10,769 research outputs found

    Structural perfection in poorly lattice matched heterostructures

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    Continuum elastic theory is applied to the formation of misfit dislocations and point defects in strained layer structures. Explicit calculations of the energies of misfit dislocations in the doubleā€ and singleā€kink geometries yield line tensions below which strained films are stable with respect to defect formation. Our results yield a mismatchā€dependent stability limit which, in the double kink case, differs from the Matthewsā€“Blakeslee model by a geometrical factor and by the addition of a stress term associated with climb of the misfit dislocation. While our calculations yield equilibrium stability limits which may not correspond to observed critical thicknesses, the calculated stresses may be applied to descriptions of the kinetics of strain relief in films grown beyond these limits. Last, calculations of strainā€related contributions to the free energy of formation of point defects suggest a contribution ā”‚Ī”G_(strain)ā”‚ ā‰ƒ0.25 eV for a 5% lattice mismatch. This suggests a means of suppressing or enhancing the formation of vacancies or interstitials in semiconductors favoring these defects

    Type II superlattices for infrared detectors and devices

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    Superlattices consisting of combinations of III-V semiconductors with type II band alignments are of interest for infrared applications because their energy gaps can be made smaller than those of any 'natural' III-V compounds. Specifically, it has been demonstrated that both InSb/InAsxSb1-x superlattices and Ga1-xInxSb/InAs superlattices can possess energy gaps in the 8-14 mu m range. The efforts have focused on the Ga1-xInxSb/InAs system because of its extreme broken gap band alignment, which results in narrow energy gaps for very short superlattice periods. The authors report the use of in situ chemical doping of Ga1-xInxSb/InAs superlattices to fabricate p-n photodiodes. These diodes display a clear photovoltaic response with a threshold near 12 mu m. They have also attained outstanding structural quality in Ga1-xInxSb/InAs superlattices grown on radiatively heated GaSb substrates. Cross-sectional transmission electron microscope images of these superlattices display no dislocations, while high resolution X-ray diffraction scans reveal sharp high-order superlattice satellites and strong Pendellosung fringes

    Structure of CdTe/ZnTe superlattices

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    The structure of CdTe/ZnTe superlattices has been analyzed through Īø/2Īø xā€ray diffraction, photoluminescence, and in situ reflection highā€energy electron diffraction (RHEED) measurements. Samples are found to break away from Cd_(x)Zn_(1āˆ’x)Te buffer layers as a consequence of the 6% lattice mismatch in this system. However, defect densities in these superlattices are seen to drop dramatically away from the buffer layer interface, accounting for the intense photoluminescence and highā€average strain fields seen in each of our samples. Observed variations in residual strains suggest that growth conditions play a role in forming misfit defects. This could explain discrepancies with calculated values of critical thickness based on models which neglect growth conditions. Photoluminescence spectra reveal that layerā€toā€layer growth proceeded with single monolayer uniformity, suggesting highly reproducible growth. Our results give hope for relatively defectā€free Cd_(x)Zn_(1āˆ’x)Te/Cd_(y)Zn_(1āˆ’y)Te superlattices with the potential for applications to optoelectronics offered by intense visible light emitters

    Prototyping Operational Autonomy for Space Traffic Management

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    Current state of the art in Space Traffic Management (STM) relies on a handful of providers for surveillance and collision prediction, and manual coordination between operators. Neither is scalable to support the expected 10x increase in spacecraft population in less than 10 years, nor does it support automated manuever planning. We present a software prototype of an STM architecture based on open Application Programming Interfaces (APIs), drawing on previous work by NASA to develop an architecture for low-altitude Unmanned Aerial System Traffic Management. The STM architecture is designed to provide structure to the interactions between spacecraft operators, various regulatory bodies, and service suppliers, while maintaining flexibility of these interactions and the ability for new market participants to enter easily. Autonomy is an indispensable part of the proposed architecture in enabling efficient data sharing, coordination between STM participants and safe flight operations. Examples of autonomy within STM include syncing multiple non-authoritative catalogs of resident space objects, or determining which spacecraft maneuvers when preventing impending conjunctions between multiple spacecraft. The STM prototype is based on modern micro-service architecture adhering to OpenAPI standards and deployed in industry standard Docker containers, facilitating easy communication between different participants or services. The system architecture is designed to facilitate adding and replacing services with minimal disruption. We have implemented some example participant services (e.g. a space situational awareness provider/SSA, a conjunction assessment supplier/CAS, an automated maneuver advisor/AMA) within the prototype. Different services, with creative algorithms folded into then, can fulfil similar functional roles within the STM architecture by flexibly connecting to it using pre-defined APIs and data models, thereby lowering the barrier to entry of new players in the STM marketplace. We demonstrate the STM prototype on a multiple conjunction scenario with multiple maneuverable spacecraft, where an example CAS and AMA can recommend optimal maneuvers to the spacecraft operators, based on a predefined reward function. Such tools can intelligently search the space of potential collision avoidance maneuvers with varying parameters like lead time and propellant usage, optimize a customized reward function, and be implemented as a scheduling service within the STM architecture. The case study shows an example of autonomous maneuver planning is possible using the API-based framework. As satellite populations and predicted conjunctions increase, an STM architecture can facilitate seamless information exchange related to collision prediction and mitigation among various service applications on different platforms and servers. The availability of such an STM network also opens up new research topics on satellite maneuver planning, scheduling and negotiation across disjoint entities

