80 research outputs found

    Functional traits and species distribution modelling of hoverflies (Diptera:Syrphidae) in Southeast Europe in assessment of extinction risk

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    U radu je izvrÅ”ena podela 572 registrovane vrste osolikih muva sa područja jugoistočne Evrope na funkcionalne grupe, na osnovu registrovanih funkcionalnih karaktera. Za odabrane 44 endemske i nativne ne-endemske vrste koje su svojim klimatskim niÅ”ama ograničene na istraživani prostor, kreirane su mape sadaÅ”nje i buduće potencijalne distribucije (za dva perioda, 2041 -2060 i 2061-2080) upotrebom MAXENT algoritma. Na osnovu dobijenih mapa, izračunata je potenijalna promena areala za odabrane vrste, čime je procenjen efekat klimatskih promena na distribuciju vrsta sirfida. Detektovane su vrste koje će najviÅ”e biti pogođene klimatskim promenama, kao i prostori sa najvećim potencijalnim bogatstvom vrsta u budućnosti i područja predviđena da će izgubiti deo diverziteta sirfida. Pokazano je da vrste sa ograničenim arealom neće u budućnosti iskusiti veće smanjenje areala u odnosu na Å”iroko rasprostranjene vrste. Takođe, na osnovu mapa potenicijalne sadaÅ”nje distribucije i procenjene retkosti vrsta, izvrÅ”ena je prioretizacija područja značajnih za opstanak osolikih muva u jugoistočnoj Evropi. Primenom linearnih regresionih i linearnih modela sa meÅ”ovitim efektom ispitana je međuzavisnostĀ  funkcionalnih karaktera vrsta i procenjene promene veličine areala. Definisani suĀ  funkcionalni karakteri koji utiču na promenu veličine areala osolikih muva. Ustanovljeni koncept može biti upotrebljen za detekciju vrsta koje se joÅ” uvek ne smatraju ugroženim, ali zbog svojih bioloÅ”ko-ekoloÅ”kih karakteristika imaju potencijal da to postanu, te stoga zaslužuju pažnju konzervacionista. Dobijeni rezultati mogu u velikoj meri poslužiti za kreiranje sistematskog konzervacionog plana za očuvanje osolikih muva na teritoriji jugoistočne Evrope.In this paper, the division of 572 species of hoverflies registered in Southeast Europe into functional groups was conducted, based on their functional traits. For 44 selectedĀ  endemic and native non-endemic species that have their climatic niches limited in the study area, maps of current and future potential distributions were created (for the periods, 2041-2060 and 2061-2080) using MAXENT algorithm. Based on the obtained Ā  maps, changes in potential area of occupancy were calculated, in order to estimate the Ā  effect of climate change on the distribution of hoverfly species. Species that will be most affected by climate change were detected, as well as the areas with the greatest potential species richness in the future and areas predicted to lose part of the diversity of hoverflies. It is shown that species with limited distribution in the future will not experience a greater reduction of its area in relation to the widespread species. Also, based on the current maps of potential distribution and assessed rarity of species,priority areas important for the survival of hoverflies in Southeast Europe were established. By using linear regression and linear mixed effect models, the interdependence between functional traits and the estimated changes in the range size was tested. Traits affecting the changes in range size of hoverflies were determined. The established concept can be used for the detection of species that are not yet considered endangered, but because of their biological and ecological traits have the potential to become threatened, and therefore deserve the attention of conservationists.Ā  This results can largely be used to create a systematic conservation plan for the preservation of hoverflies in Southeast Europe

    Potential Value and Disadvantages of Fine Needle Aspiration Cytology in Diagnosis of Ameloblastoma

