928 research outputs found

    Using an Integrative Psychotherapeutic Approach to Help Adults Cope with Chronic Pain

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    Chronic pain is a complex and costly condition that impacts many American’s lives. While there are medical interventions available, individuals may continue to experience some level of chronic pain. Therefore, the efficacy of psychotherapeutic techniques should be explored. The purpose of this qualitative study was to determine how to use an integrative psychotherapeutic approach to help adults cope with chronic pain. Seven interviews with psychotherapists serving the chronic pain community in multidisciplinary or interdisciplinary medical settings were analyzed. Results showed the important roles that psychoeducation and a strong therapeutic relationship had when it came to implementing a variety of psychotherapeutic techniques. Those working with this population need to have a high level of empathy, a commitment to client-centered care, and an understanding of psychotherapeutic approaches that enhance the mind-body connection

    Using an Integrative Psychotherapeutic Approach to Help Adults Cope with Chronic Pain

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    Chronic pain is a complex and costly condition that impacts many American’s lives. While there are medical interventions available, individuals may continue to experience some level of chronic pain. Therefore, the efficacy of psychotherapeutic techniques should be explored. The purpose of this qualitative study was to determine how to use an integrative psychotherapeutic approach to help adults cope with chronic pain. Seven interviews with psychotherapists serving the chronic pain community in multidisciplinary or interdisciplinary medical settings were analyzed. Results showed the important roles that psychoeducation and a strong therapeutic relationship had when it came to implementing a variety of psychotherapeutic techniques. Those working with this population need to have a high level of empathy, a commitment to client-centered care, and an understanding of psychotherapeutic approaches that enhance the mind-body connection

    Dragomanes metiendo el pie: el traductor como usurpador en dos cuentos de Rodolfo Walsh y Moacyr Scliar

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    Durante los últimos cincuenta años los textos de ficción que se centran en el traductor y la traducción han proliferado en la literatura universal. Gracias al reciente y comúnmente denominado “giro ficcional” en los Estudios de Traducción, los traductores ficticios han sido objeto de mucho más estudio y análisis, haciéndose cada vez más visibles. Esta visibilidad sirve para que los traductores no se consideren simples fotocopiadores interlinguales, sino seres sociales que operan en contextos socioculturales concretos. Dos cuentos latinoamericanos “Notas al pie” de Rodolfo Walsh (1967) y “Notas ao pé da página” (Footnotes) de Moacyr Scliar (1995), presentan traductores que se encuentran incómodos al tener que ocupar un espacio de segunda categoría. Las notas al pie de página de los traductores ficticios utilizan páginas enteras (eficazmente reemplazando el texto en cada cuento) y usurpan un espacio que convencionalmente se asigna sólo a escritores/autores de un texto. Los traductores en estos cuentos han descubierto una manera de usar estos comentarios explicativos a su favor. Debido a que las notas al pie de página a menudo no son bien recibidas por muchos lectores, que las consideran interrupciones temporales o fastidiosas, por lo general se reducen al mínimo. Nuestros traductores ficticios, sin embargo, aumentan drásticamente el tamaño y número de notas al pie de página. Las bien definidas relaciones jerárquicas existentes entre escritor/autor y traductor se invierten en estos cuentos para desvelar la lucha por el poder que existe entre las figuras de autor y traductor. Ambos cuentos pueden, asimismo, servir como herramientas pedagógicas para discutir el emocionante mundo de los Estudios de Traducción.Fictional texts focusing on translators and translation have proliferated in world literature during the last fifty years. Thanks to the recent and commonly named “fictional turn” in Translation Studies, fictional translators have been studied and analyzed much more and made ever more visible. This visibility serves to consider translators not as mere interlingual photocopiers but as social beings that operate in particular sociocultural contexts. Two stories from Latin America, “Notas al pie” (Footnotes) by Rodolfo Walsh (1967) and “Notas ao pé da página” (Footnotes) by Moacyr Scliar (1995), introduce translators who are uncomfortable with having to occupy a second-rate space. The fictional translators’ footnotes utilize whole pages (effectively taking over in each of the stories) and usurp a space that is conventionally assigned only to writers/authors of a text. The translators in these stories have found a way to use these explanatory comments to their advantage. Since footnotes are often not well-received by many readers, who consider them temporary interruptions and/or a nuisance, they are usually kept to a minimum. Our fictional translators, however, increase the size and number of footnotes dramatically. The clear-cut hierarchical relationships between writer/author and translator are reversed in these stories to unveil the struggle for power that exists between the figures of author and translator. Both stories can also serve as pedagogical tools to discuss the exciting world of Translation Studie

