644 research outputs found

    Influencia de la distribución espacial de la excitación en la respuesta sísmica de puentes

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    XV Congreso Nacional de Ingeniería Mecánica, celebrado en Cádiz en 2002Se presenta un método general para estudiar la interacción dinámica suelo-estructura en la respuesta sísmica de puentes sometidos a una excitación sísmica con variabilidad espacial. Se ha desarrollado un modelo mixto de elementos de contorno y elementos finitos en tres dimensiones que pennite tener en cuenta la respuesta sísmica del puente para distintos tipos de excitación, configuraciones geométricas del puente, naturaleza y geometria del subsuelo y del terreno. Se presentan resultados para un puente recto tipo viaducto, sobre semiespacio elástico, sometido a distintos tipos de ondas incidentes, con ángulo variable respecto a la vertical y al eje de la estructura

    Ancient origin of the CAG expansion causing Huntington disease in a Spanish population

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    25 p. Figuras, tablas, bibliografíaHuntington disease (HD, MIM# 143100) is an autosomal dominant neurodegenerative disorder characterized clinically by progressive motor impairment, cognitive decline, and emotional deterioration. The disease is caused by the abnormal expansion of a CAG trinucleotide repeat in the first exon of the huntingtin gene in chromosome 4p16.3. HD is spread worldwide and it is generally accepted that few mutational events account for the origin of the pathogenic CAG expansion in most populations. We have investigated the genetic history of HD mutation in 83 family probands from the Land of Valencia, Eastern Spain. An analysis of the HD/CCG repeat in informative families suggested that at least two main chromosomes were associated in the Valencian population, one associated with allele 7 (77 mutant chromosomes) and one associated with allele 10 (2 mutant chromosomes). Haplotype A-7-A (H1) was observed in 47 out of 48 phase-known mutant chromosomes, obtained by segregation analysis, through the haplotype analysis of rs1313770-HD/CCGrs82334, as it also was in 120 out of 166 chromosomes constructed by means of the PHASE program. The genetic history and geographical distribution of the main haplotype H1 were both studied by constructing extended haplotypes with flanking STRs D4S106 and D4S3034. We found that we were able to determine the age of the CAG expansion associated with the haplotype H1 as being between 4,700 and 10,000 years ago. Furthermore, we observed a nonhomogenous distribution in the different regions associated with the different extended haplotypes of the ancestral haplotype H1, suggesting that local founder effects have occurred.This work was supported by the Fondo de investigación Sanitaria (FIS grant 01/1159), the Instituto de Salud Carlos III (grant G03/56) for the Spanish Network on Cerebellar Ataxias, and the Generalitat Valenciana (grant GRUPOS03/015).Peer reviewe

    Association of Polymorphisms in the Interleukin 6 Receptor Complex with Obesity and Hyperandrogenism

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    10 pages, 5 tables.Objective: Interleukin-6 (IL-6), is an inflammatory cytokine that may influence the pathogenesis of obesity and hyperandrogenism. IL-6 exerts its actions through a heterodimeric receptor consisting of two membrane-bound glycoproteins: an 80-kDa IL-6 binding unit (IL6R-alpha) and a 130-kDa IL-6 signal transducer (gp130). Genetic variability at these loci might contribute to explain the development of obesity and hyperandrogenism. Research Methods and Procedures: We have evaluated the possible association of several polymorphisms in the IL6R-alpha and gp130 genes with obesity and/or hyperandrogenism in a case-control study involving 143 hyperandrogenic patients and 45 healthy women from Spain. Results: A microsatellite CA-repeat polymorphism in the IL6R-alpha locus was associated with obesity. The frequency of the common 149-bp allele was markedly increased in obese women compared with controls when considering patients and controls as a whole (0.41 vs. 0.29, chi2 = 17.085, p < 0.050). On the other hand, the uncommon Arg148 allele of the Gly148Arg polymorphism in the gp130 gene was more frequent in controls compared with hyperandrogenic patients (0.17 vs. 0.08, chi2 = 5.605, p = 0.026). Controls carrying Arg148 alleles had lower 11-deoxycortisol and 17-hydroxyprogesterone concentrations, a lower response of androstenedione to 1–24 adrenocorticotropin, and an almost significant decrease in free testosterone levels, suggesting that Arg148 alleles in the gp130 gene have a protective effect against androgen excess and adrenal hyperactivity. Discussion: Polymorphisms in the gp130 and IL6R-alpha loci influence hyperandrogenism and obesity, respectively. Our present results further suggest that proinflammatory genotypes are involved in the pathogenesis of these common metabolic disorders.This work was supported by grants from the Consejería de Educación, Comunidad de Madrid, Spain (Proyectos 08.6/0022/1998, 08.6/0024.2/2000, and 08.6/0010/2001), and from the Fondo de Investigación Sanitaria, Ministerio de Sanidad y Consumo, Spain (Proyectos FIS 00/0414 and 02/0741 to H.F.E.-M.Peer reviewe

    On the bulk modulus and natural frequency of fullerene and nanotube carbon structures obtained with a beam based method

