17 research outputs found

    Physical geographic factors of the water balance and the possibilities for a sustainable use of water resources in the Timok River basin

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    Основни циљ истраживања у оквиру ове дисертације је постављање научно релевантних, теоријско исправних и апликативно прихватљивих основа вредновања физичкогеографских фактора водног биланса у функцији одрживог коришћења водних ресурса у сливу Тимока. Задаци истраживања се, пре свега, односе на изналажење најрелевантнијих узрочно-последичних веза и односа фактора природне средине и водних ресурса, као и водних ресурса и њиховог одрживог коришћења. Познавање елемената речних режима и биланса представља неопходан предуслов оптималног коришћења површинских вода. С обзиром на сложеност и обим предмета истраживања, у раду је постојала потреба за применом одговарајућих метода погодних за постављање полазних хипотеза, доказивање ставова, проверавање и обликовање научних закључака до којих се у раду желело доћи. У раду се тежило својеврсном доприносу методологији и унапређењу логичко-сазнајног поступка при чему су објективност, прецизност и практична примењивост добијених резултата били у фокусу. Допринос је дат описивањем, систематизацијом, објашњењима и новим подацима, као и чињеницом да се водни биланс и одрживо коришћење водних ресурса посматрају у просторном контексту и у узрочно-последичном односу међузависности. Водни режим је анализиран на основу података измерених на 10 хидролошких станица у сливу. Анализа средњемесечних и годишњих водостаја река у сливу је показала да је континуалност кретања водостаја током године условљена заједничким дејством плувијалног и нивалног чиниоца. Тимок припада рекама са плувио-нивалним режимом умерено- континенталне варијанте. Режим протицаја Тимока је у директној зависности од режима протицаја његових саставница, Белог и Црног Тимока. Амплитуда протицаја показује да је максимални средњемесечни протицај 12,1 пута већи од минималног средњемесечног протицаја, што указује на неуједначен режим протицаја...The main purpose of the body of research presented in this thesis is to establish scientifically relevant, theoretically correct and applicatively acceptable bases for the evaluation of physical geographic factors of the water balance with the aim of achieving a sustainable use of water resources in the Timok River Basin. The tasks of the study are primarily related to identifying the most relevant causal connections and relations between environmental factors and water resources, as well as those between water resources and their sustainable use. The knowledge of the elements of river regimes and balances is a necessary precondition for an optimal use of surface waters. Having in mind the complexity and the scope of the subject of research, it was necessary to apply appropriate methods in order to define the initial hypotheses, prove the postulates, test and shape scientific conclusions towards which this study has led us. This thesis seeks to contribute to the methodology and improve the logical cognitive procedure, while laying focus on objectivity, accuracy and practical applicability of the results. The contribution consists in descriptions, systematization, explanations and new data, as well as the fact that the water balance and sustainable use of water resources are analyzed in a spatial context, taking into account the causal relationship between interdependent variables. The water regime is analyzed on the basis of data measured at ten hydrological stations in the basin. The analysis of average monthly and annual water levels in the river basin has shown that continuous water level fluctuations during the year are a result of a joint effect of pluvial and nival factors. The Timok belongs to rivers with a moderately continental pluvio-nival regime. Its flow regime directly depends on the flow regimes of its constituent tributaries, the Beli Timok and the Crni Timok. The amplitude of the flow shows that the maximum average monthly flow is 12.1 times higher than the minimum average monthly flow, indicating an uneven flow regim..

    The association of demographic and socioeconomic determinants with inequalities in women's health in Vojvodina

