107 research outputs found

    Mathematical Model of Vertical Movements of the Krk Bridge

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    Na temelju dugogodiÅ”njih mjerenja pomaka i deformacija građevina moguće je zaključiti o znatnim utjecajima temperature na veličinu pomaka. U ovome se radu definira matematički model vertikalnih pomaka Krčkog mosta kao posljedica utjecaja temperature.On the basis of measuring deformations of construction objects through many years, it is possible to make a conclusion about the considerable temperature influences onto the extent of movements. This paper determines the mathematical model of vertical displacements of the Krk Bridge being the result of temperature changes

    A Current Genetic and Epigenetic View on Human Aging Mechanisms

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    The process of aging is one of the most complex and intruguing biological phenomenons. Aging is a genetically regulated process in which the organismā€™s maximum lifespan potential is pre-determined, while the rate of aging is influenced by environmental factors and lifestyle. Considering the complexity of mechanisms involved in the regulation of aging process, up to this date there isnā€™t a major, unifying theory which could explain them. As genetic/epigenetic and environmental factors both inevitably influence the aging process, here we present a review on the genetic and epigenetic regulation of the most important molecular and cellular mechanisms involved in the process of aging. Based on the studies on oxidative stress, metabolism, genome stability, epigenetic modifications and cellular senescence in animal models and humans, we give an overview of key genetic and molecular pathways related to aging. As most of genetic manipulations which influence the aging process also affect reproduction, we discuss aging in humans as a post-reproductive genetically determined process. After the age of reproductive success, aging countinously progresses which clinically coincides with the onset of most chronic diseases, cancers and dementions. As evolution shapes the genomes for reproductive success and not for post-reproductive survival, aging could be defined as a protective mechanism which ensures the preservation and progress of species through the modification, trasnmission and improvement of genetic material

    The Effectiveness of a 40-year Long Iodine Prophylaxis in Endemic Goitre Region of Grobnik, Croatia

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    The region of Grobnik, in the north west of Croatia, 15 km away from the Adriatic coast and 400 meters above the sea level, used to be known as a centre of endemic goitre. Iodine prophylaxis of 10 mg KJ added per kilo salt started in Croatia during the year 1953 and it was increased to 25 mg KJ per kilo in 1996. During 1961, the prevalence of goiter among Grobnik school children was 63%, while in the adult population it was 34%. In 1981, 18% of goitrous school children and 11% of goitrous adults were found in the same region, which shows the fall in goitre prevalence in the twenty-year period, from a severe to a mild one. The aim of this study was to estimate the effectiveness of iodine prophylaxis in goitre eradication and to compare the obtained results to those found in the same region 20 and 40 years ago, namely, in 1961 and 1981. The research was conducted in 2001. We examined 472 Grobnik inhabitants, 378 children (196 girls and 182 boys, aged 7ā€“15 years) and 94 adults. Regarding their size thyroid glands were graded according to WHO and PAHO classification. Data regarding lifestyles and health conditions were collected by individual and family questionnaires. The prevalence of goitre in 2001 was 6.6% in school children and 6.4% in adults. In relation to 1981, we found a statistically significant fall of goitre in school children at the level of p0.01, x2=1.419). The frequency of thyroid gland hereditary diseases in native inhabitants was high, 11.7%. There were no statistically significant differences in the prevalence of goitre or thyroid hereditary diseases between groups of native and newcomersā€™ children. According to our results, in the year 2001 the area of Grobnik was still was a region of a mildly expressed endemic goitre. This study presents final results of a 40-year long follow up of endemic goitre eradication, demonstrating the long-term effectiveness of iodine prophylaxis

    Analysis of the Differences Between Realised and Designed Heights of the Upper Asphalt Layer on Different Categories of Roads

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    U radu je izložena statistička obrada odstupanja izvedenih od projektiranih visina zavrÅ”nog, asfaltnoga sloja kolničke konstrukcije ceste. Analizom su obuhvaćeni podaci mjerenja prikupljenih tijekom geodetskog nadzora pri građenju različitih kategorija cesta: regionalnih, magistralnih i autocesta. Cilj rada bio je utvrditi točnost izvođenja zavrÅ”nog sloja i rezultate istraživanja usporediti s tolerancijama navedenima u odgovarajućim građevinskim propisima.The paper presents a statistical data analysis of the differences between realised and designed heights of the upper asphalt layer of the pavement structure. The analysis comprises measurement data obtained during the geodetic supervision of the different road categories: regional, main and highway roads. The purpose of this paper is to establish the accuracy of construction works on the final asphalt layer and to compare them with the tolerances specified in the corresponding technical regulations

    Analysis of Shift and Deformation of Planar Surfaces Using the Least Squares Plane

