91,087 research outputs found

    Photometric and Astrometric Calibration of the JWST Instrument Complement

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    In preparation for James Webb Space Telescope (JWST), a set of cross calibration programs with HST and Spitzer for suitable primary photometric standards and astrometric fields were developed. NICMOS/HST and IRAC/Spitzer photometry observations of new solar analog standards in NGC 6791 and Melotte 66 were executed. These new photometric standards will provide ~ 5% photometric precision at V~19 from the near-IR to the mid-IR wavelength range for efficient on-orbit calibration and measuring of photometric stability of the JWST complement. For the astrometric calibration, a field in the LMC has been selected. This field falls within the JWST continuous viewing zone, within 5 degrees from the ecliptic poles, and has the stellar density necessary to achieve accuracies better than 1 mas with HST/ACS. These independent observations will play a key role in meeting the mission requirements and will allow a fast commissioning of the observatory.Comment: 9 pages, 3 figures; to appear in The Future of Photometric, spectrophotometric, and Polarimetric Standardization, ed. C. Sterken, AS

    Letters to the Editor

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    A high-pressure premixed flat-flame burner for chemical process studies

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    A premixed flat-flame burner was designed and tested with methane-air mixtures at pressures from 1.1 to 20 atm and equivalence ratios from 0.7 to 1.1. Reactant velocity in the burner mixing chamber was used to characterize the range of stable flames at each pressure-equivalence-ratio condition. Color photographs of the flames were used to determine flame zone thickness and flame height. The results show that this burner can be used for chemical process studies in premixed high pressure methane-air flames up to 20 atm

    Aluminum runway surface as possible aid to aircraft braking

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    Several concepts are described for use singly or in combination to improve aircraft braking. All involve a thin layer of aluminum covering all or part of the runway. Advantage would derive from faster heat conduction from the tire-runway interface. Heating of tread surface with consequent softening and loss of friction coefficient should be reduced. Equations are developed indicating that at least 99 percent of friction heat should flow into the aluminum. Preliminary test results indicate a coefficient of sliding friction of 1.4, with predictably slight heating of tread. Elimination of conventional brakes is at least a remote possibility

    The design and development of a solar tracking unit

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    The solar tracking unit was developed to support the Laser Heterodyne Spectrometer (LHS) airborne instrument, but has application to a general class of airborne solar occultation research instruments. The unit consists of a mirror mounted on two gimbals, one of which is hollow. The mirror reflects a 7.6 cm (3.0 in.) diameter beam of sunlight through the hollow gimbal into the research instrument optical axis. A portion of the reflected sunlight is directed into a tracking telescope which uses a four quadrant silicon detector to produce the servo error signals. The colinearity of the tracker output beam and the research instrument optical axis is maintained to better than + or - 1 arc-minute. The unit is microcomputer controlled and is capable of stand alone operation, including automatic Sun acquisition or operation under the control of the research instrument

    Deficient Cholesterol Esterification in Plasma of apoc2 Knockout Zebrafish and Familial Chylomicronemia Patients.

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    Hypertriglyceridemia is an independent risk factor for cardiovascular disease. Apolipoprotein C-II (APOC2) is an obligatory cofactor for lipoprotein lipase (LPL), the major enzyme catalyzing plasma triglyceride hydrolysis. We have created an apoc2 knockout zebrafish model, which mimics the familial chylomicronemia syndrome (FCS) in human patients with a defect in the APOC2 or LPL gene. In this study, we measured plasma levels of free cholesterol (FC) and cholesterol esters (CE) and found that apoc2 mutant zebrafish have a significantly higher FC to CE ratio (FC/CE), when compared to the wild type. Feeding apoc2 mutant zebrafish a low-fat diet reduced triglyceride levels but not the FC/CE ratio. In situ hybridization and qPCR results demonstrated that the hepatic expression of lecithin-cholesterol acyltransferase (lcat), the enzyme responsible for esterifying plasma FC to CE, and of apolipoprotein A-I, a major protein component of HDL, were dramatically decreased in apoc2 mutants. Furthermore, the FC/CE ratio was significantly increased in the whole plasma and in a chylomicron-depleted fraction of human FCS patients. The FCS plasma LCAT activity was significantly lower than that of healthy controls. In summary, this study, using a zebrafish model and human patient samples, reports for the first time the defect in plasma cholesterol esterification associated with LPL deficiency

    Embedding multidimensional grids into optimal hypercubes

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    Let GG and HH be graphs, with ∣V(H)∣≥∣V(G)∣|V(H)|\geq |V(G)| , and f:V(G)→V(H)f:V(G)\rightarrow V(H) a one to one map of their vertices. Let dilation(f)=max{distH(f(x),f(y)):xy∈E(G)}dilation(f) = max\{ dist_{H}(f(x),f(y)): xy\in E(G) \}, where distH(v,w)dist_{H}(v,w) is the distance between vertices vv and ww of HH. Now let B(G,H)B(G,H) = minf{dilation(f)}min_{f}\{ dilation(f) \}, over all such maps ff. The parameter B(G,H)B(G,H) is a generalization of the classic and well studied "bandwidth" of GG, defined as B(G,P(n))B(G,P(n)), where P(n)P(n) is the path on nn points and n=∣V(G)∣n = |V(G)|. Let [a1×a2×⋯×ak][a_{1}\times a_{2}\times \cdots \times a_{k} ] be the kk-dimensional grid graph with integer values 11 through aia_{i} in the ii'th coordinate. In this paper, we study B(G,H)B(G,H) in the case when G=[a1×a2×⋯×ak]G = [a_{1}\times a_{2}\times \cdots \times a_{k} ] and HH is the hypercube QnQ_{n} of dimension n=⌈log2(∣V(G)∣)⌉n = \lceil log_{2}(|V(G)|) \rceil, the hypercube of smallest dimension having at least as many points as GG. Our main result is that B([a1×a2×⋯×ak],Qn)≤3k,B( [a_{1}\times a_{2}\times \cdots \times a_{k} ],Q_{n}) \le 3k, provided ai≥222a_{i} \geq 2^{22} for each 1≤i≤k1\le i\le k. For such GG, the bound 3k3k improves on the previous best upper bound 4k+O(1)4k+O(1). Our methods include an application of Knuth's result on two-way rounding and of the existence of spanning regular cyclic caterpillars in the hypercube.Comment: 47 pages, 8 figure
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