82 research outputs found

    Zacjeljivanje rana u epidermi kakteje Epiphyllum

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    In der Epidermis von Epiphyllum Bridgesii kann man durch Anwendung von Karborundumpulver das Absterben einzelner Zellen hervor- rufen, ohne dass dabei ihre Membranen stƤrker verƤndert werden. Das Absterben einzelner Epidermiszellen bei ein und derselben Pflanze kann aber auch aus anderen GrĆ¼nden, bei den Exemplaren mit Eiweissspindeln auch infolge der Virusinfektion stattfinden. Diese kleinen Wunden kƶnnen so verheilen, dass die SeitenwƤnde zwischen toten und lebenden Zellen entweder mit ihrer ganzen OberflƤche oder nur mit einem ihren Teil wieder zu wachsen beginnen, und in die toten Zellen hineindringen um diese vƶllig auszufĆ¼llen. Die ausgewachsenen Zellen kƶnnen sich hiebei nur thylloid vergrƶssem oder dazu noch teilen. WƤhrend ihres Wachstums dringt ein einzelner Zellschlauch hƤufig in mehrere abgestorbene Zellen hinein. In der Mitteilung sind auch einige Beispiele angefĆ¼hrt, die zeigen, dass man auch fĆ¼r grƶssere Epidermisteile kurze Zeit nach der Verletzung den Ausheilungsverlauf zu rekonstruieren vermag. In ziemlich seltenen FƤllen wurde beobachtet, dass auch die Sube- pidermiszellen abgestorbene EpidermisrƤume vernarben kƶnnen. Als Folge dieser Vernarbungsweise entstehen in der Epidermis anomale Membranleisten. Diese wurden in spindelhaltigen gleichwie in spindelfreiren Exemplaren beobachtet. Das hƤufigere Auftreten von Membranleisten in virusinfizierten (spindelhaltigen) Exemplaren muss offenbar davon abhƤngen, dass in diesen unter dem Viruseinfluss mehrere Nekrosen in der Epidermis auftreten. WƤhrend der AusfĆ¼hrung dieser Versuche, sowie der Verfertigung der beiliegenden Abbildungen war mir Frl. Dipl.-Biol. Ruza Luetic sehr viel behilflich, wofĆ¼r ich ihr auch an dieser Stelle meinen herzlichsten Dank ausspreche.U epidermi kakteje Epiphyllum Bridgesii može se pomoću fino usitnjenog karborunduma izazvati ugibanje pojedinih epidermskih stanica, da se pritom njihove membrane znatnije ne promijene. Ugibanje pojedinih stanica može u istoj epiđermi nastati i iz drugih razloga, a kod primjeraka s proteinskim vretenima i zbog virusne infekcije. Ove malene rane u epidermi mogu zacijeliti tako, da bočna membrana između žive i uginule stanice u cijelosti ili lokalizirano poprimi sposobnost rasta. Pomoću membrane, osposobljene za rast uraste jedna ili viÅ”e susjednih stanica u uginule stanice i zauzme sasvim taj prostor. Urasle stanice mogu se pritom ili samo tiloidno povećati ili se usto joÅ” i dijele. U radnji su izneseni neki primjeri, koji pokazuju, da se i kod većih dijelova epiderme kratko vrijeme poslije ranjavanja mogu rekonstruirati procesi zacjeljivanja. U dosta rijetkim slučajevima zapaženo je, da i subepidermske stanice mogu urasti i zacijeliti uginule prostore u epidermi. Kao posljedica ovakvog načina zacjeljivanja nastaju u epidermi ano- malne membranske prečage. Ove su bile zapažene i kod primjeraka s vretenima i kod primjeraka bez tih tijela. ČeŔće postojanje prečaga u primjercima inficiranim virusima (primjerci s vretenima) mora potjecati od toga, Å”to kod ovih primjeraka pod utjecajem virusa nastaju česte nekroze u epidermi

