85,513 research outputs found

    The academic value of internships: benefits across disciplines and student backgrounds

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    While student benefits from internship experience have been frequently documented in research, the emphasis has been on internship effects on employment and career indicators. This work is concerned with effects on academic outcomes and focuses on the robustness of such effects across academic disciplines as well as for different achievement levels of students, student gender, and ethnicity. We present findings from a longitudinal sample (n > 15,000) that covers an extensive range of subjects and disciplines for large Undergraduate cohorts. Main effects and interactions for student background characteristics were investigated showing stable academic benefits for advantaged and disadvantaged students. Further, using ordinal logistic multi-level modelling, we explored the impact on the probability of attaining a higher degree classification for different student scenarios, thus illustrating the practical significance of these internship effects. Effects are less likely to stem from maturation or self-selection. Findings are therefore discussed against a background of motivational approaches suitable to integrate both direct and indirect paths from internship experience to academic outcomes to career indicators

    Recall termination in free recall

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    Although much is known about the dynamics of\ud memory search in the free recall task, relatively little is\ud known about the factors related to recall termination. Rean-\ud alyzing individual trial data from 14 prior studies (1,079\ud participants in 28,015 trials) and defining termination as\ud occurring when a final response is followed by a long\ud nonresponse interval, we observed that termination proba-\ud bility increased throughout the recall period and that retriev-\ud al was more likely to terminate following an error than\ud following a correct response. Among errors, termination\ud probability was higher following prior-list intrusions and\ud repetitions than following extralist intrusions. To verify that\ud this pattern of results can be seen in a single study, we report\ud a new experiment in which 80 participants contributed recall\ud data from a total of 9,122 trials. This experiment replicated\ud the pattern observed in the aggregate analysis of the prior\ud studies.\u

    Identification of nonlinear vibrating structures: Part I -- Formulation

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    A self-starting multistage, time-domain procedure is presented for the identification of nonlinear, multi-degree-of-freedom systems undergoing free oscillations or subjected to arbitrary direct force excitations and/or nonuniform support motions. Recursive least-squares parameter estimation methods combined with nonparametric identification techniques are used to represent, with sufficient accuracy, the identified system in a form that allows the convenient prediction of its transient response under excitations that differ from the test signals. The utility of this procedure is demonstrated in a companion paper

    Identification of nonlinear vibrating structures: Part II -- Applications

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    A time-domain procedure for the identification of nonlinear vibrating structures, presented in a companion paper, is applied to a "calibration" problem which incorporates realistic test situations and nonlinear structural characteristics widely encountered in the applied mechanics field. The "data" set is analyzed to develop suitable, approximate nonlinear system representations. Subsequently, a "validation" test is conducted to demonstrate the range of validity of the method under discussion. It is shown that the procedure furnishes a convenient means for constructing reduced-order nonlinear nonparametric mathematical models of reasonably high fidelity in regard to reproducing the response of the test article under dynamic loads that differ from the identification test loads

    An analysis of bi-directional use of frequencies for satellite communications

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    The bi-directional use of frequencies allocated for space communications has the potential to double the orbit/spectrum capacity available. The technical feasibility of reverse band use (RBU) at C-band (4 GHz uplinks and 6 GHz downlinks) is studied. The analysis identifies the constraints under which both forward and reverse band use satellite systems can share the same frequencies with terrestrial, line of sight transmission systems. The results of the analysis show that RBU satellite systems can be similarly sized to forward band use (FBU) satellite systems. In addition, the orbital separation requirements between RBU and FBU satellite systems are examined. The analysis shows that a carrier to interference ratio of 45 dB can be maintianed between RBU and FBU satellites separated by less than 0.5 deg., and that a carrier to interference ratio of 42 dB can be maintained in the antipodal case. Rain scatter propagation analysis shows that RBU and FBU Earth stations require separation distances fo less than 10 km at a rain rate of 13.5 mm/hr escalating to less than 100 km at a rain rate of 178 mm/hr for Earth station antennas in the 3 to 10 m range

    Collisionless galaxy simulations

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    Three-dimensional fully self-consistent computer models were used to determine the evolution of galaxies consisting of 100 000 simulation stars. Comparison of two-dimensional simulations with three-dimensional simulations showed only a very slight stabilizing effect due to the additional degree of freedom. The addition of a fully self-consistent, nonrotating, exponential core/halo component resulted in considerable stabilization. A second series of computer experiments was performed to determine the collapse and relaxation of initially spherical, uniform density and uniform velocity dispersion stellar systems. The evolution of the system was followed for various amounts of angular momentum in solid body rotation. For initally low values of the angular momentum satisfying the Ostriker-Peebles stability criterion, the systems quickly relax to an axisymmetric shape and resemble elliptical galaxies in appearance. For larger values of the initial angular momentum bars develop and the systems undergo a much more drastic evolution

    Parasites Recovered From Overwintering Mimosa Webworm, \u3ci\u3eHomadaula Anisocentra\u3c/i\u3e (Lepidoptera: Plutellidae)

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    The mimosa webworm, Homadaula anisocentra, overwinters in the pupal stage. Two parasites, Parania geniculata and Elasmus albizziae, are associated with overwintering pupae or the immediate prepupal larvae. Combined parasitism during the winters of 1981-82,1982-83, and 1983-84 was 2.1,3.9, and 2.9%, respectively

    Regenerable adsorbent study

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    Thin film solid regenerable adsorbent for use with sorber plate to determine gase

    Streak camera recording of shock wave transit times at large distances using laser illumination

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    A pulsed laser illumination system for streak camera recording of impact-induced shock wave transit times (~1 µs) during impact experiments is described. Laser illumination of centimeter-sized subjects offers many advantages over diffuse illumination techniques for streak photography. Source-to-sample and sample-to-camera distances of ~10^0 to 10^1 m can be employed. Light filtering, and simultaneous recording of both the impact event and the camera streak rate calibration, can be carried out easily. For use in such a system we describe a Pockels cell controller in which the reference 10-MHz oscillator signal is synchronously divided down to 38 Hz to provide a trigger signal for laser and streak camera testing