1,012 research outputs found

    Coronal mass ejections as expanding force-free structures

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    We mode Solar coronal mass ejections (CMEs) as expanding force-fee magnetic structures and find the self-similar dynamics of configurations with spatially constant \alpha, where {\bf J} =\alpha {\bf B}, in spherical and cylindrical geometries, expanding spheromaks and expanding Lundquist fields correspondingly. The field structures remain force-free, under the conventional non-relativistic assumption that the dynamical effects of the inductive electric fields can be neglected. While keeping the internal magnetic field structure of the stationary solutions, expansion leads to complicated internal velocities and rotation, induced by inductive electric field. The structures depends only on overall radius R(t) and rate of expansion \dot{R}(t) measured at a given moment, and thus are applicable to arbitrary expansion laws. In case of cylindrical Lundquist fields, the flux conservation requires that both axial and radial expansion proceed with equal rates. In accordance with observations, the model predicts that the maximum magnetic field is reached before the spacecraft reaches the geometric center of a CME.Comment: 19 pages, 9 Figures, accepted by Solar Physic

    Fourier Analysis of Gapped Time Series: Improved Estimates of Solar and Stellar Oscillation Parameters

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    Quantitative helio- and asteroseismology require very precise measurements of the frequencies, amplitudes, and lifetimes of the global modes of stellar oscillation. It is common knowledge that the precision of these measurements depends on the total length (T), quality, and completeness of the observations. Except in a few simple cases, the effect of gaps in the data on measurement precision is poorly understood, in particular in Fourier space where the convolution of the observable with the observation window introduces correlations between different frequencies. Here we describe and implement a rather general method to retrieve maximum likelihood estimates of the oscillation parameters, taking into account the proper statistics of the observations. Our fitting method applies in complex Fourier space and exploits the phase information. We consider both solar-like stochastic oscillations and long-lived harmonic oscillations, plus random noise. Using numerical simulations, we demonstrate the existence of cases for which our improved fitting method is less biased and has a greater precision than when the frequency correlations are ignored. This is especially true of low signal-to-noise solar-like oscillations. For example, we discuss a case where the precision on the mode frequency estimate is increased by a factor of five, for a duty cycle of 15%. In the case of long-lived sinusoidal oscillations, a proper treatment of the frequency correlations does not provide any significant improvement; nevertheless we confirm that the mode frequency can be measured from gapped data at a much better precision than the 1/T Rayleigh resolution.Comment: Accepted for publication in Solar Physics Topical Issue "Helioseismology, Asteroseismology, and MHD Connections

    Regularization of point vortices for the Euler equation in dimension two

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    In this paper, we construct stationary classical solutions of the incompressible Euler equation approximating singular stationary solutions of this equation. This procedure is carried out by constructing solutions to the following elliptic problem [ -\ep^2 \Delta u=(u-q-\frac{\kappa}{2\pi}\ln\frac{1}{\ep})_+^p, \quad & x\in\Omega, u=0, \quad & x\in\partial\Omega, ] where p>1p>1, Ω⊂R2\Omega\subset\mathbb{R}^2 is a bounded domain, qq is a harmonic function. We showed that if Ω\Omega is simply-connected smooth domain, then for any given non-degenerate critical point of Kirchhoff-Routh function W(x1,...,xm)\mathcal{W}(x_1,...,x_m) with the same strength κ>0\kappa>0, there is a stationary classical solution approximating stationary mm points vortex solution of incompressible Euler equations with vorticity mκm\kappa. Existence and asymptotic behavior of single point non-vanishing vortex solutions were studied by D. Smets and J. Van Schaftingen (2010).Comment: 32page

    Near-threshold measurement of the 4He(g,n) reaction

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    A near-threshold 4He(g,n) cross-section measurement has been performed at MAX-lab. Tagged photons from 23 < Eg < 42 MeV were directed toward a liquid 4He target, and neutrons were detected by time-of-flight in two liquid-scintillator arrays. Seven-point angular distributions were measured for eight photon energies. The results are compared to experimental data measured at comparable energies and Recoil-Corrected Continuum Shell Model, Resonating Group Method, and recent Hyperspherical-Harmonic Expansion calculations. The angle-integrated cross-section data is peaked at a photon energy of about 28 MeV, in disagreement with the value recommended by Calarco, Berman, and Donnelly in 1983.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figures, some revisions, submitted to Physics Letters

    Predicting Broccoli Development: I. Development Is Predominantly Determined By Temperature Rather Than Photoperiod

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    Predictive models of broccoli (Brassica oleracea L. var. italica Plenck) ontogeny will aid farmers who need to forecast changes in crop maturity arising from variable climatic conditions so that their forward marketing arrangements can match their anticipated supply. The objective of this study was to quantify the temperature and photoperiod responses of development in a sub-tropical environment from emergence to floral initiation (EFI), and from floral initiation to harvest maturity (FIHM). Three cultivars, ('Fiesta', 'Greenbelt' and 'Marathon') were sown on eight dates from 11 March to 22 May 1997 and grown under natural and extended (16 h) photoperiods at Gatton College, south-east Queensland, under non-limiting conditions of water and nutrient supply. Climatic data, dates of emergence, floral initiation and harvest maturity were obtained. The estimated base (Tbase) and optimum (Topt) temperatures of 0 and 20 degrees C, respectively were consistent across cultivars, but thermal time requirements were cultivar specific. Differences in thermal time between cultivars during FIHM were small and of little practical importance, but differences in thermal time during EFI were large. Sensitivity to photoperiod and solar radiation was low in the three cultivars used. When the thermal time models were tested on independent data for five cultivars ('Fiesta', 'Greenbelt', 'Marathon', 'CMS Liberty' and 'Triathlon') grown as commercial crops over two years, they adequately predicted floral initiation and harvest maturity

