33 research outputs found
Income Inequality and Social Policy in Serbia
Using 2006-2009 HBS data, we study poverty and inequality in Serbia and compare income-group impacts of different social policy programmes. Methodological innovations of the paper are: testing validity of OECD equivalence scale by HAC procedure and replacing it with per capita measurements, use of quantile regression and recursive estimation in defining income groups with specific responses, and testing group effects (partitioned coefficients) of policy programmes in the frame of panel methodology. The confirmed hypotheses are: income inequality is decreasing as a consequence of social policy measures, except for in the last observed year, but these effects vary in different income-groups.inequality, transition, social policy, Serbia, quantile regression, panel model
Ekonometrijsko ocenjivanje produktivnosti živog rada i CES proizvodna funkcija
AnalitiÄki problemi praÄenja uticaja živog rada kao proizvodnog faktora zahtevaju zamenu pokazatelja koji ima karakter stoka s pokazateljem toka, ali i reÅ”enje nehomogenosti vrsta rada
Ekonometrijsko ocenjivanje produktivnosti ljudskog i tehniÄkog faktora
Merenje produktivnosti faktora proizvodnje omoguÄava odreÄivanje njihovog vrednosnog doprinosa ukupnoj proizvodnji, Å”to ima izuzetan ekonomski znaÄaj. Tradicionalna ekonomska teorija predstavlja proizvodnu funkciju uz pretpostavku da postoje dva utroÅ”ka (rad i kapital), koji su kontinuelno varijabilni i supstitabilni u svakoj vrednosti funkcije.
Zbog toga se proizvodna funkcija koristi za izražavanje efikasnosti proizvodnih moguÄnosti na bazi tokova uloženog rada i usluga postojeÄeg kapitalnog stoka, pri Äemu se pretpostavlja da su problemi tehnoloÅ”ke maksimizacije veÄ reÅ”eni
Mirasol PRT system inactivation efficacy evaluated in platelet concentrates by bacteria-contamination model
Background/Aim. Bacterial contamination of blood components, primarily platelet concentrates (PCs), has been identified as one of the most frequent infectious complications in transfusion practice. PC units have a high risk for bacterial growth/multiplication due to their storage at ambient temperature (20 Ā± 2Ā°C). Consequences of blood contamination could be effectively prevented or reduced by pathogen inactivation systems. The aim of this study was to determine the Mirasol pathogen reduction technology (PRT) system efficacy in PCs using an artificial bacteria-contamination model. Methods. According to the ABO blood groups, PC units (n = 216) were pooled into 54 pools (PC-Ps). PC-Ps were divided into three equal groups, with 18 units in each, designed for an artificial bacteria-contamination. Briefly, PC-Ps were contaminated by Staphylococcus epidermidis, Staphylococcus aureus or Escherichia coli in concentrations 102 to 107 colony forming units (CFU) per unit. Afterward, PC-Ps were underwent to inactivation by Mirasol PRT system, using UV (l = 265-370 nm) activated riboflavin (RB). All PC-Ps were assayed by BacT/Alert Microbial Detection System for CFU quantification before and after the Mirasol treatment. Samples from non-inactivated PC-P units were tested after preparation and immediately following bacterial contamination. Samples from Mirasol treated units were quantified for CFUs one hour, 3 days and 5 days after inactivation. Results. A complete inactivation of all bacteria species was obtained at CFU concentrations of 102 and 103 per PC-P unit through storage/ investigation period. The most effective inactivation (105 CFU per PC-P unit) was obtained in Escherichia coli setting. Contrary, inactivation of all the three tested bacteria species was unworkable in concentrations of ā„ 106 CFU per PC-P unit. Conclusion. Efficient inactivation of investigated bacteria types with a significant CFU depletion in PC-P units was obtained - 3 Log for all three tested species, and 5 Log for Escherichia coli. The safety of blood component therapy, primarily the clinical use of PCs can be improved using the Mirasol PRT system
