38 research outputs found

    Alieté and Alterité in Local Speech of Marići

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    U radu se na temelju provedenoga istraživanja prikazuju fonološke alijetetne i alteritetne značajke mjesnoga govora Marića na Labinštini. Ranijim je istraživanjima dokazana pripadnost govora Marića čakavskom ekavskom dijalektu i njegovu središnjem istarskom poddijalektu, kao i labinskoj skupini govora, a u ovom se radu to potvrđuje prikazom i opisom alijeteta i alteriteta kao činjenica različitoga razlikovnoga ranga u navedenom mjesnom govoru.The paper presents alieté and altérité of the local speech of Marići. The earlier analysis improves that local speech of Marići belongs to the central Istrian subdialect of the Ekavian-čakavian dialect and is a part of Labin group of idioms, which was also proved in this paper by displaying and describing alieté and altérité as the facts of different distinctive rank

    Stereotypes and Prejudices in the Novel "Ciganin, ali najljepši" by Christian Novak

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    Ovaj se rad bavi problematikom stereotipa i predrasuda u suvremenoj književnosti, a prvenstveno u romanu Ciganin, ali najljepši hrvatskoga književnika Kristiana Novaka. Analizom romana uviđa se drugačiji pristup rodnim, etničkim i klasnim stereotipima koji su kao takvi u romanu spomenuti i analizirani ili pak potpuno izokrenuti, a sve u želji da se senzibilizira javnost u borbi protiv ekspanzije tih istih predrasuda i stereotipa

    Oblikovanje mekih tkiva privremenim zubnim nadoknadama na implantatima - prikaz slučaja

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    Aesthetic outcome of implant therapy involves the appropriate architecture of peri-implant soft tissue and interdental papilla. The dynamic compression technique of soft tissue is mentioned in contemporary literature as one of the methods for achieving optimal emergence profile. The aim of this case report was to present soft tissue prosthetic modeling with temporary crowns on implants for obtaining an emergence profile of final restoration. A 25-year-old female patient with missing left maxillary central incisor was referred to the Department of Oral Surgery School of Dental Medicine University in Belgrade for dental implant placement. After detailed planning, implant placement of Straumann Bone level implant NC O 3, 3×12 mm (StraumannR Bone Level NC), in the position of 21 was performed. Upon completion of osseointegration period, screw retained laboratory temporary crown was fabricated. During the next 3 months emergence profile was scalloped by creating additional pressure on the soft tissue with periodic adding the composite resin material to a temporary crown. The created emergence profile was transferred to the master cast by using customized impression coping, making possible fabrication of the final implant restoration according to the design made with provisional restoration. Soft tissue conditioning using temporary dental restorations on implants presents a non-invasive method with predictable aesthetic result.Estetski uspeh implantološke terapije podrazumeva odgovarajuću arhitekturu periimplantatnih mekih tkiva i interdentalne papile. Tehnika dinamičke kompresije mekih tkiva pominje se u savremenoj literaturi kao jedna od metoda za postizanje optimalnog izlaznog profila. Cilj ovog rada je bio da se predstavi mogućnost protetičkog modelovanja mekih tkiva zubnom nadoknadom na implantatu za dobijanje izlaznog profila definitivne nadoknade. Žena stara 25 godina sa nedostatkom centralnog sekutića u gornjoj vilici s leve strane upućena je na Kliniku za oralnu hirurgiju Stomatološkog fakulteta Univerziteta u Beogradu radi ugradnje implantata. Posle detaljnog planiranja, u predelu zuba 21 ugrađen je Straumann Bone level implant NC O 3,3×12,0 mm (Straumann® Bone Level NC). Po završenom periodu oseointegracije izrađena je laboratorijska privremena krunica retinirana zavrtnjem. Tokom sledeća tri meseca izlazni profil je oblikovan periodičnim stvaranjem dodatnog pritiska na meka tkiva dodavanjem kompozitnog materijala na privremenu krunicu. Izlazni mekotkivni profil je pomoću individualizovanog transfera pozicije implantata prenet na radni model, što je omogućilo izradu konačne keramičke hibridne krunice prema dizajnu koji je kreiran privremenom nadoknadom. Priprema mekih tkiva privremenim zubnim nadoknadama na implantatima je neinvazivna klinička metoda s predvidljivim estetskim rezultatom i zadovoljavajućom visinom i širinom interdentalne papile

