18 research outputs found

    Usages contributifs sur Internet : le podcasting indépendant et le sens de son style

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    Ce mĂ©moire porte sur le podcasting indĂ©pendant. La pratique du podcasting est ici prise dans le contexte gĂ©nĂ©ral des usages contributifs du Web participatif qui formeraient une culture participative. Nous rĂ©pondons Ă  la question suivante: dans le contexte des usages contributifs, quelles sont les caractĂ©ristiques spĂ©cifiques du podcasting indĂ©pendant et quel est le sens de son style? Pour rĂ©pondre Ă  cette question en deux volets, nous mobilisons un cadre thĂ©orique constituĂ© de quatre approches: la sociologie des usages, la dĂ©clinaison des media studies et l'approche stylistique des sous-cultures des cultural studies, de mĂȘme que le modĂšle expressiviste. Le terrain est approchĂ© par une posture en grounded theory Ă  laquelle nous avons jointe une recherche une observation participante auprĂšs des acteurs sur une pĂ©riode de trois ans. Nos rĂ©sultats montrent la spĂ©cificitĂ© de la pratique du podcasting indĂ©pendant et exposent comment se constitue le sens de son style qui s'inscrit en rĂ©action au modĂšle mĂ©diatique traditionnel. ______________________________________________________________________________ MOTS-CLÉS DE L’AUTEUR : Internet, Usage, Usage contributif, Culture participative, Style, Sous-culture, Podcasting, Podcasting indĂ©pendant

    Pratiques transplateformes et convergence dans les usages des médias sociaux

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    Cet article est une premiĂšre rĂ©flexion qui vise Ă  combler un point aveugle dans les travaux sur les usages d’Internet, soit la prĂ©sence de plus en plus marquĂ©e de pratiques transplateformes dans les mĂ©dias sociaux. Pour ce faire, nous mobilisons notamment des ancrages thĂ©oriques en sociologie des usages et en Media Studies afin de mener une analyse de ces pratiques transplateformes dans les mĂ©dias sociaux. AncrĂ© dans des donnĂ©es issues d’une Ă©tude de cas sur le podcasting, cet article expose une tendance quant Ă  la convergence des contenus publiĂ©s dans les mĂ©dias sociaux vers le site de rĂ©seautage social Facebook.This paper reports some preliminary work that seeks to fill a blind spot in the literature of Internet uses, namely the multiplication of transplatform practices in social media. I mobilize a conceptual frame in usages sociology and Media Studies to understand those practices through the lens of self-presentation in social media. Drawing from data from a case study among independent podcasters, I find a trend in social media, where content converge towards the social network platform Facebook

    « Come on, it’s not that bad! » : Soutien social et registres d’expertise dans les Ă©changes sur l’inexpĂ©rience sexuelle chez les jeunes adultes dans Reddit

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    Les plateformes comme Reddit permettent aux jeunes adultes de se regrouper et de partager leurs expĂ©riences. Alors que la pĂ©riode allant du milieu de l’adolescence au dĂ©but de l’ñge adulte est gĂ©nĂ©ralement marquĂ©e par le passage vers une vie sexuelle active, certaines personnes traversent cette phase de maniĂšre diffĂ©rente, perçue comme atypique, car elle dĂ©roge aux normes sociosexuelles dominantes. Cette perception stigmatise les jeunes adultes inexpĂ©rimentĂ©s sexuellement. À partir d’un cadre thĂ©orique en Ă©tudes de la communication et de la sexologie dĂ©veloppementale, cette Ă©tude examine la maniĂšre dont les jeunes adultes inexpĂ©rimentĂ©s sexuellement discutent de leur expĂ©rience sur Reddit. Les analyses montrent que les types de soutien social informationnel et Ă©motionnel supplantent les autres et que la sous-catĂ©gorie du conseil est la plus saillante. Nous abordons ces rĂ©sultats Ă  l’aune des registres d’expertises, alors que celui dĂ©coulant de l’expĂ©rience des personnes domine au sein des Ă©changes. La logique Ă©nonciative du tĂ©moignage abonde et se dĂ©ploie notamment afin de rendre visible l’expĂ©rience Ă  partir de laquelle se fonde l’expertise. Nous constatons une nĂ©gociation des normes dominantes de la sexualitĂ© obligatoire dans les Ă©changes, alors que plusieurs personnes prĂŽnent explicitement le respect de soi et de la diversitĂ© des parcours sociosexuels.Platforms like Reddit allow young adults to affiliate and share their experiences. While the period from mid-teens to young adulthood is generally marked by the transition to an active sexual life, some people go through this phase in a different way, perceived as atypical because it deviates from dominant sociosexual norms. This perception stigmatizes sexually inexperienced young adults. Using a theoretical framework in communication studies and developmental sexology, this study examines how sexually inexperienced young adults discuss their experiences on Reddit. The analyses show that informational and emotional types of social support outweigh the others, and that the subcategory of counseling is the most salient. We address these findings in terms of registers of expertise, while experiential expertise dominates within the exchanges. The enunciative logic of testimony abounds and is deployed to make visible the experience on which the expertise is based. We find a negotiation of the dominant norms of obligatory sexuality in the exchanges, while several people explicitly advocate respect for oneself and for the diversity of socio-sexual paths