    Pitophora in the Botanic Garden in Zagreb

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    Pithophora, the genus of Chlorophyceae, was sometimes observed in the glass-house basins of the Botanic Garden in Zagreb, but till now this observations was not recorded in the literature. The author of this note had a good chance to observe again this interesting alga, but this time in an algal culture from the mud of the open pond with Nelumbo-culture. This alga was probably of the same species as the one observed before in glass houses, and it was afterwards transferred into the opet pond. This alga has shown a great variability in morphology by changing of the natural conditions. It was impossible to identify this species for the moment with the species known up to the present, because of lack of special -literature. It is considered, however, that it belongs to the section Heterosporae. Among forms of this section, the found alga has the position between species P. microspora and P. Zelleri, but may be it is P. varia. In this note are also the date about the found form

    Contribution to the Anatomy of the Fruit of Peach. II. Crax and Wax Formation in Cell Walls of Epicarps

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    Vanjska epiderma perikarpa breskve golice sadržava u vanjskoj membrani ispod kutikule kutikulame slojeve znatne debljine, a u bočnim membranama dobro razvijena kutikularna rebra. Zbog znatne napetosti, koja se stvara u epikarpu odraslih plodova, nastaje kidanje kutiniziranih dijelova membrane. Pri tom se stvaraju u mebranama dvije glavne forme pukotina: jedne, povrÅ”inske pukotine, stvaraju se zbog kidan ja kutikule i kutikularnih slojeva i stoga su prema vani otvorene, a druge, unutraÅ”nje pukotine, nastaju isključivo \u27zbog kidanja kutikularnih rebara, pa su zato zatvorene u unutraÅ”njosti membrane. Kad nastaju pukotine, one se ne proÅ”iruju u znatnijoj mjeri na susjedne nekutinizirane membranske dijelove, koji se odlikuju znatnom rastezljivoŔću, taiko da protoplasti epidermskih stanica ostaju i nadalje svagdje ovijeni membranom i zadrže, barem u većini slučajeva, sposobnost vrÅ”enja životnih funkcija. UnutraÅ”nje i vanjske pukotine mogu se poslije ispuniti voskom. VoÅ”tane uklopine naročito su Česte u zatvorenim pukotinama, koje nastaju zbog poprečnog kidanja kutikulamih rebara. Te uklopine imaju karakterističnu strukturu. Čini se, da su izgrađene iz Å”tapićastih elemenata, koji su većinom položeni paralelno s povrÅ”inom ploda i paralelno sa smjerom, u kome se pružaju kutikulama rebra. VoÅ”tane uklopine jako su optički anizotropne. S obzirom na karakter dvoloma optički su negativne. Kod poviÅ”ene temperature gube svojstvo optičke anizotropnosti, ali se to svojstvo ponovno vraća, kad se temperatura snizi.The outer epidermis of epicarp of Nectarine (Prunus per cica var. nucipersica C. K. Schneider) in the outer cell-walls below the cuticle contains cuticular laiyers of considerable thickness, and in the lateral walls well developed cuticular ribs (fig. 1). Because of considerable tension in epicarp of developed fruits the cutinised parts of the epidermal walls break up on many places. Two main forms of cracks are produced: the outer cracks (fig. 2f. and 3a) are produced because of the break of cuticle and cuticular layers and that is why they are open and ithe other, inner cracks (fig. lg, 2 d and 5c), are caused only by the break of cuticular ribs, and that is why they are closed in the inner of cell-walls. When the cracks are produced, they do not extend to a greater degree on the neighbouring uncut inised membrane parts which are characterised by considerable extensibility, so that protoplast of the epidermic cells remain everywhere wrapped by membrane and preserve, at least in most cases, their ability of fulfilling their vital functions. The inner and outer cracks can be filled up with wax. Wax inclusions are frequent especially in inner crack, which are caused by transversal rupture of cuticular rihs (fig. lg, 2e and 5c). Those inclusions have a characteristic structure. It seems that they are built by rod-shaped elements, which are mostly laid paralelly with the surface of fruit and paralelly with the direction in which the cuticular ribs are settled (fig. 1, 4b and 5c). Wax inclusions are optically anisotropic (Tab. I, fig. 3 and 4) and shine in polarised light between the crossed Nicols in many positions. The birefringence of the inclusions is negative. This negative birefringence disappear with rise of temperature, but it reappers on cooling

