59 research outputs found

    Multipotentnost cikade Euscelis incisus (Hemiptera, Cicadellidae, Deltocephalinae) u prenošenju i epidemiologiji fitoplazmi ('Candidatus Phytoplasma')

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    Euscelis incisus je polifagna vrsta, koja je široko rasprostranjena i česta u različitim agroekosistemima. Ima dve generacije godišnje koje joj omogućavaju da uspešno ostvari kontakt sa različitim grupama i vrstama fitoplazmi. Od ukupno 510 analiziranih primeraka E. incisus sakupljenih na 8 lokaliteta u Srbiji, 53 (10.4%) je bilo pozitivno na prisustvo različitih fitoplazmi. RFLP analizom F2nR2 fragmenta 16S rRNK regiona, utvrđeno je prisustvo šest 16S ribozomalnih grupa i osam podgrupa fitoplazmi u jedinkama E. incisus (16SrI-R, 16SrI-F, 16SrII-E, 16SrIII-B, 16SrIX-C, 16SrIX-E, 16SrXI-G i 16SrXII-A). Najzastupljenija je bila 16SrXII-A podgrupa prisutna u jedinkama E. incisus sa dva multilokusna genotipa: STOLg i Rqg31g. Fitoplazme 16SrIX i 16SrXI grupe, kao i dve podgrupe unutar Aster yellows fitoplazme, 16SrI-F i 16SrI-R zabeležene su po prvi put u Srbiji. Fitoplazme 16SrII-E, 16SrIII-B, 16SrIX-C, 16SrIX-E i 16SrXI-G grupe predstavljaju prve nalaze ovih patogena u jedinkama E. incisus. U biljnom materijalu je prvi put registrovano prisustvo 16SrIII grupe fitoplazmi u biljkama Cirsium vulgare, Carduus acanthoides, Lathyrus tuberosus i Lathyrus aphaca, dok je prisustvo 16SrIX grupe fitoplazmi utvrđeno prvi put u biljkama Cichorium intybus i Knautia arvensis u Srbiji. Eksperimenti prenošenja fitoplazmi pomoću prirodno inficiranih populacija vrste E. incisus pokazali su da je ova vrsta uspešan prirodni vektor u prenošenju fitoplazmi 16SrIII i 16SrXII grupe. Eksperimenti prenošenja fitoplazmi pomoću laboratorijski dobijene populacije vrste E. incisus pokazali su da je ova vrsta uspešan eksperimentalni vektor u prenošenju fitoplazmi 16SrIII, 16SrV i 16SrXII grupe

    Multipotency of leafhopper Euscelis incisus (Hemiptera, Cicadellidae, Deltocephalinae) in transmission and epidemiology of phytoplasmas ('Candidatus Phytoplasma')

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    Euscelis incisus je polifagna vrsta, koja je široko rasprostranjena i česta u različitim agroekosistemima...Euscelis incisus is polyphagous leafhopper widely distributed and abundant in diverse agroecosystems..

    Assisted phytostabilization of Pb-contaminated soil using brushite-metakaoiln geopolymer materials and Festuca rubra

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    Lead (Pb) is one of the most common environmental pollutants and high concentrations of this element can cause numerous symptoms of phytotoxicity. Inorganic amendments immobilize metal/metalloid ions and reduce their bioavailability in the soil by increasing pH or by adsorbing them. Adsorption mechanisms include chemical precipitation, ion exchange, and crystal growth. In this experiment, geopolymer materials were newly synthesized from a natural raw kaolinite clay with 2, 4, and 6 wt % (GPB2, GPB4, and GPB6) of pure brushite addition. Previous research has shown that brushite-metakaolin geopolymer materials can be successfully synthesized and that they have significant efficiency in removing lead ions from aqueous solutions. Plant samples were grown under controlled conditions in eight different series using commercial substrate and seeds. Four series contained lead-contaminated soil and were treated with brushite-metakaolin geopolymer materials, while the other four series, which contained uncontaminated soil, were also treated with brushite-metakaolin geopolymer materials and served as control series. The plant samples were taken after six weeks. Lead concentrations in the different plant and soil samples were analyzed using an absorption spectrophotometer (AAS). BCF, BAF and TF were calculated from the results obtained. Moreover, physiological and biochemical experiments were carried out and total antioxidant capacity, total phenols, free proline and photosynthetic pigments (chlorophyll a, chlorophyll b, and carotenoids) contents were measured in different plant samples. The results show different responses to metal/metalloid toxicity in the control and treated plant samples, confirming that there is a significant influence of brushite-metakaolin geopolymer materials on the phytostabilization efficiency of Festuca rubra. Phytostabilization is an ecofriendly and cost-effective technique that allows the metals/metalloids to be immobilized in the soil by plants, preventing their migration into the surrounding ecosystem and reducing the chances of them entering the food chain.Twenty-First Young Researchers’ Conference - Materials Science and Engineering: Program and the Book of Abstracts; November 29 – December 1, 2023, Belgrade, Serbi

