76 research outputs found

    Il tirocinio tecnico-pratico nei corsi di studio in igiene dentale. II parte: standard del tirocinio e dell’insegnamento

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    Il Gruppo di lavoro della Commissione Nazionale dei Corsi di Studio in Igiene Dentale ha elaborato un documento di consensus con indicazioni volte a uniformare gli standard del tirocinio tecnico-pratico presso i Corsi di Studio in Igiene Dentale sul territorio nazionale

    Il tirocinio tecnico-pratico nei Corsi di Studio in Igiene Dentale. I parte: obiettivi

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    Il Gruppo di lavoro della Commissione Nazionale dei Corsi di Studio in Igiene Dentale ha elaborato un documento di consensus con indicazioni volte a uniformare gli standard del tirocinio tecnico-pratico presso i Corsi di Studio in Igiene Dentale sul territorio nazionale

    Ozone Therapy for Early Childhood Caries (ECC) Treatment: An In Vivo Prospective Study

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    The present study aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of ozone therapy in (1) increasing the compactness of decayed dentin (main aim), (2) reducing dentin hypersensitivity, (3) decreasing the salivary bacterial count, and (4) improving the quality of life in ECC-affected children during a 3-month follow-up. A total of 20 subjects uncooperative with conventional restorative treatment were treated with a 60 s ozone application/week (OzoneDTA(R)) for 4 weeks. Patients were evaluated at T0 = baseline; T1 = after ozone cycle and T2, T3, T4 = 1, 2, 3-month follow-up, respectively. Dentin compactness was evaluated according to the Affected Dentine Scale (ADS) proposed by the authors; dentin hypersensitivity was recorded with the Wong-Baker Faces Pain Rating Scale (WBFPRS); salivary bacteria were measured with the Saliva Check Mutans Test and quality of life with the Early Childhood Oral Health Impact Scale (ECOHIS). ADS values and salivary bacteria count results were analyzed using non-parametric tests. Statistically significant differences were detected for both parameters between T0 and T1 (p < 0.01). At T1, dentin hypersensitivity was resolved and quality of life improved. Ozone therapy is a simple and painless approach, which might be useful for controlling caries' progression in uncooperative children until appropriate cooperation is achieved

    The mitochondrial-related effect of the 905 nm photobiomodulation therapy on 50B11 sensory neurons

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    Photobiomodulation therapy (PBMT) is known as a complementary tool to alleviate pain sensation in patients, nevertheless, there is still a gap of knowledge on its mechanism of action, thus limiting its clinical employment. In this study, a possible molecular mechanism of the 905 nm PBMT (0.25 W/cm2; 3, 6, 12, and 18 J/cm2, 5 Hz) analgesic effect was tested on 50B11 cells, by investigating its impact on mitochondria. A decrement of adenosine triphosphate was detected, moreover, an increment of total reactive oxygen species and mitochondrial superoxide anion was found after PBMT with all protocols tested. PBMT at 18 J diminished the mitochondrial membrane potential, and influenced mitochondrial respiration, decreasing the oxygen consumption rate. Finally, a decrement of extracellular signal-regulated kinase 1/2 phosphorylation was observed with the protocol using 12 J. Taken together these findings highlighted the intracellular effects, mainly correlated to mitochondrial, induced by 905 nm PBMT in sensory neurons, indicating the central role of this organelle in the cellular response to 905 nm near-infrared laser light. (Figure presented.).This work was supported by the Italian Ministry of Health, through the contribution given to the Institute for Maternal and Child Health IRCCS Burlo Garofolo, Trieste, Italy (RC 15/17 and RC 29/23)

