83 research outputs found

    Geomorphology of the Durmitor Mountains and surrounding plateau Jezerska PovrÅ” (Montenegro)

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    The geomorphological map of the northeastern Durmitor Mountains and the plateau Jezerska Povrs. (1: 10,000, 47 km(2), Montenegro, Dinaric Alps) was prepared from an intensive fieldwork campaign and remote sensing analysis, and was compiled within a GIS. The basic components of the legend are (i) processes/genesis, (ii) materials, (iii) morphometry/morphography, (iv) hydrography, (v) vegetation and (vi) anthropogenic features. The geomorphological setting of the area consists of Mesozoic limestones which are physically deformed by Quaternary glacial and periglacial activity and chemically affected during interglacials. Glacial deposits on the plateau of three middle-to-late Pleistocene glacial phases are intersected by a well-developed network of palaeo meltwater channels. In the mountains, Holocene glacier retreat left behind a series of well-preserved recessional moraines. The map serves as a valuable tool for Quaternary research in the Durmitor Mountains, and also in other mountains of the Western Balkans

    Uticaj setvene norme na prinos i kvalitet sena lucerke

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    The objective of this research was to determine dry matter yield (t ha-1) and leaf portion (g kg-1) as affected by different seeding rates. Four alfalfa varieties, two cutting regimes (I ā€“ early, cuts at the 10% bloom stage; II ā€“ medium, cuts at the 50% bloom stage), and two seeding rates were compared. Higher seeding rate did not produce higher dry matter yield. Cutting in different phenological stages of alfalfa plants had no significant effect on the yield. Leaf portion significantly correlated with the cutting regime, while seeding rate did not show statistical correlation.Tokom 2010-2011. godine ispitivan je uticaj različitih količina semena za setvu na prinos sena (t ha-1) i udeo lista (g kg-1) u prinosu lucerke. U ogled su uključeni sledeći faktori: dve setvene norme (8 i 16 kg ha-1); dva sistema kosidbe (I-rani, koÅ”enje u fazi 10% cvetalih biljaka; i II-srednje rani, koÅ”enje u fazi 50% cvetanja); 4 sorte lucerke (Banat VS, Nijagara, NS Alfa i NS Mediana ZMS V). Prinos suve materije se nije značajno povećao povećanjem setvene norme. Setvom 16 kg ha-1 dobijen je isti prinos kao i setvom 8 kg ha-1. Kosidba u različitim fazama razvića biljaka lucerke nije značajno uticala na formiranje prinosa. Udeo lista u prinosu značajno je zavisio od sistema kosidbe, dok veća količina semena za setvu nije uticala na povećanje kvaliteta sena lucerke

    Study of the Electrochemical Oxidation of Reactive Textile Dyes Using Platinum Electrode

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    Textile industries are widespread in developing countries. Among the various processes in the textile industry, the dyeing process uses large volumes of water for dyeing, fixing and washing. Textile industry wastewater is characterized by intensive color and high chemical oxygen demand (COD) concentrations that discarding of these toxic wastewaters to the environment will cause a major problem. In this study electrochemical oxidation of reactive textile dyes: Reactive Blue 52, Reactive Black 5, Reactive Green 15, and Reactive Yellow 125, using platinum anode was examined. Electrolysis is carried out in electrochemical cell containing membrane which is standard membrane in industry. Membrane separated anodic and cathodic area. Supporting electrolyte was 0.1M sodium sulfate which is also present in real textile effluents. Applied voltage of 6, 12 and 24V, and influence of membrane on electrolysis were examined on model dye (Reactive Blue 52). Highest degradation degree for model dye was achieved at 12V, so electrolysis of other dyes was done on this voltage. COD value of all dyes dropped after 60 minutes of electrolysis below a measurable level ( LT 30mg/L O-2), except Reactive Black 5 whose COD reduction was 57.95% with membrane and 35.28% without membrane applied. Complete decolorization was achieved after 10 to 60 minutes for all dyes. Degradation products of model dye Reactive Blue 52 were monitored with HPLC, and influence of pH on decolorization was also examined on model dye

    Immune Response in Severe Infection: Could Life-Saving Drugs Be Potentially Harmful?