    Penile morphology in six populations of Branchipus schaefferi Fischer, 1834 (Crustacea: Branchiopoda) from Serbia

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    Male genital morphology of six populations of Branchipus schaefferi from different locations in Serbia is described. Both qualitative and quantitative morphological traits were taken into consideration. The majority of males from lowland parts of the country (Pannonian Plane) had a long sickle-curved or arched spine situated on the basal part of the penis. Males sampled in the south-eastern part of the country (the region of Stara Planina Mountains) possessed short, straight or slightly bowed basal spine. A distal penile part appeared as a more stable character than the proximal one. Males from one of the examined populations possessed roundish and spineless penile tip, a feature heretofore not described in B. schaefferi.Acta Zoologica Bulgarica (2017), 69(1): 17-2

    Stepen mikrobne kontaminacije i učestalost infekcija operativnog mesta u Centru za ortopediju i traumatologiju Kliničko-bolničkog centra u Kragujevcu

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    Introduction. The level of microbial contamination is an important risk factor for surgical site infections. The aim of this study was to investigate the frequency of surgical site infections in regard to the level of microbial contamination at the Department of Orthopedic and Traumatologic Surgery of the Clinical Hospital Center in Kragujevac. Material and methods. This study included 474 patients who underwent surgery in the period from January 1, 2002 to December 31, 2002 at the Department of Orthopedic and Traumatologic Surgery of the Clinical Hospital Center in Kragujevac. Hospital infections were identified using CDC definitions, modified to fit our circumstances. The traditional classification of surgical sites in regard to the level of microbial contamination includes three categories: clean, contaminated and dirty. Results The incidence of surgical site infections was higher at the Orthopedic Surgery Ward (5.94%) compared to Traumatologic Surgery Ward (5.02%). Additionally, a significantly higher frequency of deep surgical site infections, which were classified as clean were established at the Orthopedic Surgery Ward, in regard to the level of microbial contamination, whereas the greatest frequency of surface infections in clean surgical sites (p=0.000) were established at the Traumatologic Surgery Ward. Surgical site infections were more frequent in patients undergoing multiple surgeries at the Orthopedic Surgery Ward than in those treated at the Traumatologic Surgery Ward (p=0.037). Conclusion It is of utmost importance to estimate the frequency of surgical site infections and identify associated risk factors in order to undertake adequate measures for their prevention and control.Cilj rada bio je sagledavanje učestalosti infekcija operativnog mesta u odnosu na stepen mikrobne kontaminacije u Centru za ortopediju i traumatologiju Kliničko-bolničkog centra u Kragujevcu. Studijom incidencije infekcija operativnog mesta obuhvaćeno je 474 bolesnika koji su u periodu od 1.01.2002. do 31.12.2002. godine operisani u Centru za ortopediju i traumatologiju Kliničko-bolničkog centra u Kragujevcu. Na odeljenju Ortopedija zabeležena je značajno veća učestalost infekcija operativnog mesta (5,94%) u odnosu na kategoriju operativnog mesta prema stepenu mikrobne kontaminacije, nego na odeljenju Traumatologija (5,02%). Takođe, na odeljenju Ortopedija zabeležena je značajno veća učestalost dubokih infekcija operativnih mesta koja su prema stepenu mikrobne kontaminacije klasifikovana kao čista, dok je na odeljenju Traumatologija u čistih operativnih mesta nađena najveća učestalost povrÅ”inskih infekcija operativnog mesta (p=0,000). Kod pacijenata koji su imali multiple (>1) operacije značajno čeŔće su registrovane infekcije operativnog mesta na odeljenju Ortopedija nego na odeljenju Traumatologija, pri čemu su operativna mesta uglavnom klasifikovana kao čista (p=0,037)


