67 research outputs found
Effects of Morphometric Indicators on Incubation Values of Eggs and Sex of the Chicks of the Light Hen Hybrids
The aim of this study was to establish incubation values of eggs (egg fertilization, absolute and relative embryo mortality, and hatchability of male and female chicks), morphometric indicators (preincubation egg mass; length, width, and egg shape index; hatched female and male chicken mass and their relative share in the egg mass before incubation), and the phenotype correlation between some traits in the younger parent flock (YF33—33 weeks) and the older flock (OF49—49 weeks) of the light Institut de Sélection Animale (ISA) Brown hybrid. With regard to incubation values, the younger flock (YF33) demonstrated better incubation results than the older flock (OF49). The egg fertilization rate was 95.24 and 94.22%, respectively, chick hatchability as the percentage of the total of incubated eggs was 86.51 and 84.89%, respectively, and chick hatchability as the percentage of the total of fertilized eggs was 90.83 and 90.09%, respectively. Embryo mortality rate was 8.73 and 9.17% (YF33), and 9.33 and 9.91% (OF49). Regardless of the parent flock age, eggs that hatched female chicks had lower values of observed morphometric traits than those that hatched male chicks, except for the egg shape index (77.49–77.47%, respectively) which was higher by 0.02% in eggs which hatched female chicks, but this difference was not statistically significant (P > 0.05). Contrary to effects of the chick sex, the parent flock age had considerably larger effect on observed morphometric traits, as all morphometric indicators of eggs and hatched chicks of both sexes in the older flock (OF59) had statistically significantly higher values (P 0.05). The phenotype correlation coefficients determined (rp) between the egg mass before the incubation period and the egg shape index were statistically significant (P 0.05). Furthermore, the egg mass and hatched chicken mass of both sexes increased with the age of the parent flock, and statistically significant absolute phenotype correlation (P < 0.001) was determined between these two indicators
Uticaj telesne težine nosilja i proizvodnih osobina brojlerskih roditelja
Certain investigations have been conducted in two broiler breeder flocks of Ross 308 and Cobb 500 hybrids. At the beginning of the production cycle (24 weeks of age), an average laying hens' body weight of 2680.40 g was found in the case of Ross 308 hybrid, and 2697.80 g in the case of Cobb 500 hybrid. During 42nd week of age (the middle of the production cycle), the body weight of laying hens was 3565.10 g (Ross 308) and 3599.05 g (Cobb 500), while at the end of the production cycle (61 weeks of age) the body weight of laying hens of Ross 308 hybrid was 3841.50 g, and 3850.00 g of Cobb 500. Identified differences in body weight of laying hens (17.40 g, 33.95 g, 8.50 g) in certain periods of the production cycle, as well as the difference in body weight of laying hens for the entire production cycle (23.26 g) were not statistically significant (P>0.05). More specific observation of the effect of body weight of laying hens on productive capacity of broiler breeders was determined by calculating the coefficients of phenotype correlation between the indicators studied. Thus, statistically significant (P lt 0.001, P lt 0.01, P lt 0.05) coefficients of phenotype correlation between the body weight of laying hens and the majority of production indicators have been determined, while statistically significant (P lt 0.001, P lt 0.01, P lt 0.05) correlation coefficients between the body weight of laying hens and the intensity of laying capacity for hatching and fertilized eggs have been determined, but for a shorter period of the production cycle.Ispitivanja su sprovedena na dva jata brojlerskih roditelja hibrida Ross 308 i Cobb 500. Na početku proizvodnog ciklusa (24. nedelja starosti) kod hibrida Ross 308 utvrđena je prosečna telesna težina nosilja 2680.40 g, a hibrida Cobb 500 2697.80 g. U 42. nedelji starosti (sredina proizvodnog ciklusa) telesna težina nosilja iznosila je 3565.10 g (Ross 308) i 3599.05 g (Cobb 500), dok je na kraju proizvodnog ciklusa (61. nedelja starosti) telesna težina nosilja hibrida Ross 308 iznosila 3841.50 g, a Cobb 500 3850.00 g. Utvrđene razlike telesne težine nosillja (17.40 g, 33.95 g i 8.50 g) u određenim periodima proizvodnog ciklusa, kao i razlika u telesnoj težini nosilja za ceo proizvodni ciklus (23.26 g) nisu bile statistički signifikantne (P>0.05). Konkretnije sagledavanje uticaja telesne težine nosilja na proizvodne sposobnosti brojlerskih roditelja utvrđeno je izračunavanjem koeficijenata fenotipske korelacije između ispitivanih pokazatelja. Tako su između telesne težine nosilja i većine proizvodnih pokazatelja utvrđeni statistički signifikantni (P lt 0,001; P lt 0,01; P lt 0,05) koeficijenti fenotipske korelacione povezanosti, dok su između telesne težine nosilja i intenziteta nosivosti priplodnih i oplođenih jaja utvrđeni statistički signifikantni (P lt 0,001; P lt 0,01; P lt 0,05) koeficijenti korelacije, ali za nešto kraći period proizvodnog ciklusa
Drama literature in classroom teaching
Предмет овог рада јесте драмска књижевност за децу у контексту наставе на млађем школском узрасту. Сврсисходност избора теме и истраживачког поступка произилази из специфичне природе драме за децу, њеног кретања у два различита књижевна система (драмском роду и књижевности за децу) и припадности различитим уметничким областима (књижевности и позоришту). Други разлози су недовољно књижевнотеоријског испитивања драме за децу и методичког осврта на целокупни драмски облик у разредној настави књижевности. Узимајући у обзир наведено, у раду смо описали књижевни и методички статус драме за децу. Основни циљ је да се прикаже поетика, место и значај који драма за децу има у науци и приступ овом књижевном облику у настави.
