3 research outputs found

    Isolation and bioactivity of steroids isolates from petroleum ether fraction of Chlorella sp.

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    Chlorellasp. is a prospective steroids source which is potentially applied in pharmaceutical field. The aim of this research was to isolate and determine the toxicity and antioxidant activity of steroids compounds in petroleum ether (PE) fraction. Chlorellasp. was cultivated in 4% of sprout extract medium and extracted by maceration using methanol solvent. The methanol extract was partitioned with petroleum ether and the fraction was identified by LC-MS to know the type of steroids compound. The PE fraction contained steroids was separated with preparative thin layer chromatography (Preparative TLC) and column chromatography. The toxicity level and antioxidant assay of steroids isolates was determined by BSLT and DPPH method, respectively. According to phytochemical test and LC-APCI-MS identification, the PE fraction was positive for steroids compounds such as β-sitosterol, stigmasterol, campesterol and erythrodiol. Steroid isolates from TLC and column chromatography separation has toxicity and antioxidant properties. Based on toxicity test, LC50value of steroid isolate by TLC separation was 19.69 ppm, whereas, by column chromatography separation, LC50 value of A10 and A12 isolate was 26.67 and 49.04 ppm, respectively. Antioxidant activity (EC50 value) of steroid isolate by TLC separation was 73.82 ppm. Percentage of antioxidant activity of A2, A8, A10 and A12 isolates (by column chromatography separation) at 50 ppm were 2.60, 4.09, 4.52 and 3.29 %

    Uji toksisitas dengan metode bslt senyawa steroid fraksi petroleum eter mikroalga Chlorella sp.

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    INDONESIA: Telah dilakukan penelitian tentang uji toksisitas senyawa steroid dari mikroalga Chlorella sp. terhadap larva udang Artemia salina Leach. Al-Qur’an surat Luqman ayat 10 menjelaskan bahwasanya Allah SWT telah menumbuhkan bermacam-macam jenis tanaman yang baik dan dapat dimanfaatkan oleh manusia, salah satunya adalah sebagai obat. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui tingkat toksisitas dari senyawa steroid yang terkandung dalam mikroalga Chlorella sp. Isolasi senyawa steroid mikroalga Chlorella sp. dilakukan dengan maserasi menggunakan pelarut metanol p.a dan diikuti dengan hidrolisis menggunakan HCl 2 N dan partisi dengan petroleum eter. identifikasi senyawa steroid fraksi petroleum eter menggunakan uji fitokimia dan dilanjutkan dengan pemisahan senyawa steroid menggunakan KLTP. Senyawa steroid hasil KLTP diuji toksisitasnya terhadap larva udang Artemia salina Leach. Data kematian Artemia salina Leach dianalisis dengan analisis probit untuk mengetahui nilai LC50 dan diidentifikasi gugus fungsi senyawa steroid menggunakan FTIR. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan senyawa steroid fraksi petroleum eter toksik terhadap Artemia salina Leach dengan nilai LC50 sebesar 19,6889 ppm. Berdasarkan hasil analisis spektrofotometer FTIR isolat toksik dari fraksi petroleum eter mikroalga Chlorella sp. diduga mengandung senyawa steroid yang memiliki gugus fungsi OH, C=C, C=O, C-OH sekunder, dan gem dimetil (C(CH3)2). ENGLISH: Research on the toxicity test using shrimp larvae Artemia salina Leach of steroid compound from Chlorella sp. had been done. Al-Qur’an surah Luqman verse 10 shows that Allah SWT growed plants can be utilized by humans, such as a medicine. This study was aimed to determine the toxicity level of steroid compound from Chlorella sp.. Isolation of steroid compound from Chlorella sp. was conducted by maseration with methanol p.a and was followed by hydrolysis with HCl 2 N and partition with petroleum ether. Identification of steroid compound in petroleum ether fraction by phytochemical test and was continued by separation of steroid compound using preparative thin layer chromatography (PTLC). Toxicity test of steroid compound to shrimp larvae Artemia salina Leach. Mortality data of Artemia salina Leach was analyzed by probit analysis to determine LC50 Value and identificated the functional group of steroid using FTIR. The result of this study showed that the steroid compound in petroleum eter fraction toxic to Artemia salina Leach with LC50 value of 19,6889 ppm. Based on FTIR analysis of the toxic isolates suspected the steroid compound that have functional group of –OH, C=C, C=O, C-OH secondary and geminal dimethyl (C-(CH3)2)