131 research outputs found

    SWAT-based runoff modeling in complex catchment areas: Theoretical background and numerical procedures

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    This paper shows the structure of the SWAT-based model used in modeling of the 'rainfallrunoff' process. The SWAT model is hydro-dynamic and physically-based model for application in complex and large basins. Model inputs are as follows: rainfall, air temperature, soil characteristics, topography, vegetation, hydrogeology and other relevant physical parameters. The model is based on five linear reservoirs as follows: reservoir of the vegetation cover, snow accumulation and melting, surface reservoir, underground reservoir and surface runoff reservoir. The model uses GIS tools for preprocessing and post-processing. The basic modeling unit is the hydrologic response unit (HRU), defined as the network of elementary hydrologic areas with the selected discretization, measure of which is dependent upon the desired accuracy, as well as upon data accuracy. The total runoff on the exit profile of the catchment is computed by convolution of the sum of runoffs (surface and base runoffs). The model can be applied at the daily and hourly level of discretization and used for multiannual simulations. Illustration of operation of the SWAT based model will be presented on a selected part of the River Drina basin (with the total area of around 20.000 km2).

    Evaluation of selected virulence factors in Pseudomonas aeruginosa isolates and their susceptibility to silver complexes

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    Pseudomonas aeruginosa je ubikvitaran, oportunistički patogen, uzročnik infekcija kod životinja i ljudi, koje su najčeŔće povezane sa kompromitovanim imunoloÅ”kim sistemom domaćina. Patogeneza pseudomonasne infekcije je multifaktorijalan proces koji uključuje produkciju faktora virulencije vezanih za ćeliju, odnosno faktora virulencije koji se sekretuju, složenu međubakterijsku komunikaciju putem četiri sistema, kao i sposobnost prelaska iz planktonske životne forme u formu biofilma. Značaj ove vrste za medicinu i veterinu potvrdila je Svetska zdravstvena organizacija u izveÅ”taju objavljenom 2017. godine, po kom P. aeruginosa pripada kritičnoj grupi bakterijskih vrsta za koje je potrebno hitno razviti nove terapeutike jer, zbog sve učestalije pojave multirezistentnih sojeva, ova vrsta predstavlja ozbiljnu pretnju javnom zdravlju. U okviru ove disertacije uporedno su analizirani faktori virulencije izolata P. aeruginosa izolovanih iz uzoraka obolelih životinja i ljudi, kao Å”to su sposobnost formiranja biofilma (ukupan biofilm i biofilm na granici vazduh-tečnost), proizvodnja piocijanina, hemolitička aktivnost, sposobnost manifestovanja tri tipa pokretljivosti (plivanje, rojenje i grčenje), kao i citotoksični efekat na ćelijama iz ćelijske linije A549. Filogenetska srodnost i grupisanje odabranih izolata P. aeruginosa proučavana je na osnovu parcijalne sekvence gena za 16S rRNK. Ispitivanje postojanja korelacija između odabranih faktora virulencije urađeno je primenom robusne rang korelacije. Grupisanje izolata je izvedeno metodom hijerarhijske klasterizacije na osnovu euklidske udaljenosti normalizovane vrednostima sedam ispitivanih faktora virulencije i citotoksičnosti. Metodom maÅ”inskog učenja konstruisan je prediktivni model na osnovu koga je određena značajnost ispitivanih faktora virulencije u predviđanju citotoksičnog potencijala izolata P. aeruginosa. Ispitivanje razlika između faktora virulencije izolata različitog porekla (izolati poreklom od ljudi u odnosu na izolate poreklom od životinja, odnosno izolati poreklom iz uzorka tečnosti u odnosu na izolate poreklom iz briseva) je izvedeno Wilcoxon Rank-Sum testom i Relative effect testom..

    General platform for hydro-information systems ā€“ a review of concept

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    This paper provides insight into the Institute's long-standing engagement in the design and implementation of hydroinformatics systems in Serbia and the region. The introduction provides a definition of the hydroinformatics system and different areas of application, as well as an overview of the best practices in the world. An overview of the general platform that was created based on experience in the development of different systems has been presented here. We have described the functionalities integrated into a single software platform based on mathematical models and computational services. Various practical examples of application by the Institute are presented with the specifics of implementation in line with the purpose and characteristics of the studied systems. The conclusion highlights the role of applied hydroinformatics systems and the effects of application by users. Possible further development and implementation directions in water management and hydropower systems in Serbia and the region have been also presented.Conference in the honour of 75 years of the Jaroslav Černi Water Institute, held in the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts, October 19-20th, 2022

    Forecasting River Water Levels Influenced by Hydropower Plant Daily Operations using Artificial Neural Networks