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    In this work, the natural frequency of vibration and Bulk modulus under hydrostatic pressure conditions of carbon nanotubes and fullerenes are investigated. For this purpose, three-dimensional finite element modelling is used in order to evaluate the vibration characteristics and radial stiffness for different nanotube and fullerene sizes. The atomistic method implemented in this work is based on the notion that nanotubes, or fullerenes, are geometrical frame-like structures where the primary bonds between two neighbouring atoms act like load-bearing beam members, whereas an individual atom acts as the joint of the related load-bearing system. The current numerical simulations results are compared with data reported by other authors, highlighting the greater simplicity and the lower computational cost of the model implemented in this work compared to other molecular dynamics models, maintaining accuracy in the results provided.The authors are indebted to the Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad de España (Projects DPI2011-24068 and DPI2011-23191) for the financial support.Publicad

    Los mayores y las nuevas tecnologías de la comunicación

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    [Resumen] Fundamentos: En una sociedad envejecida es necesario establecer nuevas alternativas que de alguna manera traten de satisfacer las necesidades de las personas mayores, a la vez que incrementen su calidad de vida percibida. En este sentido, las nuevas tecnologías, como la informática, se han convertido en una herramienta básica de nuestra sociedad, de la que los mayores, sin ninguna duda, podrán beneficiarse. El objetivo del presente trabajo es conocer la opinión de los mayores acerca de temas relacionados con la informática e Internet, así como su capacidad de acceso a las nuevas tecnologías y los conocimientos con los que cuentan. Métodos: Se realiza una entrevista estandarizada, de diseño propio, a una muestra de 105 personas mayores con una edad media de 73 años, residentes en la ciudad de A Coruña. Resultados: De los resultados obtenidos se constata que aunque la mayoría de las personas mayores no cuenta con ordenador personal ni ha trabajado con aplicaciones informáticas, les gustaría aprender más sobre este campo. Además, cuando se conectan a Internet lo hacen desde centros sociales y/o educativos, no encontrando excesivos problemas en su manejo y navegación. Conclusiones: Es necesario fomentar el uso de la informática por parte de los mayores, ya que en un futuro puede constituir una herramienta imprescindible en la intervención sobre problemas inherentes al envejecimiento como son el aislamiento o la soledad entre otros.[Abstract] new alternatives, that somehow try to satisfy the needs of elderly people and that at the same time increase their quality of life. On this sense, the new technologies, such as computer science, have become a basic tool of our society, and the elderly, without no doubt will be able to benefit from it. The objective of the present work is to know what the elderly think about themes related to computer science and internet, as well as their capacity of accessing to new technologies, and the knowledge that they have about them. Methods: A standarized interview has been made, it´s self designed, to a sample of 105 elderly people living in the city of A Coruña. Results: Although most elderly people don´t have a personal computer neither have worked with a computer application, would like to learn more about this field. When they are connected to internet they do it from social and/or educative centres, not having great problems neither in its handling or navigation. Conclusions: It´s necessary to promote the use of computer science on the elderly people, since in a future it can constitute an essential tool in the intervention on inherent problems to aging such as isolation or loneliness among others

    Evaluating the computational performance of the Xilinx Ultrascale+ EG Heterogeneous MPSoC

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    The emergent technology of Multi-Processor System-on-Chip (MPSoC), which combines heterogeneous computing with the high performance of Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs) is a very interesting platform for a huge number of applications ranging from medical imaging and augmented reality to high-performance computing in space. In this paper, we focus on the Xilinx Zynq UltraScale EG Heterogeneous MPSoC, which is composed of four different processing elements (PE): a dual-core Cortex-R5, a quad-core ARM Cortex-A53, a graphics processing unit (GPU) and a high end FPGA. Proper use of the heterogeneity and the different levels of parallelism of this platform becomes a challenging task. This paper evaluates this platform and each of its PEs to carry out fundamental operations in terms of computational performance. To this end, we evaluate image-based applications and a matrix multiplication kernel. On former, the image-based applications leverage the heterogeneity of the MPSoc and strategically distributes its tasks among both kinds of CPU cores and the FPGA. On the latter, we analyze separately each PE using different matrix multiplication benchmarks in order to assess and compare their performance in terms of MFlops. This kind of operations are being carried out for example in a large number of space-related applications where the MPSoCs are currently gaining momentum. Results stand out the fact that different PEs can collaborate efficiently with the aim of accelerating the computational-demanding tasks of an application. Another important aspect to highlight is that leveraging the parallel OpenBLAS library we achieve up to 12 GFlops with the four Cortex-A53 cores of the platform, which is a considerable performance for this kind of devices.This work has been supported by the Spanish Government through TIN2017-82972-R, ESP2015-68245-C4-1-P, the Valencian Regional Government through PROMETEO/2029/109 and the Universitat Jaume I through UJI-B2019-36. We thank Prof. L. Kosmidis and M. M. Trompouki for providing us the OpenGL ES 2.0 code implementation of the matrix multiplication