    Superconductors with Magnetic Impurities: Instantons and Sub-gap States

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    When subject to a weak magnetic impurity potential, the order parameter and quasi-particle energy gap of a bulk singlet superconductor are suppressed. According to the conventional mean-field theory of Abrikosov and Gor'kov, the integrity of the energy gap is maintained up to a critical concentration of magnetic impurities. In this paper, a field theoretic approach is developed to critically analyze the validity of the mean field theory. Using the supersymmetry technique we find a spatially homogeneous saddle-point that reproduces the Abrikosov-Gor'kov theory, and identify instanton contributions to the density of states that render the quasi-particle energy gap soft at any non-zero magnetic impurity concentration. The sub-gap states are associated with supersymmetry broken field configurations of the action. An analysis of fluctuations around these configurations shows how the underlying supersymmetry of the action is restored by zero modes. An estimate of the density of states is given for all dimensionalities. To illustrate the universality of the present scheme we apply the same method to study `gap fluctuations' in a normal quantum dot coupled to a superconducting terminal. Using the same instanton approach, we recover the universal result recently proposed by Vavilov et al. Finally, we emphasize the universality of the present scheme for the description of gap fluctuations in d-dimensional superconducting/normal structures.Comment: 18 pages, 9 eps figure

    Estimates of hadron azimuthal anisotropy from multiparton interactions in proton-proton collisions at sqrt(s) = 14 TeV

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    We estimate the amount of collective "elliptic flow" expected at mid-rapidity in proton-proton (p-p) collisions at the CERN Large Hadron Collider (LHC), assuming that any possible azimuthal anisotropy of the produced hadrons with respect to the plane of the reaction follows the same overlap-eccentricity and particle-density scalings as found in high-energy heavy ion collisions. Using a Glauber eikonal model, we compute the p-p eccentricities, transverse areas and particle-multiplicities for various phenomenological parametrisations of the proton spatial density. For realistic proton transverse profiles, we find integrated elliptic flow v2 parameters below 3% in p-p collisions at sqrt(s) = 14 TeV.Comment: 17 pages, 9 figures. Very minor mods. Version to appear in EPJ-

    Pulmonary neuroendocrine cells secrete γ-aminobutyric acid to induce goblet cell hyperplasia in primate models

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    Mucus overproduction is a major contributor to morbidity and mortality in asthma. Mucus overproduction is induced by orchestrated actions of multiple factors that include inflammatory cytokines and γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA).GABAis produced only by pulmonary neuroendocrine cells (PNECs) in the mouse lung. Recent studies in a neonatal mouse model of allergic inflammation have shown that PNECs play an essential role in mucus overproduction by GABA hypersecretion. Whether PNECs mediate dysregulatedGABAsignaling for mucus overproduction in asthma is unknown. In this study, we characterized the cellular source ofGABA in the lungs of nonhuman primates and humans and assessed GABA secretion and signaling in primate disease models.Wefound that like in mice, PNECs were the major source of GABA in primate lungs. In addition, an infant nonhuman primate model of asthma exhibited an increase in GABA secretion. Furthermore, subjects with asthma had elevated levels of expression of a subset of GABA type a (GABAa) and type b (GABAb) receptors in airway epithelium compared with those of healthy control subjects. Last, employing a normal human bronchial epithelial cell model of preinduced mucus overproduction, we showed pharmaceutical blockade of GABAa and GABAb receptor signaling reversed the effect of IL-13 on MUC5AC gene expression and goblet cell proliferation. Together, our data demonstrate an evolutionarily conserved intraepithelial GABA signaling that, in concert with IL-13, plays an essential role in mucus overproduction. Our findings may offer new strategies to ameliorate mucus overproduction in patients with asthma by targeting PNEC secretion and GABA signaling

    The Structure and Dynamics of the Upper Chromosphere and Lower Transition Region as Revealed by the Subarcsecond VAULT Observations

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    The Very high Angular resolution ULtraviolet Telescope (VAULT) is a sounding rocket payload built to study the crucial interface between the solar chromosphere and the corona by observing the strongest line in the solar spectrum, the Ly-a line at 1216 {\AA}. In two flights, VAULT succeeded in obtaining the first ever sub-arcsecond (0.5") images of this region with high sensitivity and cadence. Detailed analyses of those observations have contributed significantly to new ideas about the nature of the transition region. Here, we present a broad overview of the Ly-a atmosphere as revealed by the VAULT observations, and bring together past results and new analyses from the second VAULT flight to create a synthesis of our current knowledge of the high-resolution Ly-a Sun. We hope that this work will serve as a good reference for the design of upcoming Ly-a telescopes and observing plans.Comment: 28 pages, 11 figure
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