25 research outputs found

    The effect of the type of sprayer bodies on the obtained coefficient of variation of sprayed liquid deposition

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    In this work, the study results of retention uniformity of sprayed liquid deposition obtained from three kinds of nozzles mounted in sprayer bodies of various constructions were presented. For the tests, a five-spray body with a rotation axis of a spigot parallel to the sprayed surface, a three-spray body with a retention axis perpendicular to the sprayed surface and one-spray body were used. Changes in individual spraying nozzles were done by three operators. It was stated that the biggest differences in repeatability and reproducibility of adjustments were noted for five-spray bodies, however, minimum changes not exceeding the value of one percentage point were noted for single bodies. For triple bodies repeatability of obtained CV regardless of mounted nozzles changed maximum up to 1,5 percentage point and reproducibility of measurement changed from 0,5 to 0,8 percentage point.In this work, the study results of retention uniformity of sprayed liquid deposition obtained from three kinds of nozzles mounted in sprayer bodies of various constructions were presented. For the tests, a five-spray body with a rotation axis of a spigot parallel to the sprayed surface, a three-spray body with a retention axis perpendicular to the sprayed surface and one-spray body were used. Changes in individual spraying nozzles were done by three operators. It was stated that the biggest differences in repeatability and reproducibility of adjustments were noted for five-spray bodies, however, minimum changes not exceeding the value of one percentage point were noted for single bodies. For triple bodies repeatability of obtained CV regardless of mounted nozzles changed maximum up to 1,5 percentage point and reproducibility of measurement changed from 0,5 to 0,8 percentage point

    The presence of HER2 exon 20 insertion in patients with central nervous system metastases from non-small lung cancer — a potential application in classification for therapy

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     WSTĘP: HER2 (ErbB2/neu) jest białkiem należącym do rodziny receptorów HER (EGFR, HER2, HER3 i HER4), posiadających w swej części wewnątrzkomórkowej aktywność kinazy tyrozynowej. Nadekspresja EGFR i HER2 występuje w wielu typach nowotworów, ale to mutacje w genach kodujących te receptory uwrażliwiają chorych na niedrobnokomórkowego raka płuca (NSCLC) na działanie inhibitorów kinaz tyrozynowych EGFR i HER2.MATERIAŁ I METODY: Wykorzystano technikę PCR oraz analizę długości fragmentów amplifikowanego DNA w celu zidentyfikowania u 150 chorych insercji 12 par zasad w obrębie eksonu 20 genu HER2 w przerzutach NDRP do mózgu.WYNIKI: W guzie z wykrytą mutacją HER2 nie stwierdzono mutacji EGFR ani BRAF. Insercja w eksonie 20 genu HER2 została wykryta u 77-letniego niepalącego mężczyzny chorego na niskozróżnicowanego raka gruczołowego (0,67% wszystkich chorych oraz 1,5% chorych na raka gruczołowego). U tego chorego nie zidentyfikowano innych nieprawidłowości genetycznych.WNIOSKI: W literaturze opisano, że u chorych posiadających mutację w genie HER2 mogą okazać się skuteczne inhibitory specyficzne w stosunku do kinaz tyrozynowych obu receptorów: EGFR i HER2 (np. afatynib). Dlatego też identyfikacja nowych mutacji kierujących w komórkach NSCLC wydaje się kluczem do właściwej kwalifikacji do terapii ukierunkowanych molekularnie. INTRODUCTION: HER2 (ErbB2/neu) is a member of the ErbB family of four structurally related receptors of tyrosine kinase activity. Overexpression of ErbB-1 (EGFR) and HER2 is found in many human cancers, but the presence of these genes mutations determines the effectiveness of EGFR and HER2 tyrosine kinase inhibitors in the therapy of non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC).MATERIAL AND METHODS: To search for insertions of the HER2 gene in exon 20 in 150 brain metastases of non-small cell lung cancer patients, we used a PCR technique based on analysis of amplified DNA fragment lengths. We also compared the HER2 mutational status with clinicopathologic features and the presence of EGFR and BRAF mutations.RESULTS: HER2 mutation was present in one male, non-smoking patient with low differentiated adenocarcinoma (0.67% of all patients and 1.5% of patients with adenocarcinoma). The mutations of EGFR and BRAF genes were not found in HER2-mutated patient.CONCLUSIONS: The literature data suggests that patients with HER2 mutations may be sensitive to tyrosine kinase inhibitors of both EGFR and HER2 receptors (e.g. afatinib). Therefore, the identification of new driver mutations in NSCLC can improve the quality of patient care by enabling the use of correct molecularly targeted therapies

