551 research outputs found

    CARTE: An Observation Station to Regulate Activity in a Learning Context

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    This chapter discusses the introduction of a new concept called "regulation" into a use model, which is part of a theoretical observation model called trace-based system (TBS). This concept defines a retroaction mechanism in an observation station. We present the results of experiments, in a learning context, with a prototype observation station called Collection, activity Analysis and Regulation based on Traces Enriched (CARTE)

    The 1966-1967 Outburst of V1647 Orionis and the Appearance of McNeil's Nebula

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    We present the results of an investigation aimed at characterizing previous eruptions of V1647 Orionis, the illuminating star of McNeil's Nebula. Photographic plates and films from the Asiago Observatory (1960-1998) and Harvard Observatory (1898-1974) collections were inspected for the nebula. We have determined that, to the plate limits, the known eruption of 1966-1967 is the only one detected during the 38 yr period covered by the Asiago archive. In the Harvard collection, we did not find any additional occurrences in approximately 400 plates of the region taken over the last 100 yr. Based on the Asiago material, we here present a study of the 1966-1967 event. McNeil's Nebula and V1647 Ori are clearly visible on 19 plates obtained with the Asiago 67/92 cm Schmidt telescope from 1966 October 22 to 1967 March 4. The object is not seen on plates taken in 1966 March nor in 1967 November, thus setting a minimum duration time for the eruptive event of 5 months and a maximum of 20 months. The 19 plates showing McNeil's Nebula were digitized, and a morphological and photometric analysis of the object was undertaken. These data show temporal photometric variability, as well as structural differences between different color bands. We finally compare the 1966-1967 event to the recent 2003-2006 eruption and consider the nature of V1647 Ori within the framework of EX Lupi- and FU Orionis-type eruptions

    Symbiotic Stars in OGLE Data I. Large Magellanic Cloud Systems

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    Symbiotic stars are long-orbital-period interacting-binaries characterized by extended emission over the whole electromagnetic range and by complex photometric and spectroscopic variability. In this paper, the first of a series, we present OGLE light curves of all the confirmed symbiotic stars in the Large Magellanic Cloud, with one exception. By careful visual inspection and combined time-series analysis techniques, we investigate for the first time in a systematic way the photometric properties of these astrophysical objects, trying in particular to distinguish the nature of the cool component (e.g., Semi-Regular Variable vs. OGLE Small-Amplitude Red Giant), to provide its first-order pulsational ephemerides, and to link all this information with the physical parameters of the binary system as a whole. Among the most interesting results, there is the discovery of a 20-year-long steady fading of Sanduleak's star, a peculiar symbiotic star known to produce the largest stellar jet ever discovered. We discuss by means of direct examples the crucial need for long-term multi-band observations to get a real understanding of symbiotic and other interacting binary stars. We eventually introduce BOMBOLO, a multi-band simultaneous imager for the SOAR 4m Telescope, whose design and construction we are currently leading.Comment: 16 pages, 4 Tables, 12 Figures. Accepted for publication in MNRA

    Immunohistochemical Distribution of Serotonin Transporter (SERT) in the Optic Lobe of the Honeybee, Apis mellifera

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    Visual information is processed in the optic lobes, which consist of three retinotopic neuropils. These are the lamina, the medulla and the lobula. Biogenic amines play a crucial role in the control of insect responsiveness, and serotonin is clearly related to aggressiveness in invertebrates. Previous studies suggest that serotonin modulates aggression-related behaviours, possibly via alterations in optic lobe activity. The aim of this investigation was to immunohistochemically localize the distribution of serotonin transporter (SERT) in the optic lobe of moderate, docile and aggressive worker honeybees. SERT-immunoreactive fibres showed a wide distribution in the lamina, medulla and lobula; interestingly, the highest percentage of SERT immunoreactivity was observed across all the visual neuropils of the docile group. Although future research is needed to determine the relationship between the distribution of serotonin fibres in the honeybee brain and aggressive behaviours, our immunohistochemical study provides an anatomical basis supporting the role of serotonin in aggressive behaviour in the honeybee

    Méthode d'analyse transversale pour l'observation des mutations urbaines : problématiques, questions et principes de sélection des indicateurs

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    Les transformations majeures que connaissent nos villes, liées à la croissance économique et démographique, aux évolutions des modes de vie, et plus récemment à la mondialisation, ont un impact important sur la répartition spatiale des populations, sur l’occupation et l’usage du sol, sur l’organisation des services… La nécessité de mieux gérer, planifier, organiser et accompagner ces changements contribue au développement de l’observation urbaine. Cependant, la complexité des phénomènes à observer et les interactions entre les différentes dynamiques à l’œuvre dans les territoires conduisent souvent à une dispersion de la réflexion et à la production d’un foisonnement d’indicateurs difficiles à interpréter. Dans cette perspective, le programme d’Analyse Concertée des Transformations et des Equilibres Urbains (ACTEUR) s’est donné pour objectif l’élaboration de méthodes et la mise en place d’outils permettant de rationaliser l’observation des mutations urbaines. Il s’appuie sur une approche transversale des problématiques concernées en vue de sélectionner des indicateurs qui pourront être utilisés pour établir un diagnostic, comprendre l’évolution spécifique d’un territoire ou encore participer à la mise en place d’un projet de développement... La méthode développée ici doit être considérée comme un outil à mettre en œuvre en amont de la construction technique de l’observation et de l’analyse des résultats observés. Elle décrit le cheminement permettant de passer des questions de terrain souvent sectorielles à des problématiques globales, puis d’analyser ces problématiques sous différents angles de façon à bien reformuler les questions pertinentes à traiter. Ces dernières sont ensuite examinées individuellement pour sélectionner une liste d’indicateurs permettant d’y répondre. La méthode liste également tous les points qu’il est nécessaire d’examiner et de documenter pour pérenniser le travail de mise en œuvre et de suivi des indicateurs. Sur le champ de l’observation des mutations urbaines, elle est illustrée par son application à la problématique de recomposition de l’occupation du sol, et au à travers de la question particulière de la qualification de l’offre en logement. Au-delà de ces objectifs de structuration de la réflexion et d’identification d’indicateurs, la mise en œuvre de la méthode est un exercice qui représente une source d’enrichissement mutuel pour tous ceux qui y participent. Son utilisation favorise la construction d’une culture commune et le renforcement des partenariats, tous deux nécessaires au traitement des questions complexes qui touchent à la transformation des territoires