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    Ameloblastoma is a benign, slow growing but locally aggressive tumor that is clinically manifested as swelling in a jaws1. Prone to relapse (30%)2 even 30 years after inadequate primary operation3. The most important cytological features of this tumor are small bazaloid cells in clusters, and single spindle and stellate shaped cells. We report on a case of 79-year-old patient, who was hospitalized due to tumor formation in the buccal region. FNA was performed and liquid material that contained only fagocites was collected. The conclusion was ā€“ cyst, while biopsy finding ā€“ adenoma baseocellulare, pointed to the salivary gland tumor. Patient refused the proposed surgical treatment. Four years later, the patient was urgently hospitalized due heavy bleeding from the tumor in the same region. It affected the crest portion of the upper jaw and a section of hard palate, and was bleeding on palpation.In second FNA we found phagocytes and a few small clusters of basaloid cells with palisade arrangement at the edges. Because of uniform and benign cytomorphological features it was concluded that it was a cystic tumor. On biopsy pattern the diagnose of ameloblastoma was determinated. The patient underwent surgery, however due to postoperative complications he died. Preoperative diagnosis is usually set on the basis of clinical and often nonspecific radiological findings. As it is very important to get the correct diagnose before planning an adequate surgical procedure, we would like to point out the potential value and disadvantages of FNA cytology in the diagnosis of ameloblastoma

    Pap Test ā€“ With or Without Vaginal Smear?

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate medical and economic justification of vaginal smears as a part of primary screening for cervical carcinoma and its precursors. Study included 245.048 participants whose VCE (vaginal, cervical, endocervical) smears were examined at Department of clinical cytology of University Hospital Center Osijek from 2003 till 2008. There were 12.639 (5.2%) abnormal findings, and they were divided into three groups: abnormal cells found only in vaginal smear (V), abnormal cells found in vaginal and in at least one other smear (V+) and abnormal cells not found in vaginal smear (C/E). These three groups were analysed in respect to cytological differential diagnosis and age of participants. It was estimated how many women could be additionally included in the screening, if vaginal smear would be included in the Pap test only after 50 years of age. In 6.9% of cytologically diagnosed lesions abnormal cells were found exclusively in vaginal smears (0.35% of all findings). As for squamous cell lesions, 91.2% were mild lesions (ASC and LSIL). Invasive squamous cell carcinoma was not diagnosed exclusively by vaginal smear in either woman under 50 years of age, while in women over 50 years of age it was diagnosed in 2.3% of cases. Exclusively by vaginal smear was diagnosed 3.9% of all AGC and 6.3% of adenocarcinoma, while in 85.0% of glandular epithelium lesions abnormal cells were not found in vaginal smears. Two thirds of adenocarcinoma diagnosed exclusively by vaginal smears were endometrial adenocarcinoma, but that is only 10.3% of all endometrial carcinoma diagnosed by Pap test. Obtained results show that taking of vaginal smears along with cervical and endocervical smears as a part of primary screening for cervical carcinoma and its precursors in women under 50 years of age is not justifiable, since vaginal smear only has a role in detection of endometrial carcinoma that are extremely rare in younger age groups. If vaginal smear would be taken only in women over 50 years of age, additional 37.7% of women under 50, or 25.1% women over 50 years of age could be included in the screening

    Is the HSIL Subclassification Cytologically Real and Clinically Justified?

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    The aim of the study was to evaluate the justification of Croatian modification of Bethesda classification after thirteen years of its application, answering the question if the subclassification of high-grade squamous intraepithelial lesion (HSIL) into cervical intraepithelial lesion (CIN) grade 2 (CIN2) and grade 3 (CIN3) is cytologically real and clinically justified. The retrospective study included 3110 women to whom cervical intraepithelial lesion of different grade was diagnosed by cytological examination of vaginal-cervical-endocervical (VCE) smear at Department of Clinical Cytology, Clinical hospital Osijek in period from 1993 to 2005. 57.1% of women were monitored cytologically and colposcopically, while 42.9% of them had also pathohistological examination. The spontaneous regression of cytological finding was noted in 66.3% of the cases. Moderate dysplasia regressed more often (50.98%) than severe dysplasia (31.3%) and more rarely than mild dysplasia (70.1%), which was statistically significant (p0.05) in their biological behaviour and histological finding. In fact, 50.9% of moderate dysplasia spontaneously regressed, 14.4% persisted during follow-up, and 59.7% had a histological finding milder than CIN3. Therefore, in almost 65% of moderate dysplasia lesions it is not justified to apply the same diagnostic therapeutic procedures as for severe lesions, which means that cytological subclassification of HSIL into moderate dysplasia and severe dysplasia lesions is clinically justified. Positive predictive value of differential cytological diagnoses mild, moderate and severe dysplasia calculated in relation to histological CIN3+ statistically significantly increases for every single diagnosis, which also confirms that moderate dysplasia can be individual diagnostic category, thus the subclassification of HSIL is cytologically possible