    Perspectives on formation and properties of semiconductor interfaces

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    Recent progress in experimentally and theoretically understanding interfaces at the atomic level suggest that ultimate electronic systems may one day be fabricated on a single integrated chip. If such elements as Si VLSI processors, GaAs/AIAs integrated optoelectronic 10 devices, II-VI superlattice visible displays and high speed III-V processors are to be integrated, interface formation and in situ processing will be required at a level of sophistication well beyond what is available today. In this paper, we review recent developments in interface formation by both MOCVD and MBE. To illustrate the power of our diagnostic methods, the details of epitaxial interface formation on an atomic scale are reviewed for lattice matched systems (Ge/GaAs/AIAs) and epitaxial silicides (Ni/Si2/Si) as well as oxidation of silicon to form Si/SiO2 interfaces. New developments in using lattice mismatched superlattices with strained layers are discussed for CdTe/ZnTe. Additional complications of growing compound semiconductors on elemental substrates (e.g., anti-phase domains) are discussed for GaAs growth on Si(l00)

    Amplitude equations and pattern selection in Faraday waves

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    We present a systematic nonlinear theory of pattern selection for parametric surface waves (Faraday waves), not restricted to fluids of low viscosity. A standing wave amplitude equation is derived from the Navier-Stokes equations that is of gradient form. The associated Lyapunov function is calculated for different regular patterns to determine the selected pattern near threshold. For fluids of large viscosity, the selected wave pattern consists of parallel stripes. At lower viscosity, patterns of square symmetry are obtained in the capillary regime (large frequencies). At lower frequencies (the mixed gravity-capillary regime), a sequence of six-fold (hexagonal), eight-fold, ... patterns are predicted. The regions of stability of the various patterns are in quantitative agreement with recent experiments conducted in large aspect ratio systems.Comment: 12 pages, 1 figure, Revte

    Perspectives on formation and properties of semiconductor interfaces

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    Recent progress in experimentally and theoretically understanding interfaces at the atomic level suggest that ultimate electronic systems may one day be fabricated on a single integrated chip. If such elements as Si VLSI processors, GaAs/AIAs integrated optoelectronic 10 devices, II-VI superlattice visible displays and high speed III-V processors are to be integrated, interface formation and in situ processing will be required at a level of sophistication well beyond what is available today. In this paper, we review recent developments in interface formation by both MOCVD and MBE. To illustrate the power of our diagnostic methods, the details of epitaxial interface formation on an atomic scale are reviewed for lattice matched systems (Ge/GaAs/AIAs) and epitaxial silicides (Ni/Si2/Si) as well as oxidation of silicon to form Si/SiO2 interfaces. New developments in using lattice mismatched superlattices with strained layers are discussed for CdTe/ZnTe. Additional complications of growing compound semiconductors on elemental substrates (e.g., anti-phase domains) are discussed for GaAs growth on Si(l00)

    Identification and Risk-Stratification of Problem Alcohol Drinkers with Minor Trauma in the Emergency Department

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    BACKGROUND: Brief alcohol intervention may improve outcomes for injury patients with hazardous drinking but is less effective with increased severity of alcohol involvement. This study evaluated a brief method for detecting problem drinking in minor trauma patients and differentiating hazardous drinkers from those with more severe alcohol problems.METHODS: Subjects included 60 minor trauma patients in an academic urban emergency department (ED) who had consumed any amount of alcohol in the prior month. Screening and risk stratification involved the use of a heavy-drinking-day screening item and the Rapid Alcohol Problems Screen (RAPS). We compared the heavy-drinking-day item to past-month alcohol use, as obtained by validated self-reporting methods, and measured the percentage of carbohydrate-deficient transferrin (%CDT) to assess the accuracy of self-reporting. The Alcohol Dependence Scale (ADS) was administered to gauge the severity of alcohol involvement and compared to the RAPS.RESULTS: Eighty percent of the subjects endorsed at least one heavy drinking day in the past year, and all patients who exceeded recommended weekly drinking limits endorsed at least one heavy drinking day. Among those with at least one heavy drinking day, 58% had a positive RAPS result. Persons with no heavy drinking days (n=12) had a median ADS of 0.5 (range 0 to 3). RAPS-negative persons with heavy drinking days (n=20) had a median ADS of 2 (range 0 to 8). RAPS-positive persons with heavy drinking days (n=28) had a median ADS of 8 (range 1 to 43).CONCLUSION: A heavy-drinking-day item is useful for detecting hazardous drinking patterns, and the RAPS is useful for differentiating more problematic drinkers who may benefit from referral from those more likely to respond to a brief intervention. This represents a time-sensitive approach for risk-stratifying non-abstinent injury patients prior to ED discharge. [West J Emerg Med. 2010 May;11(2):133-7.

    Band offset of the ZnSeā€“ZnTe superlattices: A fit to photoluminescence data by kĀ·p theory

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    The ZnSeā€“ZnTe superlattices have attracted considerable attention as possible blue/green light emitters. Although these superlattices have been successfully fabricated and show intense photoluminescence, there are many basic issues about this system which still remain unresolved. The most important of them is the value of the valence band offset between ZnSe and ZnTe. We have studied the band structure of ZnSeā€“ZnTe superlattices. Our calculations are based on second order kĀ·p theory and include the effects of strain and spin-orbit splitting on the superlattice band structure. We have investigated the dependence of the superlattice band gap on the valence band offset. Based on the assumption that the photoluminescence from the superlattice corresponds to a bound exciton at a Te1 isoelectronic center in ZnSe, we have fit the experimental photoluminescence data with kĀ·p theory to obtain the best value of the valence band offset. The value we find is 0.97Ā±0.10 eV. Alternatively, assuming that the photoluminescence was due to band-to-band transitions we obtain a valence band offset of 1.20Ā±0.13 eV. We have also calculated the superlattice band gap as a function of the constituent material layer thicknesses for the first valence band offset quoted. We expect these results to be important in gaining an understanding of the value of the valence band offset, and the nature of the photoluminescence from this system
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