    Drosophila suzukii (Matsumura, 1931) (Siptera: Srosophilidae) - nova invazivna vrsta u Srbiji

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    During October and November 2014, a survey was conducted in order to establish the presence of the invasive pest Drosophila suzukii (Matsumura, 1931) on the territory of Serbia. Survey revealed the presence of this fly in four districts (Rasinski, Mačvanski, Raški and Pčinjski), in sampled raspberry and blackberry ripe fruits, as well as in common fig and grape. Collected fruits were used for the rearing of Drosophilid larvae to adults, which were subsequently subjected to morphological and molecular characterization. The presence of D. suzukii was confirmed in all surveyed districts, as well as in Zemun (City of Belgrade). This is the first report of the highly invasive fruit pest D. suzukii on the territory of Serbia.Tokom oktobra i novembra 2014. godine, sprovedena su istraživanja u cilju utvrđivanja prisustva i rasprostranjenja invazivne štetočine Drosophila suzukii (Matsumura, 1931) na teritoriji Srbije. Prisustvo ove mušice je utvrđeno u okviru četiri okruga (Rasinski, Mačvanski, Raški, Pčinjski), u uzorkovanim plodovima maline, kupine, smokve i grožđa. Iz plodova su odgajene Drozofilidne larve do adulta koji su zatim analizirani morfološki i molekularno. Prisustvo D. suzukii je utvrđeno na svim lokalitetima u okviru četiri okruga, kao i na teritoriji grada Beograda (Zemun). Ovo je prvi nalaz invazivne štetočine voća D. suzukii na teritoriji Srbije

    Symptomatology, (Co)occurrence and Differential Diagnostic PCR Identification of ‘Ca. Phytoplasma solani’ and ‘Ca. Phytoplasma convolvuli’ in Field Bindweed

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    Field bindweed (Convolvulus arvensis) is one of the major natural plant hosts and reservoirs of ‘Candidatus Phytoplasma solani’ (‘Ca. P. solani’), the causal agent of plant diseases in diverse agricultural crops, including Bois noir (BN) disease of grapevine. Phylogenetically, the most closely related phytoplasma to ‘Ca. P. solani’, the ‘Ca. P. convolvuli’, induces disease in field bindweed that is known by its symptoms as bindweed yellows (BY). The occurrence, coinfection and symptoms association of the two phytoplasmas in shared host plants were the subject of this study. Specific primers for the amplification of the elongation factor Tu gene (tuf ) were developed for the identification of ‘Ca. P. convolvuli’ (by conventional nested PCR), as well as primers for simultaneous detection of ‘Ca. P. solani’ and ‘Ca. P. convolvuli’ by duplex SYBR Green real-time PCR. Among symptomatic bindweed plants, 25 and 41% were infected with a single phytoplasma species, ‘Ca. P. solani’ and ‘Ca. P. convolvuli’, respectively, while 34% were infected with both phytoplasmas. None of the non-symptomatic control plants carried phytoplasma, while non-symptomatic plants from our previous epidemiological studies in BN-affected vineyards were confirmed to be infected solely with ‘Ca. P. solani’. Stamp gene typing revealed Rqg50 and Rqg31 ‘Ca. P. solani’ genotypes in plants coinfected with ‘Ca. P. convolvuli’, while three diverse genotypes (Rqg50, GGY and Rpm35) were identified in a single locality with symptomatic bindweeds infected solely with ‘Ca. P. solani’. Variations in symptoms and their association with each of the phytoplasmas are described and documented. The symptom of bushy appearance could be single out as specific for ‘Ca. P. convolvuli’ infection, while occurrence of ‘Ca. P. solani’ could not be unequivocally associated with specific alterations in infected bindweeds. The results are discussed in the context of the epidemiological and ecological complexity of ‘Ca. P. solani’-induced diseases and the relationship between the two phytoplasma relatives in shared host plant

