10 research outputs found

    The rationing of nursing care phenomenon in the light of scientific reports – personnel shortages, system requirements, consequences – PART II

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    Rationing of nursing care is a widespread and growing phenomenon whose causes are multifaceted and whose consequences are serious. Nursing rationing is defined as withholding or failing to perform necessary nursing tasks due to insufficient time, staffing, and/or inadequate skills. Nursing rationing is also defined as omission, delay, failure to complete, which qualifies as an error of omission. Unfinished nursing care has many negative consequences for patients, nurses and organizations. The presented series of three papers aims to show many important aspects related to rationing of care. This second part of the series of rationing of nursing care phenomenon will address the nursing shortages and demand for nursing care, nursing staffing rates and government policy, the effects of inadequate nursing care on patients and nursing staff, and the economic and social effects of inadequate nursing care

    The rationing of nursing care phenomenon in the light of scientific reports – definitions, system solutions, assessment methods – PART I

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    Rationing of nursing care is a widespread and growing phenomenon whose causes are multifaceted and whose consequences are serious. Nursing rationing is defined as withholding or failing to perform necessary nursing tasks due to insufficient time, staffing, and/or inadequate skills. Nursing rationing is also defined as omission, delay, or failure to complete, which qualifies as an error of omission. Unfinished nursing care has many negative consequences for patients, nurses, and organizations. The presented series of three papers aims to show many important aspects related to care rationing. This first part of the series of rationing of nursing care phenomenon will address definitions and concepts of rationing of nursing care, rationing of nursing care in the context of health care rationing, rationing of care versus omission of care or medical error, methods for assessing the rationing and the quality of nursing care, and main reasons for rationing of nursing care

    The rationing of nursing care phenomenon in the light of scientific reports – professional and personal satisfaction, life orientation of nursing staff – PART III

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    Rationing of nursing care is a widespread and growing phenomenon whose causes are multifaceted and whose consequences are serious. Nursing rationing is defined as withholding or failing to perform necessary nursing tasks due to insufficient time, staffing, and/or inadequate skills. Nursing rationing is also defined as omission, delay, failure to complete, which qualifies as an error of omission. Unfinished nursing care has many negative consequences for patients, nurses and organizations. The presented series of three papers aims to show many important aspects related to rationing of care. This third part of the series of rationing of nursing care phenomenon will address the important issues from the point of view of care rationing, such as nurses' job satisfaction, nursing staff life satisfaction, nursing staff burnout, and nursing staff life orientation

    The rationing of nursing care phenomenon in the light of scientific reports – professional and personal satisfaction, life orientation of nursing staff – PART III

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    Rationing of nursing care is a widespread and growing phenomenon whose causes are multifaceted and whose consequences are serious. Nursing rationing is defined as withholding or failing to perform necessary nursing tasks due to insufficient time, staffing, and/or inadequate skills. Nursing rationing is also defined as omission, delay, failure to complete, which qualifies as an error of omission. Unfinished nursing care has many negative consequences for patients, nurses and organizations. The presented series of three papers aims to show many important aspects related to rationing of care. This third part of the series of rationing of nursing care phenomenon will address the important issues from the point of view of care rationing, such as nurses' job satisfaction, nursing staff life satisfaction, nursing staff burnout, and nursing staff life orientation

    The rationing of nursing care phenomenon in the light of scientific reports – personnel shortages, system requirements, consequences – PART II

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    Rationing of nursing care is a widespread and growing phenomenon whose causes are multifaceted and whose consequences are serious. Nursing rationing is defined as withholding or failing to perform necessary nursing tasks due to insufficient time, staffing, and/or inadequate skills. Nursing rationing is also defined as omission, delay, failure to complete, which qualifies as an error of omission. Unfinished nursing care has many negative consequences for patients, nurses and organizations. The presented series of three papers aims to show many important aspects related to rationing of care. This second part of the series of rationing of nursing care phenomenon will address the nursing shortages and demand for nursing care, nursing staffing rates and government policy, the effects of inadequate nursing care on patients and nursing staff, and the economic and social effects of inadequate nursing care