    Resin composite cements: Current status and a novel classification proposal

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    ObjectivesCurrently, a classification of resin cements that includes relatively recently formulated ("universal") cements is lacking. Furthermore, the terminology used to define different resin cements in the scientific reports is inconsistent. Accordingly, this work aims to: (i) propose a novel classification of resin composite cements; (ii) disambiguate the term "universal cements" and (iii) present an overview of the properties of these cements. MethodsAn analysis of peer-reviewed literature (PubMed search), as well as market research on definitive resin composite cements were performed. ResultsA tendency toward simplified and versatile luting materials was observed both in the scientific literature and on the dental market with the advent of self-adhesive/one-step resin cements. However, additional priming procedures were necessary to improve their bonding performance in certain clinical situations. Hence, several cements that can be applied both in adhesive and self-adhesive mode were introduced. These cements are associated with a universal adhesive resin, that can be used as a tooth and/or restorative material primer, without the need for other priming systems, regardless of the substrate. These systems should be considered truly universal. Therefore, we hereby suggested a new classification of resin-based cements: (1) adhesive/multi-step; (2) self-adhesive/one-step; (3) universal cements (one- or multi-step). Despite promising in vitro results, clinical trials and long-track laboratory studies are necessary to confirm the reliability of the universal cements. ConclusionsThis review presented the current advances in the field of resin-based cements, which are reflected in the proposed classification. The term "universal cement" was disambiguated, which will help standardize the terminology used in published research. Clinical SignificanceThe classification of resin-based cements and a better understanding of the proper terminology will help standardize the terminology in published research, as well as improve the understanding of the clinical practitioners of the different indications and possible modalities of use of the available cements

    Influence of polymerization time on properties of dual-curing cements in combination with high translucency monolithic zirconia

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    Purpose: The aim of this in vitro study was to assess conversion degree (DC), micro-hardness (MH) and bond strength of two dual-curing resin cements employed under translucent monolithic zirconia irradiated with different time protocols. Methods: 84 square shaped samples of 1 mm thickness were prepared from high translucency zirconia blocks and divided into two groups (n = 24) according to the cement employed: (1) Rely-X Ultimate; (2) Panavia SA. Each group was further divided into 3 subgroups (n = 8) according to the irradiation time: (a) no light; (b) 20 s; (c) 120 s. Light curing was performed 60 s after the sample was placed on the diamond support of a FT-IR spectrophotometer with a high power multiLED lamp. Final DC% were calculated after 10 min. After 24 h, Vickers Test on the cement layer was performed. The same protocol was used to lute composite cylinders in order to evaluate microshear bond-strength test. ANOVA and Bonferroni tests were performed to find differences between MH and bond-strength to zirconia, while for DC% the Scheirer\u2013Ray\u2013Hare two-way test was used. Results: The two cements reached higher DC% in subgroup (b) and (c). As concern MH, statistics showed an increase in curing time was able to improve MH significantly. Bond-strength was not affected by irradiation time only for Panavia SA. Conclusions: The first null hypothesis has to be rejected since DC% and MH of the dual-cements tested were influenced by the curing time. The second null hypothesis is partially rejected since the bond strength was influenced by the curing time only for Rely-X Ultimate

    The effect of carbodiimide on push-out bond strength of fiber posts and endogenous enzymatic activity