    Psychologist’s role in a Psychogeriatric Day Care Center

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    [Resumen] La progresiva implantación de centros asistenciales para la tercera edad, junto con la interdisciplinareidad de la actuación en valoración y posterior actuación frente a la persona mayor, hacen que el psicólogo desempeñe un papel claramente definido, y que en lo que respecta a los Centros de día psicogeriátricos, papel más importante si cabe, por las características del usuario, cada vez se beneficia más de una actuación altamente cualificada. Mediante el presente trabajo pretendemos realizar una descripción de las distintas funciones del psicólogo en un Centro de día específico para pacientes con demencia, revisando y proponiendo las diferentes actuaciones de acuerdo a sus áreas de investigación.[Abstract] The progressive establishment of assistant centers for the third age, together with the interdisciplinary of the performance in the valuation and later performance dealing with the elderly people, make psychologist plays a clearly defined part, and in what concerns to the Psychogeriatric Day Care centers, a more important role, if possible for the user’s characteristics that benefits more and more of a highly qualified performance. By means of the present work we seek to carry out a description of the psychologist’s different functions in a day care center, specific for Alzheimer’s disease patients, revising and proposing the different performances according to the intervention areas

    Helping the family carers of Alzheimer's patients: from theory... to practice: a preliminary study

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    [Abstract] Alzheimer's disease (AD) represents one of the most important health issues in the western world. The ongoing care that the AD patient requires typically causes high stress levels, fatigue, irritation and depression in the caregiver, as well as socio-economical problems. The current study aimed to introduce a support program for carers of AD patients, in order to improve their quality of life. A Questionnaire for Carers and an Anxiety State Feature Questionnaire (STAI) was used to assess the carers. Results showed an overall improvement in the carers' health. Their subjective wellbeing increased, and though their situation had not changed, they nevertheless described feeling les s trapped. It can be concluded that possibly the mere fact that the carers feel that they have help available is enough to endorse the value of the program

    Hematotoxicity of magnetite nanoparticles coated with polyethylene glycol: in vitro and in vivo studies

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    Accepted Manuscript.-- et al.Hematotoxicity of magnetite nanoparticles coated with dimercaptosuccinic acid (DMSA) and polyethylene glycol (PEG) has been evaluated by determining their safety in vitro and in vivo in a rat model up to 30 days after administration of a single dose. The in vitro analysis consists of global plasma coagulation (PT, aPTT, and fibrinogen) and platelet aggregation tests while the hematotoxicity studies in vivo include a complete blood count and the possible genotoxic effect analysis in the bone marrow hematopoietic function. Prolonged aPTT values indicate a higher anticoagulant effect for NP-DMSA compared with PEG-coated nanoparticles as a consequence of the higher surface charge of the former. The in vivo tests showed that these bioferrofluids do not cause genotoxic effects, affect erythropoiesis or increase the number of immature erythrocytes in the bone marrow at the analyzed dose. However, nanoparticle administration showed a significant effect on the leukocyte counts in animals treated with DMSA coated nanoparticles 24 h after injection. This response is not observed in animals treated with PEG modified nanoparticles which justifies the use of this polymer in biomasking strategies.L.M.A.A. acknowledges financial support from the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation FPI research grants. Technical support from the University Hospital Lozano Blesa, Zaragoza, Spain and from María Angeles Gracia, Ana Isabel Martínez de Ternero, Maria Rosa Borrell Sanz. AR holds a predoctoral fellowship from a CSIC-CITMA collaborative project (B01CU2009; ICMM, 2011–2014) and a short-term fellowship from CNPq (DTI-2; 383934/2013-3). This work was partially supported by grants from the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (MAT2011-23641 and MAT2011-25991).Peer Reviewe

    Deciphering complexity: TULP1 variants linked to an atypical retinal dystrophy phenotype

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    Introduction:TULP1 exemplifies the remarkable clinical and genetic heterogeneity observed in inherited retinal dystrophies. Our research describes the clinical and molecular characteristics of a patient manifesting an atypical retinal dystrophy pattern, marked by the identification of both a previously unreported and a rarely encountered TULP1 variant.Methods: Whole-exome sequencing was performed to identify potential causative variants. The pathogenicity of the identified TULP1 variants was evaluated through in silico predictors and a minigene splice assay, specifically designed to assess the effect of the unreported TULP1 variant.Results: We identified two TULP1 gene variants in a patient exhibiting unusual and symmetrical alterations in both retinas, characterized by an increase in autofluorescence along the distribution of retinal vessels. These variants included a known rare missense variant, c.1376T&gt;C, and a novel splice site variant, c.822G&gt;T. For the latter variant (c.822G&gt;T), we conducted a minigene splice assay that demonstrated the incorporation of a premature stop codon. This finding suggests a likely activation of the nonsense-mediated mRNA decay mechanism, ultimately resulting in the absence of protein production from this allele. Segregation analysis confirmed that these variants were in trans.Discussion: Our data support that individuals with biallelic TULP1 variants may present with a unique pattern of macular degeneration and periarteriolar vascular pigmentation. This study highlights the importance of further clinical and molecular characterization of TULP1 variants to elucidate genotype–phenotype correlations in the context of inherited retinal dystrophies