    Assessment of HPV DNA Test Value in Management Women with Cytological Findings of ASC-US, CIN1 and CIN2

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    The aim of this retrospective study was to answer the following questions: 1) is HPV DNA test for high-risk types able to predict lesion behaviour in women with cytological abnormalities lower than CIN3 (ASC-US, CIN1 and CIN2); 2) how to predict the histological diagnosis CIN3, and 3) is its use in diagnostic management in these patients justified or not? The study included 345 women (11 ASC-US, 312 CIN1 and 22 CIN2) that underwent conventional diagnostic management (repeat cytology and colposcopy with or without histology) and HPV testing for high-risk HPV types by PCR method. The value of HPV DNA test in predicting lesion regression/persistence was assessed in 275 subjects without histology. In 70 subjects, diagnostic accuracy (sensitivity, specificity, and positive and negative predictive value) of repeat cytology and HPV DNA test in predicting severe intraepithelial lesion (CIN3) was determined on the basis of colposcopy guided biopsy. The prevalence of persistent lesions was significantly higher in the group of HPV positive than in the group of HPV negative subjects (37.7% vs. 16.4%; p<0.001). Positive HPV test was associated with a 3.1-fold risk of lesion persistence [OR (95% CI) =3.095 (1.65ā€“5.82)]. However, on screening to predict the outcome of cytologically diagnosed cervical lesion with sensitivity of 39.7% and positive predictive value of 37.7% showed that a positive test could not be considered a reliable indicator of lesion persistence. In contrast, the specificity of 82.5% and negative predictive value of 83.6% suggested that a negative test result could be taken as a good indicator of lesion regression. In comparison with repeat cytology, HPV test showed higher sensitivity (69.2% vs. 61.5%) but significantly lower specificity (63.2% vs. 93.0%) and positive predictive value (30.0% vs. 66.7%), and comparable negative predictive value (90.0% vs. 91.4%) in predicting histologically verified CIN3. In one patient with a histological diagnosis of squamous cell carcinoma with minimal invasion, repeat cytology indicated CIN3, whereas HPV test was negative. Due to authors experience in women with cytological abnormalities lower than CIN3, HPV testing is not a method to reliably predict lesion behaviour (regression, persistence) or presence of CIN3. HPV testing is of limited value in daily routine and should not be widely used until it is definitely demonstrated to be superior to conventional methods in improving the sensitivity, specificity and positive predictive value of CIN3 and invasive carcinoma detection