    Crepis foetida L. - nova biljka domaćin cikade Hyalesthes obsoletus Signoret 1865 (Hemiptera: Cixiidae), vektora stolbur fitoplazme

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    Epidemiology of plant diseases caused by phytoplasmas depends on vector's biology and its preference to the host plant. Grapevine yellows (GY) caused by stolbur phytoplasma (16SrXII-A subgroup, 'Candidatus Phytoplasma solani'), during last 15 years became one of the economically most important diseases of the grapevine in Europe. The cixiid plant­hopper Hyalesthes obsoletus Signoret (Hemiptera: Cixiidae) is a principle vector of stolbur phytoplasma and has the main influence on the incidence of the disease and yield loses in the vineyards. Epidemiological cycle of the Bois Noir (BN) is determined by the host plant of the H. obsoletus which is primal source of the disease in the vineyard and it affects presence of the pathogen in the insect's population. Presence of stolbur phytoplasma and symptoms of the BN disease is registered in all wine growing regions in Serbia. This research was focused toward determining host plants of the H. obsoletus and its ge­netic characteristics in order to determine epidemiological characteristics of BN in Serbia. Based on this field research, along with populations associated with previously known host plants nettle (Urtica dioica) and bindweed (Convolvulus arvensis), new host plant association with Crepis foetida L (Asteraceae) was registered on several localities in east and south Serbia. Genetic structure of H. obsoletus populations associated with specific host plants is analyzed in order to obtain precise information about epidemiological cycle of stolbur phyto­plasma in agroecosystems in Serbia. According to results of the three analyzed mtDNA regions, genetic differentiation is present between H. obsoletus populations associated with C. arvensis and U. dioica on the one and C. foetida on the other side. Domination of one of these two genotypes in nature and distribution of the host plants provides the basis for further research of the potential vector ability and characterization of the stolbur phytoplasma which is being transmitted by H. obsoletus and epidemiological cycles related to the new host plant in Serbia.Epidemiologija biljnih bolesti uzrokovanih fitoplazmama direktno je zavisna od biologije insekta vektora i njegove preferentnosti prema biljkama domaćinima. Bolest žutila vinove loze Bois Noir (BN) uzrokovana prisustvom stolbur fitoplazme (16SrXII-A podgrupa, 'Candidatus Phytoplasma solani'), tokom zadnjih 15 godina je postala jedna od ekonomski najznačajnijih bolesti vinove loze u Evropi. Hyalesthes obsoletus Signoret 1865 (Hemiptera: Cixiidae) kao glavni vektor stolbur fitoplazme na vinovu lozu direktno utiče na pojavu i učestalost ove bolesti, kao i na stepen štete u vinogradima. Epidemiološki ciklus BN fitoplazme uslovljen je biljkom domaćinom cikade H. obsoletus koja predstavlja izvor zaraze u vinogradu i od koje direktno zavisi prisustvo patogena u populaciji insekta. Prisustvo stolbur fitoplazme i simptoma BN bolesti registrovano je u svim vinogradarskim regionima Srbije. U cilju utvrđivanja epidemioloških specifičnosti prenošenja stolbur fitoplazme u Srbiji, istraživanja u ovoj studiji su bila usmerena u pravcu determinisanja biljaka domaćina adulta cikade H. obsoletus i njihove genetičke osobenosti. Primarno su analizirane populacije u asocijaciji sa ranije poznatim domaćinima, koprivom (Urtica dioica L.) i poponcem (Convolvulus arvensis L.). Na osnovu sprovedenih terenskih istraživanja utvrđena je nova asocijacija odraslih jedinki H. obsoletus sa biljkom Crepis foetida L. (Asteraceae) na više lokaliteta u istočnoj i južnoj Srbiji. Genetička struktura populacija cikade Hyalesthes obsoletus vezanih za odgovarajuće biljke domaćine je analizirana radi dobijanja jasne slike epidemioloških ciklusa stolbur fitoplazme u gajenim kulturama u Srbiji. Na osnovu analize tri mitohondrijalna genska regiona utvrđena je genetička diferencijacija populacija H. obsoletus u vidu dva genotipa vezanih svojim životnim ciklusom za C. arvensis i U. dioica sa jedne strane, odnosno za novoutvrđenog domaćina C. foetida sa druge strane. Dominacija jednog od ova dva genotipa u prirodi i distribucija biljaka domaćina daju osnov za dalja istraživanja potencijalne vektorske uloge i karakterizacije stolbur fitoplazme koju H. obsoletus prenosi kao i epidemioloških ciklusa vezanih za novu biljku domaćina u Srbiji

