24 research outputs found

    The effect of injectable platelet-rich fibrin use in the initial treatment of chronic periodontitis

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    Introduction/Objective. The objective of the study was to investigate whether there are differences in therapeutic effect between initial treatments of chronic periodontitis [scaling and root planning (SRP)] alone and SRP in conjunction with injectable platelet-rich fibrin (I-PRF) application, comparing clinical parameters after three months. Methods. Twenty-four patients with chronic periodontitis who had at least two sites with probing pocket depth (PPD) ā‰„ 5 mm on contralateral side participated in the study. Using a split-mouth design, the patients were treated with SRP + I-PRF (study group) or SRP only (control group). The clinical parameters, clinical attachment level (CAL), gingival margin level (GML), PPD, bleeding on probing, and plaque index, were recorded on both sides. Results. Compared to baseline, both treatment modalities demonstrated an improvement in investigated clinical parameters. The mean value of CAL was reduced from 1.97 Ā± 0.75 (0.25ā€“3.31) to 1.07 Ā± 0.44 (0.12ā€“1.78) in the study group, whereas it decreased from 1.81 Ā± 0.66 (0.42ā€“2.96) to 1.48 Ā± 0.55 (0.22ā€“2.30) in the control group. Similarly, the corresponding values for GML and PPD showed statistically significant difference between the groups (p = 0.040 and p = 0.006, respectively). Conclusion. Regardless the limited number of patients in the study, initial periodontal therapy in conjunction with injectable platelet-rich fibrin proved to display significant improvement in all clinical parameters compared to initial periodontal therapy alone

    Comparison of Aeroponics and Conventional Production System of Virus-free Potato Mini Tubers in Serbia

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    Virus free mini tubers are starting materials for the production of seed potatoes without the diseases. Conventionally, mini-tubers are produced from in vitro plants in various solid media. The aeroponics system refers to the process of growing plants in the air or in the fog environment without the use of soil or any other substrate. The aim of this study is to assess the application of aeroponics and conventional production system of virus-free potato mini tubers in Serbia. The experiment included three varieties of potatoes: Cleopatra, Kennebec and Agria. All three varieties were cultivated within two systems: aeroponics and conventional rooting in the substrate. In the aeroponics system, with all three varieties, an average of 17.87 mini tubers was obtained, which is 5.39 times more than in the conventional substrate. This ratio was the highest in the variety Kenebec (6.46), followed by Agria (5.71) and the lowest in Cleopatra (4.01). The average weight of mini tubers produced in the conventional substrate was higher by 3.49 g compared to the aeroponics system. The aeroponics system offers a potential opportunity to improve the production of mini potato tubers in Serbia

    Proizvodnja mini krtola krompira u aeroponik sistemu gajenja

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    At the micropropagation laboratory of the Potato Research Centre in Gucha, the following five virus-free in vitro potato cultivars are produced: 'Desiree', 'Kennebec', 'Agria', 'Cleopatra' and 'Sinora'. Acclimatized and rooted plants were transplanted and grown in the three production systems: 1) the aeroponic system, 2) the substrate system, and 3) a combination of the substrate and aeroponic systems. The results obtained indicate that the cultivation system exerts a significant effect on the number and the total yield of potato mini-tubers. In the aeroponic production system, 4.08 times as many mini-tubers were produced compared to the number of mini-tubers produced in the substrate system, whereas 1.29 times as many mini-tubers were produced compared to the number of mini-tubers produced in the combined production system (substrate + aeroponics). The aeroponic mini-tuber production system offers an opportunity to improve the production of seed potatoes in Serbia..Proizvodnja bezvirusnog semenskog krompira danas se odvija preko metode poznate kao kultura tkiva (mikropropagacija in vitro), čija je suÅ”tina da se za relativno kratko vreme, i u kontrolisanim uslovima, dobije veliki broj bezvirusnih mini ili mikro krtola. U laboratoriji za mikropropagaciju Centru za krompir u Guči proizvedene su bezvirusne biljke in vitro pet sorti krompira: Desiree, Kennebec, Agria, Cleopatra i Sinora. Aklimatizovane i ožiljene biljke presađene su i gajene u tri sistema proizvodnje: 1) aeroponik, 2) u supstratu i 3) kombinaciji dva sistema gajenja (supstrat+aeroponik). Cilj rada je bio da se izvrÅ”i poređenje aeroponik sistema gajenja sa druga dva sistema proizvodnje mini krtola. Mini krtole u aeroponik sistemu posle 40-45 dana gajenja sukcesivno su ubirane u četiri roka berbe u intervalima od 10-15 dana. U ostala dva sistemima gajenja mini krtole su vađene na kraju vegetacionog perioda. Analiziran je broj mini krtola po m2, prosečna masa krtola i ukupan prinos. Najveći prosečan broj mini krtola utvrđen je kod sorte Desiree, dok je najmanji broj mini krtola zabeležen kod sorte Sinora i Cleopatra. Kod sorte Agria konstatovan je najveći prosečnan prinos mini krtola, a zatim kod sorte Kennebec. Dobijeni rezultati ukazuju da sistem gajenja značajno utiče broj mini krtola i ukupan prinos. Kod aeroponik sistema proizvodnje postignut je 4,08 puta veći broj mini krtola, u odnosu na broj mini krtola dobijen u supstratu, odnosno 1,29 puta veći broj mini krtola, u odnosu na kobinovani način proizvodnje (supstrata+aeroponik). Aeroponik sistem proizvodnje mini krtola nudi potencijalnu mogućnost za poboljÅ”anje proizvodnje semenskog krompira u Srbiji

