is required to maintain distinct CD8+ T cell states

    The impact of obesity on the immune response to infection

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    There is strong evidence indicating that excess adiposity negatively impacts immune function and host defence in obese individuals. This is a review of research findings concerning the impact of obesity on the immune response to infection, including a discussion of possible mechanisms. Obesity is characterised by a state of low-grade, chronic inflammation in addition to disturbed levels of circulating nutrients and metabolic hormones. The impact of these metabolic abnormalities on obesity-related comorbidities has undergone intense scrutiny over the past decade. However, relatively little is known of how the immune system and host defence are influenced by the pro-inflammatory and excess energy milieu of the obese. Epidemiological data suggest obese human subjects are at greater risk for nosocomial infections, especially following surgery. Additionally, the significance of altered immunity in obese human subjects is emphasised by recent studies reporting obesity to be an independent risk factor for increased morbidity and mortality following infection with the 2009 pandemic influenza A (H1N1) virus. Rodent models offer important insight into how metabolic abnormalities associated with excess body weight can impair immunity. However, more research is necessary to understand the specific aspects of immunity that are impaired and what factors are contributing to reduced immunocompetence in the obese. Additionally, special consideration of how infection in this at-risk population is managed is required, given that this population may not respond optimally to antimicrobial drugs and vaccination. Obesity impacts millions globally, and greater understanding of its associated physiological disturbances is a key public health concern

    The inflammation highway: metabolism accelerates inflammatory traffic in obesity

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    As humans evolved, perhaps the two strongest selection determinants of survival were a robust immune response able to clear bacterial, viral, and parasitic infection and an ability to efficiently store nutrients to survive times when food sources were scarce. These traits are not mutually exclusive. It is now apparent that critical proteins necessary for regulating energy metabolism such as peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors (PPARs), Toll-like receptors (TLRs), and fatty acid-binding proteins (FABPs) also act as links between nutrient metabolism and inflammatory pathway activation in immune cells. Obesity in humans is a symptom of energy imbalance: the scale has been tipped such that energy intake exceeds energy output and may be a result, in part, of evolutionary selection toward a phenotype characterized by efficient energy storage. As discussed in this review, obesity is a state of low-grade, chronic inflammation that promotes the development of insulin resistance and diabetes. Ironically, the formation of systemic and/or local, tissue-specific insulin resistance upon inflammatory cell activation may actually be a protective mechanism that co-evolved to repartition energy sources within the body during times of stress during infection. However, the point has been reached where a once beneficial adaptive trait has become detrimental to the health of the individual and an immense public health and economic burden. This article reviews the complex relationship between obesity, insulin resistance/diabetes, and inflammation, and while the liver, brain, pancreas, muscle, and other tissues are relevant, we focus specifically on how the obese adipose microenvironment can promote immune cell influx and sustain damaging inflammation that can lead to the onset of insulin resistance and diabetes. Finally, we address how substrate metabolism may regulate the immune response and discuss how fuel uptake and metabolism may be a targetable approach to limit or abrogate obesity-induced inflammation

    Diet-Induced Obese Mice Exhibit Altered Heterologous Immunity during a Secondary 2009 Pandemic H1N1 Infection

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    During the 2009 pandemic H1N1 (pH1N1) influenza outbreak, obese individuals were at greater risk for morbidity and mortality to pandemic infection. However, the mechanisms contributing to greater infection severity in obese individuals remain unclear. Although most individuals lacked pre-existing, neutralizing antibody protection to the novel pH1N1 virus, heterologous defenses conferred from exposure to circulating strains or vaccination have been shown to impart protection against pH1N1 infection in humans and mice. Because obese humans and mice have impaired memory T-cell and antibody responses following influenza vaccination or infection, we investigated the impact of obesity on heterologous protection to pH1N1 infection using a mouse model of diet-induced obesity. Lean and obese mice were infected with influenza A/PR/8/34 and five weeks later challenged with a lethal dose of heterologous pH1N1 (A/Cal/04/09). Cross-neutralizing antibody protection was absent in this model, but obese mice exhibited a significantly lower level of non-neutralizing, cross-reactive pH1N1 nucleoprotein antibodies following the primary PR/8 infection. Further, obese mice had elevated viral titers, greater lung inflammation, lung damage, and an increased number of cytotoxic memory CD8+ T cells in the lung airways. Although obese mice had more regulatory T cells (Tregs) in the lung airways compared with lean controls during the pH1N1 challenge, Tregs isolated from obese mice were 40% less suppressive than Tregs isolated from lean mice. Taken together, excessive inflammatory responses to pH1N1 infection, potentially due to greater viral burden and impaired Treg function, may be a novel mechanism by which obesity contributes to greater pH1N1 severity

    Obesity Increases Mortality and Modulates the Lung Metabolome during Pandemic H1N1 Influenza Virus Infection in Mice