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    Socijalno-ekonomske nejednakosti u zdravlju jesu važan i stalan javnozdravstveni problem u svim evropskim zemljama. Nejednakost u zdravlju u većini društava podrazumeva da žene imaju manji pristup i kontrolu nad resursima za zaštitu svog zdravlja, kao i manje mogućnosti da budu uključene u odlučivanje o sopstvenom zdravlju. Svi navedeni aspekti u značajnoj meri utiču na zdravlje žena. Cilj ovog rada bio je da se proceni vulnerabilnost u zdravlju žena, korišćenje i razlike u korišćenju zdravstvene zaštite žena, kao i da se identifikuju najznačajnije determinante povezane sa nejednakostima u zdravlju žena. Doktorska disertacija predstavlja deo Istraživanja zdravlja stanovništva Srbije iz 2013. godine koje je sprovedeno od strane Ministarstva zdravlja Republike Srbije. Istraživanjem je obuhvaćeno 1.840 žena uzrasta 20 i više godina sa područja Vojvodine. Instrument istraživanja su bili upitnici konstruisani u skladu sa upitnikom Evropskog istraživanja zdravlja, a podaci o telesnoj masi, telesnoj visini i krvnom pritisku su dobijeni merenjem. Rezultati istraživanja su pokazali da je su najstarije žene u strukturi uzorka, (OR=9,64; 95%CI = [5,79-16,04]; p<0,001), žene nižeg nivoa obrazovanja (OR=2,96; 95%CI = [1,66-5,27]; p<0,001) i materijalnog stanja (OR=2,11; 95%CI = [1,40-3,17]; p<0,001) češće procenile svoje zdravlje kao loše. Kao prediktori lošeg zdravlja izdvojili su se i prisustvo depresije, hroničnih bolesti, izloženost stresu, pušenje, arterijska hipertenzija i slaba socijalna podrška. Istraživanje je potvrdilo postojanje značajnih nejednakosti u zdravlju žena u Vojvodini i identifikovalo najugroženiju kategoriju žena čime daje osnov za unapređenje postojećih i kreiranje novih javnozdravstvenih programa namenjenih ovoj vulnerabilnoj kategoriji.Socio-economic inequalities in health are an important and constant public health problem in all European countries. Inequality in health in most societies means that women have less access to and control over resources to protect their health, as well as fewer opportunities to be involved in deciding on their health. All of these aspects significantly affect women's health. This study aimed to assess the vulnerability in women's health, the use and differences in the use of women's health care, as well as to identify the most important determinants associated with inequalities in women's health. The doctoral dissertation is a part of the Health Survey of the Population of Serbia from 2013, which was conducted by the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Serbia. The research included 1,840 women aged 20 and over from the area of Vojvodina. The research instrument was questionnaires constructed following the European Health Research Questionnaire, and data on body weight, body height and blood pressure were obtained by measurement. The results of the research showed that the oldest women in the sample structure, (OR = 9.64; 95% CI = [5.79-16.04]; p <0.001) had a lower level of education (OR = 2.96; 95%). CI = [1.66-5.27]; p <0.001) and material condition (OR = 2.11; 95% CI = [1.40-3.17]; p <0.001) had greater odds to perceived their health as poor. The presence of depression, chronic diseases, exposure to stress, smoking, arterial hypertension and weak social support also stood out as predictors of poor self-assessment of health. The research confirmed the existence of significant inequalities in women's health in Vojvodina and identified the most vulnerable category of women, thus providing a basis for improving existing and creating new public health programs for this vulnerable category

    Water quality assessment of the Borska Reka river using the WPI (Water Pollution Index) method

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    The Borska Reka river (47 km long, 373 km2 of basin area) is located in eastern Serbia and it is the biggest tributary of the river Veliki Timok. It is also one of the most polluted watercourses in Serbia. Using the data of the Republic Hydrometeorological Service of Serbia, the paper analyzes water pollution using the combined physical-chemical WPI index (water pollution index) over two periods: 1993-1996 and 2006-2009. The analysis of parameters showed significantly increased values of heavy metals (especially iron and manganese) which are indicators of inorganic pollution (primarily because of mining), but also increased values of organic pollution indicators (Biological Oxygen Demand-BOD5, ammonium, coliform germs), as the result of uncontrolled domestic wastewater discharge


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    The paper presents an analysis of water pollution carried out on the basis of the combined physico-chemical Serbian Water Quality Index (WQI) in the Timok River basin. The analysis covers various parameters (oxygen saturation, Five-Day Biochemical Oxygen Demand or BOD5, ammonium ion concentration, pH value, Water Total Nitrogen or WTN, Total Suspended Solids or TSS, orthophosphate concentration, electrical conductivity, temperature and the fecal coliform bacteria parameter) the values of which were calculated for four hydrological stations within the basin. The data obtained at each measurement station were averaged using the annual arithmetic average mean. The annual WQI values were calculated for a twenty-five year period (1990–2014) and they were in the range between 12 and 92, which means that the quality of water varied, ranging from “very bad” to “excellent”. The obtained results were interpreted and the watercourse quality was assessed using the comparison of water quality indicators according to the Serbian Classification of Surface Waters and the WQI method. The worst water quality was recorded in the Borska Reka River. Certain SWQI values are the result of water quality changes caused by wastewater from human settlements, industrial facilities, agricultural sources and illegal waste disposal sites in the basin

