143 research outputs found
CER Computers as Weapons of Mass Disruption: The Yugoslav Computer Industry in the 1960s
The article investigates the history of the CER-10, the first Yugo-slav electronic computer, and the subsequent failed attempt for the establishment of the computer industry during the 1960s. While the CER-10 was an important milestone on the Yugoslav road to technological modernization, the aftermath of this project revealed myriads of problems of the entire Yugoslav state system, which included simultaneous implementation of conflicting economic policies, the heavy hand of Aleksandar Ranković and the Yugoslav secret police in the country’s economy, as well as the channeling of federal funds into Serbian companies without much economic rationale, all of which eventually ground the establishment of this high-tech industrial sector to a halt
Impact of transport infrastructure investment on economic growth of european countries
Предмет ове докторске дисертације је теоријска и емпиријска анализа
утицаја инвестиција у саобраћајну инфраструктуру на привредни раст
европских земаља. Најпре је дефинисан обухват саобраћајне инфраструктуре
по различитим врстама, размотрени су проблеми мерења инвестиција у
саобраћајну инфраструктуру и анализиран је њихов економски значај, као и
могући извори и модалитети финансирања ових инвестиција...The subject of this doctoral dissertation is a theoretical and empirical analysis of
the impact of transport infrastructure investment on economic growth of
European countries. Firstly, it defines the coverage of transport infrastructure by
various types thereof, discusses the problems of measuring transport
infrastructure investments and analyzes their economic importance, as well as the
possible sources and modalities of financing these investments..
Sajmovi automobila u nacističkoj Njemačkoj imali su posebno značenje koje je uvelike nadilazilo okvire gospodarske manifestacije, služeći i kao važno sredstvo nacističke promidžbe usmjereno prema domaćoj i stranoj javnosti. Usporedbom nastupa njemačke automobilske industrije na sajmovima automobila u Beogradu, Zagrebu i Ljubljani u drugoj polovini 1930-ih, razdoblju bliske gospodarske i političke suradnje između Kraljevine Jugoslavije i Njemačkoga Reicha, u radu se analizira na koji su način i u kojoj mjeri te manifestacije u Kraljevini Jugoslaviji postale dio mehanizma njemačke nacističke promidžbe.Using regular annual automobile fairs in Berlin not only as a valuable economic manifestation at which the German automobile industry was promoted, but also as an important space and means of Nazi propaganda, the representatives of the responsible institutions provided their contribution to Germany’s preparations for war in which the automobile industry played a key role as a mover of the whole German economy, particularly during the first years of Nazi rule in which the military industry, which later assumed that role, had to develop in strict secrecy. Within the framework of this strategy, with objectively relatively small numbers of cars in the land, the Kingdom of Yugoslavia was especially interesting as a potential new market. Thanks to already close political and economic ties between the two lands, representatives of the German economy and automobile industry faithfully transplanted the organizational model of the Berlin automobile fair to fairs in Belgrade, Zagreb, and Ljubljana, which along with the promotion of the German automobile industry and economy generally, signified open Nazi propaganda in the Kingdom of Yugoslavia
Signal generator of different waveforms and frequencies
Zadatak završnog rada bio je izrada programskog bloka za generiranje referentnog signala promjenjive amplitude i frekvencije. Programski blok omogućuje definiranje signala oblika pile, kvadrata, trokuta i sinusa, te u slučaju sinusnog signala definiranje faznog pomaka signala. Razvoj programa, simulacija i vizualizacija odvijaju se u alatima „Step 7 i CoDeSys“. To su programski alati koji služe za programiranje PLC-ova (engl. Programmable Logic Controllers), računalnih uređaja koji služe za upravljanje automatskim procesima unutar postrojenja. Zadatak je u „Step 7“ izveden na način da se unutar „OB35“ (engl. Organization Block), koji omogućava cikličko izvođenje bloka u fiksnim intervalima, vrši poziv FB-a (engl. Function Block) naziva „SIG_GEN“, sa zadanim parametrima. Unutar funkcijskog bloka, na temelju ulaznog parametra „MODE“, vrši se poziv jednog od četiri FC-a (engl. Function). Funkcije, na temelju matematičkih operacija, izračunavaju vrijednosti pilastog, sinusnog, kvadratnog, ili trokutastog signala, te se te vrijednosti rekurzivno ispisuju u izlaznu globalnu varijablu „OUT_value“. Iscrtane vrijednosti pojedinih signala prikazane su u programu „S7TrendValues“. Pisanje programa obavljeno je u programskom jeziku LAD (engl. Ladder Diagram). Program je na sličan način izveden i u programskom alatu CoDeSys, s tim da se poziv funkcijskog bloka „SIG_GEN“ i predaja stvarnih parametara izvode u programu „PLC_PRG“, a umjesto funkcija, za izračunavanje vrijednosti signala također se upotrebljavaju funkcijski blokovi. Vizualizacija moguća je u ugrađenim alatima „Sampling Trace“ i „Visualisation“, dok je program napisan u programskom jeziku CFC (engl. The Continuous Function Chart Editor).The task of this bachelor thesis was to develop a program block for generating a reference signal of variable amplitude and frequency. The program block provides the possibility of defining four different signal types, namely, a saw-tooth wave, sine wave, square wave and triangle wave. A sine wave enables defining of a phase shift. Program development, simulation and visualization are done using “Step 7” and “CoDeSys” software tools. These software tools are used for programming of PLCs (Programmable Logic Controllers), computer devices that control automation processes inside of a plant. The task in “Step 7” is carried out in following way. Inside of “OB35” (Organization Block), which provides cyclic execution of the block in fixed intervals, a call of FB (Function Block), named “SIG_GEN”, is carried out with given parameters. The function block, based on the input parameter “MODE”, makes a call of one of four FCs (Function). Functions, aided by mathematical operations, calculate values of a saw-tooth wave, sine wave, square wave, or triangle wave, after which these values are recursively written in the output global variable “OUT_value”. The drawn values of individual signals are shown in “S7TrendValues” software. The program is written in LAD (Ladder Diagram) programming language. In a similar way, the program is developed using “CoDeSys” programming tool. The difference is in calling the function block “SIG_GEN” and assigning of real parameters being done using “PLC_PRG” program. The other difference is that function blocks are used for calculating signal values instead of functions. Visualization is available in the embedded tools called “Sampling Trace” and “Visualization”, while the program is written in CFC (Continuous Function Chart Editor) programming language
The Tempering of the “Fića”: Yugoslav Workers and the Italian Technology in the Crvena zastava Factory, 1955–1962
Članak obrađuje početni period razvoja savremene automobilske industrije u Jugoslaviji (1955.–1962.), na primeru fabrike automobila Crvena zastava, odnosno razvoja proizvodnje “fiće”. Prateći različite aspekte saradnje između Crvene zastave i italijanskog FIAT-a na ovom projektu, fokus ovog rada je na problemu transfera i usvajanja savremene italijanske tehnologije u jugoslovenski sistem radničkog samoupravljanja fabrikama. Deo ove analize se bavi i rezultatima koje je ovaj proces imao na formiranje specifičnog jugoslovenskog modela industrijske proizvodnje, koji je predstavljao kombinaciju socijalističkog i kapitalističkog načina proizvodnje. Konačno, “fića” je, kao najvidljiviji rezultat izgradnje ovog hibridnog modela, posmatran i kao simbol uspeha procesa ubrzane industrijalizacije Jugoslavije posle Drugog svetskog rata i kreiranja njene radničke klase.This article presents an analysis of the initial period of the development of modern automobile industry in Yugoslavia (1955–1962), based on a case study of the Crvena zastava automobile factory. Analyzing different aspects of the cooperation between the Crvena zastava factory and the Italian FIAT on this project, this paper focuses on the problems in the transfer and adoption of modern Italian technology into the Yugoslav system of workers’ self-management of the factories. One part of the analysis deals with the results that this process had on the creation of the specific Yugoslav model of industrial production, which was a combination of socialist and capitalist production practices. Finally, as the most visible result of the development of this hybrid model of industrial production, “fića” is seen as a symbol of success of the process of rapid industrialization of Yugoslavia after the Second World War, and of the process of creation of the Yugoslav working class