    The perspectives of sustainable development of Serbia's agriculture in globalized environment

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    This paper has a goal to point out causes and consequences of wrong agricultural policy in transitional period which caused that agriculture of Serbia suffers a huge damage which manifested itself through falling apart of big agricultural combinats, enterprises from food industry, agricultural cooperatives and small family farms. Big changes at the end of XX and at the beginning of XXI century reflect of agriculture, too, and demand a new conceptual approach to new situation. Authors of paper point out necessity of revitalization of cooperative system and other was of joining and connecting of agricultural producers, as well as need of bigger support to small family farms, by model in developed EU countries. On that way, agriculture of Serbia would successfully respond to complex requirements of globalized environment and turn its comparative advantages into competitive ones

    Fenotipske promene izazvane imunizacijom encefalitogenom menjaju funkcije peritonealnih makrofaga u dva soja pacova različite osetljivosti prema indukciji eksperimentalnog autoimunskog encefalomijelitisa (EAE).

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    We have investigated the phenotype of peritoneal cells and the functions of peritoneal macrophages obtained from experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE)-susceptible Dark Agouti (DA) and EAE-resistant Albino Oxford (AO) rat strains on days 1, 3 and 7 post immunization with encephalitogen. Resident peritoneal cells from immunized and non-immunized rats of both strains were subjected to flow cytometric analyzes and after adherence were tested for zymosan phagocytosis, hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) and nitric oxide (NO) production. In non-immunized rats, macrophages from the DA rat strain phagocytosed more zymosan but produced less H2O2 than cells from the AO strain, while both strains produced comparable amounts of NO. Immunization increased phagocytosis in DA rats' cells, but decreased both phagocytosis and H2O2 production in cells from AO rats. Overall higher phagocyte ability in DA rats was associated with a significantly larger population of ED1+ cells (macrophages and dendritic cells), in contrast to a more pronounced expression of ED2 antigen (resident macrophages) on cells from AO rats. Immunization also increased the expression of CD11b molecule on non-resident ED2-macrophages of DA, but not of AO rats. The early and subtle phenotype changes in peritoneal cells of both rat strains might mirror the mechanism contributing to their different sensitivity to the induction of autoimmunity.Ispitivan je fenotip peritonealnih ćelija, kao i funkcije peritonealnih makrofaga, izolovanih od pacova Dark Agouti (DA) soja osetljivog na indukciju eksperimentalnog autoimunskog encefalomijelitisa (EAE) i pacova Albino Oxford (AO) soja koji je rezistentan prema EAE-u, 1, 3. i 7. dana nakon imunizacije encefalitogenom. Rezidentne peritonealne ćelije su ispitivane metodom protočne citofluorometrije, a zatim je nakon adherence testirana njihova sposobnost fagocitoze čestica zimozana i kapacitet produkcije vodonik peroksida (H2O2) i azot monoksida (NO). U neimunizovanih pacova makrofage DA soja su intenzivnije fagocitovale čestice zimozana i imale nižu sposobnost produkcije H2O2 nego ćelije pacova AO soja, ali nije bilo sojnih razlika u sposobnosti produkcije NO. Imunizacija je dovela do povećanja fagocitne sposobnosti makrofaga DA pacova, ali i do smanjenja fagocitoze i produkcije H2O2 makrofaga pacova AO soja. Generalno veću sposobnost fagocitoze u DA pacova prati i značajno veća zastupljenost ED1+ ćelija (koje čine uglavnom makrofage i dendritične ćelije) nasuprot većoj zastupljenosti ED2 antigena (marker rezidentnih makrofaga) na ćelijama pacova AO soja. Imunizacija encefalitogenom je takođe dovela do povećanja ekspresije CD11b molekula na nerezidentnim ED2- ćelijama pacova DA, ali ne i AO soja. Rane i diskretne fenotipske promene na peritonealnim ćelijama pacova oba soja verovatno odslikavaju mehanizme koji doprinose njhovoj različitoj osetljivosti prema indukciji autoimunskih oboljenja