Најпре је разматран књижевнотеоријски аспект драме за децу са циљем да се понуди решење бројних недоумица. Као битне тачке издвојила су се питања: место драме за децу у генолошком систему, појам и границе драме за децу, њене специфичне одлике и типолошко одређење разноврсних драмских текстова. Након тога, даје се увид у историјски ток драме за децу и однос драме за децу и позоришта који умногоме одређује природу овог књижевног облика.
Други део рада посвећен је драмској књижевности за децу у методичком контексту. Размата се њен статус у наставним програмима (од половине XX века до данас), као и методичка обрада у важећим читанкама. Из истраживања корпуса програма и уџбеника издвојили су се посебни задаци: кретање драмских појмова у наставним програмима, заступљеност драмских књижевних дела у прописаној лектири и књижевни и методички приступ драмским текстовима у читанкама. На основу увида у целокупни однос према драми за децу у настави, покушали смо да одговоримо на важна питања: које су то методичке радње које би обезбедиле целовиту интерпретацију драмског текста на часу и која би још драмска дела могла да буду део обавезне или допунске лектире.
Истраживање је показало место драме за децу у разредној настави, књижевне и методичке разлоге за такав статус. Проистекле су и могућности за побољшање наставе драмске књижевности за децу на млађем школском узрасту које се огледају, пре свега, у избору адекватних методичких радњи и типолошки разноврсних текстова за читање и тумачење.The subject matter of this paper is drama literature for children in the context of teaching a younger school age. The expediency of the topic choice and research procedure arises from the specific nature of children's drama, its movement in two different literary systems (drama genre and children's literature), and its belonging to different artistic fields (literature and theater). Insufficient literary theoretical examination of drama for children and methodical review of the entire drama form in the class teaching of literature are additional reasons. Considering the above-mentioned, in this paper we described the literary and methodical status of drama for children. The main aim is to display the poetics, place, and importance of children's drama in science and the approach to this literary form in teaching.
Firstly, the literary theoretical aspect of drama for children was discussed with the aim of offering a solution to numerous doubts. The following questions were singled out as important points: the place of children's drama in the genealogical system, the concept and boundaries of children's drama, its specific characteristics, and the typological determination of various dramatic texts. Consequently, insight is given into the historical course of children's drama and the relationship between children's drama and theater, which considerably determines the nature of this literary form.
The second part of the paper is devoted to drama literature for children in a methodological context. Its status in teaching programs is discussed (from the middle of the 20th century to the present day), as well as its methodical treatment in legitimate reading books. From the research of the corpus of programs and textbooks, particular tasks were distinguished: the movement of dramatic concepts in teaching programs, the representation of dramatic literary works in the prescribed reading, and the literary and methodical approach to dramatic texts in reading books. Based on the insight of the entire attitude in classes towards drama for children, we tried to answer important questions: what are the methodical actions that would ensure a complete interpretation of the dramatic text in class, and which drama pieces could be a part of mandatory or additional reading.