    Professional burnout of nurses and the level of rationing of nursing care: an observational preliminary study

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    Abstract Background Nurses are one of the professional groups most exposed to experiencing professional burnout. Professional burnout has a negative impact on the quality of nursing care, including causing care rationing. Therefore, it is very important to understand the determinants of both professional burnout and care rationing, as well as their mutual relationships. The aim of the study was to understand the impact of professional burnout among nurses on the level of rationing of nursing care. Methods The study was conducted among 100 nurses at the Głogów County Hospital (Poland) from November 14, 2011, to November 18, 2022. The following Polish version of the standardized research tools were utilized: the Basel Extent of Rationing of Nursing Care– Revised (BERNCA-R) questionnaire and the Oldenburg Burnout Inventory (OLBI). Additionally, a survey designed by the authors was employed. Results The BERNCA-R significantly correlates (p  0) with OLBI (disengagement), resulting in a higher degree of care rationing. The average overall BERNCA-R score was 1.56 points (SD = 0.62), indicating that the frequency of care rationing among respondents ranged from “never” to “rarely.” Among participants in the OLBI questionnaire, 63% of respondents had a moderate level of work exhaustion, 36% had a high level of work exhaustion, and 1% had a low level of work exhaustion. In turn, 58% of respondents had a moderate level of disengagement, 38% had a high level of disengagement, and 4% had a low level of disengagement. Moreover, a statistically significant association with the BERNCA-R score concerning the workplace (ward) and participation in training on preventing professional burnout was shown. Conclusions The rationing of nursing care was found to be at a low level. The higher the level of disengagement, the greater the level of care rationing was observed. In conservative units, nurses demonstrated a higher level of care rationing. Nurses’ expectations regarding the reduction of professional burnout include, among other things, higher remuneration, an increase in the number of staff, and an improvement in the work atmosphere

    Occupational burnout and life satisfaction among anaesthetists and intensive care nurses.