    Current Organisation of Clinical Cytology in Croatia

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    Current cytological service in Croatia is organised in 46 cytological organisational units in 23 towns with total of 350 employees: 101 specialists of clinical cytology, 20 residents in clinical cytology, 141 cytotechnologists (cytoscreeners), 45 health technicians, and 25 administrators and 18 auxiliary personnel. In spite of employment of significant number of cytotechnologists in the last ten years, there is still an unacceptable ratio of number of cytologists and cytotechnologists (1:1.4) which is the result of unresolved education of cytotechnologists which should be permanent, complete and acknowledged. Education and scientific promotion of cytologists is continuous and today our profession has 31 masters of science and 9 doctors of science, one of which is the assistant professor, and four of them are associate or full professors at medical schools in Zagreb and Osijek. Croatian cytology, in average, is in its Ā»best yearsĀ«, i.e. an average cytologist is 46 years old and cytotechnologist is averagely 43 years old, but Ā»suffersĀ« from personnel deficit. With regard to the type of activity, the most numerous are units dealing the entire diagnostic cytology (72%), 13% general cytology without gynaecological cytology, while 15% are engaged in one diagnostic field (gynaecological, pulmological or thyroid cytology). According to accessible data, total of 770996 cytological examinations were done in Croatia in 2008. The increasing application of additional methods (cytochemical, immunocytochemical, molecular, cytogenetics and computer-assisted image analysis) has become a trend in numerous cytological units. Exclusively morphological analysis of standard stained samples is performed in 37% of units, morphological and cytochemical staining methods are used in 17% of units, and additional immunocytochemical methods in 30% of units. According to the long tradition of cytology in Croatia, that has progressed thanks to the enthusiasm and great effort of our teachers, we believe that the following generations of cytologists will continue working on its improvement and will be able to concord the basic cytomorphology and sophisticated diagnostic procedures with other diagnostics, to stay the field of optimal results in the shortest time with the reasonable price

    An analysis of the incidence of orthodontic anomalies snd caries of milk teeth in children from Zagreb

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    Radi ispitivanja mogućnosti utjecaja stupnja urbanizacije i sastava stanovniÅ”tva na incidenciju ortodontskih anomalija i zubnog karijesa pregledano je 654 djece predÅ”kolske dobi s isključivo mliječnom denticijom. Djeca su stanovala i polazila pripadne dječje vrtiće u tri različite zagrebačke općine. Ortodontske anomalije nađene su u prosjeku kod 65,3% ispitanika sa statistički značajnim razlikama s obzirom na mjesto ispitivanja. NajviÅ”e anomalija imala su djeca u centru Zagreba (78,9%), a najmanje djeca u prigradskom naselju (53,1%. Među anomalijama najbrojnije su primarne kompresije (56,4%), a zatim slijede unakrsni zagriz (12,6%), otvoreni zagriz (10,1%), pokrovni zagriz (8,9%), anomalije progenijskog kompleksa (6,5%) i dijastema medijana (5,4%). U skupini kompresijskih anomalija brojčano su dominirale kompresije s protrudiranom frontom, koje su ujedno pokazivale i najveće oscilacije s obzirom na spol i mjesto ispitivanja. Signifikantno ih je viÅ”e nađeno u centru gradu u odnosu na prigradsko naselje gdje je opet nađeno signifikantno viÅ”e anomalija nasljedne etiologije. Intaktno mliječno zubalo imalo je 50% ispitanika, sanirano 9,3%, djelomično sanirano 12,7%, a nesanirano 28%. Potreba za ortodontskom intervencijom postojala je kod 18,2% ispitanika, bila je poželjna kod 10,4%, nepotrebna kod 27,5%, dok je 43,9% ispitanika naÅ”lo mjesto u opservacijskoj skupini.A total of 654 preschool children have been examined in order to investigate the possible effects of the degree of urbanization and of the composition of the population on the incidence of orthodontic anomalies and caries of milk teeth. All the children had only milk teeth and attended kindergartens located in three different communities of Zagreb. Orthodontic anomalies have been found in an average of 65.3% of the examinees with statistically significant differences with regard to their place of residence. Children coming from the center of Zagreb had the highest incidence of anomalies (78.9%), and the lowest incidence was found in those living in a suburban settlement (53.1%). The most numerous anomalies were primary compressions (56.4%), cross bite (12.6%), open bite (10.1%), closed bite (8.9%), anomalies of the progenia complex (6.5%) and median diastema (5.4%). Among the compression anomalies the most numerous were compressions with protruding front, which were, at the same time, significantly oscillating with sex and the place of examination. They were significantly more numerous among the children living in the center of the town compared to those in the suburban settlement, in whom the incidence of hereditary anomalies was higher. Intact deciduous dentition was found in 50% of the examinees, cured teeth in 9.3%, partially cured teeth in 12.7% and carious teeth in 28% of the examinees. Orthodontic intervention was necessary in 18.2% of examinees, desirable in 10.4%, unnecessary in 27.5%, while the remaining 43.9% of the examinees were classified into the observation group