    Cervical tubercular lymphadenitis accompanying with pulmonary tuberculosis – a case report

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    Tuberculosis (TB) is still one of the major public health problems worldwide. TB is an infectious disease caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis. It typically affects the lungs (pulmonary tuberculosis), but may also occur in other sites (extrapulmonary tuberculosis). Cervical tubercular lymphadenitis is one of the most common localizations of extrapulmonary tuberculosis [1,2]. We present a case of a 57-year old man with a history of 3-month weakness and swollen, bilaterally inflamed cervical lymph nodes. Cervical tubercular lymphadenitis accompanying with pulmonary tuberculosis was diagnosed. Moreover, we carry out the differential diagnosis of the cervical lymphadenopathy

    Acute hypersensitivity pneumonitis associated with mushroom worker’s lung – a case report

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    Hypersensitivity pneumonitis (HP), also known as extrinsic allergic alveolitis is a non-IgE mediated allergic reaction to inhalation of an allergen. There are more than 200 allergens known to cause this condition, but the list of antigens responsible for the development of HP is constantly expanded. Dangerous agents are usually inhaled at the workplace, so we may distinguish the following patients at risk of HP: farmers, pigeon breeders, mushroom workers, cheese employees or even malt workers. Mushroom worker's lung (MWL) has been described in workers exposed to mushroom spores or to inhaled antigens from compost (mostly thermophilic actinomycetes)

    The Application of Real-Time PCR Technique to Detect Rare Cell Clones with Primary T790M Substitution of EGFR Gene in Metastases of Non-small Cell Lung Cancer to Central Nervous System in Chemotherapy Naive Patients

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    The time-limited efficacy of reversible EGFR-TKIs in patients with advanced non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) with EGFR gene activating mutations is associated with development of treatment resistance after some period of therapy. This resistance predominantly results from secondary mutations located in EGFR gene, especially T790M substitution. There is limited information available concerning the prevalence of primary T790M mutations in patients with metastatic NSCLC tumors before treatment with EGFR-TKIs. The aim of work was to assess the prevalence of de novo T790M mutations in EGFR gene in tissue samples from NSCLC metastatases in central nervous system (CNS) in both chemotherapy and EGFR-TKI naive NSCLC patients. We analyzed DNA samples isolated from paraffin-embedded tissue from CNS metastases for T790M mutations using real-time PCR and TaqMan probe against the T790M mutant sequence. The tissue samples were taken during palliative neurosurgery in 143 NSCLC patients. Amplification of the T790M-specific sequence was detected in 25 patients (17.5 %). The quantity of mutated DNA was less than 1 % in all samples with amplification, and in vast majority (20 patients, 14 % of all samples) it was even less that 0.1 %. In 5 patients (3.5 %) quantity of mutated DNA ranged from 0.1 to 1 % and true positive results of T790M mutation presence in these patients were most possible. Amplification of this sequence was not concurrent with common EGFR mutations and was not associated with sex, smoking status and pathological type of cancer. There is a possibility to detect the primary T790M mutation in brain metastases of NSCLC in EGFR-TKIs naïve patients

    The 42nd Symposium Chromatographic Methods of Investigating Organic Compounds : Book of abstracts