Effects of Trace Elements on the Fatty Acid Composition in Danubian Fish Species
Anthropogenic pollution poses a major threat to aquatic ecosystems, which can lead to their degradation. The accumulation and toxicity of metals and trace elements in fish leads to physiological and chemical changes in the fish body. In this study, we investigated the effects of bioaccumulation of metals and trace elements on freshwater fish fatty acid profiles at two different sites before and after the discharge of untreated municipal wastewater in two fish species with different diet habits. Although the concentrations of toxic elements were below the maximum levels proposed by the EU and the Republic of Serbia, this study showed statistically significant correlations between the presence of certain elements and the fatty acid (FA) profile in fish muscle. Lower concentrations of polyunsaturated FA in fish sampled after the discharge of untreated municipal wastewater were detected.In this study, the concentrations of metals and trace elements (As, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Hg, Ni, Pb and Zn) were determined in the muscle tissue of adult roach and white bream at two different sites in the Belgrade section of the Danube. Twenty-six fatty acids, consisting of nine saturated FA (SFAs), seven monosaturated FA (MUFAs) and ten polysaturated FA (PUFAs), were identified. The analysis of the concentration of metals and trace elements of the roach and white bream showed species-specific differences in their bioaccumulation. Four of all elements analyzed (As, Hg, Ni and Pb) correlated significantly with the changes in FA profiles in fish from both sampling sites, with the exception of Cu, which correlated with the FA profile at the site before, and Zn, whose concentration influenced the FA profile at the site after wastewater discharges. The lower PUFA content in the fish from a site under higher environment pressure could indicate that the fish are stressed. The results suggest that changes in lipid composition may be one of the protective mechanisms of cells to cope with anthropogenic stressors
Primena tetrazolijum testa kod ispitivanja kvaliteta semena
U eri modernih i preciznih poljoprivrednih tehnologija zahteva se da svako seme bude zdravo i da lako i brzo klija i formira jak, vigorozan ponik koji je neophodan za optimalan rast i
maksimalan prinos poljoprivrednih kultura. Proizvodnja i upotreba visokokvalitetnog semena su osnovni i najvažniji preduslovi uspeÅ”ne poljoprivredne proizvodnje. Kako bi se postigli ovi uslovi i obezbedili pravovremene i pouzdane rezultate, programi kontrole kvaliteta semena u procesu proizvodnje moraju biti raznovrsni i dinamiÄni Test klijavosti je najbolji pokazatelj potencijala klijanja partije semena u poljskim uslovima. MeÄutim, vreme potrebno da se dobiju rezultati se kreÄe od nekoliko dana do nekoliko nedelja, a
u nekim sluÄajevima su potrebni Äak i meseci. U tom smislu, tetrazolijum test (TZ test) je zauzeo istaknuto mesto jer u kratkom vremenskom roku pruža pouzdane informacije o vitalnosti semena, neophodne za donoÅ”enje brzih odluka tokom proizvodnje i prometa semena
Connection of dimensions of personality, temperament and suicidality in patients with diagnosis of bipolar affective disorder, depression and schizophrenia
Izvod - Suicid je znaÄajan zdravstveni internacionalni problem, a prevencija suicida
predstavlja prioritet Svetske zdravstvene organizacije. U kliniÄkoj praksi predstavlja
najnepoželjniji ishod leÄenja pacijenata bez obzira o kojem mentalnom poremeÄaju je reÄ.