    Razlike u edemu šape pacova indukovanom konkanavalinom a u zavisnosti od soja - uticaj histaminskih H1 i H2 receptora

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    The present study tests the hypothesis that the difference in the intensity of paw edema found between the Dark Agouti (DA) and Albino Oxford (AO) rat strains originates from the distinct participation of histamine, serotonin and their corresponding receptors in Concanavalin A (Con A)-induced inflammation. DA and AO male rats were intraplantarly injected with specific receptor antagonists prior to Con A, and the intensity of inflammation was determined by measuring the paw diameter. Our results have showed that histamine H1 and H2 receptor antagonists reduced the Con A-induced paw edema in DA rats, while serotonin 5HT3 receptor antagonist diminished the inflammation in both DA and AO rat strains. The calcium channel blocker did not change Con A-induced inflammation. Strain differences in the intensity and kinetics of inflammation observed between the DA and AO rats are most likely defined by the diversity of mediators released and their receptors activated upon Con A injection.Testirana je hipoteza da razlike u intenzitetu inflamatornog edema šape indukovanog konkanavalinom A u pacova Dark Agouti (DA) i Albino Oxford (AO) soja potiču od različitog doprinosa histamina i serotonina i njihovih odgovarajućih receptora. Mužjaci pacova DA i AO soja su intraplantarno tretirani antagonistima specifičnih receptora pre izazivanja inflamacije konkanavalinom A i intenzitet inflamacije je praćen merenjem dijametra šape. Naši rezultati su ukazali da antagonisti histaminskih H1 i H2 receptora smanjuju edem šape indukovan konkanavalinom A u DA pacova, dok antagonist serotoninskih 5HT3 receptora smanjuje edem šape u oba soja pacova. Blokator kalcijumskih kanala ne utiče na inflamaciju izazvanu konkanavalinom A. Razlike u intenzitetu i kinetici inflamatornog odgovora indukovanog konkanavalinom A između DA i AO sojeva su najverovatnije posledica razlika u oslobođ enim medijatorima i aktivaciji odgovarajućih receptora nakon injekcije konkanavalina A

    Challenges and Potentials of Green Roof Retrofit: A Case Study

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    Green roofs are becoming common practice in building new public build-ings and are considered the roofs for the future since they address the issue of energy and environment simultaneously, providing social, environmental and economic benefits. Despite these benefits, retrofitting an existing building with a green roof is not widely practiced. Undergoing such a project is no small task since it requires a thorough investigation of existing building’s constraints, functional, material, and technological to even begin considering design options. Therefore, this process requires specific, case-sensitive approach, especially with the aim of improving the building’s energy performance. This paper presents a methodological approach and design proposals of a green roof retrofit project, through a case study of Belgrade’s “City Housing” building. This retrofit project presents an interesting research topic since it incorporates three distinct roofs, of all of different types, different ways of accessibility and levels of privacy, varying top-to-bottom from a simple extensive roof through a semi-public semi/intensive roof garden to a ground-level public park with trees and intensive vegetation. Also, since this building provides socially signif-icant services, it is frequently visited by general public which presents a potential for introducing educational and demonstration elements in the retrofit project, not only the functional and technological ones. That way, this project can be a showcase example, promoting greening the roofs of Belgrade’s existing public buildings as a way of improving their energy performance.Поглавље је објављено у тематском зборнику "Technological Imagination in the Green and Digital Transition", у склопу низа публикација "The Urban Book Series". Зборник садржи радове презентоване на конференцији CONF.ITECH 2022 одржаној на Sapienza Универзитету у Риму, јула 2022. године