    Klinička primena fibrinske membrane u lečenju recesija gingive

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    Introduction. Fibrin, fibronectin, platelet derived growth factor, and transforming growth factors from platelet concetrate are crucial for tissue reparation and regeneration. Objective. This study was designed to evaluate clinical effectiveness of activated platelet-rich fibrin (PRF) membrane in treatment of gingival recession. Methods. 19 gingival recessions Miller class I or II were treated with a coronally advanced flap and the PRF membrane (PRF group). Following the elevation of the flap, bone and root surfaces were covered with the PRF membrane. After suturing, the PRF membrane was covered with a coronally advanced flap. In the same patients, 19 other gingival recessions were treated with CTG in combination with the coronally advanced flap (the CTG group). Clinical recordings were made of vertical recession depth (VRD), probing depth (PD), clinical attachment level (CAL) and keratinized tissue width (KTW) before and 12 months after mucogingival surgical treatment. Clinical evaluation of healing events was estimated with recordings of the healing index (HI). Recordings of HI were performed in the 1st, 2nd and 3rd week post-surgically. Results. Mean root coverage was significant in both groups (the PRF group 79.94% and the CTG group 88.56% %; p lt 0.01). The difference between the two tested groups was not statistically significant. Results of the keratinized tissue width showed significant increase (p lt 0.05) 12 months after the surgery in both, the PRF and CTG groups. Results of KTW showed statistical significance of recorded differences obtained in the two evaluated groups (p lt 0.05). There was no statistical significance in reduction of PD and CAL recorded in the PRF and CTG groups. The values of HI recorded in the 1st and 2nd week postoperatively were significantly enhanced in the PRF group (p lt 0.05). Conclusion. Results of this study confirm both procedures as effective with equivalence of clinical results in solving gingival recession problems. The utilization of the PRF resulted in a decreased postoperative discomfort and advanced tissue healing.Uvod. Fibrin, fibronektin, faktor rasta poreklom iz trombocita i transformiÅ”ući faktor rasta imaju presudnu ulogu u regeneraciji i reparaciji tkiva. Cilj rada. Ispitati i utvrditi značaj primene membrane od fibrina bogatog trombocitima (engl. plateletrich fibrin - PRF) u lečenju recesija gingive. Metode rada. Devetnaest obostranih gingivalnih recesija klase I ili II po Mileru lečeno je sa dva različita terapijska modaliteta. U eksperimentalnoj grupi recesija je, nakon odizanja mukoperiostnog režnja, preko izložene alveolarne kosti i korena zuba postavljena PRF membrana kao augmentacioni materijal, koja je zatim pokrivena koronarno pomerenim režnjem. U kontrolnoj grupi su izložena alveolarna kost i koren zuba prekriveni transplantatom vezivnog tkiva (TVT) uz koronarno pomereni režanj. Kod obe grupe recesija posmatrani su sledeći parametri: veličina recesije gingive, Å”irina keratinizovane gingive, nivo pripojnog epitela i dubina sondiranja. Parametri su mereni neposredno pre hirurÅ”kog zahvata i 12 meseci kasnije. Zabeležen je i indeks zarastanja rane tokom prve tri nedelje posle operacije. Rezultati. Kod obe grupe recesija postignuto je značajno prekrivanje ogoljenog korena zuba (PRF membrana 79,94% i TVT 88,56%; p lt 0,01), dok između dve ispitivane grupe nije uočena statistički značajna razlika. Rezultati ispitivanja Å”irine keratinizovane gingive su pokazali značajno povećanje u obe ispitivane grupe dvanaest meseci nakon hirurÅ”kog lečenja (p lt 0,05). Takođe je uočena statistički značajna razlika između posmatranih grupa (p lt 0,05) kod parametra Å”irina keratinizovane gingive. Statističke značajnosti kada je reč o smanjenju nivoa pripojnog epitela i dubine sondiranja, kako u okviru grupa, tako i između obe ispitivane grupe (p>0,05), nije bilo. Merenjem indeksa zarastanja rane uočeni su značajno bolji rezultati u eksperimentalnoj grupi nakon prve i druge nedelje nego u kontrolnoj (p lt 0,05). Zaključak. Oba postupka pokazala su se adekvatnim u lečenju gingivalnih recesija. U kontrolnoj grupi bili su bolji rezultati u dobitku keratinizovanog tkiva, dok se eksperimentalna procedura pokazala jednostavnijom i komfornijom za samog bolesnika, uz značajno bolji postoperacioni tok