    Brushite-Metakaolin Composite Geopolymer Material as an Effective Adsorbent for Lead Removal from Aqueous Solutions

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    Newly designed mesoporous brushite-metakaolin-based geopolymer materials were examined with an idea for using this material as a potential adsorbent for Pb(II) removal from aqueous solutions. As a starting component for geopolymer synthesis, a natural raw kaolinite clay with the addition of 2 wt.%, 4 wt.%, 6 wt.%, 8 wt.%, and 10 wt.% of pure brushite was used. Phase, structural, morphological, and adsorption properties of newly synthesized mesoporous brushite-metakaolin geopolymer materials were examined in detail by the means of XRPD, FTIR, SEM-EDS, BET/BJH, and ICP-OES methods. The ICP-OES results showed that the synthesized material samples with 2 wt.%, 4 wt.%, and 6 wt.% of brushite possess significant adsorption properties and the mechanisms of the adsorption process can be attributed to chemisorption. The most notable result is that brushite-metakaolin-geopolymer with 2 wt.% of brushite have the best efficiency removal, more than 85% of Pb(II)

    Diverzitet faune cikada podfamilije Deltocephalinae u agroekosistemima Srbije i potencijalni vektori fitoplazmi

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    Diversity of the cicads from the subfamily Deltocephalinae have been investigated in Serbia, over a period of 2004-2010 in vineyards on localities Vršac, Topola, Rajac and Jasenovik and maize fields of South Banat. Individuals of different species belonging to a subfamily Deltocephalinae were collected in plantations and crops, as well as from a surrounding vegetation. The most abundant species on all localities was Psammotettix alienus (Dahlbom, 1850). Less numerous species of the subfamily were Euscelis incisus (Kirschbaum, 1858), Neoaliturus fenestratus (Herrich-Schäffer, 1834) and Errastunus ocellaris (Fallén, 1806), while the percentage representation of Doratura impudica Horváth, 1897 was much lower. Among the representatives of the subfamily Deltocephalinae, species that have been recorded in the South Banat were Arocephalus languidus (Flor, 1861), Euscelis distinguendus (Kirschbaum, 1858) and Metalimnus steini (Fieber, 1869). In vineyards of Jasenovik as the most dominant species occurred N. fenestratus.Istraživanje diverziteta cikada podfamilije Deltocephalinae sprovedeno je u periodu od 2004. do 2010. godine u vinogradima na lokalitetima Vršac, Topola, Rajac i Jasenovik i usevima kukuruza u južnom Banatu. Jedinke različitih vrsta podfamilije Deltocephalinae su sakupljane u zasadima i usevima, kao i na okolnoj vegetaciji. Najbrojnija vrsta na svima lokalitetima bila je Psammotettix alienus (Dahlbom, 1850). Manje brojne vrste ove podfamilije bile su vrste Euscelis incisus (Kirschbaum, 1858), Neoaliturus fenestratus (Herrich-Schäffer, 1834) i Errastunus ocellaris (Fallén, 1806), dok je procentualna zastupljenost vrste Doratura impudica Horváth, 1897 bila znatno manja. Od predstavnika podfamilije Deltocephalinae, vrste koje su zabeležene u južnom Banatu su Arocephalus languidus (Flor, 1861), Euscelis distinguendus (Kirschbaum, 1858) i Metalimnus steini (Fieber, 1869). U vinogradima Jasenovika kao najdominantnija vrsta javljala se vrsta N. fenestratus