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    Multipurpose water systems are used to deal with multiple objectives related to the usage of water for daily human activities. These activities are often conflicted which creates a challenging water management task. To provide reliable water resources management decision support tools for successful forecasting of hydraulic data (river flows and water levels) are essential. This research presents an approach for forecasting river water levels influenced by hydropower plant operations using artificial neural networks. This approach estimates hourly water level fluctuations at the control location using the water levels and hydropower plant discharge data as input. This tool can be used for fast assessment of different hydropower plant operation plans and help in choosing the optimal one. This water level forecasting procedure is applied and tested on the Iron Gate water system, placed on the Danube River, to deal with multiple objectives in water system management (hydropower production, flood protection, and inland navigation) and shows promising results


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    This paper discusses harnessing Internet of Things in monitoring and managing dams in Republic of Serbia. Large dams are of major importance, primarily because of their use for electricity, but risks which are associated with it should be greatly taken into account. There is a need to consolidate information related to dam facilities in order to use them for dam management in Republic of Serbia. An information system has been developed based on existing systems, allowing utilization of intelligent network sensors. The aim of paper is to describe possibilities Internet of Things application within specific system for dam safety management. In order to facilitate the inclusion of a large number of intelligent sensors, a new data acquisition module for communication with sensors in the monitoring network is defined. The system should provide on time alerting in the case that the security parameters deviate from expected values

    Diferencijacija Pseudomonas i Stenotrophomonas vrsta izolovanih iz riba primenom molekularnih metoda i MALDI-TOF metode

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    For the purpose of precise antibiotic susceptibility testing it is necessary to clearly distinguish Pseudomonas and Stenotrophomonas genera, considering acquired resistance of Pseudomonas species, as well as the intrinsic resistance of Stenotrophomonas species. This is why in the identification of the 51 isolates originated from fish, the following methods were used: standard PCR, 16S rRNA gene sequencing, and MALDI-TOF. The results of the standard PCR test, 16S rRNA gene sequencing and MALDI-TOF analysis confirmed 35 strains to belong to the Pseudomonas genus. Standard PCR test and VITEK MS device confirmed that 10 strains belong to Stenotrophomonas maltophilia species. Three strains were positive in both standard PCR tests for Pseudomonas and Stenotrpohomonas. 16S rRNA gene sequencing identified these 3 strains to be 99% Pseudomonas sp. and 99% Stenotrophomonas sp. VITEK MS first identified these three strains as 99% Stenotrophomonas, and in the repeated identification it identified them as 99% Pseudomonas. MALDI TOF/TOF 4800 Plus device identified these strains as Stenotrophomonas. Three strains were negative in both standard PCR tests for Pseudomonas and Stenotrpohomonas. 16S rRNA gene sequencing identified these 3 strains to be 99% Pseudomonas sp. and 99% Stenotrophomonas sp. VITEK MS first identified these three strains as 99% Stenotrophomonas, and in the repeated identification it identified them as 99% Pseudomonas. MALDI TOF/TOF 4800 Plus device identified these strains as Stenotrophomonas. Although modern test methods that have very high specificity (PCR, 16S rRNA gene Pseudomonas and Stenotrophomonas species for 6 isolates could not be reached using the above mentioned methods.S obzirom na značaj stečene rezistencije Pseudomonas vrsta, kao i na intrinzičnu rezistenciju Stenotrophomonas vrsta, a u cilju preciznog ispitivanja osetljivosti na antibiotike, neophodna je jasna diferencijacija pripadnika ovih rodova bakterija. U tom cilju su u identifikaciji 51 izolata poreklom od riba koriŔćene metode: standardni PCR, 16S rRNA sekvenciranje gena, MALDI-TOF. Rezultati standardnog PCR testa, 16S rRNA sekvenciranja gena i MALDI-TOF analize su za 35 sojeva potvrdili pripadnost rodu Pseudomonas. Standardnim PCR testom i primenom aparata VITEK MS utvrđeno je da 10 sojeva pripada vrsti Stenotrophomonas maltophilia. U 16S rRNA sekvenciranju gena 3 soja koja su bila pozitivna u oba standardna PCR testa identifikovana su kao 99% Pseudomonas sp. i 99% Stenotrophomonas sp. VITEK MS je ova tri soja u prvoj identifikaciji identifikovao kao 99% Stenotrophomonas, a u ponovljenoj identifikaciji kao 99% Pseudomonas. Ti sojevi su na aparatu MALDI TOF/TOF 4800 Plus bili identifikovani kao Stenotrophomonas. U 16S rRNA sekvenciranju gena tri soja koja su bila negativna u oba standardna PCR testa su identifikovana kao 99% Pseudomonas sp. i 99% Stenotrophomonas sp. Aparat VITEK MS je ova tri soja identifikovao u jednoj identifikaciji kao 99% Stenotrophomonas, a u drugoj identifikaciji 99% kao Pseudomonas. Ti sojevi su na aparatu MALDI TOF/ TOF 4800 Plus bili identifikovani kao Stenotrophomonas. Iako su u ovom istraživanju koriŔćene savremene metode ispitivanja koje imaju vrlo visoku specifičnost (PCR, 16s rRNK sequencing, MALDI TOF) precizna diferencijacija Pseudomonas i Stenotrophomonas vrsta nije mogla biti postignuta