    An analysis of the incidence of orthodontic anomalies snd caries of milk teeth in children from Zagreb

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    Radi ispitivanja mogućnosti utjecaja stupnja urbanizacije i sastava stanovniÅ”tva na incidenciju ortodontskih anomalija i zubnog karijesa pregledano je 654 djece predÅ”kolske dobi s isključivo mliječnom denticijom. Djeca su stanovala i polazila pripadne dječje vrtiće u tri različite zagrebačke općine. Ortodontske anomalije nađene su u prosjeku kod 65,3% ispitanika sa statistički značajnim razlikama s obzirom na mjesto ispitivanja. NajviÅ”e anomalija imala su djeca u centru Zagreba (78,9%), a najmanje djeca u prigradskom naselju (53,1%. Među anomalijama najbrojnije su primarne kompresije (56,4%), a zatim slijede unakrsni zagriz (12,6%), otvoreni zagriz (10,1%), pokrovni zagriz (8,9%), anomalije progenijskog kompleksa (6,5%) i dijastema medijana (5,4%). U skupini kompresijskih anomalija brojčano su dominirale kompresije s protrudiranom frontom, koje su ujedno pokazivale i najveće oscilacije s obzirom na spol i mjesto ispitivanja. Signifikantno ih je viÅ”e nađeno u centru gradu u odnosu na prigradsko naselje gdje je opet nađeno signifikantno viÅ”e anomalija nasljedne etiologije. Intaktno mliječno zubalo imalo je 50% ispitanika, sanirano 9,3%, djelomično sanirano 12,7%, a nesanirano 28%. Potreba za ortodontskom intervencijom postojala je kod 18,2% ispitanika, bila je poželjna kod 10,4%, nepotrebna kod 27,5%, dok je 43,9% ispitanika naÅ”lo mjesto u opservacijskoj skupini.A total of 654 preschool children have been examined in order to investigate the possible effects of the degree of urbanization and of the composition of the population on the incidence of orthodontic anomalies and caries of milk teeth. All the children had only milk teeth and attended kindergartens located in three different communities of Zagreb. Orthodontic anomalies have been found in an average of 65.3% of the examinees with statistically significant differences with regard to their place of residence. Children coming from the center of Zagreb had the highest incidence of anomalies (78.9%), and the lowest incidence was found in those living in a suburban settlement (53.1%). The most numerous anomalies were primary compressions (56.4%), cross bite (12.6%), open bite (10.1%), closed bite (8.9%), anomalies of the progenia complex (6.5%) and median diastema (5.4%). Among the compression anomalies the most numerous were compressions with protruding front, which were, at the same time, significantly oscillating with sex and the place of examination. They were significantly more numerous among the children living in the center of the town compared to those in the suburban settlement, in whom the incidence of hereditary anomalies was higher. Intact deciduous dentition was found in 50% of the examinees, cured teeth in 9.3%, partially cured teeth in 12.7% and carious teeth in 28% of the examinees. Orthodontic intervention was necessary in 18.2% of examinees, desirable in 10.4%, unnecessary in 27.5%, while the remaining 43.9% of the examinees were classified into the observation group

    Katepsin D in inhibitorji ter aktivatorji plasminogena tipa 1 v normalnem, benignem in malignem ovarijskem tkivu