The research has shown the place of drama for children in classroom teaching, literary and methodical reasons for such status. There have also been opportunities to improve the teaching of drama literature for children of younger school age, which are reflected, first of all, in the selection of adequate methodical activities and typologically diverse texts for reading and interpretation
The EU and Third Actors in the Balkans. Relaunching Enlargement, Reviving Credibility
The first chapter by Milena Lazarević and Sava Mitrović focuses on the EU integration process in the Western Balkans. The analysts from the European Policy Centre look at the current state of play in enlargement policy, analysing both its political and procedural deficiencies and mapping their main consequences. They then provide an overview of the main non-EU actors’ influences, and examine their means and methods of penetration into the countries of the Western Balkans. Next, the chapter introduces innovative proposals for overcoming the enlargement impasse developed by the European Policy Centre in Belgrade together with the Centre for European Policy Studies (CEPS) in Brussels. The “Template for Staged Accession to the EU”, published by the two think tanks in October 2021, seeks to achieve a twofold objective. On the one hand, it sets out to restore motivation for the reforms needed to attain EU membership by proposing that certain benefits should be extended to the candidate countries. On the other, it aims to unlock political will in the enlargement-sceptic member states by allaying their fears about the functioning of a further
enlarged Union
Emotional Intelligence of the Eemployees in Serbia – Gender Differences
The main goal of this paper is to examine the correlation between emotional intelligence and gender of the participants.
The survey covered 240 participants. According to the gender structure, the sample could be considered equable enough, 45% of the participants are males, and 55% females. About 50% of the sample are workers, while the other half is constituted by managers and owners.
The instruments used are: Emotional Competence Questionnaire, Personality Questionnaire, Questionnaire for measuring the family attachment, Humour Styles Questionnaire, Satisfaction with Life Scale.
Only a part of the results relating to gender differences on the three scales that measure emotional intelligence will be represented in this paper: the ability to
perceive and understand emotions, the ability to express and label emotion, the ability to regulate emotions.
The results indicate that employed women, comparing to their male colleagues, achieve better results on the three dimensions of emotional intelligence: the ability to perceive and understand emotions, the ability to express and label emotions, the ability to regulate emotions. In the key aspects of emotional intelligence such as self-awareness, awareness of the consequences of actions and empathy, women have better results than their male colleagues as it is evident in this research
Effect of egg mass of the white Italian goose on fertilisation, loss of weight during the incubation period, hatchability and gosling quality
The main purpose of the study was to determine the effect of egg mass and egg weight groups (group I eggs under 160 g, group II egg mass 160 g to 180 g and group III eggs over 180 g) on incubation results, loss of egg weight (moist) during incubation, gosling hatchability and the relative share of the gosling in the egg mass. Eggs with mass between 160 g and 180 g (group II) demonstrated the highest fertilisation rate (91.28 %) and the highest hatchability out of the number of incubated eggs (83.14 %), while the eggs from the group I (lighter than 160 g) showed the highest number of gosling hatchability out of the number of fertilised eggs (91.08 %). The lowest embryo mortality was that of the group I (5.17 % and 6.06 %), while the highest is reported for the group III (14.29 % and 16.67 %). The lowest relative loss of egg mass (moist) by day 25 of the incubation period was established for the group I eggs (10.98 %), and the highest for the group III (11.71 %), with a statistically significant (P lt 0.01) difference of -0.73 %. Other differences were not statistically significant (P>0.05). Gosling percentage in the egg mass was significantly higher (P lt 0.001) in the group III of incubated eggs (67.81 %) than in the group II (66.61 %) and the group I (65.24 %)
Experimental and numerical stress and strain analysis of the boiler reversing chamber tube plate
Boilers are one of the most used units for both heat generation plants and industry systems. Their operation is subjected to different working loads and maintenance requirements. Exploitation experience points out critical boiler zones where failures and break downs typically occur. This paper analyzes critical zones in hot water fire-tube boiler. Experimental procedure was performed on the model of this type of boilers and its critical element. The tube plate of hot water boiler was identified as the most critical one. Experimental analysis and numerical model verification were performed using Aramis system based on 3-D digital image correlation method. Numerical analysis was done in ANSYS software package and verification of results was done based on measurements obtained by strain gauges and local measurements performed by the Aramis system. Stress-strain analysis indicates the critical zones of boiler tube plate. The character of change parameters such as strain and stress occurring in the critical zones can be verified both by experimental and numerical data. The paper presents a novel approach in experimental and numerical analyses that can be conducted in similar units and used for existing unit optimization, as well as for new product testing on different loads and provide opportunity for further development and improvement for practical industrial application
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