The Yugoslav ‘Operation Paperclip’: German Geologists in the Yugoslav Nuclear Program in the Late 1940s and Early 1950s
This paper traces the early period of the Yugoslav nuclear program, in which the biggest problem was finding uranium. With only a handful of
trained geologists and prospectors, the solution was found in the employment of
German experts. This was a global trend at the time, and as this paper shows,
was not reserved for great powers. Relying on the expertise of German scientists, Yugoslavia managed to raise the first post-war generation of geologists,
who eventually found uranium and started its exploitation on several locations
in the country, most notably in Kalna (Serbia) and Žirovski vrh (Slovenia)
Škoda i Crvena zastava : Razvoj automobilske industrije u Čehoslovačkoj i Jugoslaviji do sredine 1960-ih godina
Rad predstavlja dva različita „puta u komunizam“, posmatrana kroz komparativnu analizu razvoja automobilske industrije u Čehoslovačkoj i Jugosla-viji, u periodu između 1945. i sredine 1960-ih godina. Rezultati ove analize otkriva-ju da su promene koje su se desile u obe zemlje tokom 1948. godine, proizvele spe-cifične okolnosti u kojima je čehoslovačka automobilska industrija gotovo prestala da postoji, usled nasilne primene sovjetskog modela proizvodnje, dok je Jugosla-vija uspela da razvije savremenu automobilsku industriju, oslanjajući se na podrš-ku italijanske kompanije FIAT. Iako su obe zemlje uspele da proizvedu sopstve-ni „narodni automobil“, strukturni nedostaci planske ekonomije doveli su do slič-nih rezultata, odnosno kvaliteta automobila koji je bio ispod projektovanog
Sajmovi automobila u Kraljevini Jugoslaviji kao mjesta promidžbe nacističke Njemačke
Sajmovi automobila u nacističkoj Njemačkoj imali su posebno značenje koje je uvelike
nadilazilo okvire gospodarske manifestacije, služeći i kao važno sredstvo nacističke promidžbe usmjereno prema domaćoj i stranoj javnosti. Usporedbom nastupa njemačke
automobilske industrije na sajmovima automobila u Beogradu, Zagrebu i Ljubljani u
drugoj polovini 1930-ih, razdoblju bliske gospodarske i političke suradnje između Kraljevine Jugoslavije i Njemačkoga Reicha, u radu se analizira na koji su način i u kojoj
mjeri te manifestacije u Kraljevini Jugoslaviji postale dio mehanizma njemačke nacističke promidžbe
Variational inference for robust sequential learning of multilayered perceptron neural network
U radu je prikazan i izveden novi sekvencijalni algoritam za obučavanje višeslojnog perceptrona u prisustvu autlajera. Autlajeri predstavljaju značajan problem, posebno ukoliko sprovodimo sekvencijalno obučavanje ili obučavanje u realnom vremenu. Linearizovani Kalmanov filtar robustan na autlajere (LKF-RA), je statistički generativni model u kome je matrica kovarijansi šuma merenja modelovana kao stohastički proces, a apriorna informacija usvojena kao inverzna Višartova raspodela. Izvođenje svih jednakosti je bazirano na prvim principima Bajesovske metodologije. Da bi se rešio korak modifikacije primenjen je varijacioni metod, u kome rešenje problema tražimo u familiji raspodela odgovarajuće funkcionalne forme. Eksperimentalni rezultati primene LKF-RA, dobijeni korišćenjem stvarnih vremenskih serija, pokazuju da je LKF-RA bolji od konvencionalnog linearizovanog Kalmanovog filtra u smislu generisanja niže greške na test skupu podataka. Prosečna vrednost poboljšanja određena u eksperimentalnom procesu je 7%.We derive a new sequential learning algorithm for Multilayered Perceptron (MLP) neural network robust to outliers. Presence of outliers in data results in failure of the model especially if data processing is performed on-line or in real time. Extended Kalman filter robust to outliers (EKF-OR) is probabilistic generative model in which measurement noise covariance is modeled as stochastic process over the set of symmetric positive-definite matrices in which prior is given as inverse Wishart distribution. Derivation of expressions comes straight form first principles, within Bayesian framework. Analytical intractability of Bayes' update step is solved using Variational Inference (VI). Experimental results obtained using real world stochastic data show that MLP network trained with proposed algorithm achieves low error and average improvement rate of 7% when compared directly to conventional EKF learning algorithm
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