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    Obese individuals are at greater risk for hospitalization and death from infection with the 2009 pandemic H1N1 influenza virus (pH1N1). In this study, diet-induced and genetic-induced obese mouse models were utilized to uncover potential mechanisms by which obesity increases pH1N1 severity. High fat diet-induced and genetic-induced obese mice exhibited greater pH1N1 mortality, lung inflammatory responses and excess lung damage despite similar levels of viral burden compared with lean control mice. Further, obese mice had fewer bronchoalveolar macrophages and regulatory T cells during infection. Obesity is inherently a metabolic disease, and metabolic profiling has found widespread usage in metabolic and infectious disease models for identifying biomarkers and enhancing understanding of complex mechanisms of disease. To further characterize the consequences of obesity on pH1N1 infection responses, we performed global liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry metabolic profiling of lung tissue and urine. An array of metabolites were perturbed by obesity both prior to and during infection. Uncovered metabolic signatures were used to identify changes in metabolic pathways that were differentially altered in the lungs of obese mice such as fatty acid, phospholipid, and nucleotide metabolism. Taken together, obesity induces distinct alterations in the lung metabolome, perhaps contributing to aberrant pH1N1 immune responses

    Metabolic reprogramming through fatty acid transport protein 1 (FATP1) regulates macrophage inflammatory potential and adipose inflammation

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    OBJECTIVE: A novel approach to regulate obesity-associated adipose inflammation may be through metabolic reprogramming of macrophages (MΦs). Broadly speaking, MΦs dependent on glucose are pro-inflammatory, classically activated MΦs (CAM), which contribute to adipose inflammation and insulin resistance. In contrast, MΦs that primarily metabolize fatty acids are alternatively activated MΦs (AAM) and maintain tissue insulin sensitivity. In actuality, there is much flexibility and overlap in the CAM-AAM spectrum in vivo dependent upon various stimuli in the microenvironment. We hypothesized that specific lipid trafficking proteins, e.g. fatty acid transport protein 1 (FATP1), would direct MΦ fatty acid transport and metabolism to limit inflammation and contribute to the maintenance of adipose tissue homeostasis. METHODS: Bone marrow derived MΦs (BMDMs) from Fatp1 (-/-) and Fatp1 (+/+) mice were used to investigate FATP1-dependent substrate metabolism, bioenergetics, metabolomics, and inflammatory responses. We also generated C57BL/6J chimeric mice by bone marrow transplant specifically lacking hematopoetic FATP1 (Fatp1 (B-/-)) and controls Fatp1 (B+/+). Mice were challenged by high fat diet (HFD) or low fat diet (LFD) and analyses including MRI, glucose and insulin tolerance tests, flow cytometric, histologic, and protein quantification assays were conducted. Finally, an FATP1-overexpressing RAW 264.7 MΦ cell line (FATP1-OE) and empty vector control (FATP1-EV) were developed as a gain of function model to test effects on substrate metabolism, bioenergetics, metabolomics, and inflammatory responses. RESULTS: Fatp1 is downregulated with pro-inflammatory stimulation of MΦs. Fatp1 (-/-) BMDMs and FATP1-OE RAW 264.7 MΦs demonstrated that FATP1 reciprocally controled metabolic flexibility, i.e. lipid and glucose metabolism, which was associated with inflammatory response. Supporting our previous work demonstrating the positive relationship between glucose metabolism and inflammation, loss of FATP1 enhanced glucose metabolism and exaggerated the pro-inflammatory CAM phenotype. Fatp1 (B-/-) chimeras fed a HFD gained more epididymal white adipose mass, which was inflamed and oxidatively stressed, compared to HFD-fed Fatp1 (B+/+) controls. Adipose tissue macrophages displayed a CAM-like phenotype in the absence of Fatp1. Conversely, functional overexpression of FATP1 decreased many aspects of glucose metabolism and diminished CAM-stimulated inflammation in vitro. FATP1 displayed acyl-CoA synthetase activity for long chain fatty acids in MΦs and modulated lipid mediator metabolism in MΦs. CONCLUSION: Our findings provide evidence that FATP1 is a novel regulator of MΦ activation through control of substrate metabolism. Absence of FATP1 exacerbated pro-inflammatory activation in vitro and increased local and systemic components of the metabolic syndrome in HFD-fed Fatp1 (B-/-) mice. In contrast, gain of FATP1 activity in MΦs suggested that Fatp1-mediated activation of fatty acids, substrate switch to glucose, oxidative stress, and lipid mediator synthesis are potential mechanisms. We demonstrate for the first time that FATP1 provides a unique mechanism by which the inflammatory tone of adipose and systemic metabolism may be regulated

    Managing Invasive Plants on Great Plains Grasslands: A Discussion of Current Challenges