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    Critically ill patients suffer a high rate of nosocomial infection with secondary sepsis being a common cause of death. Usage of antibiotics and catecholamines is often necessary, but it can compromise complex immune response to infection. This review explores influence of these life-saving drugs on host immune response to severe infection

    Study of the Electrochemical Oxidation of Reactive Textile Dyes Using Platinum Electrode

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    Textile industries are widespread in developing countries. Among the various processes in the textile industry, the dyeing process uses large volumes of water for dyeing, fixing and washing. Textile industry wastewater is characterized by intensive color and high chemical oxygen demand (COD) concentrations that discarding of these toxic wastewaters to the environment will cause a major problem. In this study electrochemical oxidation of reactive textile dyes: Reactive Blue 52, Reactive Black 5, Reactive Green 15, and Reactive Yellow 125, using platinum anode was examined. Electrolysis is carried out in electrochemical cell containing membrane which is standard membrane in industry. Membrane separated anodic and cathodic area. Supporting electrolyte was 0.1M sodium sulfate which is also present in real textile effluents. Applied voltage of 6, 12 and 24V, and influence of membrane on electrolysis were examined on model dye (Reactive Blue 52). Highest degradation degree for model dye was achieved at 12V, so electrolysis of other dyes was done on this voltage. COD value of all dyes dropped after 60 minutes of electrolysis below a measurable level ( LT 30mg/L O-2), except Reactive Black 5 whose COD reduction was 57.95% with membrane and 35.28% without membrane applied. Complete decolorization was achieved after 10 to 60 minutes for all dyes. Degradation products of model dye Reactive Blue 52 were monitored with HPLC, and influence of pH on decolorization was also examined on model dye

    Značaj leguminoza za organsku poljoprivredu

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    Legume crops are primarily grown for their quality and value-added traits. Apart from their role in human and animal nutrition, they are being increasingly used as medicinal plants in pharmaceutical production. Legumes are of great interest in cultural practices under all farming systems, particularly organic agriculture. They are essential in crop rotations, and are among the most desirable preceding crops that create favourable biophysical conditions within the soil, with high levels of nitrogen naturally accumulating. There are many legumes suitable for companion and cover crops, and in the absence of quality farmyard manure they are sown for green manuring. In organic farming, legumes are environmental corridor components involved in biodiversity protection and restoration, as evidenced through increasing numbers of beneficial species in these isolation belts.Leguminoze su grupa biljaka koje se prvenstveno gaje zbog njihovog kvaliteta i velike upotrebne vrednosti. Osim za ishranu ljudi i domaćih životinja, sve viÅ”e se koriste i kao lekovite biljke za proizvodnju različitih farmaceutskih preparata. Leguminoze imaju izuzetan agrotehnički značaj u svim sistemima poljoprivredne proizvodnje, a posebno u organskoj poljoprivredi. U plodoredu su nezamenjive kao jedan od najpoželjnijih preduseva, koji zemljiÅ”te ostavlja u povoljnom biofizičkom stanju, sa visokim sadržajem na prirodan način akumuliranog azota. Veliki broj leguminoza je dobar za gajenje u združenim i pokrovnim usevima, a u nedostatku kvalitetnog stajskog đubriva, seju se kao siderati. U organskoj poljoprivredi mahunarke su sastavni deo eko-koridora koji imaju ulogu da zaÅ”tite i obnavljaju biodiverzitet, Å”to se manifestije povećanjem broja korisnih vrsta u ovim izolacionim pojasevima

    Sorta facelije NS priora za proizvodnju biomase u cilju dobijanja voluminozne stočne hrane

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    California bluebell (Phacelia tanacetifolia Benth) is a hardy plant forage. It is grown for seed production, for obtaining green forage, silage, hay, as well as crop protection, crop of green fertilizers and as bee pasture. The experiment the new variety California bluebell, NS Priora, was carried out in four replications on plots of the Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops in Backi Petrovac (Ļ†N 45 Ā° 20 ', Ī»E 19 Ā° 40', m.s.l. 89), in 2016. Cellulose content in the grain of variety NS Priora was 4.91%, while the average yield of raw biomass was 25,000 kg ha-1. NS Priora has achieved high yields of raw biomass and good grain quality and proved to be a good feedstock for the production of seeds and roughage.Facelija (Phacelia tanacetifolia Benth) je jednogodiÅ”nja krmna biljka. Koristi se za proizvodnju semena, za dobijanje zelene krme, silaže, sena, kao zaÅ”titni usev, usev za zeleniÅ”no đubrenje i kao pčelinja paÅ”a. Ogled sa novom sortom facelije, NS Priora, izveden je u četiri ponavljanja na parcelama Instituta za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo u Bačkom Petrovcu (Ļ†N 45Ā°20', Ī»E 19Ā°40', m.s.l. 89), u 2016. godini. Sadržaj celuloze u zrnu sorte NS Priora iznosio je 4,91% dok je prosečan prinos sirove biomase iznosio 25.000 kg ha-1. NS Priora je ostvarila visoke prinose sirove biomase i dobar kvalitet zrna i pokazala se kao dobra sirovina za proizvodnju semena i voluminozne stočne hrane
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