    Comparison of aeroponics and conventional production system of virus-free potato mini tubers in Serbia

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    Virus free mini tubers are starting materials for the production of seed potatoes without the diseases. Conventionally, mini-tubers are produced from in vitro plants in various solid media. The aeroponics system refers to the process of growing plants in the air or in the fog environment without the use of soil or any other substrate. The aim of this study is to assess the application of aeroponics and conventional production system of virus-free potato mini tubers in Serbia. The experiment included three varieties of potatoes: Cleopatra, Kennebec and Agria. All three varieties were cultivated within two systems: aeroponics and conventional rooting in the substrate. In the aeroponics system, with all three varieties, an average of 17.87 mini tubers was obtained, which is 5.39 times more than in the conventional substrate. This ratio was the highest in the variety Kenebec (6.46), followed by Agria (5.71) and the lowest in Cleopatra (4.01). The average weight of mini tubers produced in the conventional substrate was higher by 3.49 g compared to the aeroponics system. The aeroponics system offers a potential opportunity to improve the production of mini potato tubers in Serbia

    Aeroponika, nova tehnologija za proizvodnju mini krtola krompira u Guči

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    In the laboratory for micropropagation in Potato Research Center in Gucha, in vitro virus-free plants of following potato varieties were produced: Desiree, Kennebec, Agria, Cleopatra and Sinora. Acclimatized and rooted plants were transplanted in previously prepared aeroponik module. During the duration of the experiment, the mini-tubers were successively harvested four times and their mass and number were recorded. The first harvest of mini tubers was out after 40-45 days after transplanting in aeropnik system. The highest average number of mini tubers was of the Desiree variety (15.55), while the lowest number was harvested by varieties Sinora and Cleopatra (10.66 and 10.52). The highest average mass of one mini-tuber per plant was obtained in the Agria variety (8.97 g), followed by the Kennebec variety (7.61 g) and the Kleopatra variety (6.36 g). The smallest mini-tubers were measured in the Desiree and Sinora varieties (5.32 g and 4.83 g). In the aeroponic system, 4.08 times more mini-tubers were obtained compared to the substrate. Aeroponik system offers the potential to improve the production of potato mini tubers.U laboratoriji za mikropropagaciju Centru za krompir u Guči proizvedene su bezvirusne biljke in vitro sorti krompira: Desiree, Kennebec, Agria, Cleopatra i Sinora. Aklimatizovane i ožiljene biljke presađene su u pripremljene aeroponik module. Tokom trajanja ogleda mini krtole su sukcesivno ubirane u četiri termina i merena je njihova masa i broj. Prvo branje mini krtola je obavljeno posle 40-45 dana po presadjivanju u aeropnik sistem. Najveći prosečan broj mini krtola imala je sorta Desiree (15,55), dok su najmanji broj dale sorte Sinora i Cleopatra (10,66 i 10,52). Najveća prosečna masa jedne mini krtole po biljci ustanovljena je kod sorte Agria (8,97 g), zatim kod sorte Kennebec (7,61 g), odnosno sorte Cleopatra (6,36 g). Najsitnije mini krtole izmerene su kod kod sorti Desiree i Sinora (5,32 g i 4,83 g). U aeroponik sistemu dobijen je 4,08 puta veći broj mini krtola u odnosu na supstrat. Aeroponik sistem nudi potencijalnu mogućnost za poboljÅ”anje proizvodnje dobijanja mini krtola krompira