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    Background. The aim of the present study was to determine the concentration ofcathepsin D (Cath D) and plasminogen activator inhibitor type 1 (PAI-1) in normal ovarian tissues, benign and malignant ovarian tumor tissues, and to asses relationship between Cath D and PAI-1 content, and some clinical and pathohistological parameters. Materials and methods. Cath D contents and PAI-1concentrations were determined (using immunoradiometric ELSA-Cath D assayand commercial IMUDIND R ELISA immunoassay, respectively) in 35 samples: 10 normal ovarii, 10 benign, 10 primary malignant and 5 metastatic ovarian tumors. Results. The concentrations of Cath D were significantly higher in malignant (32.89+-14.26 pmol/mg protein ) and metastatic (31.42+-10.24 pmol/mgprotein), than in normal (13.68+-4.03 pmol/mg protein) and benign (17.89+-13.13 pmol/mg protein) ovarian tissues. There was no statistical differences in the concentrations of PAI-1 between normal, benign, malignant and metastatic tumor specimens. The concentrations of Cath D as well as PAI-1 did not correlate to the age of patients, menopausal status, parity, GOG risk group, clinical stage or pathohistological grading. Conclusion. Concentrationsof Cath D (but not PAI-1) were significantly increased in malignant and metastatic ovarian tumor tissues when compared to normal and benign ovarian tumor samplesthey were independent from pathohistological andclinical parameters.IzhodiŔča. Študijo smo opravili z namenom, da bi določili koncentracijo katepsina D in aktivatorjev ter inhibitorjev plasminogena tipa 1 (PAI-1) v normalnem ovarijskem tkivu ter v tkivu benignega in malignega tumorja ter ocenili razmerje med vsebnostjo katepsina D in PAI-1 in Ŕe druge klinične ter patohistoloŔke parametre. Material in metode. V 35 vzorcih (10 vzorcev normalnega ovarijskega tkiva, 10 vzrocev benignega, 10 vzrocev malignega tumorskega tkiva in 5 vzorcev metastatskega ovarijskega tkiva) smo izmerili vsebnost katepsina D (izmerjeno z imunoradiometrično metodo ELISA-Cath D) in koncentracijo PAI-1 (izmerjeno s komercialno imunsko metodo IMUDINDR ELISA). Rezultati. Koncentracija katepsinov D so bile bistveno viŔje v malignem (32.89+- 14.26 pmol/mg protein) in metastatskem tkivu (31.42 +- 10.24 pmol/mg protein) kot pa v normalnem ovarijskem tkivu (13.68 +- 14.03 pmol/mg protein) ali tkivu benignega ovarijskega tumorja (17.89 +- 13.13 pmol/mg protein). Med koncentracijami PAI-1 v vzorcih normalnega tkiva in vzorcih benignega in malignega tumorskega tkiva ni bilo ugotovljenih statistično pomembnih razlik. Koncentracije katepsina D in PAI-1 tudi niso bile v korelaciji s starostjo bolnic, menopavzo, gravidnistjo, rizičnim GOG skupinam, kliničnemu stadije in patohistoloŔko stopnjo tumorja. Zaključki. Koncentracije katepsina D so bile pomembno večje v malignem in metastatskem ovarijskem tkivu, medtem ko koncentracije PAI-1 niso bile povečane. Koncentracije katepsinov niso bile odvisne od patohistoloŔkih in kliničnih parametrov

    Taxonomic revision of the highly threatened Eumerus tricolor species group (Diptera : Syrphidae) in Southeast Europe, with insights into the conservation of the genus Eumerus

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    The diversity in the Eumerus tricolor group, the largest group within the genus in Southeast Europe, is investigated. Two new, locally distributed species are described, E. crispus Vujiv & Grkoviv, sp. n. from Serbia and E. nigrorufus Grkoviv & Vujiv, sp. n. from Montenegro. In addition to Southeast European members, one related species E. arctus van Steenis, sp. n. is described from Switzerland. We designate lectotypes for E. ovatus Loew, 1848, E. tarsalis Loew, 1848, E. tricolor (Fabricius, 1798) and E. varius Meigen, 1822. A map of the distribution of members of the E. tricolor group in Southeast Europe is provided. In addition, records from other parts of Europe are listed and an illustrated identification key to the SE European species of the E. tricolor group provided. We also study and discuss the signifi cance of small habitat patches for the preservation of species of Eumerus, because the three species described in this paper are currently known from such patches.Peer reviewe
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