    The importance of potassium channels in the mechanism of the relaxing effect of pentoxifylline on isolated rat uteri

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    Background. Pentoxifylline is a methylxanthine derivative that is used to treat peripheral vascular disease. One of the mechanisms of action of pentoxifylline is the vasodilatation of blood vessels. This study examined the effect of increasing pentoxifylline concentrations on the contractility of isolated rat uteri in the presence of a potassium channel antagonist. Methods. The uteri were isolated from virgin Wistar rats (180-220 g) and suspended in an isolated organ bath chamber containing De Jalon's solution and aerated with 95% O2 and 5% CO2. The temperature was maintained at 37єC. Isometric contractions were recorded using an isometric force transducer (Ugo Basile). The preload of the preparation was approximately 1 g. The uteri were allowed to contract spontaneously or in the presence of Ca2+ (0.018 and 0.36 mM) and acetylcholine (ACh) and were treated with pentoxifylline. Results. Pentoxifylline caused concentration-dependent inhibition of spontaneous rhythmic uterine activity and uterine activity caused by calcium Ca2+ (0.018 mM and 0,36 mM). We showed that the inhibitory effects of pentoxifylline depend on the type of muscle contractions activated and that the inhibitory effect is significantly stronger for spontaneous rhythmic activity and forin Ca2 -induced contractions of isolated rat uteri+. The relaxing effect of pentoxifylline depends on the calcium concentration in the medium. Pentoxifylline exerted the weakest relaxant effects on contractions induced by acetylcholine. In contrast to methylene blue, tetraethylammonium, or 4-aminopyridine, glibenclamide did not antagonise the relaxing effect of pentoxifylline on isolated rat uteri. Conclusion. The results obtained suggest that the mechanism of action of pentoxifylline does not lead to the opening of KATP channels. However, the opening of BKCa and voltage-dependent Ca2+ channels had some role, but to varying degrees, in the mechanism of the relaxing effect of pentoxifylline on the spontaneous rhythmic activity and calcium-induced contractions of isolated rat uteri. Our results provide additional confirmation of the dominance of the NO/cGMP signaling pathway in the mechanism of the relaxing effect of pentoxifylline (because the presence of methylene blue significantly antagonised this effect) in relation to the opening of potassium channels, especially KATP channels. These results indicate that pentoxifylline could be a potential tocolytic drug.Cilj. Pentoksifilin, koji se koristi za lečenje perifernih vaskularnih oboljenja, je derivat metilksantina. Jedan od načina delovanja pentoksifilina je prouzrokovanje vazodilatacije krvnih sudova. U ovom radu ispitivali smo efekat rastućih koncentracija pentoksifilina na kontraktilnost izolovanog uterusa pacova, u prisustvu blokatora kalijumskih kanala. Metode. Uterusi, koji su izolovani od neparenih ženki pacova Wistar soja (180-220 g), držani su u kupatilu za izolovane organe na temperaturi od 37oC, u De Jalon-ovom rastvoru kroz koji je propuštana smeša gasova od 95% kiseonika i 5% ugljendioksida. Izometrijske kontrakcije su registrovane korišćenjem izometrijskog transdjusera Ugo Basile, pri opterećenju preparata od 1 g. Ispitivan je efekat pentoksifilina na kontrakcije za vreme spontane ritmičke aktivnosti i u prisustvu kalcijuma, Ca2+ (0.018 and 0.36 mM)) i acetilholina (ACh). Rezultati. Pentoksifilin je prouzrokovao koncentracijski zavisnu inhibiciju spontane ritmičke aktivnosti, kao i fazne aktivnosti prouzrokovane kalcijumom. Inhibicijski efekt pentoksifilina zavisio je od tipa aktivacije glatkog mišića uterusa. On je ispoljio značajno jači relaksirajući efekt na spontanu ritmičku aktivnost i kontrakcije prouzrokovane sa 0.018 mM kalcijuma. Njegov relaksirajući efekt zavisi i od koncentracije Ca2+ u medijumu..Najslabiji relaksirajući efekat pentoksifilina je zabeležen na acetilholinskom tipu aktivacije. Nasuprot metilenskom plavilu, 4-aminopiridinu i tetraetilamonijumu, glibenklamid ne antagonizuje relaksirajući efekat pentoksifilina na izolovanom uterusu pacova. Zaključak. Dobijeni rezultati sugerišu da u mehanizmu relaksantnog delovanja pentoksifilina nije zastupljeno otvaranje ATP kalijumskih kanala. Međutim, otvaranje BKCa i voltažno zavisnih Ca2+ kalijumskih kanala ima izvestan značaj, ali u različitom stepenu, u mehanizmu relaksirajućeg delovanja pentoksifilina na spontanu ritmičku aktivnost i kontrakcije prouzrokovane kalcijumom. Naši rezultati su dodana potvrda o dominaciji NO/cGMP signalinih puteva kojima pentoksifilin prouzrokuje relaksaciju glatkih mišičnih ćelija uterusa (jer metilensko plavilo značajno antagonizuje njegov efekt), u odnosu na otvaranje kalijumskih kanala, posebno ATP zavisnih kalijumskih kanala. Rezultati ukazuju da bi pentoksifilin mogao da bude potencijalni tokolitički lek.nul