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    Wstęp. Zespół wypalenia zawodowego to problem dotyczący pielęgniarek pracujących w oddziałach anestezjologii i intensywnej terapii, które przez dłuższy czas udzielają pomocy pacjentom, walczą o ich życie oraz udzielają wsparcia emocjonalnego rodzinie. Cel pracy. Zwrócenie uwagi na kwestię i częstość występowania zespołu wypalenia zawodowego oraz satysfakcji z życia wśród pielęgniarek. Materiał i metody. Badaniem objęto grupę pielęgniarek oraz pielęgniarzy (n = 100) pracujących na oddziałach intensywnej opieki w województwie dolnośląskim. Do oceny wypalenia zawodowego wykorzystano kwestionariusz wypalenia zawodowego (MBI). Zastosowano również skalę zadowolenia z życia (SWLS). Analizy wykonano w środowisku statystycznym „R” oraz programie PSPP. Niezależność odpowiedzi testowych weryfikowano za pomocą dokładnego testu Fishera. Za znamienne statystycznie wyniki uznano dla p < 0,05. Wyniki. Czynniki, które mają szczególny wpływ na powstanie zespołu wypalenia zawodowego, to obciążenie pracą, złe relacje w zespole, konflikty w miejscu pracy, ponadprzeciętne wymagania oraz aspiracje zawodowe. Ważną rolę odgrywają również przełożeni, którzy mają za zadanie stworzyć stosowne warunki pracy, a przede wszystkim sprawiedliwie dzielić obowiązki. Proces wypalenia zawodowego rozwija się bardzo długo, należy zatem zwracać uwagę i nie lekceważyć pierwszych objawów. Duże znaczenie ma umiejętność rozgraniczenia życia zawodowego od prywatnego. Wnioski. Wypalenie zawodowe wśród pielęgniarek oddziałów anestezjologicznych i intensywnej terapii jest poważnym problemem, którego nie należ bagatelizować. Każda pielęgniarka powinna uczyć się technik oraz umiejętności radzenia sobie ze stresem, technik relaksacji, asertywności oraz komunikacji interpersonalnej. W tym zakresie ważne jest organizowanie warsztatów psychologicznych, które miałyby za zadanie wzmocnienie słabych stron osobowości, a także zdobycia umiejętności w radzeniu sobie w sytuacjach kryzysowych. Należałoby zatem wprowadzić zmiany warunków wykonywanej pracy dotyczących obsady oraz wpłynąć na jakość przepływu informacji współpracowników.Background. The occupational burnout syndrome is a problem for nurses working in anaesthesia and intensive care units, who help patients for a long time, fight for their lives and provide emotional support to their families. Objectives. The aim of the study is to draw attention to the issue and frequency of occupational burnout and to nurses' satisfaction with life. Material and methods. The study included a group of female and male nurses (n = 100) working in intensive care units in the Lower Silesian Voivodship. The Maslach Burnout Inventory (MBI) was used to assess burnout, as well as the Satisfaction With Life Scale (SWLS) was also used. The analyses were done in the "R" statistical environment and the Public Sector Purchase Program (PSPP). Independence of the test responses was verified using Fisher's exact test. Statistically significant results were found for p < 0.05. Results. Factors that have a particular impact on the emergence of occupational burnout include workload, bad teamwork, workplace conflicts, over-average demands, and professional aspirations. An important role is also played by superiors in creating the right working conditions and, above all, sharing the responsibilities fairly. The burnout process is developing very long, so pay attention and do not underestimate the first symptoms. It is important to distinguish between professional and private life. Conclusions. Professional burnout among nurses in anaesthesia and intensive care units is a serious problem that should not be underestimated. Every nurse should learn techniques and skills in coping with stress, relaxation techniques, assertiveness and interpersonal communication. In this respect, it is important to organize psychological workshops to strengthen the weaknesses of the personality and to acquire skills in coping with crisis situations. It would therefore be appropriate to make changes to the working conditions of the workforce and to the quality of the information flow of contributors

    Problem of professional burnout among surgical clinic nurses.