    Ways to (Dis)Appear: Dragomans Committing Suicide in Stories by Julio Cortázar and Rodolfo Walsh

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    Recent depictions of translators in fiction illustrate individuals devoted to this task as flesh and blood humans that exhibit an array of emotions. Two Latin American short stories, “Carta a una señorita en París” (1951) by Julio Cortázar and “Nota al pie” (1967) by Rodolfo Walsh, introduce readers to translators who take their own lives. The characters’ suicides remove them from the world of the living as they are erased from view and eventually become imperceptible and invisible. Their deaths also make them more visible as their suicides raise unanswered questions and provide written texts that explain their violent action

    Translating Transgender: English Pushed to the Limits in José Donoso’s El lugar sin límites

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    A devastating Sunday in the tumultuous life of a 60-year-old transvestite, co-owner of a brothel with her/his virgin daughter La Japonesita, sets up a bloody storyline that takes readers to the Chilean town of El Olivo through the pen of José Donoso and his seminal work El lugar sin límites (1966). The novella unravels the internal struggles of the fictional town dominated by the patriarchal prominent landowner, Alejandro Cruz. The story provides an account of situations that transpire as a result of the actions of La Manuela, as s/he moves across traditional constructed sex/gender boundaries while becoming involved with a hypermasculine character, Pancho, who wrestles with homoerotic desires. A gendered reading of this novel takes into consideration the way in which sexual difference is inscribed discursively in the text, and how the translation into English by Suzanne Jill Levine’s (Hell Has No Limits,1995) exposes the interplay of gender and social control. The analysis conducted in this article is of a descriptive nature, and it intends topoint out decisions taken by the translator in order to represent the multilayered and flexible gender identities shown in the Spanish text and how they are rendered into English in order to portray the fictional characters. A careful analysis of the renditions of key passages will bring to light the translator’s perceptions of the gendered ideology within the novel. English is pushed to the limits in order to represent the sexual identities of this gender-laden Spanish text.Un devastador domingo en la tumultuosa vida de un travesti de 60 años, copropietario de un burdel con su hija virgen la Japonesita, introduce unas sangrienta trama que lleva a los lectores a la localidad chilena de El Olivo a través de la pluma de José Donoso y su transcendental obra El lugar sin límites(1966). La novela desentraña las luchas internas del ficticio pueblo dominado por el prominente terrateniente patriarcal, Alejandro Cruz. La historia relata las situaciones que suceden como resultado de las acciones de la Manuela, mientras él/ella se mueve a través de las fronteras tradicionales construidas por el sexo/género a la vez que se relaciona con un personaje hiper masculino, Pancho, que trata de controlar sus deseos homoeróticos. Una lectura con conciencia de género de esta novela toma en consideración la forma en que la diferencia sexual se inscribe discursivamente en el texto, y cómo la traducción al inglés de Suzanne Jill Levine (Hell Has No Limits, 1995) expone la interacción entre el género y el control social. El análisis que se realiza en este artículo es de carácter descriptivo, y pretende señalar las decisiones tomadas por la traductora para representar las multidimensionalesy flexibles identidades relacionadas con el género que se muestran en el texto español y cómo se traducen estas al inglés para representar los personajes ficticios. Un cuidadoso análisis de las traducciones de pasajes clave sacará a la luz las percepciones de la traductora en cuanto a la ideología relacionada con cuestiones de género en la novela. El inglés es llevado al límite para representar las identidades sexuales expresadas en este texto en español tan repleto de cuestiones relacionadas con el género

    Ab-initio calculations for the beta-tin diamond transition in Silicon: comparing theories with experiments