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    Suvremene mjerne tehnike razvijene temeljem povećanja mogućnosti bezreflektornog mjerenja duljina omogućile su otvaranje novih područja otkrivanja i analize pomaka i deformacija. Prikupljanjem velikog broja točaka često će biti potrebno pronaći matematički model plohe koja se njima najbolje prilagođava. Iako je to za prostorne plohe složen postupak, za ravninske plohe lako se obavlja i omogućava dalju obradu i analizu podataka mjerenja. U radu je prikazano prilagođavanje ravnine skupu mjerenih točaka metodom najmanjih kvadrata udaljenosti, uz prethodno uklanjanje podataka koji znatno odstupaju od zadanoga skupa upotrebom algoritma RANSAC. Temeljem toga prikazana je metoda analize deformacija i pomaka ravninskih ploha.Modern methods of measurement developed on the basis of advanced reflectorless distance measurement have paved the way for easier detection and analysis of shift and deformation. A large quantity of collected data points will often require a mathematical model of the surface that fits best into these. Although this can be a complex task, in the case of planar surfaces it is easily done, enabling further processing and analysis of measurement results. The paper describes the fitting of a plane to a set of collected points using the least squares distance, with previously excluded outliers via the RANSAC algorithm. Based on that, a method for analysis of the deformation and shift of planar surfaces is also described

    Immunoregulatory factors contributing to fetal allograft survival

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    ABSTRACT A mammalian fetus expresses a variety of antigens potentially unknown to the immunologically competent mother. Presented here are the results of investigations of maternal immune reactivity to paternally derived antigens of fetoplacental unit. detected at various levels: 11 spleen and distant lymphatic organs, 2) regional lymph nodes draining uterus, and 31 materna-fetal interface. The results suggest that the mother's immune system reacts differently in semiallogeneic pregnancies than in syngeneic ones. The type of the systemic immune response depends on the stage of pregnancy. Increased percentage of CD8+ cells and decreased CD4+/CD8+ cell ratio was found in distant and regional lymphatic organs during pregnancy. The paternal class IMHC antigens expressed on the trophoblast cells are nonpolymorphic molecules which can have a role in immunotrophism of the placenta and in fetal allograft protection

    Ring chromosome 18 syndrome

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    Cilj: Prstenasti ili ring kromosom rijetka je strukturna promjena kromosoma koja najčeŔće nastaje zbog terminalne delecije na oba kraka kromosoma te ponovnog spajanja preostalih dijelova kratkog i dugog kraka kromosoma u prstenastu strukturu. Sindromi prstenastih kromosoma iznimno su rijetki s incidencijom od 1 : 50.000 živorođene djece. U ovom radu prikazujemo prvi slučaj djevojčice sa sindromom prstenastog kromosoma 18 zabilježenog na Zavodu za biologiju i medicinsku genetiku (Medicinski fakultet, SveučiliÅ”te u Rijeci). Prikaz slučaja: Bolesnica je dvanaestogodiÅ”nja djevojčica sa psihomotornom retardacijom, mikrocefalijom, niskim rastom, dismorfijom lica (hipertelorizam, hipoplazija srednjeg lica, usni kutovi okrenuti prema dolje, rascjep nepca, prognatija, nisko postavljene uÅ”ke), obostranom stenozom vanjskog sluÅ”nog hodnika uz provodnu gluhoću i brahidaktilijom. Citogenetičkom analizom utvrđen je mozaični kariotip: 46,XX,r(18)(p11.3;q23)[97]/45,XX,-18[3] de novo. Daljnjom kliničkom obradom utvrđeno je kako bolesnica ima obilježja klasična za deleciju oba kraka 18. kromosoma. Klinička obilježja djeteta prikazana su i uspoređena s klasičnim kliničkim obilježjima sindroma. Rasprava i zaključak: Iako je sindrom prstenastog kromosoma 18 rijedak genetički poremećaj, nužno je prepoznati dijete s multiplim prirođenim anomalijama već na razini primarne zdravstvene zaÅ”tite te ga zbog pravilnog genetičkog informiranja i odabira odgovarajuće terapije Å”to prije uputiti na specijalističku obradu, kao i na citogenetičku analizu.Aim: Ring chromosomes are rare structural chromosomal aberrations which form after the breakage in both terminal regions of the affected chromosome with fusion of the short and long arm into a ring formation. The incidence of ring chromosome syndromes is estimated to be about 1:50.000 live born children. Here we present the first case of a girl with ring chromosome 18 syndrome identifed at the Department of biology and medical genetics (School of medicine, University of Rijeka). Case report: The patient is a twelve-year old girl with psychomotor retardation, microcephaly, short stature, dysmorphic facies (hypertelorism, midface hypoplasia, downturned corners of mouth, cleft palate, prognathia, low-set ears), bilateral stenosis of the external auditory canal with conductive deafness and brachydactyly. Cytogenetic analysis determined a mosaic karyotype: 46,XX,r(18)(p11.3;q23)[97]/45,XX,-18[3] de novo. Our patient has the characteristic features of 18p and 18q deletion syndromes. We present the clinical features of the patient and compare them to the classical features of 18p and 18q deletion syndromes. Discussion and conclusion: Although ring chromosome 18 syndrome is a rare genetic disorder it is necessary to identify the child with multiple congenital anomalies by primary care physicians and refer the child to the proper medical instituti on for genetic testing and genetic counseling

    Perception of Stress, Depression, Hypertension and Myocardial Infarction as Predictors of Adherence to Hypertension Drug Treatment