NemoÄ prevencije i nepredvidiva priroda ovog fenomena, znaÄajni su razlozi zbog kojih
je sve veÄa zainteresovanost svetske istraživaÄke javnosti za ovu temu. DosadaÅ”nja
istraživanja su uglavnom bila posveÄena registrovanju uzroka i faktora rizika
suicidalnog ponaŔanja pa su prethodni pokuŔaji samoubistva kao i mentalni
poremeÄaji identifikovani kao vodeÄi faktor rizika. Poslednjih godina, sve je veÄa
zainteresovanost istraživaÄa za registrovanjem personalnih karakteristika
suicidalnih osoba. U ovoj studiji smo predstavili dimenzije liÄnosti i tipove
afektivnih temperamenata koji su se pokazali prediktivnim za suicidalne oblike
Studija se bavi predikcijom suicidalnog rizika i suicidalnih pokuÅ”aja pomoÄu
dimenzija liÄnosti i tipova afektivnih temperamenata kod pacijenata koji se leÄe od
bipolarnog afektivnog poremeÄaja, depresije i shizofrenije. Cilj studije je171
registrovanje personalnih karakteristika koje imaju prediktivni znaÄaj za
Ova studija je opservaciona studija preseka. Sprovedena je u okviru tri Klinike za
psihijatriju u Srbiji. U istraživanju je uÄestvovalo ukupno 440 ispitanika, sa
dijagonozom depresije 251, sa bipolarnim afektivnim poremeÄajem 81, a sa
shizofrenijom 108 ispitanika. Podaci su prikupljeni pomoÄu upitnika o
sociodemografskim karakteristikama, RASS skale za procenu suicidalnosti, skale
temperamenta TEMPS-A i upitnika liÄnosti VP+2.
Depresivni temperament i neuroticizam su konstrukti koji su se pokazali
prediktivnim za suicidalni rizik procenjen skalom za procenu suicidalnosti. U
predikciji suicidalnih pokuŔaja pored depresivnog temperamenta joŔ i iritabilni se
pokazao prediktivnim faktorom, a kada su u pitanju dimenzije liÄnosti pored
neuroticizma i negativna valenca.
Dimenzije liÄnosti i temperament imaju prediktivni znaÄaj za suicidalne oblike
ponaÅ”anja osoba koje se leÄe od mentalnih bolesti. Procena da osobe koje se leÄe od
depresije, bipolarnog afektivnog poremeÄaja i shizofrenije imaju izražen depresivni i
iritabilni temperament, kao i neuroticizam i negativnu valencu u svojoj strukturi,
treba da predstalja oprez za potencijalni pokuŔaj suicida, odnosno suicid.Abstract: Suicide represents a considerable international health problem, and suicide prevention
is a priority of the World Health Organisation. In clinical practice, it is one of the most
undesirable results of a patient treatment regardless of mental disorder in question.
Powerlessness of prevention and unpredictable nature of this phenomenon are significant reasons
for a growing interest within the research community in the subject. Research so far was mainly
focused on recording the causes and risk factors for suicidal behaviour and previous suicide
attempts and mental disorders were identified as the leading risk factors. Lately, researchers are
more interested in recording personal characteristic in suicidal persons. This study presents
personality traits and temperaments shown as predictive for suicidal behaviour.
The study deals with predicting suicidal risk and suicidal attempts through personality
traits and affective temperaments in patients treated for bipolar affective disorder, depression and
schizophrenia. The study objective is to record personal characteristics having predictive
significance for suicide.
The study is cross-sectional observational study. It was carried out in 3 psychiatric clinics
in Serbia. The trial included a total of 440 subjects where 251 subjects were diagnosed with
depression, 81 with bipolar disorder and 108 with schizophrenia. Data was obtained through
questionnaires on sociodemographic characteristics, RASS scale for suicidality assessment,
TEMPS-Š for temperament evaluation and VP+2 Personality Disorders Questionnaire.174
Depressive temperament and neuroticism were constructs demonstrated as predictive for
suicidal risk assessed through the scale for suicidality assessment. In addition to depressive
temperament, in predicting suicidal attempts, the irritable temperament was also a predictive
factor, and with personality traits predictive factors were neuroticism and negative valence.
Personality traits and temperament have predictive significance for suicidal behaviour in
persons treated for mental disorders. The assessment that patients treated for depression, bipolar
affective disorder and schizophrenia have expressed depressive and irritable temperament, and
neuroticism and negative valence in their structure, should be seen as caution for potential
suicide attempt