    The high burden of hospitalizations for primary EBV infection: a 6-year prospective survey in a French hospital

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    AbstractPrimary Epstein-Barr virus infection (PEI) is acquired increasingly later in life in developed countries, involving a growing number of adults. No studies have examined the effect of age on PEI. We conducted a prospective, single-centre, noninterventional survey to assess the clinical and economic effects of PEI care according to age. We included all serology-confirmed cases observed in all departments of a large regional hospital. Clinical and biologic data, therapeutics and costs of care were examined. Over a 6-year period, we included 292 subjects (148 children and 144 adults) with a median age of 15.4 years (range 9 months to 79 years). Adults were hospitalized more often (83% vs. 60%) and for longer periods of time (median 4 days vs. 2 days) than children (p ≤ 0.0001 for both). Two adults required a secondary transfer into the intensive care unit, although no children did. Typically, adults showed higher levels of activated lymphocytes and liver abnormalities. They also required the use of systemic corticosteroids more often (45% vs. 23%, p < 0.0001) and for longer periods of time (median 7 days vs. 3 days, p 0.02) than children. Overall, the costs were significantly higher for adults than for children (median, €1940 vs. €1130, p < 0.0001), mainly because of the frequency and duration of hospitalizations. Age increases the immune response and clinical severity of PEI, resulting in substantial additional costs for the community. Better recognition of the disease in adults could shorten the average length of hospital stay

    Automatic segmentation of cardiac structures for breast cancer radiotherapy

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    Background and purpose We developed an automatic method to segment cardiac substructures given a radiotherapy planning CT images to support epidemiological studies or clinical trials looking at cardiac disease endpoints after radiotherapy. Material and methods We used a most-similar atlas selection algorithm and 3D deformation combined with 30 detailed cardiac atlases. We cross-validated our method within the atlas library by evaluating geometric comparison metrics and by comparing cardiac doses for simulated breast radiotherapy between manual and automatic contours. We analyzed the impact of the number of cardiac atlas in the library and the use of manual guide points on the performance of our method. Results The Dice Similarity Coefficients from the cross-validation reached up to 97% (whole heart) and 80% (chambers). The Average Surface Distance for the coronary arteries was less than 10.3 mm on average, with the best agreement (7.3 mm) in the left anterior descending artery (LAD). The dose comparison for simulated breast radiotherapy showed differences less than 0.06 Gy for the whole heart and atria, and 0.3 Gy for the ventricles. For the coronary arteries, the dose differences were 2.3 Gy (LAD) and 0.3 Gy (other arteries). The sensitivity analysis showed no notable improvement beyond ten atlases and the manual guide points does not significantly improve performance. Conclusion We developed an automated method to contour cardiac substructures for radiotherapy CTs. When combined with accurate dose calculation techniques, our method should be useful for cardiac dose reconstruction of a large number of patients in epidemiological studies or clinical trials

    Comment peut-on qualifier l'offre en logement suivant les territoires ? Approche de la question et proposition d'indicateurs

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    La problématique de l’étalement et du renouvellement urbain est au cœur des préoccupations actuelles en matière de planification et d’aménagement du territoire. Elle entretient une relation étroite avec l’évaluation de l’attractivité et de l’offre urbaine et la thématique de l’habitat. La multiplicité des indicateurs et des données existantes sur ce thème, nécessite une réflexion préalable importante pour « problématiser » l’observation et sélectionner des indicateurs pertinents pour répondre aux questions sous-jacentes à l’étude de ces phénomènes. Ce document vise donc à proposer une approche possible pour évaluer et qualifier l’offre en logement selon les territoires dans le contexte exposé ci-dessus. L’approche repose sur un découpage de la question selon différents objets d’observation, et présente de façon détaillée les indicateurs qu’il est possible d’utiliser pour y répondre. Chacun d’eux est documenté de façon très précise : liens entretenus avec la question, modes de calculs et sources utilisables, illustrations issues de tests réalisés sur cinq sites expérimentaux, sans oublier les extensions possibles, ainsi que les limites et précautions à prendre en compte pour leur utilisation. Les professionnels de l’observation y trouveront tous les éléments leur permettant de mettre en œuvre les indicateurs proposés sur leurs territoires pour procéder à leurs propres analyses, dès lors qu’ils possèdent localement les données nécessaire
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