    Danube River discharge at Bezdan gauging station (Serbia) and its correlation with atmospheric circulation patterns

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    For understanding hydroclimatological process chain it is crucial to identify relations between large-scale climatic circulations and river discharge. The Danube is one of the most important European waterways, flowing 2.857 kilometers across the Europe and with 817.000 km2 basin. Danube River average and maximum discharges are correlated with eight atmospheric circulation patterns indices: AOi, EAi, EA/WRi, ENSOi, MOi, NAOi, SCANDi and WeMOi in 65 years period at the Bezdan gauging station in Serbia. Obtained results showed that precipitation, MOi and WeMOi have constant and dominant influences on Danube River average discharge at Bezdan gauging station, while maximum discharge is mainly influenced by precipitation and MOi. All registered correlations are positive

    Drugs with the highest drug expenditure in the Republic of Serbia

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    Introduction: The policy concerning drugs represents a concentrated effort to achieve better health outcomes for all, with a particular focus on people's access to and rational use of medications. On the basis of pharmacoeconomic analyses, it is possible to modify established prescribing habits, it is possible to influence the creation of guidelines, development strategy and long-term health care planning. Aim: The aim of the work was to determine drugs with the highest expenditure in the Republic of Serbia, and to compare the results obtained in three consecutive years 2016, 2017 and 2018. Also, to analyze which are the most expensive medications listed in the National Register of Medications and what is the trend of changing them. Material and methods: The drug expenditure was monitored using the ATC/DDD methodology. It implies the classification of medications according to the internationally accepted ATC classification of drugs, while DDD, i.e. defined daily dose, is used as a statistical unit for consumption monitoring. The number of DDD/1,000 inhabitants per day provides an insight into how many inhabitants (out of 1,000 of them) used the observed medication and were exposed to its effects during one day. Results: The trend of expenditure of these medications was growing exponentially from 2016 to 2018. The most expensive medications per box are from group J - anti-infective drugs for systemic use and L - antineoplastics and immunomodulators, but their expenditure in the Republic of Serbia is very low. The drugs with the highest price per 1 DDD are: enzymes imiglucerase, laronidase and the biological medication basiliximab in all three years, but considering the indications and rare prescribing, the total cost for these drugs is not high. The largest funds in the Republic of Serbia for the mentioned period were spent on drugs such as: acetylsalicylic acid, paracetamol in combinations, trastuzumab, pantoprazole, amlodipine and rosuvastatin. Comparing the spending on L group of drugs in 2017 compared to 2016, there was a significant increase. Conclusion: The medications with the highest expenditure in the Republic of Serbia are used very little compared to countries with good pharmacotherapy practice. The most expensive drugs are those that are used for special and rare indications, and large amounts of money are not allocated for them as for some cheaper, but more frequently prescribed drugs

    Physical geographic factors of the water balance and the possibilities for a sustainable use of water resources in the Timok River basin