    DEM-based GIS algorithms for automatic creation of hydrological models data

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    In this paper the authors discuss the Digital Elevation Model (DEM) based GIS algorithms, applicable for automatic creation of input data needed by hydrological models. The expected source of DEM data are standard digital data sets that a modeler can purchase from the official data sources. The DEM has to be cleared from errors and prepared for standard hydrology usage as the depression less version, or a version of DEM where only small depressions are filled-in, while larger depressions are extracted as separate objects. The slopes and aspects are calculated from such DEM. The flow accumulation image is created using slopes and aspects and using information about large ponds. From flow accumulation image the surface drainage network is extracted with user-specified density. Based on slopes and aspects, the catchment is delineated into subcatchments, the areas drained by each river segment. Finally, the model-specific parameters like length of flow segment along the terrain and along the river to the subcatchment outlet, slope of those segments, subcatchment shape factor, or subcatchments mean or weighted slope are calculated. Paper explains the used algorithms and emphasizes the problems one can encounter during the usage of DEM data using examples from River Drina catchment. Finally, the authors comment on overall usability of presented GIS algorithms, especially if purchased data are of low quality.

    SWAT-based runoff modeling in complex catchment areas: Theoretical background and numerical procedures

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    This paper shows the structure of the SWAT-based model used in modeling of the 'rainfallrunoff' process. The SWAT model is hydro-dynamic and physically-based model for application in complex and large basins. Model inputs are as follows: rainfall, air temperature, soil characteristics, topography, vegetation, hydrogeology and other relevant physical parameters. The model is based on five linear reservoirs as follows: reservoir of the vegetation cover, snow accumulation and melting, surface reservoir, underground reservoir and surface runoff reservoir. The model uses GIS tools for preprocessing and post-processing. The basic modeling unit is the hydrologic response unit (HRU), defined as the network of elementary hydrologic areas with the selected discretization, measure of which is dependent upon the desired accuracy, as well as upon data accuracy. The total runoff on the exit profile of the catchment is computed by convolution of the sum of runoffs (surface and base runoffs). The model can be applied at the daily and hourly level of discretization and used for multiannual simulations. Illustration of operation of the SWAT based model will be presented on a selected part of the River Drina basin (with the total area of around 20.000 km2).

    Supplementary information for the article: Snoch, W., Jarek, E., Milivojevic, D., Nikodinovic-Runic, J., & Guzik, M. (2023). Physicochemical studies of novel sugar fatty acid esters based on (R)-3-hydroxylated acids derived from bacterial polyhydroxyalkanoates and their potential environmental impact. Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology, 11. https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fbioe.2023.1112053

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    WS acknowledges the support of InterDokMed project no.POWR.03.02.00-00-I013/16.We thank Marzena Noworyta1 forrepeating pH and interfacial tension measurements and conductivitymeasurements.Related to published version: [https://imagine.imgge.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/1780]The Supplementary Material for this article can be found online at: [https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fbioe.2023.1112053/full#supplementary-material


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    Caenorhabditis elegans is a free-living, non-parasitic, fully transparent, bacteriovorous soil nematode. Typically found in temperate climates, it primarily inhabits organic-rich soil and decaying fruit. Nearly six decades ago, Sydney Brenner foresaw its potential as an ideal model system for problems related developmental biology. Over time, C. elegans has become instrumental in investigations spanning aging, longevity, host-pathogen interactions, developmental biology, evolution, toxicology and ecotoxicology. With more than 1200 research articles published each year, today C. elegans is actively studied in over a thousand laboratories worldwide. Despite its small size, with adult hermaphrodites possessing only 959 somatic cells and 302 neurons, C. elegans exhibits a diverse array of specialized tissues, including reproductive, digestive, endocrine, neuromuscular, and sensory systems. Moreover, this nematode shares a remarkable number of conserved genes and signalling pathways with humans, further enhancing its relevance not only in biomedical research but also in toxicology and ecotoxicology. In 1998, C. elegans became the first multicellular organism whose genome was completely sequenced. This nematode is an excellent animal model for ecotoxicity assessment because of its translucent body, genetic manipulability, ease of cultivation, rapid and short life cycle that is easily controlled by temperature changes. The assessment endpoints for the toxicology researches are various and include number of live/dead worms, broad size, number of eggs, embryo hatchability, locomotion behaviours, germline apoptosis, oxidative stress and gene expression in C. elegans. In our laboratory, C. elegans is used in safety and ecotoxicological evaluations of plastic degradation products, artificial and natural materials, as well as antimicrobial substances obtained through the activity of specific microorganisms and their chemical modification in the laboratory.Book of abstract: From biotechnology to human and planetary health XIII congress of microbiologists of Serbia with international participation Mikromed regio 5, ums series 24: 4th ā€“ 6th april 2024, Mona Plaza hotel, Belgrade, Serbi
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