    The “code red” for Balkan vineyards: occurrence of Orientus ishidae (Matsumura, 1902) (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae) in Serbia

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    Orientus ishidae (Matsumura, 1902) (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae), known as the mosaic leafhopper, is an invasive alien species native to the Eastern Palaearctic, but also widespread and well established on the eastern territory of North America. Since its first detection in Europe in 1998, this polyphagous species has expanded its distribution area and rapidly spread through central and western European countries, inhabiting a wide range of broadleaf trees and shrubs (e.g. Gleditsia triacanthos, Salix spp., Corylus spp., Acer spp., Betula spp., Populus spp. and Carpinus spp.), which are usually present in the surrounding of vineyards. Over the last decade, O. ishidae was frequently found within European vineyards and was proven to be able to complete its life cycle on grapevine. Moreover, this leafhopper was shown to be naturally infected with the Flavescence dorée phytoplasma (FDp), a devastating disease which causes significant economic losses in the major vine-producing countries. This study provides data on the occurrence of O. ishidae in Serbia, clearly confirming that it has expanded its distribution range to the Balkan Peninsula which could lead to establishment of new FDp epidemiological cycles inside the local vineyard regions. As a consequence, there could be an increased negative impact on phytosanitary situation with a continual spread of this vector species and FDp epidemic outbreaks in Southeastern Europe

    Genetic Diversity of Flavescence Dorée Phytoplasmas in Vineyards of Serbia: From the Widespread Occurrence of Autochthonous Map-M51 to the Emergence of Endemic Map-FD2 (Vectotype II) and New Map-FD3 (Vectotype III) Epidemic Genotypes

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    Flavescence dorée (FD) is a European quarantine disease of grapevine caused by FD phytoplasma (FDp) transmitted by the leafhopper of North American origin Scaphoideus titanus. The disease affects the most important viticultural regions of Europe and all wine-growing regions of Serbia. Unlike the insect vector, the pathogen is native to Europe and associated with several wild host plants among which alder trees as the main source of two out of three map genetic clusters of pathogen variants (Map-FD1 and FD2). Heretofore, the FDp epidemic in Serbian vineyards was thought to be monotypic, i.e., caused by the single genotype of the Map-FD3 cluster, M51, and correlated with clematis as the natural source plant. This study aimed to provide data on genetic diversity, through map and vmpA gene typing, and insights into ecological properties of epidemiological cycles driving the epidemic outbreaks of FD in Serbia today. Map genotyping of 270 grapevine isolates collected from 2017 to 2019 confirmed M51 as autochthonous genotype widespread in all wine producing regions of Serbia and the dominant FDp epidemic genotype in most of the districts (75%, 202/270 isolates), except in north Serbia where multiple outbreaks of M12 Map-FD3 were recorded (54 isolates). Tree of heaven is reported as a new FDp plant reservoir for the Serbian vineyards, hosting the M51 genotype, along with clematis. An outbreak of a new endemic Map-FD3 genotype M144 was documented in grapevine samples from east Serbia (5 isolates), correlating with previous findings of the same genotype in clematis. In addition, single grapevine infections with five new Map-FD3 genotypes (M150-M154) were recorded in central Serbia, thus indicating high endemic potential for new outbreaks. The vmpA typing placed all Map-FD3 isolates into the VmpA-III cluster, i.e., Vectotype III. Finally, we found direct evidence that at least two FDp endemic genotypes, M89 and M148, of the Map-FD2/VmpA-II have escaped from alders and propagated in the grapevine-S. titanus pathosystem in Serbia (Vectotype II). Our findings confirm the high complexity of the FDp ecological cycle and provide evidence of a unique, autochthonous Balkan epidemiology sourced endemically