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    Основни циљ истраживања у оквиру ове дисертације је постављање научно релевантних, теоријско исправних и апликативно прихватљивих основа вредновања физичкогеографских фактора водног биланса у функцији одрживог коришћења водних ресурса у сливу Тимока. Задаци истраживања се, пре свега, односе на изналажење најрелевантнијих узрочно-последичних веза и односа фактора природне средине и водних ресурса, као и водних ресурса и њиховог одрживог коришћења. Познавање елемената речних режима и биланса представља неопходан предуслов оптималног коришћења површинских вода. С обзиром на сложеност и обим предмета истраживања, у раду је постојала потреба за применом одговарајућих метода погодних за постављање полазних хипотеза, доказивање ставова, проверавање и обликовање научних закључака до којих се у раду желело доћи. У раду се тежило својеврсном доприносу методологији и унапређењу логичко-сазнајног поступка при чему су објективност, прецизност и практична примењивост добијених резултата били у фокусу. Допринос је дат описивањем, систематизацијом, објашњењима и новим подацима, као и чињеницом да се водни биланс и одрживо коришћење водних ресурса посматрају у просторном контексту и у узрочно-последичном односу међузависности. Водни режим је анализиран на основу података измерених на 10 хидролошких станица у сливу. Анализа средњемесечних и годишњих водостаја река у сливу је показала да је континуалност кретања водостаја током године условљена заједничким дејством плувијалног и нивалног чиниоца. Тимок припада рекама са плувио-нивалним режимом умерено- континенталне варијанте. Режим протицаја Тимока је у директној зависности од режима протицаја његових саставница, Белог и Црног Тимока. Амплитуда протицаја показује да је максимални средњемесечни протицај 12,1 пута већи од минималног средњемесечног протицаја, што указује на неуједначен режим протицаја...The main purpose of the body of research presented in this thesis is to establish scientifically relevant, theoretically correct and applicatively acceptable bases for the evaluation of physical geographic factors of the water balance with the aim of achieving a sustainable use of water resources in the Timok River Basin. The tasks of the study are primarily related to identifying the most relevant causal connections and relations between environmental factors and water resources, as well as those between water resources and their sustainable use. The knowledge of the elements of river regimes and balances is a necessary precondition for an optimal use of surface waters. Having in mind the complexity and the scope of the subject of research, it was necessary to apply appropriate methods in order to define the initial hypotheses, prove the postulates, test and shape scientific conclusions towards which this study has led us. This thesis seeks to contribute to the methodology and improve the logical cognitive procedure, while laying focus on objectivity, accuracy and practical applicability of the results. The contribution consists in descriptions, systematization, explanations and new data, as well as the fact that the water balance and sustainable use of water resources are analyzed in a spatial context, taking into account the causal relationship between interdependent variables. The water regime is analyzed on the basis of data measured at ten hydrological stations in the basin. The analysis of average monthly and annual water levels in the river basin has shown that continuous water level fluctuations during the year are a result of a joint effect of pluvial and nival factors. The Timok belongs to rivers with a moderately continental pluvio-nival regime. Its flow regime directly depends on the flow regimes of its constituent tributaries, the Beli Timok and the Crni Timok. The amplitude of the flow shows that the maximum average monthly flow is 12.1 times higher than the minimum average monthly flow, indicating an uneven flow regim..

    Use of the RHS method in Golijska Moravica river basin

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    River Habitat Survey (RHS) is terrain method developed in UK in 1994. for determination of physical character of rivers and river basin. This method is applied for the first time in Golijska Moravica river basin. Two indices which broadly describe the diversity of river habitat and landscape features (Habitat Quality Assessment (HQA)) and extent and severity of artificial modification to the channel (Habitat Modification Class (HMC)) has been developed for reporting purposes. These are based on simple scoring systems which have been agreed by technical experts

    Sustainable tourism in National Park "Đerdap", Serbia - attitudes of local population

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    In the context of the broader controversy about sustainable development, tourism literature highlights the importance of the support of the local population to tourism development. The active support of the community is essential for the local government, the future development policies and all entities that participate in the creation of sustainable tourism development. The specific dimension of this influence exists in protected areas, given the pronounced strong environmental component and a bond that is created among tourism - protected area - locals. The paper analyzes the attitudes and opinions of the local population residing in the National Park “Đerdap” or its protection zone about the effects and control of tourism development, as well as the availability of information on sustainable tourism and the impact this activity has on the community. The method applied is survey research on a sample of 227 respondents. During the preparation of the survey, the methodological procedure for the analysis of sustainable tourism indicators ware used proposed by the World Tourism Organization. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. 47007 III

    Sustainable tourism in National Park "Djerdap", Serbia - attitudes of local population

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    In the context of the broader controversy about sustainable development, tourism literature highlights the importance of the support of the local population to tourism development. The active support of the community is essential for the local government, the future development policies and all entities that participate in the creation of sustainable tourism development. The specific dimension of this influence exists in protected areas, given the pronounced strong environmental component and a bond that is created among tourism - protected area - locals. The paper analyzes the attitudes and opinions of the local population residing in the National Park “Đerdap” or its protection zone about the effects and control of tourism development, as well as the availability of information on sustainable tourism and the impact this activity has on the community. The method applied is survey research on a sample of 227 respondents. During the preparation of the survey, the methodological procedure for the analysis of sustainable tourism indicators ware used proposed by the World Tourism Organization