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    BackgroundTo investigate the effect of 0.3 M 1-ethyl-3(3-dimethylaminopropyl) carbodiimide (EDC) aqueous solution pretreatment on push-out bond strength (PBS) and matrix-metalloproteinases (MMPs) activity within radicular dentin when different post cementation strategies were employed.MethodsOne hundred and twenty monoradicular human teeth were endodontically treated and randomly divided into six groups, depending on the cementation strategy and root dentin pretreatment (n = 20): EAR: cementation with an etch-and-rinse adhesive (LuxaBond Total Etch, DMG) and resin cement (LuxaCore Z Dual, DMG); EAR/EDC: 1 min EDC pretreatment after etching + EAR; SE: cementation with a self-etch primer (Multilink Primer, Ivoclar Vivadent) and corresponding cement (Multilink Automix, Ivoclar Vivadent); SE/EDC: self-etch primer + EDC pretreatment + SE; SA: cementation with a universal self-adhesive cement (RelyX Universal, 3 M); SA/EDC: EDC pretreatment + SA. Slices were submitted to PBS test and interfacial nanoleakage evaluation 24 h after cementation or after thermocycling (40.000 cycles, 5-55 & DEG;C). To investigate the effect of EDC on MMPs activity, 4 additional first maxillary premolars per group were processed for in situ zymography analysis. Multivariate ANOVA and post hoc Tukey tests were used to analyze PBS values. The data from in situ zymography were analyzed with Kruskal-Wallis test and Dunn's pairwise multiple comparison procedures (& alpha; = 0.05).ResultsThe variables "EDC pretreatment", "root region" and "thermocycling" significantly influenced PBS (p < 0.05), while the variable "cementation strategy" had no influence (p > 0.05). Thermocycling significantly reduced PBS in SE and SA groups (p < 0.05). EDC was effective in preserving PBS after artificial aging. EDC pretreatment significantly reduced enzymatic activity at baseline in EAR and SE groups, and in SA group after thermocycling (p < 0.05).ConclusionsThe use of EDC prevents the reduction of bond-strength values after artificial aging and silences endogenous enzymatic activity within radicular dentin when different cementation strategies were employed

    Evaluation of direct restorations using the revised FDI criteria

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    Objectives The purpose of this in vitro reliability study was to determine the intra- and inter-examiner agreement of the revised FDI criteria including the categories "fracture of material and retention" (F1) and "caries at restoration margin" (B1). Materials and methods Forty-nine photographs of direct tooth-coloured posterior (n = 25) and anterior (n = 24) restorations with common deficiencies were included. Ten dental experts repeated the assessment in three blinded rounds. Later, the experts re-evaluated together all photographs and agreed on a reference standard. Statistical analysis included the calculation of Cohen's (C kappa), Fleiss' (F kappa), and weighted Kappa (w kappa), the development of a logistic regression with a backward elimination model and Bland/Altman plots.Results Intra- and inter-examiner reliability exhibited mostly moderate to substantial C kappa, F kappa, and w kappa values for posterior restorations (e.g. Intra: F1 C kappa = 0.57, w kappa = 0.74; B1 C kappa = 0.57, w kappa = 0.73/Inter F1 F kappa = 0.32, w kappa = 0.53; B1 F kappa = 0.41, w kappa = 0.64) and anterior restorations (e.g. Intra F1 C kappa = 0.63, w kappa = 0.76; B1 C kappa = 0.48, w kappa = 0.68/Inter F1 F kappa = 0.42, w kappa = 0.57; B1 F kappa = 0.40, w kappa = 0.51). Logistic regression analyses revealed significant differences between the evaluation rounds, examiners, categories, and tooth type. Both the intra- and inter-examiner reliability increased along with the evaluation rounds. The overall agreement was higher for anterior restorations compared to posterior restorations.Conclusions The overall reliability of the revised FDI criteria set was found to be moderate to substantial

    Materiali per l'igiene orale professionale. In: Materiali e tecnologie odontostomatologiche per l'igienista dentale

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    In questo capitolo vengono raccolti ed illustrati i principali strumenti impiegati nelle procedure di igiene di tipo professionale, peculiari della professione dell\u2019igienista dentale. Vengono inoltre illustrati i metodi di prevenzione e trattamento dell'erosione dentaria e dell'ipersensibilit\ue0 dentinale e i principali ambiti di impiego del laser nel campo dell'igiene dentale

    I sigillanti. In: Materiali e tecnologie odontostomatologiche

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    I sigillanti sono resine protettive che vengono applicate nei solchi e fessure dei denti, a livello delle superfici masticanti dei molari e premolari, dove si localizza pi\uf9 del\u201980% di tutte le lesioni cariose. I sigillanti impediscono che i batteri cariogeni si annidino nei solchi, che sono naturalmente pi\uf9 difficili da pulire. In questo capitolo \ue8 descritto lo stato dell\u2019arte sulle sigillature occlusali, con particolare attenzione alle applicazioni clinich
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