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    We investigate the pressure-induced metal-insulator transition from diamond to beta-tin in bulk Silicon, using quantum Monte Carlo (QMC) and density functional theory (DFT) approaches. We show that it is possible to efficiently describe many-body effects, using a variational wave function with an optimized Jastrow factor and a Slater determinant. Variational results are obtained with a small computational cost and are further improved by performing diffusion Monte Carlo calculations and an explicit optimization of molecular orbitals in the determinant. Finite temperature corrections and zero point motion effects are included by calculating phonon dispersions in both phases at the DFT level. Our results indicate that the theoretical QMC (DFT) transition pressure is significantly larger (smaller) than the accepted experimental value. We discuss the limitation of DFT approaches due to the choice of the exchange and correlation functionals and the difficulty to determine consistent pseudopotentials within the QMC framework, a limitation that may significantly affect the accuracy of the technique.Comment: 13 pages, 9 figures, submitted to the Physical Review B on October 2

    The nonlinear anomalous lattice elasticity associated with the high-pressure phase transition in spodumene: A high precission static compression study

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    The high-pressure behavior of the lattice elasticity of spodumene, LiAlSi2O6, was studied by static compression in a diamond-anvil cell up to 9.3 GPa. Investigations by means of single-crystal XRD and Raman spectroscopy within the hydrostatic limits of the pressure medium focus on the pressure ranges around similar to 3.2 and similar to 7.7 GPa, which have been reported previously to comprise two independent structural phase transitions. While our measurements confirm the well-established first-order C2/c-P2(1)/c transformation at 3.19 GPa (with 1.2% volume discontinuity and a hysteresis between 0.02 and 0.06 GPa), both unit-cell dimensions and the spectral changes observed in high-pressure Raman spectra give no evidence for structural changes related to a second phase transition. Monoclinic lattice parameters and unit-cell volumes at in total 59 different pressure points have been used to re-calculate the lattice-related properties of spontaneous strain, volume strain, and the bulk moduli as a function of pressure across the transition. A modified Landau free energy expansion in terms of a one component order parameter has been developed and tested against these experimentally determined data. The Landau solution provides a much better reproduction of the observed anomalies than any equation-of-state fit to data sets truncated below and above P (tr), thus giving Landau parameters of K (0) = 138.3(2) GPa, K' = 7.46(5), lambda (V) = 33.6(2) GPa, a = 0.486(3), b = -29.4(6) GPa and c = 551(11) GPa

    Ephrin Ligands and Eph Receptors Show Regionally Restricted Expression in the Developing Palate and Tongue

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    The Eph family receptor-interacting (ephrin) ligands and erythropoietin-producing hepatocellular carcinoma (Eph) receptors constitute the largest known family of receptor tyrosine kinases. Ephrin ligands and their receptors form an important cell communication system with widespread roles in normal physiology and disease pathogenesis. In order to investigate potential roles of the ephrin-Eph system during palatogenesis and tongue development, we have characterized the cellular mRNA expression of family members EphrinA1-A3, EphA1–A8 and EphrinB2, EphB1, EphB4 during murine embryogenesis between embryonic day 13.5–16.5 using radioactive in situ hybridization. With the exception of EphA6 and ephrinA3, all genes were regionally expressed during the process of palatogenesis, with restricted and often overlapping domains. Transcripts were identified in the palate epithelium, localized at the tip of the palatal shelves, in the mesenchyme and also confined to the medial epithelium seam. Numerous Eph transcripts were also identified during tongue development. In particular, EphA1 and EphA2 demonstrated a highly restricted and specific expression in the tongue epithelium at all stages examined, whereas EphA3 was strongly expressed in the lateral tongue mesenchyme. These results suggest regulatory roles for ephrin-EphA signaling in development of the murine palate and tongue


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    The hydro­thermally prepared title compound, sodium iron(III) bis­[trioxotellurate(IV)], is isotypic with its GaIII analogue and consists of corrugated layers with an overall composition of [FeTe2O6]− together with Na+ cations. The layers extend parallel to (001) and are made up of [Fe2O10] edge-shared octa­hedral dimers and TeO3 trigonal pyramids sharing vertices. The Na+ cations are located in the cavities of this arrangement and link adjacent [FeTe2O6]− layers via distorted [NaO8] polyhedra