72 research outputs found

    Development of IMOS technology for a high bandwidth modulator

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    Design of an optical nanoantenna with focusing subwavelength grating couplers and metallic reflector

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    In the development of integrated large-scale optical phase array, compact optical nanoantennas are needed. For high resolution arrays, the nanoantenna footprint and the separation between them should be as small as possible to reduce the number of interference orders in the far field [1]. In the development of this nanoantennas in our InP membrane on Silicon (IMOS) platform [2], we use deeply etch focusing grating to reduce the size [3]. In order to increase the optical power emitting up, we add a metal reflector of Silver underneath the semiconductor with a small buffer of 50 nm of 푆푖푂2. This metal layer will also works as a thermal heater, which will change the optical properties of the semiconductor changing the direction of the upcoming light. The last element to be add is a subwavelength ridge which reduces the unwanted Fresnel reflections by reducing the refractive index contrast [3]

    Design of an optical nanoantenna with focusing subwavelength grating couplers and metallic reflector

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    In the development of integrated large-scale optical phase array, compact optical nanoantennas are needed. For high resolution arrays, the nanoantenna footprint and the separation between them should be as small as possible to reduce the number of interference orders in the far field [1]. In the development of this nanoantennas in our InP membrane on Silicon (IMOS) platform [2], we use deeply etch focusing grating to reduce the size [3]. In order to increase the optical power emitting up, we add a metal reflector of Silver underneath the semiconductor with a small buffer of 50 nm of 푆푖푂2. This metal layer will also works as a thermal heater, which will change the optical properties of the semiconductor changing the direction of the upcoming light. The last element to be add is a subwavelength ridge which reduces the unwanted Fresnel reflections by reducing the refractive index contrast [3]

    Fabrication technology of a slot waveguide modulator in InP Membranes on Silicon (IMOS)

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    For the InP Membranes On Silicon (IMOS) platform [1], we developed an electrooptic modulator based on a slot-waveguide with a high nonlinear polymer. A variety of fabrication techniques are used, including electron beam lithography (EBL), optical lithography (OL), dry etching and metallization. The fabrication of such modulator requires a complex fabrication process. In this work we present and discuss the most important fabrication steps

    Evaluación de la durabilidad del concreto utilizando cementos comerciales tipo – I de la ciudad Chiclayo, 2021

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    Nuestra iniciativa busca evaluar el comportamiento de la durabilidad del concreto identificando la mejor calidad cemento para la construcción de obras. La falta de ensayos de materiales de construcción por carencia de equipos especializado nos permite aceptar productos con pocas referencias técnicas. De tal modo que nos permite proponer el desarrollo de la investigación con el objetivo en “Determinar la óptima durabilidad del concreto con diferentes tipos de cemento comerciales tipo I, que se ofertan con mayor demanda en Chiclayo, 2021”. La metodología es de tipo básica de diseño experimental, la cobertura de estudio analizo a 108 muestras, la recolección de datos mediante ficha de registro en pruebas de laboratorio. Se concluyó en Identificar la durabilidad óptima del concreto con el cemento comercial tipo I, que se oferta en el mercado de Chiclayo, 2021. Se demuestra que existe seguridad en considerar al cemento de mejor condición técnica para una construcción optima siendo el cemento Quisqueya, en el segundo lugar se considera al Pacasmayo y Qhuna ambos tienen varias propiedades con resultados similares, sin embargo, el cemento mochica es un tipo de cemento económico con bajo rendimiento en la durabilidad. Además, la ecuación de regresión determinada en la línea de tendencia polinómica obtuvo como resultado de R2 = 0,4825. Por lo tanto, determina correlación positiva, admitiendo la propuesta de la hipótesis planteada. Además, la prueba “t" determinar que si existe una diferencia significativa en la comparación de medias según el diseño de la mezcla (f` c: 175, 210 y 280 kg/cm2) (Tabla 8)

    Low-optical-loss, low-resistance Ag/Ge based ohmic contacts to n-type InP for membrane based waveguide devices

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    We present the development of Ag/Ge based ohmic contacts to n-type InP with both low contact resistances and relatively low optical losses. A specific contact resistance as low as 1.5×10-6 O cm2 is achieved by optimizing the Ge layer thickness and annealing conditions. The use of Ge instead of metal as the first deposited layer results in a low optical absorption loss in the telecommunication wavelength range. Compared to Au based contacts, the Ag based metallization also shows considerably reduced spiking effects after annealing. Contacts with different lengths are deposited on top of InP membrane waveguides to characterize the optical loss before and after annealing. A factor of 5 reduction of the propagation loss compared to the conventional Au/Ge/Ni contact is demonstrated. This allows for much more optimized designs for membrane photonic devices

    Demonstration of low RMS differential phase noise across C-band for integrated, amplifying optical phased arrays

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    We experimentally demonstrate low RMS differential phase noise (<10mrad) across C-band in optical phased array channels integrated with in-line semiconductor optical amplifiers using a generic InP photonic integrated platform without active phase locking

    Fullerene-assisted electron-beam lithography for pattern improvement and loss reduction in InP membrane waveguide devices

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    In this Letter, we present a method to prepare a mixed electron-beam resist composed of a positive resist (ZEP520A) and C 60 fullerene. The addition of C 60 to the ZEP resist changes the material properties under electron beam exposure significantly. An improvement in the thermal resistance of the mixed material has been demonstrated by fabricating multimode interference couplers and coupling regions of microring resonators. The fabrication of distributed Bragg reflector structures has shown improvement in terms of pattern definition accuracy with respect to the same structures fabricated with normal ZEP resist. Straight InP membrane waveguides with different lengths have been fabricated using this mixed resist. A decrease of the propagation loss from 6.6 to 3.3¿¿dB/cm has been demonstrated