    Fanfictions audiovisuelles d’Harry Potter : co-crĂ©ation et espaces blancs

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    Les fan studies documentent le caractĂšre crĂ©atif de certaines pratiques de fans. L’étude de fanfictions audiovisuelles d’Harry Potter permet de penser le dĂ©ploiement de ces pratiques crĂ©atives et plus prĂ©cisĂ©ment d’étudier la maniĂšre dont les fans participent Ă  la co-crĂ©ation de l’univers transmĂ©diatique en comblant des « espaces blancs », des bĂ©ances narratives du rĂ©cit canon. L’analyse dĂ©montre qu’il s’agit d’opportunitĂ©s crĂ©atives limitĂ©es. MalgrĂ© la crĂ©ativitĂ© manifeste et l’expertise des fans, les fanfictions s’inscrivent dans un paradoxe quant Ă  la libertĂ© toujours contrainte des fans, non seulement narrativement, mais aussi dans le « monde rĂ©el », notamment lĂ©galement.Fan studies have documented the creative nature of certain fan practices. The study of audiovisual Harry Potter fan fiction allows us to consider the ways in which fans participate in the co-creation of a transmedia universe by filling in ‘blank spaces’, or narrative openings left in canon storylines. Analysis shows that these are limited creative opportunities. Despite fans’ creativity and expertise, fan fiction highlights the illusory freedom of fans, who are constrained not only with regard to the narrative, but also by ‘real world’ considerations, including legal constraints

    (Re)framing Big Data: Activating Situated Knowledges and a Feminist Ethics of Care in Social Media Research

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    In this article, we seek to problematize assumptions and trends in “big data” digital methods and research through an intersectional feminist lens. This is articulated through a commitment to understand how a feminist ethics of care and Donna Haraway’s ideas about “situated knowledge” could work methodologically for social media research. Taking up current debates within feminist materialism and digital data, including big, small, thick, and “lively” data, the argument addresses how a set of coherent feminist methods and a corollary epistemology is being rethought in the field today. We consider how the “queering” of Hannah Arendt’s concept of “action” could contribute to a critically optimistic and inclusive reflection on the role of ethical political commitments to the subjects/objects of study imbricated in big data. Finally, we use our recent research to pose a number of practical questions about practices of care in social media research, pointing toward future research directions

    Se positionner comme chercheuses au prisme des luttes intersectionnelles : dĂ©centrer la notion d’alliĂ©.e pour prendre en compte les personnes concernĂ©es

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    This paper aims to problematize and reframe the notion of allyship within social struggles. We proceed in three stages in order to think about the positioning of allies. Based on the standpoint theory of the question of speaking for / speaking of, we take a critical look at the power relationships within academia, and particularly the practices of speech capture by researchers in a privileged position, in the context of research with LGBTQI+ people, racialized, or people marginalized by different streams of oppression. We will then problematize the concept of the allied individual, with particular attention to the ways in which the American academic literature treats the ally/allied individual as an identity to be developed. Finally, we will mobilize the recommendations made by people situated in relation to a particular oppression, within the academic world, but also by relaying the voices of the community members themselves. Facilitating the agency of the people concerned enables an original, more equitable framework to emerge, where participants have the power to recognize or refuse the status of an ally, based on their objectives and needs

    Méthodes de recherche en contexte numérique : une orientation qualitative

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    Comprend des rĂ©fĂ©rences bibliographiquesCet ouvrage a Ă©tĂ© publiĂ© grĂące Ă  une subvention de la FĂ©dĂ©ration des sciences humaines de concert avec le Prix d’auteurs pour l’édition savante, dont les fonds proviennent du Conseil de recherches en sciences humaines du Canada"Ce livre fait le point sur les avancĂ©es et les enjeux de la mĂ©thodologie qualitative en contexte numĂ©rique. Il offre un panorama des mĂ©thodes de recherche les plus rĂ©centes pour l’étude des phĂ©nomĂšnes en ligne par les sciences sociales – communication, sociologie, anthropologie. Cet ouvrage foisonnant prĂ©sente des textes allant des fondements Ă©pistĂ©mologiques aux mĂ©thodes visuelles pour l’étude d’objets numĂ©riques, en passant par les stratĂ©gies ethnographiques, la collecte et l’analyse de traces d’activitĂ©s en ligne. Au-delĂ  du manuel, l’ouvrage se distingue par son actualitĂ©, sa cohĂ©rence entre la thĂ©orie et la pratique ainsi que par sa rĂ©sonance interdisciplinaire. Les chercheurs et les chercheuses en sciences humaines et sociales, les spĂ©cialistes d’Internet ainsi que les Ă©tudiants et les Ă©tudiantes intĂ©ressĂ©s Ă  l’analyse d’un objet ou d’un fait social reliĂ© Ă  l’univers numĂ©rique seront comblĂ©s notamment par la richesse des thĂšmes abordĂ©s, les types de corpus Ă©tudiĂ©s et les exemples d’enquĂȘtes."--PU


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    The objective of this panel is to examine the analytical and empirical relevance of the “visibility lens” for Internet research. In the past decade, researchers have started to take a specific interest in the constitutive role of online visibility in the organization of social reality. Studies have underlined the fundamental role of visibility afforded by digital technologies in the social recognition or exclusion of individuals, groups, and communities. They have also identified visibility and its management as being constitutive of social identities, relations, and practices among actors in a variety of fields. So far, Internet researchers have provided various definitions and operationalizations of online visibility. For example, visibility can be apprehended as both a political lever for individuals and collectives or as a conceptual category for researchers to make sense of social reality. Visibility is also frequently associated with digital materiality. As such, it is sometimes used as a criterion to categorize digital technologies regarding the control they allow for users to manage and disclose personal contents or activities. Furthermore, visibility can also be conceptualized as an affordance that is enabled by the functionalities of digital technologies and enacted through their situated uses. In this panel, presenters will raise theoretical, methodological, and ethical issues linked to visibility by drawing from a series of case studies. They will then draw similarities and contrasts between cases, as well as discuss the implications and, indeed, the relevance of formalizing the lens of visibility in the field of Internet research