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    The Great Plains of North America encompass approximately 1,300,000 km2 of land from Texas to Saskatchewan. The integrity of these lands is under continual assault by long-established and newly-arrived invasive plant species, which can threaten native species and diminish land values and ecological goods and services by degrading desired grassland resources. The Great Plains are a mixture of privately and publicly owned lands, which leads to a patchwork of varying management goals and strategies for controlling invasive plants. Continually updated knowledge is required for efficient and effective management of threats posed by changing environments and invasive plants. Here we discuss current challenges, contemporary management strategies, and management tools and their integration, in hopes of presenting a knowledge resource for new and experienced land managers and others involved in making decisions regarding invasive plant management in the Great Plains

    Managing Invasive Plants on Great Plains Grasslands: A Discussion of Current Challenges

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    The Great Plains of North America encompass approximately 1,300,000 km2 of land from Texas to Saskatchewan. The integrity of these lands is under continual assault by long-established and newly-arrived invasive plant species, which can threaten native species and diminish land values and ecological goods and services by degrading desired grassland resources. The Great Plains are a mixture of privately and publicly owned lands, which leads to a patchwork of varying management goals and strategies for controlling invasive plants. Continually updated knowledge is required for efficient and effective management of threats posed by changing environments and invasive plants. Here we discuss current challenges, contemporary management strategies, and management tools and their integration, in hopes of presenting a knowledge resource for new and experienced land managers and others involved in making decisions regarding invasive plant management in the Great Plains


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    Glucose is a critical component in the proinflammatory response of macrophages (MΦs). However, the contribution of glucose transporters (GLUTs) and the mechanisms regulating subsequent glucose metabolism in the inflammatory response are not well understood. Because MΦs contribute to obesity-induced inflammation, it is important to understand how substrate metabolism may alter inflammatory function. We report that GLUT1 (SLC2A1) is the primary rate-limiting glucose transporter on proinflammatory-polarized MΦs. Furthermore, in high fat diet-fed rodents, MΦs in crown-like structures and inflammatory loci in adipose and liver, respectively, stain positively for GLUT1. We hypothesized that metabolic reprogramming via increased glucose availability could modulate the MΦ inflammatory response. To increase glucose uptake, we stably overexpressed the GLUT1 transporter in RAW264.7 MΦs (GLUT1-OE MΦs). Cellular bioenergetics analysis, metabolomics, and radiotracer studies demonstrated that GLUT1 overexpression resulted in elevated glucose uptake and metabolism, increased pentose phosphate pathway intermediates, with a complimentary reduction in cellular oxygen consumption rates. Gene expression and proteome profiling analysis revealed that GLUT1-OE MΦs demonstrated a hyperinflammatory state characterized by elevated secretion of inflammatory mediators and that this effect could be blunted by pharmacologic inhibition of glycolysis. Finally, reactive oxygen species production and evidence of oxidative stress were significantly enhanced in GLUT1-OE MΦs; antioxidant treatment blunted the expression of inflammatory mediators such as PAI-1 (plasminogen activator inhibitor 1), suggesting that glucose-mediated oxidative stress was driving the proinflammatory response. Our results indicate that increased utilization of glucose induced a ROS-driven proinflammatory phenotype in MΦs, which may play an integral role in the promotion of obesity-associated insulin resistance

    Role of HGF in obesity-associated tumorigenesis: C3(1)-TAg mice as a model for human basal-like breast cancer

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    Obesity is associated with basal-like breast cancer (BBC), an aggressive breast cancer subtype. The objective of this study was to determine whether obesity promotes BBC onset in adulthood and to evaluate the role of stromal-epithelial interactions in obesity-associated tumorigenesis. We hypothesized that hepatocyte growth factor (HGF) plays a promoting role in BBC, which express the HGF receptor, c-Met. In C3(1)-Tag mice, a murine model of BBC, we demonstrated that obesity leads to a significant increase in HGF secretion and an associated decrease in tumor latency. By immunohistochemical analysis, normal mammary gland exhibited obesity-induced HGF, c-Met and phospho-c-Met, indicating that activation of the cascade was obesity-driven. HGF secretion was also increased from primary mammary fibroblasts isolated from normal mammary glands and tumors of obese mice compared to lean. These results demonstrate that obesity-induced elevation of HGF expression is a stable phenotype, maintained after several passages, and after removal of dietary stimulation. Conditioned media from primary tumor fibroblasts from obese mice drove tumor cell proliferation. In co-culture, neutralization of secreted HGF blunted tumor cell migration, further linking obesity-mediated HGF-dependent effects to in vitro measures of tumor aggressiveness. In sum, these results demonstrate that HGF/c-Met plays an important role in obesity-associated carcinogenesis. Understanding the effects of obesity on risk and progression is important given that epidemiologic studies imply a portion of BBC could be eliminated by reducing obesity
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