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    Abstract. In this paper we present a method for minimization of anondifferentiable function. The method uses trust region strategy combined with a conjugate subgradient method. It is proved that thesequence of points generated by the algorithm has an accumulation pointwhich satisfies the first order necessary and sufficient conditions

    Aspirin for primary prevention of ST segment elevation myocardial infarction in persons with diabetes and multiple risk factors

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    Controversy exists as to whether low-dose aspirin use may give benefit in primary prevention of cardiovascular (CV) events. We hypothesized that the benefits of aspirin are underevaluated. We investigated 12,123 Caucasian patients presenting to hospital with acute coronary syndromes as first manifestation of CV disease from 2010 to 2019 in the ISACS-TC multicenter registry (ClinicalTrials.gov, NCT01218776). Individual risk of ST segment elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI) and its association with 30-day mortality was quantified using inverse probability of treatment weighting models matching for concomitant medications. Estimates were compared by test of interaction on the log scale. The risk of STEMI was lower in the aspirin users (absolute reduction: 6Ā·8%; OR: 0Ā·73; 95%CI: 0Ā·65-0Ā·82) regardless of sex (p for interaction=0Ā·1962) or age (p for interaction=0Ā·1209). Benefits of aspirin were seen in patients with hypertension, hypercholesterolemia, and in smokers. In contrast, aspirin failed to demonstrate a significant risk reduction in STEMI among diabetic patients (OR:1Ā·10;95%CI:0Ā·89-1Ā·35) with a significant interaction (p: <0Ā·0001) when compared with controls (OR:0Ā·64,95%CI:0Ā·56-0Ā·73). Stratification of diabetes in risk categories revealed benefits (p interaction=0Ā·0864) only in patients with concomitant hypertension and hypercholesterolemia (OR:0Ā·87, 95% CI:0Ā·65-1Ā·15), but not in smokers. STEMI was strongly related to 30-day mortality (OR:1Ā·93; 95%CI:1Ā·59-2Ā·35) Low-dose aspirin reduces the risk of STEMI as initial manifestation of CV disease with potential benefit in mortality. Patients with diabetes derive substantial benefit from aspirin only in the presence of multiple risk factors. In the era of precision medicine, a more tailored strategy is required

    Risk Factors for Intraoperative Hypertension during Surgery for Primary Hyperparathyroidism

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    Objective: To investigate the incidence and identify risk factors for the occurrence of intraoperative hypertension (IOH) during surgery for primary hyperparathyroidism (pHPT). Subjects and Methods: The study included 269 patients surgically treated between January 2008 and January 2012 for pHPT. IOH was defined as an increase in systolic blood pressure >= 20% compared to baseline values which lasted for 15min. The investigated influence were demographic characteristics, surgical risk score related to physical status (based on the American Society of Anesthesiologists [ASA] classification), comorbidities, type and duration of surgery, and duration of anesthesia on IOH occurrence. The investigated factors were obtained from the patients' medical history, anesthesia charts, and the daily practice database. Logistic regression analysis was done to determine the predictors of IOH. Results: Of the 269 patients, 153 (56.9%) had IOH. Based on the univariate analysis, age, body mass index, ASA status, duration of anesthesia, and preoperative hypertension were risk factors for the occurrence of IOH. Multivariate analysis showed that independent predictors of IOH were a history of hypertension (OR = 2.080, 95% CI: 1.102-3.925, p = 0.024) and age (OR = 0.569, 95% CI: 0.360-0.901, p = 0.016). Conclusion: In this study, a high percentage (56%) of the patients developed IOH during surgery for pHPT, which indicates that special attention should be paid to these patients, especially to the high-risk groups: older patients and those with a history of hypertension. Further, this study showed that advanced age and hypertension as a coexisting disease prior to parathyroid surgery were independent risk factors for the occurrence of IOH
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