    Komparativna analiza primene dveju tehnika transplantata vezivnog tkiva u lečenju recesija gingive

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    Introduction Gingival recession is a displacement of gingival margin apically to cement-enamel junction. Objective The aim of this study was to compare the results achieved with two different surgical procedures used in gingival recession treatment. Methods Ten patients with bilateral buccal recession on maxillary canines or premolars were included in the study. Professional teeth cleaning was performed before surgery. Recession on the experimental side was treated with connective tissue graft in combination with coronally advanced, split thickness flap (tunnel technique). Control side recession was treated with connective tissue graft in combination with trapezoidal coronally advanced, full thickness flap. Coin toss was used for side decision. The following parameters were evaluated before surgery and 6 months post-op: Vertical Recession Dimension, Clinical Attachment Level, Apico-coronal width of the keratinized tissue, Healing index (Laundry), RES index, and Patient evaluation of esthetic results. Student's t-test was used for statistical analysis. Results Six months after surgery, mean root coverage was 91.5Ā±14.1% and 90.1Ā±14.6% on the experimental and on the control side, respectively. RES index, Healing index (Laundry) and Patient Subjective evaluation of esthetic results showed significantly better results (pā‰¤0.05). Conclusion Both surgical procedures produce highly successful clinical results based on evaluated parameters, but this tunnel technique provides significantly better esthetic results.Uvod Gingivalna recesija, koja nastaje kao posledica morfoloÅ”kih nepravilnosti u mukogingivalnom kompleksu, loÅ”e utiče na nastanak i prognozu parodontopatije i odlikuje se nezadovoljavajućom estetikom. Cilj rada Cilj ove studije bio je da se uporede rezultati dobijeni primenom dveju različitih hirurÅ”kih tehnika u lečenju gingivalnih recesija. Metode rada U studiju je uključeno 10 pacijenata Klinike za parodontologiju i oralnu medicinu StomatoloÅ”kog fakulteta Univerziteta u Beogradu. Osnovni kriterijum za uključivanje u studiju bilo je postojanje obostranih gingivalnih recesija I ili II klase prema klasifikaciji Milera (Miller) na gornjim očnjacima ili premolarima. Izvođenje studije odobrio je Etički odbor StomatoloÅ”kog fakulteta. Ispitanici su podvrgnuti hirurÅ”kom lečenju, obostrano, primenom metoda podeljenih usta. Jedna strana tretirana je primenom transplantata vezivnog tkiva tunel- tehnikom (eksperimentalna tehnika), a druga konvencionalnom tehnikom (kontrolna tehnika). Posmatrani klinički parametri - vertikalna dimenzija gingivalne recesije, nivo pripojnog epitela i Å”irina keratinizovane gingive - zabeleženi su pre operacije i Å”est meseci nakon hirurÅ”kog lečenja. Zarastanje u ranoj postoperacionoj fazi procenjivano je na osnovu vrednosti indeksa tkivnog zarastanja. Objektivna procena estetskog ishoda terapije vrÅ”ena je pomoću indeksa prekrivenosti korena zuba. Rezultati Å est meseci nakon intervencije primenom eksperimentalne tehnike ostvarena je prekrivenost korena od 91,5Ā±14,1%, dok je primenom kontrolne tehnike ostvarena pokrivenost korena od 90,1Ā±14,6%. Parametri za objektivnu procenu postignutih estetskih rezultata i indeksa zarastanja rane pokazali su statistički značajno bolje rezultate ostvarene primenom eksperimentalne tehnike. Zaključak Obe procedure uspeÅ”ne su u lečenju gingivalne recesije i daju predvidljive rezultate, ali se primenom tunel- tehnike mogu očekivati bolji estetski rezultati