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    This survey was performed to determine the relationship between the adherence to hypertension drug treatment and the perception of stress, depression, hypertension, and myocardial infarction. 300 patients with uncomplicated hypertension from Rijeka, Croatia, were included (131 women, 169 men, mean age 53.5 years). Adherence to hypertension drug treatment as criterion, and the perception of stress, depression hypertension and myocardial infarction as prediclors were determined by self-assessment. Collected data were analysed using factor analysis, regression analysis, Kolmogorov- Smirnov test, Ļ‡2-test and t-test. The statistical signifi cance was set at a probability rate of less than 5% (p<0.05). 45.09% of women (p=0.479), and 64.08% of men (p=0.032) were motivated to take antihypertensives. 55.79% of women (p=0.382) and 64.78% of men (p=0.028) had suffi cient knowledge about drug treatment of hypertension. The positive predictors of motivation for taking antihypertensives were physiological disturbances and perceived potency of hypertension and the negative were perceived helplessness in stress control and negative thoughts and emotions. The positive predictors of knowledge about taking antihypertensives were perceived helplessness in stress control, perceived potency of hypertension and myocardial infarction and the negative predictors were perceived self-effi cacy in stress control, physiological disturbances and evaluation of hypertension. Both the motivation as well as the knowledge about taking antihypertensives should be improved, especially in women. The perception of stress, depression, hypertension and myocardial infarction can be used to predict adherence to hypertension drug treatment

    Lipid Classes and Fatty Acid Composition of Diplodus vulgaris and Conger conger Originating from the Adriatic Sea

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    Lipid classes and fatty acid composition of polar (phosphatidylethanolamine, phosphatidylcholine, phosphatidylinositol, phosphatidylserine) and neutral (triglycerides) lipid fractions of common two-banded seabream (Diplodus vulgaris, L.) and sea eel (Conger conger, L.) originating from the Adriatic Sea (the [ibenik basin) were determined. Total lipid content in C. conger (3.7 Ā± 0.2 %) was almost three times higher than in D. vulgaris (1.3 Ā± 0.2 %). Polar lipids in D. vulgaris were almost twice as high (28.1 Ā± 4.2 %) as in C. conger (15.5 Ā± 0.2 %). Neutral lipids were present in higher proportions (71.9 Ā± 4.2 %) in D. vulgaris and (84.5 Ā± 0.2 %) in C. conger. The fatty acid composition of triglycerides was much more complex than those of polar lipid fractions. There were 25 identified fatty acids in Diplodus vulgaris and 23 identified fatty acids in Conger conger muscle tissue samples. Palmitic (16:0, 20.3ā€“63.9 %), stearic (18:0, 5.5ā€“58.7 %) and oleic (18:1 n-9c, 3.8ā€“23.1 %) acid were the most abundant fatty acids in both analysed fish species, but their amounts differed significantly. Appreciable quantities of docosahexaenoic acid (DHA 22:6 n-3, 0.5ā€“15.4 %), eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA 20:5 n-3, 1.2ā€“5.3 %), arachidonic acid (20:4 n-6, 0.7ā€“7.8 %) and tetracosaeonic acid (24:1 n-9, 0.7ā€“4.8 %) were also found. EPA + DHA values were much higher in the Conger conger lipid fractions in comparison with Diplodus vulgaris lipid fractions, except for phosphatidylethanolamine. Our study points out that both fish species contain appreciable levels of n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids and would therefore be suitable for highly unsaturated low-fat diets

    Perception of Arterial Hypertension and Myocardial Infarction in hypertensive and Normotensive Men and Women

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    The research aims were to test perception of arterial hypertension and myocardial infarction in hypertensive and normotensive men and women as well as to test perception of arterial hypertension and myocardial infarction as predictors of blood pressure control in hypertensives. In the research 470 subjects of 4 general practices from Rijeka, Croatia participated, hypertensive group from the list of hypertensive patients without cardiovasular complications and other major chronic conditions, normotensive group from the list of patients without chronic conditions. Each group had 235 subjects, 128 men and 107 women. Perception of hypertension and myocardial infarction was measured as the result on semantic differential questionnaire. Factor analysis extracted evaluation, potency and activity factor. Blood pressure control was interpreteted on the five degrees scale. Statistical significance was defined under 5% (p<0.05). Hypertensive subjects perceived hypertension as less negative and more active, while myocardial infarction was percieved as more potent term than by normotensives. Women perceived myocardial infarction as less negative, and less potent term than men. Both groups perceived myocardial infarction as more negative, potent and active term than hypertension. Normotensive women evaluated hypertension as more negative, and percieved myocardial infarction as less potent than other subjects. Well-controlled hypertension was correlated with a lower potency of hypertension and lower activity of myocardial infarction. Both conditions are perceived as more Ā»maleĀ« diseases. As perception of hypertnsion and myocardial infarction is correlated with blood pressure regulation in hypertensives, and hypertension is major risk factor for myocardial infarction, family doctors should put additional effort in changing perception of cardiovascular diseases in their patients, especially in women
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