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    Wstęp. Zespół wypalenia zawodowego jest ciągle niedocenianym problemem, szczególnie w zawodach medycznych. Praca na bloku operacyjnym niesie za sobą określone obciążenia i wymagania, a przede wszystkim odpowiedzialność za życie i zdrowie pacjenta, co naraża często pracownika na stres, konsekwencją czego może być powstanie zespołu wypalenia. Cel pracy. Zbadanie problemu wypalenia zawodowego wśród pielęgniarek operacyjnych we wrocławskich szpitalach. Materiał i metody. Badaniem ankietowym objęto 108 pielęgniarek i pielęgniarzy. Posłużono się następującymi narzędziami badawczymi: Kwestionariusz Wypalenia Zawodowego Maslach (MBI), Skala Satysfakcji z Pracy (SSP) Zalewskiej, a także ankieta własna, składająca się z 23 pytań, analizujących indywidualne predyspozycje pracowników i czynniki, które mają wpływ na satysfakcję. Wyniki. Wyczerpanie emocjonalne koreluje istotnie ze wszystkimi podskalami kwestionariusza SSP (p < 0,05) oprócz podskali zadowolenia z warunków pracy. Poczucie braku satysfakcji zawodowej koreluje istotnie ze wszystkimi podskalami kwestionariusza SSP (p < 0,05) oprócz podskali zadowolenia ze swoich osiągnięć. Wynik łączny kwestionariusza Maslach koreluje istotnie ze wszystkimi podskalami kwestionariusza SSP (p < 0,05). Wiek wpływa na zadowolenie z pracy i satysfakcję z własnych osiągnięć (p < 0,05). Depersonalizacja zależy od miejsca zamieszkania (p < 0,05). Stan cywilny wpływa na satysfakcję zawodową i zadowolenie z warunków pacy (p < 0,05). Osoby ze stażem do 10 lat były istotnie bardziej przekonane, że ponownie wybrałyby ten sam zawód niż osoby ze stażem 11–20 lat (p < 0,05). Osoby odczuwające stres miały wyższy poziom wyczerpania i wypalenia zawodowego (p < 0,05), wyższy ogólny poziom poczucia braku satysfakcji zawodowej (p < 0,05), większe przekonanie, że ich praca jest bliska ideału (p < 0,05), jak również wyższe zadowolenie z wykonywanej pracy i ogólną satysfakcję z pracy (p < 0,05). Osoby w dobrej i bardzo dobrej sytuacji materialnej były bardziej zadowolone z wykonywanej pracy (p < 0,05). Osoby pracujące w systemie wielozmianowym miały większe poczucie braku satysfakcji zawodowej (p < 0,05). Osoby, które wybrały zawód dla jego prestiżu lub przypadkowo były bardziej zadowolone z wykonywanej pracy niż osoby, które wybrały zawód z powodów „innych” (p < 0,05) oraz miały wyższy ogólny poziom satysfakcji z pracy (p < 0,05). Wnioski. Praca zmianowa wpływa na nasilenie zjawiska wypalenia zawodowego i braku satysfakcji z pracy. Im krótszy staż pracy, tym pielęgniarki mają mniejsze wypalenie zawodowe i są bardziej usatysfakcjonowane z rodzaju wykonywanej pracy. Stan cywilny wpływa na wypalenie zawodowe i satysfakcję z pracy. Osoby będące w związku mają wyższą satysfakcję z pracy i mniejszy poziom wypalenia zawodowego.Background. The burnout syndrome is a still underestimated problem, especially in the medical profession. Work on the surgery unit carries the specific burdens and requirements, and above all the responsibility for the life and health of the patient, that often exposes a nurses to stress, which may result in burnout syndrome. Objectives. Investigating the problem of occupational burnout among surgical nurses in Wroclaw hospitals. A group of 108 nurses were included in the survey. Material and methods. The following research tools were used: Maslach Burnout Inventory (MBI), Scale for Job Satisfaction (SSP) by Zalewska, as well as our own questionnaire, consisting of 23 questions, analysing individual employee predispositions and factors that influence satisfaction. Results. Emotional exhaustion correlates significantly with all subscales of the SSP questionnaire (p < 0.05) in addition to their satisfaction of working conditions. The feeling of lack of professional satisfaction correlates significantly with all subscales of the SSP questionnaire (p < 0.05) in addition to their satisfaction of achievement. The total score of the Maslach questionnaire correlates significantly with all subscales of the SSP (p < 0.05). Age influences job satisfaction and satisfaction with self-achievement (p < 0.05). Depersonalization depends on place of residence (p < 0.05). Civil status influences professional satisfaction and satisfaction with pacify conditions (p < 0.05). Persons with a placement of up to 10 years were significantly more likely to choose the same profession again than those aged 11–20 years (p < 0.05). People experiencing stress had a higher level of exhaustion and burnout (p < 0.05), a higher overall level of feeling of lack of professional satisfaction (p < 0.05), greater belief that their work is close to the ideal (p < 0.05), as well as higher job satisfaction and overall job satisfaction (p < 0.05 ). People in good and very good financial situation were more satisfied with their work (p < 0.05). People working in the multi-shift system had a greater sense of lack of professional satisfaction (p < 0.05). People who have chosen the profession for his prestige or accidentally were more satisfied with their work than those who chose the profession for "other" reasons (p < 0.05) and had a higher overall job satisfaction (p < 0.05). Conclusions. Shift work affects the intensity of burnout and lack of job satisfaction. The shorter the work experience, the less occupational burnout among nurses and the greater the satisfaction of the work performed. Civil status affects professional burnout and job satisfaction. People in the relationship have higher job satisfaction and lower incidence of burnout