    Fourier-trasform infrared spectroscopy spectra database validation for microplastics identification

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    Mikroplastika, koja zbog malih dimenzija i male gustine lako dospeva do svih delova Zemlje, je zaokupila pažnju naučne zajednice u poslednjoj deceniji. Najveća pažnja, posvećena je uticaju, kao načinima unošenjana u ljudski organizam. Jedini način za sprečavanje ulaska mikroplastike u lanac ishrane je poštovanje principa cirkularne ekonomije. Postoji veliki broj različitih čestica mikroplastike u odnosu na vrstu polimera iz kojih su dobijene. Kako bi se analiziralo poreklo čestica mikroplastike, neophodno ih je prvo izolovati, a zatim identifikovati. Neke od metoda za identifikaciju mikroplastike su Infracrvena spektroskopija sa Furijeovom transformacijom (FTIR), Raman spektroskopija, pirolitička gasna hromatrografija – masena spektroskopija, od kojih su FTIR i RAMAN nedestruktivne metode. U radu je ispitan granulat 9 najčešće korišćenih komercijalnih polimera u izvornom obliku. Urađena je FTIR analiza, a dobijeni rezultati poznatih polimera upoređeni su sa bazom podataka uređaja. Utvrđen je stepen podudaranja sa pronađenim polimerom. Dobijeni rezultati su validirani u odnosu na deklarisane polimere. Na osnovu dobijenih rezultata data su uputstva za dalju interpretaciju rezultata FTIR-a prilikom identifikacije mikroplastike, kao i predlozi za buduća istraživanja.Microplastics have captured the attention of the scientific community in the last decade. Due to small dimensions and low density, they can easily reach all parts of the Earth. Lately, the attention is shifted towards the health effects, and the pathways of entering into the human organism. The only way to prevent microplastics from entering the food chain is to respect the principles of circular economy. There are many different types of microplastic particles regarding the polymer from which they are obtained. In order to analyse the origin of microplastic particles, firstly it is necessary to isolate them, and then identify them. Some of the methods for identifying microplastics are Fourier-Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR), Raman spectroscopy, pyrolytic gas chromatography - mass spectroscopy, of which FTIR and RAMAN are non-destructive methods. This paper investigates beads of 9 most commonly used commercial polymers in their virgin form. FTIR analysis was performed, and the obtained results of known polymers were compared with the device database. The degree of matching with the found polymer was determined. The obtained results were validated in relation to the declared polymers. Based on the obtained results, instructions are given for further interpretation of FTIR results during the identification of microplastics, as well as suggestions for future research