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    The 42nd Symposium Chromatographic Methods of Investigating Organic Compounds : Book of abstracts. June 4-7, 2019, Szczyrk, Polan

    Evaluation of Different Internal Designs of Hydraulic Nozzles under an Accelerated Wear Test

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    The use of worn-out agricultural nozzles in pesticide application has a negative effect on the efficiency and cost of the application process. It also has an effect on environmental pollution due to an excessive amount of pesticide being applied when spraying with worn-out nozzles. In this paper, the resistance to wear of three different internal design hydraulic nozzles was ascertained. Changes in the flow rate and spray distribution as a result of this wear were also investigated. The wear test was done inside a closed system, and it was accelerated using an abrasive material to generate 100 h of wear. The tested nozzles were the Turbo TeeJet (TT)-twin chambered, Turbo Twinjet (TTj60)-dual outlet, and Drift Guard (DG)-pre-orifice. Wear rate, flow rate, and the virtual coefficient of variation (CVv) were measured at different wear intervals. The results showed that the TTj60 type was the most resistant to wear, followed by the TT type and DG. The latter two types showed an increase in the flow rate only in the first 45 h of wear. Virtual coefficient of variation (CVv) values were less than 10% after finishing the test (after 100 h of wear) for the three types of nozzles, which are acceptable values according to International Organization for Standardization (ISO) 16122-2, 2015

    Porównanie dysz o różnym stopniu zużycia i pracujących z tą samą częstotliwością aplikacji różnych środków ochrony roślin w aspekcie stanu roślin

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    Three different types of nozzles (different wear rate) were used in this study. They are classified depending on the severity of their wear to three groups: new, worn and damaged nozzles. Those nozzles were spraying with the same application rate (303 l/ha) on two-year field trials; this was achieved by changing the spraying pressure for each group of nozzles in order to get the same application rate. This practice is usually done by operators of sprayers, who calibrate the sprayers on the same application rate every year without changing the nozzles, so they tend to reduce the spraying pressure in order to compensate the flow rate increase due to the nozzles yearly wear. Two types of plant growth regulators (PGR) agents were used in this study, namely: Moddus and Kelpak, they were applied to wheat plants field to reduce lodging. The results showed that applying PGR in the year 2015 produced an increase in the wheat yield and reduction in the plant height regardlessthe nozzle type, although there was not any occurrence of wheat lodging. In the year 2016, the new nozzles produced higher values of wheat yield than other two types of nozzles.W pracy zaprezentowano wyniki badań polowych, w których wykorzystywano trzy różne rozpylacze sklasyfikowane w zależności od stopnia ich zużycia w trzech grupach: dysze nowe, zużyte i uszkodzone. Podczas dwuletnich badań polowych rozpylacze pracowały z zachowaniem takiej samej dawki aplikacji (303 l/ha), którą uzyskano przez zmianę ciśnienia rozpylania dla każdej grupy rozpylaczy. Praktyka ta jest zwykle wykonywana przez operatorów opryskiwaczy, którzy corocznie kalibrują opryskiwacze przy tej samej dawce bez zmiany rozpylaczy, więc mają tendencję do zmniejszania ci- śnienia rozpylania w celu skompensowania wzrostu natężenia przepływu z powodu zużycia rozpylaczy. W badaniu wykorzystano dwa rodzaje środków regulujących wzrost roślin (PGR): Moddus i Kelpak. Zastosowano je na polu pszenicy w celu zmniejszenia wylegania. Wyniki pokazały, że zastosowanie PGR w 2015 r. spowodowało wzrost plonu pszenicy i zmniejszenie wysokości roślin bez względu na rodzaj stopień zużycia rozpylacza, chociaż nie wystąpiło wyleganie pszenicy. W roku 2016 wykorzystanie rozpylaczy nowych przyczyniło się do uzyskania większego plonu, niż stosując pozostałe dwa rodzaje rozpylaczy