    Docking studies, cytotoxicity evaluation and interactions of binuclear copper(ii) complexes with s-isoalkyl derivatives of thiosalicylic acid with some relevant biomolecules

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    The numerous side effects of platinum based chemotherapy has led to the design of new therapeutics with platinum replaced by another transition metal. Here, we investigated the interactions of previously reported copper(II) complexes containing S-isoalkyl derivatives, the salicylic acid with guanosine-5ā€²-monophosphate and calf thymus DNA (CT-DNA) and their antitumor effects, in a colon carcinoma model. All three copper(II) complexes exhibited an affinity for binding to CT-DNA, but there was no indication of intercalation or the displacement of ethidium bromide. Molecular docking studies revealed a significant affinity of the complexes for binding to the minor groove of B-form DNA, which coincided with DNA elongation, and a higher affinity for binding to Z-form DNA, supporting the hypothesis that the complex binding to CT-DNA induces a local transition from B-form to Z-form DNA. These complexes show a moderate, but selective cytotoxic effect toward colon cancer cells in vitro. Binuclear complex of copper(II) with S-isoamyl derivative of thiosalicylic acid showed the highest cytotoxic effect, arrested tumor cells in the G2/M phase of the cell cycle, and significantly reduced the expression of inflammatory molecules pro-IL-1Ī², TNF-Ī±, ICAM-1, and VCAM-1 in the tissue of primary heterotopic murine colon cancer, which was accompanied by a significantly reduced tumor growth and metastases in the lung and liver


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    Scoliosis is a lateral deviation of the spine or the angular deviation of the normal position of one or more segmenata.Funkcional curve can be fully corrected until the internal structural scoliosis are bone disorders, muscle nerve elements that support the spine, and complete correction is impossible. Static role is reflected in the foot taking kisses body weight through the bones pop and transmission and distribution of weight on the main point of support of the foot and therefore subject to various changes in the normal foot status.Dinamic role is reflected in walking, running and jumping in different forms. Because of this, the percentage of foot disorders is particularly large in the form of lowering the testing we arche.Perform o.Å”.Pale Pale deformities in scoliosis and flat feet in students III, V, VII grade. Our aim was to verify the extent to which physical education classes take appropriate measures in the detection and removal of poor posture and physical deformities. For testing we used: clinical method for scoliosis, a method for flat feet -Thomson method

    The coronally advanced flap in combination with platelet-rich fibrin (PRF) and enamel matrix derivative in the treatment of gingival recession: a comparative study.

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    The main objective of this study was to evaluate the clinical effectiveness of platelet-rich fibrin membrane used in combination with a coronally advanced flap (CAF) and to compare it with the use of an enamel matrix derivative (EMD) in combination with a coronally advanced flap in gingival recession treatment. 20 split-mouth cases of maxillary anterior teeth or bicuspids presenting with Miller Class I or II gingival recession were treated with a CAF combined with a platelet-rich fibrin membrane (PRF group) or with EMD (EMD group) placed under a CAF. The following parameters were measured at baseline and at 12 months post treatment: gingival recession (GR), apicocoronal width of the keratinized tissue (WKT), and probing depth (PD). Complete rot coverage in the PRF group was 65% (13 out of 20 recessions) and 60% in the EMD group (12 out of 20 recessions). GR was 4.10 Ā± 1.05 mm in the PRF group and 3.90 Ā± 1.00 mm in the EMD group at baseline, and 1.05 Ā± 0.45 mm in the PRF group and 1.15 Ā± 0.65 mm in the EMD group at 12 months. The difference observed between the tow groups at 12 months was statistically significant. Average root coverage was 70.5% in the EMD group and 72.1% in the PRF group. WKT was 1.30 Ā± 0.56 mm in the EMD group and 1.45 Ā± 0.86 mm in the PRF group at baseline, and 1.90 Ā± 0.81 mm in the EMD group and 1.62 Ā± 0.28 mm in the PRF group at 12 months. The difference observed between the two groups at 12 months was not statistically significant. Twelve-month changes in PD were not significantly different between the two groups. The pain intensity was statistically different between the two groups. The pain intensity was statistically different between groups for the first 5 days, favoring the PRF group. The present study did not succeed in demonstrating any clinical advantage of the use of PRF compared to EMD in the coverage of gingival recession with the CAF procedure. The EMD group showed a higher success rate in increasing WKT than did the PRF group